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Dark Carousel

Page 23

by Christine Feehan

  His hands slid down her sides, from her breasts, along her rib cage, her waist, to settle on the flare of her hips. "Move, sielamet. Ride me hard."

  She wanted that. She sat up slowly at his urging and then leaned back when his hands pressed to her belly.

  "Put your palms on my thighs."

  His eyes were dark with passion. With lust. Soft with such emotion she was forced to catch her breath or her lungs would have burned raw. "You're so beautiful," she whispered, meaning it. Unable to keep her opinion inside. He was beautiful. Not just on the outside--and he was that. It was the way he felt in his mind. The way he was with the children. The way he not only wanted to protect them all, but needed to.

  He watched her moving for some time, his hands on her waist at first and then as her body flushed and coiled so tightly she thought she might not live through it, they slid to her breasts. His fingers tugged and rolled her nipples, and then he was sitting up, shifting so that deep inside her, his cock burned across her most sensitive parts, creating that out-of-control wildfire. The fire overtook her, consumed her, and took him with her. She sank into him, her face in his throat, desperate for air but uncaring if she ever breathed again.

  Tariq wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. She loved the way his fingers massaged her scalp. For a long time the world stayed at bay and she could just drift in that place he sent her with his body. He held her for a long time, but eventually she felt his body tense. The moment he did, she tightened her hold on him.

  "I don't want to move," she protested.

  "Those three men, the ones that followed you from Paris and were in my club the other night, they are outside my gates, skulking instead of just coming up and asking to talk to me. I have to go deal with that, Charlotte."

  She sighed. "I knew they weren't going to let us be. Should I go with you? Solidarity and all that?" She didn't lift her head; instead, she nuzzled his throat and pressed little kisses up his jaw. She didn't want to deal with another serial killer. Another monster. She wanted, even needed, normal. Lourdes. Genevieve. A life outside a monstrous world.

  "No, sielamet, you stay as far from them as possible. They can't tell the difference between Carpathian and vampire and they kill indiscriminately. You, the children, Genevieve and Emeline are all in danger from them. They could pose a danger to Donald and Mary as well. I'll talk to them and see about giving them a little push to leave us alone."

  "Be careful, Tariq. They were in the psychic center for testing, and my guess is, they have some kind of abilities." She pushed up with resignation and the action caused a minor quake to ripple through her body. Charlotte gasped and tightened her thighs around his hips, holding him to her.

  "I'm always careful, Charlotte. I've chosen to live among humans for most of my hunting years. Centuries now. I know how to fit in easily. I also know that some humans have extraordinary powers. Some are kind, the best people I've known, and others are sick and cruel, nearly as bad as the vampire. I've seen it all, and it's made me careful. You take care of the children and visit with Genevieve. Be normal. Settle in. I'm going to have to bring you fully into my world soon, sielamet. You will waste away if I don't. So you need to feel that your decision is the right one, the only one for you."

  She already felt that way. She was more alive with him than she'd ever been in her life. She had always been seeking something--she hadn't known what, but she traveled the world to find it--only to realize now that it was here with Tariq. A family of sorts. Danger. Peace. Bliss. Everything she'd ever wanted was right here in bed with her.

  "There are so many other hunters here. Can't one of them talk to these men?" She knew he was powerful, but still, she'd seen the man with the stake through his heart.

  He smiled at her and stroked another caress down the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her silky hair. "The other hunters, aside from Maksim, do not have lifemates to anchor them. Can you imagine Dragomir talking to those men, seeing their intentions? He would kill them immediately without thought of consequences. He doesn't live with humans, Charlotte; he never has. He has never been civilized. Just being here is probably extremely difficult for him."

  "I can't imagine what he would do with a woman. He's so . . . rough."

  "He is a hunter. A predator. He always has been and he always will be. Lojos, Tomas and Mataias are wild cards. Val, the hunter Vadim tortured, lies beneath the earth, healing in the soil. They feed him, and care for his wounds, which are severe. They would not like the idea of another threat to their brethren and they would also kill the three vampire hunters without thought of consequences."

