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Little Lucy and the Doctor

Page 4

by Chloe Carpenter

  A streak of something brown and shaggy suddenly darted in front of him, and then it changed direction and went behind him, coming round on the other side, only to loop behind him again. A moment later he was flat on his face, his feet tangled in some sort of rope, and a huge smelly creature bounded towards him and began licking his face, sending long strands of slobber down his chin.

  "Urrrrrgh!" he spluttered. "What the FUCK?!!"

  The big hairy creature sat in front of him and barked excitedly, wagging its tail furiously before leaning in to deliver more licks.

  "Get OFF!" yelled Simon.

  "Get OFF him! yelled another voice. "Puppy - leave him alone! Bad boy!"

  "Puppy?" muttered Simon. The thing was huge - almost the size of a Great Dane, with paws the size of saucers and a pink lolling tongue. He reached to untangle his feet. They were wrapped in a long retractable lead. As his fingers worked to free himself, the big hairy beast barked again. Out came that long tongue, giving Simon's fingers a wash.

  "I'm very sorry," came a breathless little voice from behind him.

  Simon knew that voice. He turned round, and there was Lucy.

  "Ohhhhh!" She covered her mouth with one hand and stared in abject horror at the sprawled figure of Dr Simon Dale. "Are you ok, Simon? He was just playing. I think he likes you."

  "I could have broken both my bloody legs! What are you doing with this ... this hell hound?!" He tried to get up, but Puppy sat on his legs, his tail thumping loudly on the path. "Will you please get this damned dog off my legs."

  "Bad Puppy," admonished Lucy. "Want a treat?" She fished in her pocket and brought out a packet of doggy treats. Puppy ran towards her. He sat down and extended his right paw, his brown eyes fixed on the packet. "See - he's a good boy really. Aren't you, Pups."

  "That's no Puppy. He's the size of an elephant."

  "Well he was a puppy when my sister found him. She decided to keep him, and she called him Puppy. But then he grew and grew and grew. He's two years old now, so we don't think he's going to get much bigger."

  "Lord, I hope not," groaned Simon as he got to his feet and brushed the dust off his clothes. Puppy gobbled down his treats and then went back to Simon and offered him his paw.

  "See - he DOES like you. He thinks you have something for him."

  "A punch round the ears is all he'll get from me." Simon gave Puppy a hard stare. Puppy cocked his head to one side for a moment and then jumped up, putting a paw on each of Simon's shoulders so that he could lick his nose.

  "Ewwww. Get DOWN! Ugh - I'm covered in dog slobber."

  "Sorry. Sorry," said Lucy, and then she began to giggle.

  "Oh you will be before long." Simon tried and failed to give her a withering look. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, he used it to mop his face and neck. "Is he safe?"

  "Safe? Oh yes. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He's a big old softie. He just likes to play."

  A rustle in the bushes caused Puppy's ears to prick up, then with a bound, he was off, tearing through the shrubbery with the speed of an express train.

  "Puppy! Stop!" Lucy held tight to the retractable lead. It was fully extended. A moment later she found herself racing after the dog. "Come back this minute, you bad dog!"

  Simon stared after her, a bemused look on his face. From the thicket came a series of grunts and the snapping of branches and a shriek from Lucy as she was dragged along, still holding the lead. Clearly, there was only one course of action.

  He plunged into the shrubbery after them.

  "He's seen a rabbit or something," shouted Lucy from somewhere up ahead.

  "Hold on. I'm coming." He charged through the mass of branches and undergrowth. Lucy was ahead, desperately trying to get Puppy to stop, but the big dog was far too strong for her. Her little legs scampered after him, her cute little bottom wiggling. He stared at it. She was wearing a pair of pink shorts. He was mesmerized, and when he caught up with her the momentum carried him forward too quickly and they somehow both ended up falling to the ground and rolling around like a pair of wrestlers.

  "Oooof," grunted Simon.

  "Ow!" squealed Lucy. "You're squashing me."

  "So I am," he drawled.

