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Little Lucy and the Doctor

Page 7

by Chloe Carpenter

  There was a clatter of metal in the tray as Simon picked up a pair of medical scissors and began to trim her curly blonde thatch, dropping the discarded hair in the second tray. Snip, snip, snip went the scissors. Next she felt him washing down her mons and labia with a soft cloth dampened with warm water. That bit of the procedure would have been quite nice were it not for the fact that she was in such an embarrassing position on someone's kitchen table. What if someone peeks through the window? What if someone comes through the back door and walks straight in? What if-

  He interrupted her thoughts. "Keep very still now, Lucy. It's time for the razor, and it's very sharp. I don't want to nick your skin."

  Lucy screwed her eyes tight shut and kept perfectly still. The razor scraped against her tingling skin, shaving her pretty yellow curls. Every so often, Simon would tease apart her lips so that the razor could access all her little awkward places. He worked the area between her legs, and began to get rid of the few stray hairs around her bottom hole.

  "Good girl. We're almost done," he murmured.

  Lucy hardly dared breathe. This was humiliating but it was also erotic. She felt her pussy juice up and wondered if he could tell.

  Of course he could. He rinsed the shaved area with fresh warm water, and patted it dry with a soft towel.

  "Time to apply the oil," he said huskily as he uncapped the bottle, drizzled a little out, then rubbed it gently over her mons and labia.

  It was a heady experience for Lucy. The smell of the oil and the latex gloves added an extra frisson and she could sense her engorged clit standing erect. It felt so good she whimpered a little.

  "There. One beautiful pussy, shaved clean as a whistle for my pleasure. I shall inspect it regularly, so you must shave daily to keep it looking like this. Can you do that?"

  Lucy blinked. He's going to inspect my pussy? It was a shocking but delicious thought. "Um, yes I can," she whispered.

  "And because you've been such a good girl, you can have a reward," said Simon with a wicked grin. "Hold that position I'll be back in a minute."

  Lucy wondered what the reward could be. Right now she was so aroused and desperate for an orgasm, she wanted to touch herself. She almost did, but the thought of Simon catching her in the act made her blush again so she restrained herself.

  When Simon returned, he held two packages. Setting them down on the counter, he opened the first one. It was a pink vibrator with a clit stimulator attached.

  "We're going to have such fun with this," he told her and pushed the end into her lubricated pussy. "Oh my, looks like my little one is ready for this, huh?" He pushed it in and out, making Lucy wriggle with pleasure. He flicked on the switch, and the vibrator started pulsing deep inside her. "How does that feel?" he whispered.

  "Ohhhh - it feels ... it feels ... ohhhhh..." was all she could manage.

  "That good, huh? Let's get this little baby into position, and you'll soon be screaming for more." He positioned the clit stimulator in exactly the right place, turned the dial, and it started buzzing away. Then reaching for her hand, he guided it to hold the vibe in position. "Hold it exactly there. Good. Now I'm going to get the other one."

  "The other one?" said Lucy in a weak voice. Not one of her former boyfriends had done this with her before, but the days of perfunctory sex were over - this was a whole new erotic and highly personal experience. The sensations were driving her wild, and already her hips were moving of their own volition, little thrusts as her vaginal muscles tightened around the soft plastic dildo.

  "Oh yes," Simon said wickedly as he applied some lube onto the tip of the slim anal vibrator. He'd deliberately selected the smallest for now until she was more used to anal play.

  Lucy gawped at it. "You're not ... you're not going to ...?"

  "Oh but I am, my sweet. And you're going to let me." He was already inserting the tip into her anus, pushing it in just a little way, judging her reaction and waiting for her to relax so he could insert it further. And then he switched it on.

  "Oh my God!" shrieked Lucy. "Oh! Oh!"

  "Good huh?"

  She could only nod her head frantically and whimper. And when Simon turned up the power levels on both vibes she moaned loudly. The sensations were electric.

  "I want ... I need to-"

  "Not yet. Not without my permission. Soon. Very soon."

  And then she felt him reach out to pinch her nipples. The combination of the three sets of stimuli took her right to the peak.

