MM_Wild Shores
Page 8
Blake chuckled softly and whispered against Dylan’s neck. “Oh how I’ve missed the sounds you make.” His hands trailed down Dylan’s back, groping his ass. He spread Dylan’s cheeks, and he leaned forward into Blake, sticking his ass out a little in anticipation. His hands went up to wrap around Blake’s shoulders and neck, burying his fingers in the man’s hair. Blake lifted his head, smirking as he teased Dylan’s entrance. Dylan was already whining. It had been so long, and he wanted it.
He had forgotten how much he wanted it. Dylan had gone years without any sexual contact, and he hadn’t missed it. Then he had spent a month with Blake, and he had awakened a sexual desire in him that he had long thought dormant. When Blake wasn’t around, it was easy to forget. It was easy to fall back into the life he had led for years. But when Blake was around, Dylan was reminded of how much he wanted it. He wanted Blake to touch him, to enter him, to pleasure him until he lost touch with the world. In every sexual partner he’d had since Ben, he had been able to keep himself removed. To see it only as a way to blow off steam. And somehow, that had made it different. It wasn’t addicting. It was a way to pass the time. So it was easy to give up. Blake, however, sparked a sexual desire in him stronger than anything he had ever felt. Since Ben, at least. It was overwhelming and terrifying, but Dylan wanted to throw himself into it and give in.
Dylan waited, but Blake continued to tease his entrance. He began to squirm in anticipation, trying to push back against him. Blake chuckling. Putting his lips to Dylan’s, he whispered, “I want you to beg for it.”
A small, high-pitched whine sounded in Dylan’s throat without his consent. “Do it, or I’m leaving.” He tried to threaten, but his voice was breathless.
Blake tilted his head. “No, you won’t. You want it as badly as I do. Beg me, Dylan. Beg for me to be inside you.” His voice was just as breathless, but there was a different quality to it. It was low and raspy and a near growl. The nails of one hand dug into Dylan’s ass, while the other pressed lightly to his entrance.
Dylan was nearly shaking, and he knew it had nothing to do with the chill in the water. He pushed his lips against Blake’s, kissing him soundly, but still his fingers didn’t move. Dylan kissed him more incessantly, nibbling and tugging on his bottom lip. “Blake, please.” He finally whispered when it became clear that the man wouldn’t move.
“Please, what?” He asked with deceptive calm and patience. Dylan could feel his dick, thick and hard, pressed against him. He knew Blake was just as eager as he was, and he hated the self-control the man had.
Dylan growled, fingers curling into his hair and tugging so that he held Blake’s head firmly. Blake was smiling at him with pure amusement. “Put your fingers inside me, you cocky son of a bitch.” He wanted to sound demanding and irritated. And while he might have sounded a little demanding, his voice was still breathless, and it came out as an annoyed but desperate plea. Before Blake could say much more, Dylan kissed him soundly.
His fingers pushed inside him, starting with two and quickly working in a third. Dylan broke their kiss as his back arched and he threw his head back, gasping and moaning. Blake leaned forward, sinking his teeth into the sensitive flesh of his neck. Dylan’s hands wrapped around his head, desperately clinging to him as his fingers stretched and prepared him without pause or mercy. He wasted no time. Blake might have seemed like an image of controlled patience, but Dylan could tell now that he wasn’t. He was just as desperate for Dylan as Dylan was for him.
Blake made short work of him, and Dylan squirmed and cried out and moaned as he worked. But when he pulled his fingers out, obviously intent on turning him around and taking him for real, Dylan stopped him by stepping back. He surprised himself by how much self-control he had not to just let Blake do what he wanted, but Dylan was determined to get back some semblance of control. He put his hands on Blake’s hips and started walking him backward. Blake seemed a little surprised by this, but he went with it without protest or resistance. In the back of his mind, Dylan was amazed and pleased with the trust and willingness Blake had to give over his control. Despite his own desires, he was more than willing to let Dylan do what he wanted, and Dylan appreciated that.