  "So you're saying you're the one who has to deal with them."

  "Yes, sielamet, but I promise to be careful."

  "What about the splinter?" She knew she was stalling, wanting to stay with him, but truthfully, she hated the idea of having that splinter inside her whether Vadim could see what she was doing or not.

  "I'm sending for a Daratrazanoff. That lineage is incomparable when it comes to healing."

  "Where are they now?" Meaning how long would it take for one of them to get there. The idea that a tiny piece of Vadim was inside of her made her feel sick, especially now that Tariq confirmed he was even more worried about it than she was.

  "In the Carpathian Mountains."

  Her breath caught and held in her lungs. If Tariq was sending for a healer all the way from the Carpathian Mountains, he was very concerned about the splinter.

  She didn't ask any questions. She didn't want the answers right then. She wanted normal. She wanted to visit with her friends and maybe have a cup of tea without getting sick. She wanted to hear the sound of laughter.

  "You're in my mind," she whispered, bending once more to move her lips against his jaw. She loved the hard line of his jaw. He was handsome, gorgeous even, but he was all man. That jaw of his indicated his strength, his determination. He knew exactly what she wanted, what she needed, and he was giving that to her.

  "Does it bother you? I try to stay just to the forefront, not intrude, but after so many centuries without you, searching for you, I find it difficult to separate entirely."

  There was a hint of vulnerability in his voice. She kissed her way from his jaw to his mouth. Placing her lips right over his, she told the truth. "I love that you are in my mind. I don't like to be away from you, either."

  He took her mouth the moment the last word was uttered. One hand was at the back of her head, holding her firmly the way he did that always gave her a thrill. His mouth moved gently, though, lovingly, even leisurely, exploring and tangling his tongue with hers to stroke and caress. She loved kissing him. She could kiss him forever. He took his time and she loved that about him, too. He had somewhere to be, people to protect, but he still took his time with her as if she mattered more to him than anything else.

  "This is your last night as a human, Charlotte."

  It was a decree, not a question and her heart jerked hard in her chest. She was often lulled into a false sense of security because Tariq was sweet to her. He was reasonable. He was sophisticated. He was also a predator just like Dragomir, only he disguised it better. Dragomir didn't bother, while Tariq did. Tariq's thin veil of civility could shred at any moment.

  Still, Charlotte knew she would choose him every single time. He was the man for her. Born for her. And she was born for him. She leaned down and kissed him again and then slowly slid off his body. He didn't have to change for her; she wanted him just the way he was.

  "Okay," she agreed softly. Because for her, there wasn't any other choice. "I'll be ready." She wanted to go see Lourdes and talk with Danny, Amelia, Liv and Bella. She wanted to visit with Genevieve and Emeline and maybe meet Blaze for the first time. Be normal in a world that wasn't hers anymore.

  He reached for her as she slid off the bed, his hand cupping her face, thumb sliding gently over her lips. "I'll take care of you always, Charlotte. You'll want for nothing."

  She believed him, but
that wasn't what was important to her. "Just feel about me the way you do now. Always."

  "It grows every single day. It will continue to grow. Your courage in taking on Danny, Amelia, Liv and Bella astounds me."

  "You're taking on Lourdes and Genevieve for me."

  He nodded and was up, towering over her, waving his hand to clean and clothe her. She liked her soft, vintage blue jeans and equally soft dove gray sweater. He had good taste in casual clothes. Her bra and panties were sheer lace, but the bra was supportive, and her boots were gray leather with three leather ruffles down the back. She loved them.

  "You'll be able to do that yourself," he said, and bent to take her mouth. When he straightened, he was dressed in his immaculate and very sophisticated clothes. "Go have fun. Don't forget Emeline. She's ours, too."

  "I won't forget. I have Vadim's splinter in me and I detest it. She hears him as well. At least we have that in common, and in Paris, we were becoming fairly good friends. Hopefully that will count for something."

