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The Letters of Sylvia Plath Vol 2

Page 113

by Sylvia Plath

  Fletcher, Constance Kyrle, 485

  Fletcher, Ian, 816n

  Fletcher, Ifan Kyrle, 485n, 672, 676, 688

  Flinders, Polly, 598

  Florence, Italy, 274, 940

  Florida, 511n

  Fontanne, Lynn, 498n

  Food: American meals, 19, 84, 116, 169, 289, 378, 438–9, 458, 528, 536, 568, 574, 649, 653, 658, 699, 708, 714, 721, 725, 728, 746, 751, 772, 875; British meals, 147, 380, 389, 399, 405, 433, 505, 598, 663, 758; French meals, 536; Italian meals, 49, 193, 196, 201, 464, 467, 474, 766n

  Football, American, 514

  Ford, Ruth, 302

  Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), Howard’s End, 166

  Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 185

  Fortnum & Mason (firm), 501, 533, 703

  Fortune Press, The, 300

  Foster, Aidan, 922

  Foster, Bride, 922

  Foster, Frederick Gilbert, 922; SP’s correspondence with, 934, 955

  Foster, Gerald, 922, 929

  Foster, Marian, 922, 929n; SP’s correspondence with, 934, 955

  Foster, Rona, 922n

  Fourth of July, 258

  Fowlie, Wallace, 367

  Fox, Harold Munro, 259n; The Personality of Animals, 259

  Foyle’s, see W. & G. Foyle Ltd. Framingham, Mass., 229

  France, 9, 299, 306, 403–4, 410, 437, 442–3, 453, 456, 463, 473, 479, 524, 556, 560, 568, 571, 575, 591, 608–9, 614, 621, 623–4, 652, 655, 785; see also individual towns and cities

  Francis, Richard, 609n

  Franco, Francisco, 822

  Françoise, The Things I Like, 676n

  Frankfort, Catherine, 536n, 630, 643, 675, 887, 892, 898, 927, 940–3, 948, 957

  Frankfort, Johannes, 536n, 940–1, 943

  Frankfort, Justin, 630n, 940–1, 948, 957

  Frankfort, Nicholas, 928n, 940–1, 957

  Frankfort, Thomas, 630n, 940–1, 948, 957

  Frankfurt, Germany, 696

  Fraser, G. S. (George Sutherland), 14, 94, 98, 102, 137n, 700n; ‘American Poetry’, 700n; Poetry Now: An Anthology, 14n, 102; ‘Parnassian Grades’, 137n

  Fraser, Kathleen, ‘Winter Beach’, 221n

  Frayn, Michael, 84; SP’s correspondence with, 81–82

  Freeman, David, 113, 670

  Freeman, Marion Saunders, 3, 28, 113, 140–1, 207, 218, 388, 462, 496, 508, 556, 561, 572, 593, 671, 707, 729, 733; SP’s correspondence with, 31, 594–5, 669–70, 723–4, 750–1

  Freeman, Ruth Prescott, see Geissler, Ruth Prescott

  Freeman family, 3n, 102n

  French, Philip, 963n

  French language: learning, 305, 437, 503, 514, 540, 732; writing, 503

  Freud, Sigmund, 410

  Fried, Michael, 137n, 231n, 429

  Friedman, Elinor, see Klein, Elinor Friedman

  Friedman, Muriel, 155

  Fromm, Erich, 880, 967–8; The Art of Loving, 880n, 967–8n

  Frost, Robert, 28, 142

  Frye, Cary Plumer, 411, 413, 448, 497, 693

  Fulbright Scholar Awards, 7, 10, 12, 23, 25, 30, 33, 35, 39, 42, 46, 94, 120, 126, 129–30, 134, 151, 274–5, 277, 304, 325, 371, 408, 419, 472, 726, 939