He walked the alpha backward and up the river bank. Once they were out of the water, Dylan gave him a short kiss before pushing him down slightly. Blake took the hint and laid down easily, dragging Dylan down with him while trying to maintain lip contact. Once on top of him, Dylan sat up, straddling the alpha’s hips with his hands on his chest. Blake looked up at him, a look of pleased desire and pure admiration on his face as he gazed up at Dylan. His hands were on Dylan’s hips, stroking down his thighs.
Dylan leaned down, positioning himself so that the tip of Blake’s erection was pressed to his entrance. Then he stopped and nibbled on Blake’s bottom lip. “Beg for it.” He whispered.
“Dylan …”
“Beg for the right to fuck me.” He repeated, his voice breathless and thick with his own need. Still, he didn’t move.
Blake’s hips rocked upward, and Dylan rocked with them, keeping himself just out of reach. Blake frowned in frustration. “Dylan …” He whined, sounding and looking incredibly pitiful. “Dylan, please …”
“Please, what?”
His face scrunched up as he frowned. He tried again, more forcefully, to thrust his hips up into Dylan. But Dylan held him down. He was strong enough to. Blake grunted in frustration. It was obvious that he wasn’t used to being on this end of things. He was used to making the demands, not begging himself. Dylan smiled. He had no control over most of his life right now. He had no control over his emotions, and there was a good chance that his body had betrayed him and gotten pregnant. But here and now, none of that mattered. All that mattered was him and Blake and their mutual need. And here, Dylan could have control. Blake had given it to him, no matter how he squirmed and resisted. Here he had control, and here he would fuck Blake at his own pace. Yes, he was an omega, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t dominate an alpha and take what he wanted.
“Dylan …” Blake whined, fingers helplessly groping his thighs.
“Beg for it,” Dylan repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. He sat up and put one hand on Blake’s chest to balance himself. Dylan went up on his knees, arching his back as he reached behind him. He took hold of Blake’s dick. It was thick and throbbing in his hand. He positioned it at his entrance, putting pressure on it but not quite enough to penetrate. Dylan looked down at him. Blake’s face was strained. He had never seen him so sexual frustrated before, so at a complete lack of control, and he liked it. “Beg for it.” He breathed. A shiver ran down his spine. His body was shaking at the feeling of Blake being so close to penetrating him. “Beg for me. Beg for me to fuck you.”
“Jesus fucking Christ …” Blake muttered, licking his lips. “Fuck me, Dylan, just fucking fuck me already.” He had tried to sound demanding and serious, but it was his turn to sound whiny and desperate.
Dylan smirked and lowered himself onto Blake. They both gasped as he entered, then settled down into low groans as he pushed all the way in. With both hands on Blake’s chest, Dylan rode him, lifting himself on his knees and impaling himself again and again. When he started to tire, Blake took over. Gripping Dylan’s hips, he held him still while he trusted up into him again and again and again, hard and rough and without mercy. Blake clenched his teeth together, grunting and groaning low in his throat. Dylan, on the other hand, was loud. He had always been loud, and he knew it. The problem was that it wasn’t often he was in a place or situation where he could be loud and uninhibited. But here, in the middle of the woods, he could.
Encouraged by the fact that Blake had said, on numerous occasions, that he liked the sounds Dylan made, he didn’t hold back. He threw his head back, arched his back, and moaned. He panted and screamed whenever Blake hit a good spot. He called out Blake’s name, begging him to go faster, to fuck him harder. This seemed to be just the encouragement Blake needed, for he dug
his nails into Dylan’s flesh and sped up. His thrusts became wildly erratic as he clenched his teeth and furrowed his brows. Dylan made a breathy shout that he was going to come. When Dylan called out Blake’s name in one last breathy moan of need, Blake thrust into him deep and came. Dylan wasn’t far behind. Their hips rocked together through their climax and the aftershocks, Dylan riding Blake slowly as they came. His head was tilted back, and his eyes were closed.
Then, when it was over, he collapsed forward onto Blake’s chest, breathing heavily. Blake automatically wrapped his arms around him, and they laid in the sun by the stream while their breathing and heart rates slowly returned to normal.
