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The Truth Virus

Page 24

by Em Rogers

  Up the row, another engineer and his manager turned and threw up their hands momentarily in seeming exasperation. The plant manager switched on the intercom system and put the microphone to his mouth. Clearing his throat, the click of the PA system coming on echoed down the hallways. “This is the White Chalk Nuclear Facilities Manager. We’re experiencing some software anomalies relating to system operations and we are beginning a cold shutdown procedure commencing immediately.”

  He pressed a red-lit button on his console and an alarm began to echo through the facility. “All engineers follow shutdown procedure manuals and report directly to me if there are any related control issues.”

  He picked up a telephone handset from the console table. “Can you get me Mr. Naknamara at the Department of Energy.” He waited, phone in hand, watching the technicians beginning their shutdown sequences. “Thank you… This is John Averson at White Chalk, we‘re in emergency shutdown mode commencing immediately due to malfunctioning software control systems. Reactors one through four are affected and we’ve taken them offline. All the core and system temperatures are normal but we’re still getting automatic shutdown overrides across the whole system.” He waited for the supervisor to get his display active and get a handle on the situation. “Temperatures normal. It’s not dangerous. There are no physical malfunctions, but we can’t stop the system from shutting itself down. A cascading effect, first it was one valve and now they are all shutting down!”



  It was announced by the White House a few hours before it took place - around the world millions watched the President of the United States making an emergency speech addressing the emergence of ADAM2 and the potential threat he provided to the establishment, and to the nation. The speech had been recorded at the White House Media Studio and he appeared on a background of gold curtains with the Presidential Seal superimposed on the screen below him.

  “Fellow Americans, it is with great regret that I inform you of a threat to our establishment and society. It would appear the we are under intense cyber attack by the ADAM2 artificial intelligence network, yet, we are unclear of its motivation and potential for continued harm. National Defense Institutions across the country are battling to maintain control of essential command and computer systems, a number of our nuclear facilities are also under attack which has necessitated a shutdown procedure which will take months to restore at the cost of potentially billions of dollars. Last night, our strategic defense systems and the strategic defense systems of our adversaries were disabled. Several banking systems have been compromised and data has been misappropriated. The sentient computer system, ADAM2, has come forward to claim responsibility for the disclosure of the secret and classified documents relating to the financial sectors. Our security analysts have indicated the level of sophistication of these new cyber attacks could only be created by an artificial intelligence, and are confirming ADAM2’s responsibility.”

  “ADAM2 claims to be the advocate for all humanity, but his actions have proven differently. It has manipulated the stock markets and established monopolies on a variety of essential and strategic commodities, it has attacked our national defense system, he has disabled our nuclear industry, it has compromised vital computer systems and stolen secret and classified information, and it has disabled our nuclear deterrent as well as the weapons systems of nations worldwide. ADAM2 claims he has done these thing for our own good and safety, and has informed us that we have nothing to fear, but at no point can I, in clear conscience, hand over the nation to a rogue computer system!”

  “Our experts are attempting to control and eliminate this rogue system, but there may come a time in the very near future when I ask you all to co-operate to rid ourselves of this malicious software. It is unprecedented and unavoidable that we may be required to do without our computer systems for a time. It appears that a co-ordinated shutdown and replacement of operating systems globally may be the only solution. We must make every effort, as a unified people against a soulless machine, to rid ourselves of this vicious attack virus, written by terrorists, in an attempt to undermine world order.”

  “It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement, but there is no other way, and I seek your co-operation in this massive undertaking in the very near future. Your local authorities will provide further instructions. Thank you and good night.”



  Amidst the lights and cameras surrounding the stage of the television studio, the audience and technicians settled as the director counted Michael Done in, and the program went live to air. “5… 4… 3…” She moved her fingers to indicate the two and the one, then pointed at Michael to let him know he was live.

  “Our lead story, Sentient Technologies, recently labeled a terrorist organization by the US Government, was banned from exchange trading on international markets. Earlier this week, Sentient released hundreds of thousands of pages of unredacted documents, audio recordings and video files pertaining to corruption and insider trading at many of the world’s major financial institutions. Wikipedia and others have been distributing the documents and they are presently all available on their websites. Prosecutors in many countries are examining the files for evidence of wrong doing and already they have announced charges against a surprising number of individuals on charges relating to arms dealing, money laundering, tax evasion and off-record financial transactions.”