  She kissed him again, just a brush of her lips across his, but it was enough to claim him. To tell him that he belonged to her.


  Lourdes and Bella were in the bathtub playing with rubber ducks when she entered the bathroom. Charlotte had never seen so many kinds of ducks. They weren't the standard yellow ones she'd had as a child. These were various characters, and the girls clearly loved them. They chattered away together, laughing like old friends--or sisters. She sent a small grateful warmth to Tariq for thinking of toys for the girls.

  "They're already bonding," Genevieve whispered, sipping at her coffee. "I never thought I'd be so crazy about a couple of little girls but I love spending time with them. They make me feel . . ."

  "Normal," Charlotte said, with a small laugh. "I was just telling Tariq I needed normal, and here it is."

  Genevieve nodded. "I can't agree with you more. Do you want a cup of coffee? It's the best coffee I've ever had."

  The thought of drinking coffee made Charlotte's stomach roll. She pressed a hand to her belly and shook her head. "I'll pass, but thank you."

  "You and Tariq good?"

  "Better than good. I've fallen so hard so fast. Thanks for taking care of the children while we're sorting things out. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing that for me."

  "I wanted to. After all the things you've done for me, Charlie, this was easy." She sighed and put down the mug of coffee. "I can't stay here forever, but I have to admit I'm a little afraid to strike out on my own."

  Charlotte heard the tremble in Genevieve's voice. She leaned toward her. "Do you want to leave?"

  Genevieve shook her head. "Of course not. It isn't that, but I'm not about to be the fifth wheel here. This is your family and you need space to make it that way."

  Charlotte shook her head. "You are my family. I don't have anyone else, Genevieve. It's the two of us. We chose each other in Paris, long before your grandmother was murdered. Way before my brother was murdered and all of this happened to us. You're my family. Tariq knows that. He wants you to stay. You can have your own house and eventually, when the danger is gone, live life the way you want, but for now stay here; make one of the houses yours."

  Genevieve looked away from her, back toward the two little girls. Three-year-olds, both of whom had witnessed brutal, vile violence. They were whispering together, dunking the ducks and watching them pop back to the surface. Both would giggle when the little ducks bobbed and looked as if they were swimming.

  "I want to do that, Charlie, more than anything. I want to stay. I feel safe here. I'm not afraid for the first time in months. But I don't want to rain on your parade. You deserve to be happy and to form a family with Tariq . . ."

  "Stop, Vi. Seriously, just stop. Just because I found Tariq and I want to bring together these children doesn't mean I don't want you in my life in a huge way. I'll need help, a lot of help. I'm counting on you for that. I don't know the first thing about children. You already agreed to help me with Lourdes. The only thing that's changed is we have four more children, two of whom are teenagers."

  Genevieve snickered. "Is that all that's changed? Four more children? A little thing like that shouldn't stop us."

  Charlotte found herself laughing. Real laughter. She loved the fact that it was genuine, that she could laugh in spite of the circumstances. "Okay. Maybe it's big."

  "Try huge. But if you're certain Tariq won't think I'm just hanging around living off him, I'll stay and help you."

  "You have your own money, Vi," Charlotte reminded with a small smile.

  "I'll offer, but I can guarantee you, he won't take a cent. He's the throwback kind of man, you know, to another century. He'll want to pay."

  Genevieve was so right. Charlotte nodded. "Whatever it takes to keep you here with us, Vi. I don't care if he wants to foot the bill. We can help out when the crisis is past. In the meantime, it's my turn to take care of the kids. You go choose a house. Make a list of everything you need to make it a home. You love lists. Wander around. See the property. I'm going to try to visit Emeline later this evening. If you see us on her porch, come by casual-like and visit with her, too, okay?"

  Genevieve nodded. "I will. I'm looking forward to seeing her." She reached out a hand and pushed back Charlotte's hair to study the mark on her neck. "You're certain of what you're doing, Charlie? He doesn't have you under some spell, like in the movies? This is all unknown territory for us, and I have to confess, I'm really uneasy about it."