  Lucy sprawled beneath him, panting with exertion, her chest heaving. She was wearing a paler pink top with a sweetheart neck. The clingy fabric moulded itself to her body, and as she looked up at him, he could clearly see the outline of her nipples as they hardened beneath his gaze. In that moment, their eyes met, and Simon did something unusual for him - he acted on impulse.

  He leaned close, and kissed her.

  It was a semi-chaste kiss - a mere brush of his lips against hers, a promise of all that could be between them ... but when her sweet lips parted and her hands reached out for him, he kissed her again, harder this time, savouring the taste and feel of her.

  She made a little mewling sound as she clung to him, her body pressed close to his own. Her nipples were sticking out like small acorns through the thin fabric of her top, and she adjusted her position, splaying her legs to give him more room to manoeuvre, elevating her hips a little in unspoken invitation.

  He shifted forward slightly and knew she would be able to feel his rampant erection, over which he had not the slightest bit of control. In that moment he balanced on a metaphorical knife edge, wondering just how far to take this. But the decision was made for him.

  Puppy came back!

  With a joyful bark, he decided to join in this fun new game, and flung himself down on the ground, his head worming its way beneath Simon's arms so that he could lick Lucy's neck.

  "Oh Puppy," said Lucy.

  "Damnable dog," muttered Simon. "Shoo!"

  But Puppy would not be shooed. He wanted in on the action. He gave Lucy another slobbery dog kiss then lay on his back demanding someone tickle his tummy just the way he liked it.

  "He gets a bit jealous," said Lucy apologetically as she tickled the dog. "He likes plenty of attention."

  "So I see," said Simon wryly. He got to his feet again and dusted himself down yet again, willing his erection to shrink and wishing he had worn his baggiest pair of sweatpants so it wouldn't be so goddamned noticeable. A muffled giggle from Lucy had him arching his eyebrows in the knowledge that she was fully aware of the massive bulge. "I take it my predicament amuses you?"

  "Um ... yeah," she admitted, and giggled again.

  Smiling, he shook his head. "Well, I suppose I should be off. I haven't had breakfast yet-"

  "I haven't either," she cut in, then blushed furiously. Oh dear - what will he think of me? Does he think I'm too pushy?

  Simon regarded her speculatively. This could be an opportunity to move things forward. "How long do you have to look after the big hairy beast?"

  "I usually take him out for an hour on a Saturday morning." She glanced at her watch. "And the hour was up ten minutes ago. I'm going to take him back to Carol's house. She lives across the road."

  "Right. So why don't you take him back and then join me in the car park and I'll take you back to my place for coffee and something to eat?"

  "OK, if it's no trouble. I'd like that." She gave him a radiant smile and put Puppy on a short lead. "I'll be with you in ten minutes."

  "Fine. I'll see you soon then. Can you manage him? He must weigh twice as much as you."

  "Oh yes. He does whatever I tell him ... mostly." She grinned, waved and set off with the dog, and although she set a moderate pace, Puppy pulled on the lead so much that she ended up at a fast trot, looking very comical as it was clearly the dog taking her for a walk.

  Simon stared after them and laughed. He had a feeling that this particular Saturday was going to be very different from his usual routine.

  And he was right.


  He sat in the car listening to the radio, glancing up when he heard a dog bark close by. And there was Lucy - and Puppy. Lucy cast him a distraught look.

  "Carol's gone out. I usually have a key to her house, but
I left it at home ... so I can't take Puppy back."

  Simon looked at her forlorn little face, then he looked at the big slobbery dog; it was wagging its tail. "I suppose you'd better bring him then - but he'd better not throw up in my car."

  Lucy's face brightened at once. "He won't. He likes riding in cars - don't you, Pups?"

  Puppy made a funny grunting sound and stuck his head through the window to lick Simon's nose.


  "Get down Puppy. Shall I put him in the back seat?"

  "Guess you'll have to, seeing as how he won't fit anywhere else."

  Puppy clambered aboard and stretched out as though he owned the vehicle. Simon leaned across to open the passenger door and Lucy slid onto the seat. "I never in a million years expected to bump into you today, Simon."