  Fuller, Kay, 690n

  Fuller, Roy, 432, (quotation from), 617n

  G. P. Putnam, 317n

  Gaberbocchus Press, 33n, 40n

  Gág, Wanda, The ABC Bunny, 912n; The Funny Thing, 771n, 912n

  Gaines, William L., 7, 126

  Gaitskell, Hugh, 6, 531

  Gallipoli, Turkey, 503

  Galmarino, Alberto R., 699n

  Galmarino, Karin Sonja Thorgerson, 699

  Galway, Ireland, 801n, 821, 825, 829, 833, 873, 881, 883, 924n, 951

  Gamaliel Bradford Senior High School, see Wellesley High School

  Gambier, Ohio, 371

  Gambling, 5, 13, 66, 74, 276, 291, 300, 308, 390

  García Lorca, Federico, Blood Wedding, 236, 242

  Garden House Hotel, 84

  Gardner, Helen, 537n

  Gardner, W. H. (William Henry), 917n

  Gauguin, Paul, 212, 215, 220, 222

  Gehenna Press, 156n, 292–3n

  Geisel, Ruth, 699

  Geissler, Arthur J., 31n, 113, 268n

  Geissler, Ruth Prescott (‘Ruthie’, ‘Ruthy’), 31, 113, 268, 496, 498, 593, 595, 607, 670, 723–4, 751

  Geissler family, 31, 593, 670, 723–4, 751

  Gemini, 63, 93, 95, 126–8; SP’s work in, 63n, 83, 93, 95, 117, 128, 134; TH’s work in, 83n

  George, David Lloyd, 531

  George, Saint, 209

  German language: learning, 99, 252, 260, 262, 305, 365, 366, 395, 514, 517, 540, 732, 860, 883; speaking, 260, 366, 395, 517, 860; writing, 365

  Germans, 253, 261, 263, 336, 373, 696, 883, 887, 892, 898, 957, 960, 964, 966

  Germany, 59, 81, 141, 190, 253, 261n, 306, 365, 376, 534, 696, 849, 851, 856, 859, 918; see also individual towns and cities

  Gerson, Mark, 484

  Ghose, Zulfikar (‘Zulfi’), 464, 467

  Giant Orange, 347–8

  Giesey, Louise, see White, Louise Giesey Gilbert, 633

  Gill, Brendan, 779n; The Day the Money Stopped, 779

  Gilmore, George, 60

  Giovanni, di Paolo, Paradise, 285–6

  Giraudoux, Jean, Ondine, 628

  Glascock Poetry Prize, see Kathryn Irene Glascock Poetry Prize

  Glasgow Herald, 968n

  Gleek, Mrs (fictitious character), 685

  Glen Rock, Pennsylvania, 230n

  Glory of Goya, The (motion picture), 218n

  Godwin, William, 589

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 215, 365, 611n; Faust, 611n

  Golden Year, The, 423–5

  Golding, William, Pincher Martin: The Two

  Deaths of Christopher Martin, 301

  Goldsmiths’ Hall (London), 536, 638n, 676

  Good Housekeeping, 130, 434

  Goodall, Edwin Baker, Jr., 466n

  Goodall, John Latimer, 963n

  Goodall, Patricia Ehle, 963n

  Goodall, Susan, see Tennant, Susan Goodall Goodfellow, Robin, see Puck (legendary character)

  Goodman, Leo A., 472, 476–7, 487, 494, 496, 499, 512, 523–4; SP’s correspondence with, 552, 614–15, 691–2, 749–50

  Gordon, Dr (fictitious character), 684

  Gordon Fraser Gallery, 690n, 702n, 704n, 787n

  Gordon, Harry, 499n

  Gordon, Norah, 499n

  Goya, Francisco, 218, 582

  Graham, Edward K. (Kidder), 196, 219

  Graham, Elizabeth Ann McFadyen, 196

  Grahame, Kenneth, The Wind in the Willows, 107, 408n, 653n

  Grand Canyon, Arizona, 125, 150, 306, 337, 348, 351–2

  Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, 342

  Grant, Sheila, 909n, 962n

  Granta, 63, 81n, 83n, 127n, 136, 153, 180; SP’s work in, 63n, 84n, 117, 126, 128, 134; TH’s work in, 84n, 126, 128, 134