  "Now," he said, knowing she couldn't hold back any longer.

  Lucy hurtled over the edge and she screamed as she came and came and came...


  He bathed her and dressed her in a short red skirt and a cream top. The skirt had black penguins on it, and the top had a row of daisies round the neck.

  "Little girl clothes! I love them. Do they belong to the twins?"

  "No. I went out yesterday afternoon and bought some things just for you. Here let's see if these fit." He produced a pair of cream socks with lace around the ankles, and a pair of pink ballet pumps.

  "They fit perfectly! Thank you so much, Daddy!" Lucy danced around the bedroom, her face glowing with happiness. She ran to him and hugged him. "You're so kind to me - and so understanding. I'm new to this. I never know when to call you Simon and when to call you Daddy."

  "There are no rules, little one. Go with the flow. The sun is shining and there's a sand pit out in the back garden that the twins play in when they visit. Do you want to be little Lucy and go out and make sand pies?"

  "Yes!" was her emphatic response.

  She had a wonderful morning playing in the sand pit, making pies and a castle which Simon helped her decorate with shells and pieces of twigs for the drawbridge. After that it was time to wash her hands and have a picnic lunch out in the garden. Simon had bought in a supply of bagels, and they filled them with cream cheese and delicious pieces of smoked salmon. There were juicy ripe peaches for dessert.

  Instead of sitting at the outdoor table, they spread a plaid rug out on the lawn and sat there for lunch, joined by a motley collection of stuffed toys from the twins room. Lucy was in heaven, surrounded by teddy bears, puppies and kittens, a rabbit and a pink elephant.

  "I'm so happy. You make me feel so special."

  "That's because you are special," Simon reassured her. "You're my special little girl."

  "Are we play acting?" she asked, her mouth full of cream cheese. "Is this role play?"

  "It can be whatever you want it to be," he said. "There's a little Lucy inside of you that needs to come out and play from time to time. She's always under the surface, but you can switch whenever you want to, and I'll accommodate it."

  "Why?" she asked, suddenly serious. "Because, let's face it, it's kind of weird isn't it, me wanting to behave like a kid."

  He looked at her and thought carefully before he responded. "I like to think I understand your needs and can facilitate them within the framework of our relationship. Besides, you bring out my protective side and I enjoy that. I'm an open minded guy, and tolerant to other people's kinks - that's because I have kinks of my own. We've spoken a little about them."

  She nodded. "Yes. You're into aspects of BDSM and you go to clubs. You enjoy being dominant to submissive women."

  "That's right, and it's the power exchange I find fascinating. You'll learn more about that as we get to know each other better. It isn't just about sex, it's about being open and honest and communicative - and obedient."

  "Will you take me to your club sometime?"

  "Sure I will. I'd be happy to, if that's what you want. You needn't play the first time if you're not comfortable with people watching. But ..." He regarded her speculatively. "I think there's an exhibitionist streak in you. I think you'd get a sexual charge being naked in front of others."

  Her eyes opened wide. "Completely naked?"

  He grinned. "Not quite. I'd maybe let you keep your shoes on - and a butt plug."

"Oh." She gave a nervous giggle and clamped her hand on her mouth. It was an endearing little habit that he had come to enjoy.

  "Anything goes at the club. All manner of kinky interests are given free reign. We could find people you could talk to about ageplay if you think you'd find that helpful."

  "I would," she agreed. "And did you mention yesterday that there is a medical room at the club?"

  "Yeah, Why? Does that interest you?"

  She gave a little shiver and nodded. "When I saw your couch in your consulting room at The Beeches, I let my mind wander, and I fantasized about all sorts of things with you as the doctor and me as the patient."

  "Did you now?" He raised his eyebrow and grinned. "Of course! We can do a spot of doctor-patient role play at the clinic after hours. Would you like that?"

  "Yes. Yes! I would. What sort of things would we do?"

  "Oh I can think of plenty of activities that I'd enjoy very much," he said with a grin. "Leave it to me to surprise you."

  The thought of what was to come made her press her thighs closely together, feeling the anticipatory tightening of her nipples and her clit. She had never felt so alive.