  "It's surprising I haven't seen you here before with him as I always get out for a run on Saturday mornings at the same time."

  "I'm usually out much earlier which is why we never bumped into each other before, but today I had to wait in for the postman as I was expecting a parcel delivered."

  "And did it turn up?"

  "Oh yes," she said happily.

  "Anything nice?"

  "Some Disney DVD's. You must think me a real baby watching that stuff."

  "Whatever makes you happy is fine with me. Say - what's that noise?"

  "It's Puppy. He snores like a pig." Lucy giggled again as Simon adjusted the rear view mirror. The dog was way to big to fit on the seat properly, his head was squashed up against the door and his back legs were sticking up in the air. His eyes were closed, his mouth was partially open, and as Lucy said, he was snoring like a pig. "He's so cute though, admit it."

  "Cute isn't quite the word I'd use to describe him," said Simon tactfully. Big, stinky, hairy mutt.

  "Well I love him to bits. I'd have a dog of my own, but it wouldn't be fair on it when I'm at work."

  She chattered on, barely pausing for breath, until Simon turned the car into a quiet tree-lined avenue. All the houses were big, with well-tended gardens. "Oh, this is the posh part of town. Do you live near here?"

  "Uh huh. But I live in an old house. It can be a bit draughty in the winter, but I like it."

  "I can't wait to see it. Are we nearly there?"

  "Almost." He smiled and took a left turn at the end of the avenue, and drove onto a narrow lane with high hedgerows either side and fields beyond.

  "Oh - this is like being in the country! I can see cows!"

  "Yep. There's a farm up ahead. They have cows and sheep, chickens and goats."

  "Goats? I love goats. Where are they?" She craned her head.

  "They're usually in the top field."

  "I see them!" Lucy clapped her hands. Puppy woke instantly and sat up, putting his big head between the two front seats, and as they drove past the top field he barked loudly at the goats, sending globs of spittle to land on the back of Simon's neck.

  "Oh not again," groaned Simon. "Just as well we're home so I can take a shower."

  Lucy blinked as Simon turned the car up a long driveway. At the end stood a picturesque stone-built house with mullioned windows and decorative chimney pots. "You live here?" Simon nodded. "It's wonderful! I love it. What a fabulous place to live."

  "Glad you like it. I bought it very cheap around 20 years ago. It needed a lot of work doing to it, but it's been worth the effort."

  "How old is it?"

  "It was built in 1820. There was no electricity or gas when I moved in, but I have all mod cons now. Out you get."

  They went in through the back door which led into the kitchen with an adjacent cloakroom. Simon retrieved an old rug from the cloakroom and placed it in one corner of the kitchen. Puppy eyed it and immediately went over to it, sniffed it appreciatively, then lay down as though he owned the place.

  "Good boy," said Lucy approvingly. "See - I told you he was a good dog."

  "Let's hope he keeps it up then," quipped Simon. He rinsed his hands and then opened the fridge door. "We have ... what do we have? Eggs. Bacon. Sausages ... and I spy a box of mushrooms lurking at the back. How does that sound?"

  "Wonderful. I'm starving!"

  "Yeah, me too. I'll put the coffee on then I'll take a quick shower before I cook."

  "I can cook. It's no problem. I'll get on with it while you shower."

  "Sounds good to me. I like having a slave. Ok - you'll find the pans in that cupboard, crockery in that one, and there's a loaf of bread on the counter by the fridge."

  "I'm on it," she said happily, and began by washing her hands.

  Simon left her to it, wondering if she would burn everything in sight. So he was pleasantly surprised when he returned fifteen minutes later to a tantalising aroma. Lucy had set two places at the table. His coffee was poured and ready to drink. The bacon, sausage and mushrooms were keeping warm in the oven, and Lucy was at the stove preparing scrambled eggs.

  "Something smells delicious."

  "It's almost ready." Lucy gave the eggs a final whisk then served them out onto the warmed plates, along with the rest of the food.

  Simon tucked in immediately. "Hey, this is good."

  Lucy beamed at the compliment. "Thanks. I like to cook, but I don't often bother cooking for myself. Do you?"