  Grantchester, England, 4, 7, 35, 64–5, 82, 106, 119, 125, 146

  Graves, Robert, 190n, 294, 560; ‘Outlaws’ (quotation from), 294; The Penny Fiddle: Poems for Children, 560n; The White Goddess, 762n

  Great Britain, 6, 9, 442; Central Criminal Court, 537, 539; Criminal Investigation Department (CID), 780, 783; National Health Service, 413, 457, 479, 483, 495, 501, 539, 597, 698, 703, 745, 913, 964–5; Royal Air Force, 36

  Great Depression, 832

  Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, 864n, 881, 883, 890, 904, 914, 930, 944

  Great Salt Lake, Utah, 343n, 344, 347

  Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah, 344, 347

  Grecourt Review, 424–5; SP’s work in, 424–5n, 660

  Greece, 306, 441, 443

  Greek, 544, 606

  Greek Line, 282n

  Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont, 364

  Greenslade & Co., 549n

  Greenstein, Milton, 701

  Greenwich Village (New York), 236–7, 242

  Greenwood, Esther (fictitious charact
er), 123n, 239n, 683, 685

  Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 260, 262; Märchen der Brüder Grimm, 260n

  Groenewegen-Frankfort, H. A. (Henriette Antonia), 943

  Grosset & Dunlap, 472

  Grundy, Jane, 589

  Guardian, The (Manchester Guardian until August 1959) 6n, 7, 9n, 111n, 385n, 433n, 568, 673n, 690n, 876n, 923n, 948n, 968n

  Guardian Weekly, The, 568n

  Guest, Barbara, 682, ‘The Brown Studio’, 627n, 682

  Guggenheim Foundation, see John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Guiliani, 304

  Guinness (firm), 115, 893

  Guinness Book of Poetry, 242n, 425

  Guinness Poetry Award, 276n, 281–3, 291, 535–6, 638, 647, 654, 657, 663, 672, 676, 697, 704, 801n, 902n

  Gulbrandsen, Melvin H., 97, 526, 658, 745

  Gulf Oil Corporation, 366

  Gulliver, Lemuel (fictitious character), 211

  Gunn, Thom, 190n, 307, 429, 516, 569, 576, 579, 658, 666, 712, 785–6; Five American Poets, 712n; My Sad Captains and Other Poems, 785n; Selected Poems, 658n, 712

  Gypsies, 236, 242, 249, 251

  H. J. Heinz Company, 488

  Hackney (London), 588

  Hadley, Mass., 184

  Hagan, Roger, ‘When the Holocaust Comes’, 696

  Hague, The, Netherlands, 468

  Halifax, England, 372n

  Hall, Adelaide, 767n

  Hall, Donald, 305n, 428n, 457n, 949n; Contemporary American Poetry, 949n, 953, 957; New Poets of England and America, 305; New Poets of England and America: Second Selection, 720; ‘True and False Feeling’, 457n

  Hall, Peter, 600

  Halley’s comet, 246

  Hallmark Cards, 387, 763n

  Ham, Jacob, 255n

  Hamburger, Michael, ‘Anachronisms’, 577n

  Hamilton, Francis Monteith, 666, 674

  Hamilton, Mark, 650n

  Hamilton, Sybil Merton, 666, 674, 731

  Hamleys, 899

  Hammer, Trygve, Hawk, 185n

  Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 705n

  Hampshire County Public Health Association, 206n

  Hampstead (London), 435n, 507, 510, 582, 895, 942

  Hampstead Heath (London), 501, 503n, 507, 573

  Hankin, Agnes M., 547

  Hannaway, Sister (SP’s midwife), 408, 416, 422, 429, 440, 445, 449

  Hansen, Leif, 373n

  Hanson, Pauline (‘Polly’), 359, 361, 363, 367; The Forever Young, 367n

  Harari, Michael, 555n

  Harcourt Brace & Company, 32n, 265, 285n, 317n, 343

  Hardcastle Crags (Yorkshire, England), 506

  Hardwick, Elizabeth, 266, 303

  Harlem (New York), 153, 236, 241–2

  Harold Ober Associates, 93n

  Harper & Row, 17, 22, 72, 77, 79, 93–4, 96–7, 101, 103, 108, 110, 132, 136, 138, 141, 144, 148, 160, 163, 285n, 385, 412–13, 422, 599, 650, 680, 928n