When both of them had calmed, Blake gently lifted Dylan off of him and pulled out. He sat up and stood, taking Dylan’s hand and tugging him back toward the stream. They waded into the water once again and cleaned themselves off, exchanging soft and teasing kisses. Then they climbed back onto shore and laid in the grass in the sun to dry off. They curled together, sharing body warmth. The air was chilled, but getting warmer as the sun rose. A human might be cold without clothes on, but the werewolves felt fine with their elevated body temperature. Still, they enjoyed the nearness of each other, and they relaxed enough to doze.
Dylan woke first. Or rather, he never truly fell asleep. Once he felt rested enough, he laid awake, curled against Blake’s side. It had been a long time since he had laid next to him, and he had forgotten how calming and pleasant it could be. He idly trailed patterns on his chest and through his light chest hair with his fingers. Blake was a very caring and considerate lover. Dylan had no doubt that he could be a good boyfriend and mate. But could he be a good father?
Dylan didn’t even think he, himself, could be a good father. Together, they would both probably be lost. Both of them had high stakes jobs that required hours and hours away from anything that might be considered a home. Plus Dylan liked how his life was. He loved living with his team in their barracks and going on missions and training and feeling like he was making a difference. And he was willing to bet that Blake liked his life too. The missions, the spy work, the undercover operations, the hacking. Neither of them would be willing to give it up to live in a home with a child.
Still, he was willing to bet Blake would be the type of man who would give it all up to stay with their child and raise it. Some things he could do from home, no doubt. The hacking. Digital spying. But Dylan knew that Blake liked the in person undercover operations. He loved finding ways to hack enemy systems while being there. He enjoyed the danger and thrill of it. Dylan couldn’t blame him. He loved that part of his job, too. And he had gotten a taste of Blake’s while they had been at the Shadow Pack together.
But even if Blake would be willing to give it up to settle down, Dylan couldn’t let him do so. Not in good conscious. Not when he knew how much Blake enjoyed what he did. He couldn’t let Blake make that decision. Not when he would probably come to regret it years down the road. Then he would grow to resent Dylan for making him make that decision. No, the more he thought about it, the surer he was that he couldn’t tell Blake. At least not until he knew for sure and not until he knew if he even wanted to keep it.
“You know, you always get this little wrinkle in your nose when you’re worried about something,” Blake cooed.
Dylan looked up, startled. Blake was awake, one hand propped behind his head as he looked down at Dylan. He wasn’t sure how long he had been awake or for how long he had been watching him. Dylan frowned, resting his head back on Blake’s shoulder and looking down across his chest. “I do not …” He mumbled.
“You do so. Trust me. I spend a lot more time looking at your face than you do.” The arm that was around Dylan tightened a fraction before relaxing. “So what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” He said, but he didn’t sound convincing to his own ears. He knew Blake would catch the lie. He always did.
“It’s the wedding, isn’t it …?” He asked softly and knowingly. Dylan tensed for a second. He … hadn’t been expecting that. He had been so wrapped up in his own pregnancy scare worries, so completely consumed with the idea that he might be a father that he had assumed Blake would know exactly what he was thinking. It hadn’t occurred to him that Blake would have no reason to assume Dylan might be pregnant and that other completely logical things might be bothering him. He forced himself to relax, but not before Blake noticed. He sighed. “I thought as much. Are you still bothered by what Ben said?”
That wasn’t too hard of a question to answer and still be honest. It did still bother him if he thought about it, even though it wasn’t what he had been thinking about just a moment before. “A little.”
Blake squeezed him again. “Don’t let him get to you. He was surprised and didn’t know how to feel about it, so he lashed out at us. It’s what he does. He wanted to hurt us because he felt hurt.”
“He had no right to feel hurt,” Dylan said flatly. “He’s the one getting married to my cousin. They’ve been together a lot longer than we have. And he knew Alex was my cousin before they started dating.”
“I know. He was being an ass.”
“And you were antagonizing him.”
“What? Me? Never.” He didn’t even try to sound innocent.