  "I have my fair share of take-outs," he admitted. "I can cook basic stuff, nothing fancy. My ex-wife was a chef though, and when we were together I ate like a king." He chewed on another mouthful of eggs. "That was a long time ago. I got married in my early twenties when I was still at medical school."

  "What happened? Didn't you get along?"

  "We got married way too young. We were just wrong for each other - too much alike. She was - and still is - quite a dominant woman, very strong-willed, competent and assertive. Guess we both wanted to be the boss." He grinned. "But we're still friends."

  "That's good." Lucy stabbed a sausage and bit off the end. "I've never been married, though I did get engaged when I was twenty-one."

  "You did? Why did it end?"

  "He wasn't prepared to ... compromise." She thought for a moment, selecting her words carefully. "He couldn't give me what I wanted." Again, that warm blush coloured her cheeks.

  Simon put down his fork and looked at her expectantly. "And what was it that you wanted?" he asked quietly.

  "Er... um..." Lucy began to fidget. "Do you have any tomato ketchup?"

  "Don't change the subject, Lucy. Answer my question. It's important, because if anything is to develop between you and I we must be honest with each other and not hold anything back." Now he had her full attention. Her eyes widened as she digested the implications.

  "You and I?" she said in a small voice. "Really?"

  "Yes, if that's what we both want. I know that I would like to get to know you better, though I'm not sure how you feel, given the disparity in our ages."

  "Oh that doesn't bother me at all. I love older men. Steve, the guy I was engaged to, was twenty-years older than me. I'd love it if ... if something were to develop between us."

  "Good. That's what I was hoping to hear. Now, back to my question. I can see you're looking somewhat embarrassed and I have a hunch, based on what you told me about Mr Petrakis, that the reason you're being evasive is because your answer involves spanking." Lucy stared at him, wide-eyed. "So - am I right?"

  "But ... but how did you know?"

  "I'm astute. And - I'm also interested in spanking."

  "You are? Really?"

  "Yes, and much more. We'll talk about that later, but for now, I want you to answer my question fully."

  She nodded, chewed her lip, then began. "Well, I've always been interested in older men. I go for the father figure, see. When I was in my early teens I used to fantasise about ... er..."

  "Go on," he encouraged, reaching out to stroke her hand.

  "Well ... I wanted someone to be my Daddy. Not a real father - just someone I could have a relationship with, someone to guide me, play with me, and tak
e care of me; someone who would spank me when I was naughty. As I grew older, that fantasy still held, but I elaborated it to include sex, and ..." She faltered and stared at her coffee cup.


  "Someone who'd tell me what to do. I like that idea. It's not that I can't think for myself or anything."

  "I know that. I understand completely. Carry on."

  She took a deep breath. "Humiliation is a part of it too. I've read stuff on the internet and it's helped me understand that I'm not alone in my feelings, that there are thousands of other women out there who have the same needs and desires as I have. Well, Steve didn't understand where I was coming from, and he refused point blank to spank me. I like doing little girl stuff. I can spend hours just losing myself in my little girl world, playing with stuff - toys, colouring, messing around with sticky paper and glue. He thought I was stupid - retarded even." Her lower lip trembled a little. "I was honest with him, just like I'm being honest with you, but Steve said he thought there was something wrong with me and I should go see a psychiatrist and get fixed." She looked across the table at Simon, trying hard to blink back the tears. "You're a doctor. Do you think there's something wrong with me?"

  "Not in the least, and thank you for your honesty. Steve may have rebuffed you, but I'm not going to. I think you're a natural submissive. You like giving up control to another - you need that aspect in your life, maybe all of the time or just some of the time. As for the little girl stuff, that's a part of you that maybe needs to surface from time to time, and I know people who have perfectly normal and highly satisfying ageplay relationships. You're a bit kinky Lucy, and I like that, because I am too. And that's not something I've ever admitted to anyone at work, so I'm trusting your absolute discretion."

  "You needn't worry about that. My head is reeling and I feel ... such relief! And I'm over the moon that you're so understanding. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can't believe it!" A big smile lit up her face.


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