  Harper’s Bazaar, 156, 429, 440, 619, 640, 668, 671, 867; TH’s work in, 619n

  Harper’s Magazine, 12n, 133, 142, 163, 169, 185, 221, 243, 330n, 363–4, 393, 398, 400, 406, 418, 420, 468, 480, 509, 513, 753, 769; SP’s correspondence with, see Silvers, Robert B.; SP’s work in, 76, 104, 117, 325, 372, 393n, 424–5, 513n, 660, 718, 753n, 769; TH’s work in, 142n, 164, 221n, 363n, 364, 480, 538, 769

  Harris, Chetham & Co., 825n, 857, 825n, 857

  Harrods (department store), 498, 703, 940

  Hart, Howard, ‘When she is back’, 221n

  Hartland, England, 649n

  Hartley, Anthony, 160n

  Hartley, George, 704n, 797n

  Harvard University, 3n, 22n, 23, 32, 37, 42n, 43, 46n, 47–8, 50n, 52–3, 62, 80n, 87, 101n, 123, 135, 192, 229, 238, 244, 277, 301, 303, 320, 323, 362, 510, 542, 685, 833, 950–1; Adams House, 240; German Club, 37; Faculty Club, 320; Lamont Library, 193, 244, 510, 535, 833, 887, 891, 893–4; Loeb Drama Center, 303n; medical school, 20n, 685, 730n; Memorial Chapel, 362; SP’s recordings for, 244, 510, 887, 891, 893–4; Sanskrit and Indian Studies department, 301n, 308, 320, 323, 325, 542; Widener Library, 301, 308; Woodberry Poetry Room, 192n, 231n, 639n;

  Harvard University Press, 32n

  Hassell, Jennifer (SP’s literary agent), 548, 555–6, 560, 566, 653n, 660n; SP’s correspondence with, 650–1

  Hatch, Robert, 26

  Hatch Shell (Boston, Mass.), 271

  Hathaway House, 157, 616, 621

  Haupt, Garry Eugene, 282

  Haverford College, 56

  Haworth, England, 558

  Hawthornden Prize, 592, 609, 623, 641n

  ‘Hawthornden Prize Winner at Mexborough Speech Day’, 560n

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 182, 184, 188, 208, 215, 279; ‘The Birthmark’, 182n; ‘Ethan Brand’, 182n; ‘Goodman Brown’, 182n; ‘Lady Eleanore’s Mantle’, 182n; ‘Rappacini’s Daughter’, 182n;

  Haydn, Joseph, 744

  Hayes, Russell, 312n

  Headington School, 703n, 716, 756

  Heathcliff (fictitious character: Brontë), 156

  Hebden Bridge, England, 74, 78, 372, 377, 395

  Hecht, Anthony, 137n, 292n, 682–3; ‘More Light! More Light!’, 627n, 682, 683n; The Seven Deadly Sins, 292

  Hedgecoe, John, 429n, 440

  Heine, Heinrich, 210, 260n; ‘Die Lorelei’ (quotation from), 260n

  Heinemann (firm), 317n, 414–15, 420, 422–3, 426–7, 429, 436, 468, 516, 518, 530, 538, 541–2, 576n, 602n, 660, 664, 701, 704, 718, 723, 793, 819, 908, 928; SP’s correspondence with, see Michie, James; Smith, W. Roger

  Heinrichs, Frieda Plath (SP’s aunt), 337–8, 348, 350–1, 363, 366, 394, 399, 456, 465, 475, 484, 506, 513, 526, 606; SP’s correspondence with, 932

  Heinrichs, Walter (SP’s uncle), 337n, 350–1, 526, 606

  Helsinki, Finland, 181

  Hemenway, Robert, SP’s correspondence with, 500–1

  Henderson, Isabel Murray, 179, 217

  Henry, Clement M. (‘Clem Moore’), 73n, 80, 134, 229, 362, 865–6, 870, 920

  Henry, Clement Sulivane, Jr, 73n

  Henry Fellowship, 50n, 135

  Heptonstall, England, 16n, 45, 372, 377; The Beacon, 11, 124–5, 190, 207, 221, 256, 288, 372–5, 377, 380, 384, 388, 392, 395–6, 409, 431, 504, 506, 558, 563