  Their relationship continued well, and for the first time ever, Lucy learned to embrace and fully accept her sexuality and her little girl side. Simon understood her so well, and she happily switched from little girl activities to being an adult - and it worked! She went round to Simon's place alternate evenings and spent the following weekend with him and it was wonderful. They romped around, laughed a lot, played with the twins toys, had picnics and went to the zoo. They even took Puppy out for a long walk. They also explored D/s, and Lucy found herself wanting to please Simon whatever way she could. He disciplined her when she was naughty and also spanked her just for fun, culminating in the best sex she had ever had. But the hardest thing of all was learning to control her feelings for him whilst at work. All she wanted to do was rush over and hug him, and tell the world that he was her Daddy and her lover, but somehow she managed to act professionally and no one suspected that the dishy Dr Dale was involved with his young temp.

  At the end of their second week, Simon announced that they should take their relationship to the next level. He arranged for The Beeches clinic to be empty from 5.30 on Friday, so that they could role play their doctor and patient scenario. Throughout the day Lucy was in a frenzy of excitement, and when the last patient left at 5.15, Simon locked the doors. The last thing they wanted were any unexpected visitors!

  So, at 5:30, Lucy knocked timorously on the door to Simon's consulting room.

  "Enter," came a deep voice from within.

  Lucy stepped inside. Simon was sitting behind his desk typing up notes. As usual, he wore a white coat and a stethoscope dangled around his neck. He glanced up as she entered the room. "Ah, Miss Peters. Come in and take a seat."

  "Thank you." Lucy sat, her heart pounding in her chest.

  Simon completed his notes, saved the file, and gave her a welcoming smile. "And how can I help you today, Miss Peters?"

  "Um ... well, I seem to be having rather a lot of tummy ache lately."

  "I see. And how long have you had this problem?"

  "Just a few days."

  "Have you changed your diet significantly?"

  Lucy shook her head. "No, I've had nothing different."

  "Too much alcohol perhaps?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "Hardly any, Dr Dale."

  "Are you feeling stressed about anything?"

  "No, not that I can think of."

  "Very well. We'd better examine you then. We'll soon get to the bottom of things. I want you to go behind that screen and remove your clothes. Put on a gown that you will find on the shelf."

  Lucy got up. "Er - all my clothes, Doctor?"

  "Yes indeed. Everything off. We'll give you a thorough inspection."

  As Lucy was undressing, Simon smiled to himself and went to the sink and washed his hands. He deliberately left the tap running. From behind the screen, Lucy felt a sudden urge to pee. She crossed her legs and tried not to think about it. How mean of him to let the water flow! He knew it would have this affect on her.

  Lucy folded her clothes and placed them neatly on the chair, and then put on a hospital gown. It was green with white spots and reached almost to her ankles. It tied at the back of the neck - and that was it - there was no back in it at all. Holding the gown together at the back as she walked, Lucy emerged from behind the screen.

  "I'm ready, Doctor."

  "Excellent. Just hop up on the couch please and lay back. That's right. Now, does this hurt?" He ran a hand over her tummy and pressed gently.

  "No. It doesn't hurt a bit."

  Simon pressed again. "No tenderness at all?" Lucy shook her head. "We'll take a closer look." He raised her gown to waist level, pausing to admire her shaved pussy as he did so. He felt her tummy again. "Everything seems to be in order there. Let's check out your breasts, shall we?" Up went the gown again, this time it bunched up around her neck. "Put your hands on your head for me please." Simon carefully felt each pert little breast, cupping each one in his hand, and then tweaking and pinching the nipples, which were already prominent. He continued rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger, making her gasp at the tingling pain.

  "Your nipples appear normal and they protrude nicely, but we need to check their sensitivity." He reached for a piece of equipment from the tray and held it up for her to see. It was a shiny stainless steel device with a handle of around eight inches in length, and at the other end was a small wheel with sharp-looking pins. "This, my dear, is a Wartenberg wheel." He flicked the wheel with his gloved finger tip. "As you see, it has evenly spaced radiating sharp pins. I'm going to roll it over your nipples to see how sensitive they are."