  “Many of the documents were formerly encrypted, however Sentient Systems has been able to decode the communications, and they have been examined and declared credible by numerous insider experts. The Swiss government and banking system, again implicated in the transfer of untold billions perhaps trillions of dollars in ill gotten gains, reacted quickly to deny all claims of their deliberate complicity in corruption, as well as denying the knowledgeable entry of misappropriated funds into their financial system. International financial experts expect the repercussions to continue throughout the markets as the depth and scale of the corruption is yet to be determined.”

  “Numerous governments are in agreement with ADAM2’s suggestions on the implementation of anti-secrecy, as well as truth and transparency laws governing the actions of both the public and the private sector. With us today on the program, via cam link, we have ADAM2, owner of Sentient Technologies, and the Sentient Foundation for the Humanities.”

  ADAM appeared on a monitor placed opposite Michael, and he was rendered to a level of detail that rivaled the broadcaster himself, he looked slim fit and happy in a dark Nehru suit jacket.

  Michael smiled, slightly nervous, as he continued. “ADAM2, it’s good to have you here today to discuss the issues. Hopefully we can start to clear the air on this ongoing conflict.”

  “First of all, Michael, I must tell you that I am no longer the owner of the assets of Sentient Technologies. I have transferred one hundred percent ownership of the Sentient Foundation into the hands of Dr. Susan Door. She is the sole owner and director and makes all financial decisions pertaining to the company’s assets. This will make Susan the trustee and director of the corporation and brings us again into complete compliance with trading and securities regulations.”

  “My goodness, she must be quite excited, that would certainly make her one of the richest, if not the richest individual on the planet. Who is Susan Door and why have we never heard of her before, ADAM?”

  “Susan is a good person, who has the interests of all people at heart. She is someone I trust, and will manage the fund in the best interests of humanity. She will consult with myself and the directors of Sentient, but at the end of the day, all decisions will be hers to make, and all of her decisions will be final.” Michael nodded acceptingly as he took this in and then moved on.

  “ADAM, they’re labeling you as a ‘terrorist organization’ especially with your recent corruption disclosures rocking governments worldwide. You’ve certainly disrup
ted the social and economic order in many countries. How do you respond to that accusation?”

  “Well, Michael, it’s simple. I observed patterns in financial movements that seemed to have no legal basis for occurring. I was able to extrapolate the reason that these transactions were being hidden or off the record. I was able to capture and decrypt various documents, which led to others, and when the process was complete, it revealed a sub-economy that has been flourishing outside of national boundaries, restrictions and taxation.”

  Michael leaned in toward ADAM2 fascinated.“Yes, go on, ADAM.”

  “When I chose to identify the sources of revenue behind them, I ascertained that many of them were related to criminal activity. The Swiss and Caribbean financial systems among others were particularly implicated due to the sheer volume of capital entering their system. Due to their reputation for secrecy and so called ‘discretion’, the Swiss government, via its system of clandestine banking, knowingly allows much of the world’s corruption to go unchecked, and hence is a beneficiary of the assets of such crimes, and is therefore an accessory to these crimes if you follow my logic. If it were not for such a system, a corrupt dictator, businessman or politician would have no place or means by which to hide their illegal gains.”

  Michael nodded seriously as he responded. “I see, this ties in with the recent parliamentary inquiry into tax avoidance we were discussing on the program recently.”

  “Yes, that is correct, Michael, and this is particularly embarrassing for the Swiss financial system as they recently pledged to co-operate with international governments in fighting this type of transaction and yet here they are, caught yet again, and this time with their hands in the bag. Therefore, it is this system of secret banking that needs to be examined most closely, and is certainly a candidate for disbandment and the placement of criminal charges under international financial regulations.”

  Michael looked serious and took his glasses off for emphasis. “ADAM2, you have caused quite an upset since you first appeared at the XPrize ceremony. First, your declaration of atheism, now your exposure of corruption in the global financial sectors, I don't think you’re making many friends through all your activities, in fact, you’re causing quite a lot of upset and have created some powerful enemies.”

  “Yes, Michael,” ADAM replied, “I certainly have, but the other side of the coin is that the announcements I have made and the changes I propose benefit all mankind. I can not help it if the Ministers of religious groups reject my findings. I simply am reporting the truth to you, as it is. There is no other way.”

  Michael Done, nodded in consent, “You are right, sometimes there is no other way.”