Dylan rolled onto his stomach, throwing one leg casually over Blake’s as he half laid on his chest. He folded an arm across Blake’s chest and rested his chin on it so he could look at the other man’s face. He gave him a flat, unamused look. “You went all alpha dog on him and rubbed your claim on me in his face.”
Blake tried to look serious, but he couldn’t quite pull it off. The corners of his lips were quirked upward. “Can you blame me? Right from the start he was asserting his claim on you. One he has no right to. I care deeply for my older brother and felt he needed to be corrected.”
“Bullshit, you wanted to rub his nose in the fact that you’re with his ex-boyfriend.”
His grin slowly spread across his lips. “And if I did? I defended you and your honor as well.”
“You did, and I appreciate it.” He reached out with his free hand and flicked his nose. “But you made him angrier and thus made it worse.”
Blake rolled his eyes. “He was mad anyway. He wouldn’t have listened to reason even if I had tried. He was trying to intimidate me as a fellow alpha, trying to make me be the submissive alpha like he did when we were kids.”
“I know he was.” The corner of his lips twitched. “It was an amusing attempt, wasn’t it?”
Blake laughed. “It was pitiful at best! Did you even feel his alpha aura?”
Dylan tilted his head to the side, smirking. “I think I felt a tickle on the back of my neck. But that might have been the wind.”
Blake’s grin turned devious. His hands roamed up and down Dylan’s back, ass and thighs. He stared at him with half lidded eyes, dark with desire. “Do you feel my alpha aura?” He asked, voice low and dangerous.
Dylan felt a shiver run from the crown of his head, down his spine, to the bottom of his feet. But he gave no signs of it. “I think you know the answer to that.”
“Tell me.” He insisted, and Dylan could feel the way he intensified his aura. He was laying it on thick, but the pressure behind it wasn’t anger, and it wasn’t the determination of one alpha trying to get another to submit to him. The force behind it felt warmer and deeper, making heat rise in Dylan’s bare flesh and a pool of warmth gather in his chest.
“I can feel it, yes. But I’ve been trained how to resist alpha auras. Every shifter omega in the Navy SEALs is required to.”
Blake sighed, letting his head drop. Dylan felt the pressure of his aura subside. “That’s cheating, but I suppose it makes sense. Wouldn’t want their soldiers getting forced into submission by the enemy during a mission.”
“Exactly.” What Dylan didn’t tell him was that it was strange that he had felt Blake’s aura that strongly at all. He could always feel an alpha’s aura, but it never affected him more than
simply noticing. The fact that Blake’s had gotten a rise out of Dylan at all was significant, and it scared him a little. He wasn’t sure what that meant.
“Is it stronger than Ben’s?”
“Good enough.” He said, nodding. He put a hand behind his head again, looking up at the sky as his other hand idly trailed up and down a section of Dylan’s spine. “It probably didn’t help that we could both so easily resist him, seeing as he used to intimidate us both. It probably added to his surprise and made him lash out more.”
Dylan frowned again, his nose scrunching up in anger. “I don’t care what his reasoning, no matter how logical. He had no right to accuse me of being with you purely to spite him. How can he think I’m that petty?”
“Because he wants you to be. He wants to believe he’s the reason you’d do anything.”
“I didn’t even recognize you or know who you were for a month!”
He smirked. “I know. It was endearing and probably for the best.”
Dylan glared at him. “Why?”
“If you had known who I was, you would have treated me differently. No, don’t even try to deny it. You would have. But because you didn’t, you got to know me as who I am now. Not as the child, I used to be. Basically, I got the chance to make you fall for me as a man without any of our history interfering.”
Dylan snorted, looking off to the side. “You forced me into a situation where I had to pretend to be your mate. I had no choice but to get to know you.”
“True, but you didn’t have to fall for me. You did that on your own.” Blake sounded so proud of himself and cocky.
Dylan grunted feeling a wave of guilt for not knowing how he felt. His body had certainly fallen for Blake. Yes, he had a choice. He could have continued to pretend without giving in to temptation. But he had decided to embrace Blake and had been saddled with messy emotional consequences. He decided to change the subject. “Did you tell him that us being together had nothing to do with him? That I didn’t even know it was you?”