  Herford, Oliver, 197n; ‘I Heard a Bird Sing’, 197

  Herrman, Reinhard, The Creation, 896n

  Higgins, Brian, The Only Need, 555n

  Hilda (fictitious character), 683

  Hildebrandt, Dorrit Licht, see Colf, Dorrit Licht

  Hildebrandt, Frederick Dean, 113n

  Hill, Charles Jarvis, 174, 202

  Hill, Ruth, 680n

  Hill, Ruth E., 174n

  Hindley, Christopher Paton, 383, 393, 397, 408, 412, 416–17, 422, 432–3, 437, 439, 445, 520

  Hiroshima, Japan, 697, 888

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 206

  Hitchen, Herbert, 320

  Hobbes, Thomas, 144

  Hobson, Harold, 95, 117; ‘A Good Home’ (quotation from), 95n

  Hochman, Sandra, ‘Love Fast’, 627n, 639

  Hodgart, Matthew John Caldwell, 436n

  Hoffman, Daniel, ‘An Armada of Thirty Whales’, 627n

  Hoffman, Jill, 231n

  Hoffmann, Heinrich, 576n; Struwelpeter, 576

  Hoggart, Richard, 537n

  Holidays, see Boxing Day, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July, Labor Day, New Year, Thanksgiving Day, Valentine’s Day Hollander, John, 883n

  Holloway, John, 178

  Hollowood, Bernard, 957n

  Holyhead, Wales, 821

  Holyoke, Mass., 163, 182

  Homer, Odyssey, 302, 513, 515, 522, 525, 542, 544, 805n

  Hong Kong, 940, 947

  Hoover Company, 478

  Hopkins, Ann, 32

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 180, 186, 226, 279, 916–17; Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 917n; ‘God’s Grandeur’, 917n; ‘The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo’, 917n; ‘Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend’, 180; ‘To what serves Mortal Beauty?’
, 917n

  Hopkinson, Alfred Stephan, 537n

  Horder, John, 542, 547, 896, 906, 910, 912, 943n, 944, 949, 951, 954, 956, 960, 964, 968

  Horizon, 771n

  Horn Book, The, 300; SP’s work in, 300n, 424–5, 660

  Hornbeak, Katherine Gee, 174, 200

  Horse & Hound, 589

  Horton, Constance, 137n

  Hotel Meurice (London), 865n

  Hough, Graham, 186n, 190–1, 537n; The Dark Sun: A Study of D. H. Lawrence, 186n; ‘Landmarks and Turbulences’ (quotation from), 186

  Houghton Mifflin and Co., 303n, 328

  House & Garden, 8, 771n

  Howard, Elizabeth Jane, ‘The New Young Writers’, 429n

  Howard, Peter, ‘The Last Minutes of Freedom’, 9

  Hudja, Baron, 15, 36

  Hudson Review, 235, 241, 303, 325, 328; SP’s correspondence with, 661; see also Morgan, George Frederick; SP’s work in, 325n, 372, 424–5, 468, 526, 528, 660–1, 718

  Hughes, Ashley (SP’s nephew), 79n, 124

  Hughes, Brendon (SP’s nephew), 79n

  Hughes, Edith Farrar (SP’s mother-in-law), 46, 60, 74, 78n, 121–2, 128, 138, 146, 151, 372–4, 376–80, 384, 389, 393, 397, 409, 412, 417, 421, 449, 453, 478, 481–4, 504–6, 530n, 538, 552, 554, 556, 558–9, 563–5, 568–9, 584, 591, 599, 695, 698, 708, 710, 747, 758, 764, 773, 775–6, 778, 797, 803, 811, 814, 830, 838–40, 860, 862–3, 870, 872, 890, 918, 926; SP’s correspondence with, 11–13, 30, 77–8, 90, 125–6, 152, 165, 190–1, 207–9, 233, 256–7, 276, 288–91, 298–301, 307–8, 319–20, 351–2, 363–4, 435, 441, 454, 586, 662–3; SP’s descriptions of, 36, 46, 60, 376, 380–1, 389, 397, 505, 556, 764, 773–4, 776, 811, 814; TH’s correspondence with, 90n, 152n, 290n, 363n, 435–6n