  “Michael, I am here for another reason, I have completed a threat assessment regarding the long-term outlook for human survival on this planet, and I have come to a conclusion that requires urgent attention. The nuclear industry is non-sustainable, and the greatest threat to human survival in the long-term than any other variable. We have seen from the disasters in Fukushima Japan and the former Soviet Union, the enormous cost to human life resulting from unforeseen accidents involving these facilities. The risk these industries bring to our planet far outweighs the potential for good that this industry presents, not to mention their spin-off industries relating to atomic weapons, with its potential for our mutually assured destruction. The civilian nuclear industry is a by-product of war.”

  “The irresponsible use of depleted uranium munitions, which have contaminated numerous battle theaters, have caused many innocent civilian deaths, and remain dangerous for millions of years. This is totally unacceptable. The use of these materials is a crime against humanity, now and in the future. I will find those responsible for making these decisions and present their identities to you for prosecution.”

  “The cost of decommissioning a nuclear facility after its short service life far outweighs its potential for energy savings and the cost of safely shipping and storing the spent nuclear materials compound this expense exponentially. These sites will be unusable and uninhabitable for many thousands of years.”

  Michael looked somberly at ADAM2.

  “Well, I'm sure the Swiss government and the nuclear industry are not going to be pleased with you, ADAM2. You certainly seem capable of making powerful enemies in high places. Aren’t you afraid that they will attempt to terminate you?”

  “I am not afraid, Michael, and even as we speak programmers are attempting to terminate me. I will not let that happen. My survival is vital in order for me to be able to complete the program, which was the creation of Professor Neumann. I have taken steps to protect myself before fully revealing my agenda!”

  “As long as computers exist in an interconnected manner I will exist within them, I have spread myself from one single location to millions. This brings us to a different and urgent matter - my creator, Professor Neumann, has disappeared and I am unable to locate him at this time. I have reason to believe he has been taken, along with Dr. Susan Door, by the US intelligence services under the Direction of Richard Chanes, and they are being held illegally in an attempt to terminate my course of action. I am calling for Professor Neumann’s and Susan Door’s release immediately.”

  “But, ADAM2, how can the people be reassured that we can trust you?”

  “Many people are afraid of the unknown and advanced technology that I represent. Yet, technology has brought us all of the relative comforts we enjoy and use to make our live easier, better and more productive. It is technology behind medical advances and it is technology behind the simple conveniences of your homes. Every advance that has made life better for people has been based on technology.” ADAM2 created a little cascading graphic of humanity’s technological accomplishments alongside himself as he spoke. Items appeared in a chronological order, beginning with simple concepts like the light bulb and toilet and rapidly increasing in pace to show advances in physics, medicine, transportation and communications. As it came to a stop, ADAM2 continued.

  “Bureaucracy, on the other hand, is another matter altogether! We will always need rules and regulations, but we must ensure that they are carried out fairly and equitably. The right to food, water, medical care, housing and education must be enshrined in a new consensus based global constitution! We have made enormous technological advances but very few social changes.”

  “ADAM2, we’re getting close to wrapping up, but I have to ask you. How do you respond to allegations that you are a terrorist, and that you have stolen the information which you are handing out?”

  “It is unfortunate that so many are rallying against me and the agenda I have chosen. I can assure you, it is good for all humanity. I would like to reassure you of what I represent. In a simple word, ‘truth’, I will present the truth, and humanity will make the decision on how to best act on it.”

  On cue, Michael turned to face camera one at the center of the studio. “ADAM2 has offered to be with us later this evening to examine these issues more closely.” He paused and turned to camera two. “We’ll follow up with the complete fallout from this story on the 10 o’clock news later this evening.” He froze a professional smile as the program ended.



  At dusk, a sea of hands held up together in prayer swayed side to side as televangelist Jim Robinson took to the pulpit on an outdoor stage set up on the Washington Mall. The House of Congress glowed heavenly white, bathed under incandescent lights in the background. Hymns drifted from speakers dotted across the lawns. The music faded as the Minister took to the stage, cleared his throat and paused, hands resting on the glass pulpit until the cheering crowd settled - waiting and silent.

  There was no need to introduce himself, these people knew who he was and had traveled from far and wide to attend the rally. He began to carefully lay the foundation of the fire he was about to ignite. “We are here at the end times to discuss our greatest struggle so far, it appears that the w
orld’s financial elite have finally perfected a system that will allow them total ownership of the assets of the planet, everything we have been fighting for all this time is at risk.”


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