  "I've always had some kind of shield, Vi, you know that. I don't react to mind control. That was what saved us both in Paris when Fridrick tried to make us open the door and allow him in. I want to be with Tariq of my own free will," she assured.

  Genevieve nodded. "I like him. I do. It's just that, these men are very scary. They look so gorgeous that any woman might just fall hard, but underneath that beauty, seriously, Charlie, they're very dangerous, scary men. I'm not like you. I've always wanted to be, but I'm not the warrior woman." She lowered her eyes, twisting her fingers together in her lap. "I don't belong here."

  Charlotte leaned into her. "Yes, you do. You're strong, Vi. Not everyone has to be a fighter. You fight when you have to. You would defend any of these children, you know you would. You would defend me, and Tariq as well. You just aren't the best at defending yourself and that's okay. We were working on that, remember?"

  "It's weird, but I have this strong desire to go back to Paris, as if I've forgotten something there. Something important."

  "Don't you dare. I need you here with me. I'm so out of my depth." Charlotte watched her niece and Bella play with the ducks. They splashed water and laughed together and her heart stuttered in her chest. She wanted that for Lourdes, for all the children. She wanted it for herself and Genevieve. Their lives had been turned upside down, and Tariq was trying to right them. Give them something to hold on to. A family of sorts. She planned to hang on with both hands. "Don't leave, Vi. Stay and help me with these children."

  Genevieve nodded. "I'd like to say I'm staying because I know you need me, which you do. Or because these children need me, which they do. But I know I'm terrified to go off on my own. I'm not nearly as nice as I should be."

  Charlotte shook her head, her smile breaking through. "You're so silly. Of course you're staying because the children and I need you. I'm terrified as well. We'd be idiots if we weren't. So we'll stick together like we've always done from the first time we wrote as pen pals in the third grade. Go look at the houses and choose one."

  Genevieve flashed a wan smile. "Nothing like house hunting on someone else's property. He must have acres. Who knew?" She stood up, hugged Charlotte and went to the tub. "Auntie Vi is heading out to walk around and stretch her legs. You've had your dinner, and Auntie Charlie's here to play with you. Be good." She bent to brush a kiss on each wet head and then left the large bathroom, taking her coffee mug with her.

  Charlotte watched the two girls play for some time, hea
ting the water twice before she finally declared them both prunes and got them out to dry off and dress. She held both girls' hands as she took them out to the play yard. For the first time in a long while she felt ordinary, a regular person going about her routine. Bella on one side, Lourdes on the other, both girls chattering and laughing. She felt happy.

  The outdoor carousel was the center of the play yard, the horses and chariots a riot of color beneath the overhead roof. Each steed was jeweled and ornate, carved from wood. Charlotte recognized the work as being the same as the older pieces in the house. It was beautiful, everything about it, including the platform. She knew it was a working carousel and she couldn't wait to ride one of the horses and feel what was happening to Tariq when he was carving it.

  Floodlights lit the yard, casting shadows around the swings and slides. It was a child's dream, and there were new additions to it. Lourdes let out a squeal of excitement, dropped Charlotte's hand and rushed to the lead dragon sitting in the yard. There were five of them. The leader was larger and made of blue stone. Lourdes petted it and slipped her arm around one leg to hug the animal before using the tail to climb onto its back.

  Bella went right past the green and orange dragons, straight to the red one. She wrapped her arms around the red stone neck and hugged the dragon tight. Like Lourdes, she climbed up the tail to the neck so she could pretend to ride it.

  Charlotte watched as both girls leaned down to whisper secrets to the rock creatures, delighted with them.

  "Where'd they come from?" Amelia asked, coming up behind Charlotte. She walked silently, completely at ease in the dark and blinking a little when she came into the powerful light of the floods.

  "Lojos, Tomas and Mataias created them out of some stones. Aren't they beautiful?"

  Amelia nodded. She moved to the orange dragon and stroked its head. "This one whispers." She smiled, a smile of pure delight. "To me. It's whispering to me."


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