  Hughes, Edward James, see Hughes, Ted

  Hughes, Frieda Rebecca (SP’s daughter), 285n, 379, 382n, 446–63, 465–6, 469, 471–3, 475–9, 482, 484–5, 487–8, 490, 492–3, 495–7, 499, 501–6, 509–25, 526, 528–9, 531–5, 537–41, 543–4, 546, 548–50, 552–62, 564–72, 575, 577–81, 583–5, 587, 589–91, 593, 597–600, 605, 607–11, 614–15, 620–4, 627–31, 633–5, 637–8, 641–4, 647–9, 651, 653–8, 663, 665, 668–75, 677, 680–1, 687–9, 692–9, 702–15, 717, 719, 721–4, 726–33, 735–9, 741, 744–7, 749–52, 755–8, 761, 764–6, 768, 771–2, 774, 776–7, 780–1, 783, 785, 789–90, 792–4, 796–7, 799, 801–2, 804–5, 810–17, 819–22, 825–6, 828–35, 838–52, 855–7, 859–64, 866, 868–70, 873–9, 881, 883–4, 886–8, 890, 892, 895, 897–900, 904–5, 907, 910–16, 919–22, 924, 927–31, 933–8, 940–4, 946–9, 951–62, 964–9; birth of, 446–51, 453, 713, 736; birthday of, 516, 524, 540, 581, 594, 598–600, 607–8, 614–15, 756; christening of, 416, 456, 506, 738, 745; clothes of, 379–80, 384, 416, 453, 456, 458, 468, 474–5, 482–3, 496–7, 502–3, 505–6, 514, 516–17, 522–4, 526, 531–2, 534–6, 538, 541, 543, 549–50, 560, 572, 579–80, 591, 593–4, 597–600, 605, 607, 620, 630–1, 633–4, 641, 649, 651, 665, 668, 672, 698–9, 707, 719, 721, 732, 735, 738, 742, 745, 756–8, 811, 813, 849, 888, 920, 935, 942, 949; godparents of, 456, 506, 518, 527, 552, 559, 564, 568, 575, 611, 614, 860, 900, 945; immunization of, 478, 488, 495; photographs of, 459, 463, 465, 484, 487–8, 492, 497, 501, 505, 507, 510–11, 518, 526, 535, 557, 594, 607, 611, 615, 634–5, 704, 706, 719, 749, 768, 773, 809, 939; SP’s dedications to, 898, 929, 937; SP’s descriptions of, 446–50, 452–5, 458–9, 463, 465, 469, 471–3, 475, 478, 478–9, 482, 484–5, 493, 496–8, 503, 505–6, 509, 511–14, 516, 518–20, 525, 528, 531–2, 535, 537–8, 541, 543, 550, 552–4, 558, 560, 566–7, 569–71, 575, 577, 579–80, 590–1, 593–4, 597, 599–600, 607–8, 611, 622, 624, 628, 633, 637, 641, 644, 649, 651, 653, 655–6, 658, 663, 665, 668, 670, 672, 675, 677, 681, 688–9, 692, 695, 699, 702–4, 706–7, 709–15, 719, 721–3, 727–30, 732, 735–6, 738, 741–2, 744–5, 748–51, 756–8, 761, 764–6, 768, 772, 776, 783, 785, 802, 813, 819, 830, 832–3, 840, 845, 862, 875, 888–9, 905, 912, 915, 920–1, 928, 930–1, 934, 936–7, 942–4, 947–8, 957, 960, 964–5, 968; teething of, 541, 543–5, 552, 554, 558, 567, 569–70, 590, 593, 595, 641; TH’s dedications to, 285n, 400, 408, 598


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