  He rolled the wheel lightly over Lucy's right breast, keeping the pressure extremely light. Lucy gasped - it wasn't an unpleasant sensation - just different, but as the pressure was increased and the device rolled over her nipples, it began to feel very intense indeed. She squirmed and breathed harder as the little wheel caressed her now tender nipples.

  "Very good," Simon pronounced. "Nice and sensitive. Next we'll move on to examine your vagina. I want you to shuffle your bottom right down to the end of the couch and put your feet in the stirrups."

  Stirrups? She hadn't noticed the stirrups. Her tummy began to do somersaults. She wriggled further down the couch until her bottom rested almost at the edge, and obediently raised each leg, sliding her feet into the stirrups, her calves resting on some rigid plastic material keeping them straight. On each occasion she displayed her sex for him, Lucy blushed. And as she got into the required position, her face turned crimson.

  "Good girl. I have everything ready for you." Simon gestured to a steel tray set onto a bench by his side. On the tray were various things. Lucy didn't have time to process what they could be - though she could guess what they were to be used for...

  The smell of latex assailed her nostrils. She recognised that scent. It made her feel all squirmy, and when she saw Simon snap on a pair of sterile latex gloves, she felt even squirmier. He pulled a stool from under the bench and positioned it between her spread thighs, angled the lamp to his right and switched it on, illuminating her sex.

  A gloved finger parted her lips and pushed into her opening. "Hmmm. There appears to be quite a lot of secretion here, Miss Peters. Why is that, I wonder?"

  "Er, I don't know," she said in a shaky little voice.

  "When did you last orgasm?"

  "Um. Last night."

  "I see. I think before you leave here, Miss Peters, we'll see how well you orgasm to stimulation. In the meantime I'm going to use this speculum to open your vagina, so I can see and feel inside to ensure everything is in order. This will feel a little cold to begin with."

  "Ohhhh! It does!" Lucy wiggled frantically, only to earn a stern look and a rebuke.

  "Do keep still, Miss Peters. Now, I'll just have
a little feel up inside." In went not one gloved finger, but two, and those fingers slowly pumped up and down, and then went from side to side, massaging her slick cavity.

  Lucy swallowed. This was both humiliating and erotic. She tried to bite back a moan of pleasure but didn't quite manage it. The latex enhanced her experience, and she closed her eyes, savouring the sensations, only to be brought back to earth by the doctor's next words.

  "All seems to be in order there. I think we'll take your temperature next."

  Lucy relaxed. At least having her temperature taken wouldn't make her feel so turned on. Wrong. She watched as Simon withdrew a thermometer from its case. It seemed rather a large thermometer, and when he gave it a few shakes and then dipped the end into a jar of sticky goo, Lucy frowned, puzzled ... and then as realisation dawned, her eyes grew round as saucers as she stared. And when Simon advanced, a wicked grin on his face, Lucy's mouth opened. She was mortified.

  "You're not ..."

  "Oh but I AM, Miss Peters. I'm going to lube up your bottom hole to make the insertion easier," he said matter-of-factly.

  Lucy whimpered as the lube was applied. "It's cold," she wailed, wiggling around.

  "It's necessary," said Simon. "Now I want you to be a good girl and relax. Stop that wriggling." He seated himself between her spread thighs once more, and with one hand, spread open her bottom cheeks as he surveyed the thermometer's target.

  Lucy thought she would die of shame. "Can't you take my temperature in my mouth?" she asked in her best little girl voice.

  "Certainly not. This is the correct way." He circled her anus, using the tip of the thermometer to lubricate the area.

  "Eeeee!" squealed Lucy, as she felt the ice cold glass rod slip up inside her bottom.

  Simon tormented her by twisting the thermometer to the left and then to the right, then pulling it out of her asshole only to put it back again with another little twist. To Lucy's relief he then left it alone for a couple of minutes, and yet in spite of her humiliation - or perhaps because of it - she felt the old familiar tingles building up in the pit of her stomach, spreading to her pussy and all the way down her thighs. The feeling of submission was just incredible, and she felt her pussy clench. She was almost disappointed when Simon withdrew the thermometer. He took the reading.


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