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Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  special. You had no formal training and you still ran into that building and pulled people out.” Logan pulled Chance’s face up to his gently with his finger. “You are very special to me, Chance, don’t ever forget that.”

  Chance swallowed hard, nodding. “Okay.”

  ~~ The next two weeks, Chance was in heaven. Logan stayed with him all the time. He never went hunting with the rest of the guys, he stayed with him. They’d meditate and work out during the day and watch movies at night. They hadn’t kissed again, but Chance was enjoying just being close to Logan.

  Nikolai had been gone for two days with the rest of the men, then came back. They’d been hunting the rogues along the New Mexico border and caught one running from the scene. Chance didn’t ask what information they’d pulled from him; he didn’t want to know.

  Nikolai had changed a bit since they’d come back. He

  seemed a little apprehensive about Chance being out in the open now. It was weird. Logan was stretching this morning when Chance joined him down by the lake.

  “Hey, I woke up and you were gone.”

  Logan cracked his neck. “I was up at five.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  Logan longed to tell Chance what was up, but he couldn’t. He knew Chance would have

  thousands of questions about Pierce being alive. The fact that the rogue they’d caught had told them Pierce was just biding his time made Logan nervous.

  “Yes, of course,” Logan smiled. “How about a day trip sometime this week? I know you’re tired of being cooped up.”

  “I don’t feel that way; I love spending time with you, Logan.”

  God, he hated lying to

  Chance. Logan sighed and pulled himself together. “How about the mall? I know you miss Hot Topic.”

  Chance laughed. “That’s you.”

  Logan’s eyes widened. “I am a Spencer’s man.”

  “Pfft, you like all their sex toys.”

  “Not true, I love the posters.”

  Chance laughed, bending over trying to catch his breath. When he stood, Logan was right in his face. Chance’s skin rippled, his lupine side trying to break free.

  Logan noticed the muscles beneath Chance’s skin twitching. “Maybe a run first? When was the last time you shifted?”

  Chance thought about it. “Wow, almost a month ago?”

  “Well, come on then,” Logan removed his shirt and started on his pants. He looked over at Chance to see that the man hadn’t moved an inch. “What’s wrong?”

  “I…” Chance looked away and blushed. “I don’t want you to watch me.”

  “Why not? Are you ashamed of your body?”

  “It’s not like yours,” Chance looked at his arms and torso. “Could you just…turn away while I shift?”

  Logan walked over to

  Chance and turned him around to face him. “I love the way you look, but if it makes you self-conscious, I’ll look away.”

  Chance smiled and ran his hand over Logan’s bicep. “I wish I looked like you.”

  “I love the way you look,” Logan leaned in closer. “You are sexy just the way you are.”

  Chance’s breath left him as Logan’s eyes bored into his. He swallowed hard. “Okay, so?” Chance squeaked.

  Logan grinned seductively. “I’ll turn around, but I’ll be

  imagining you naked anyway.”

  Chance flushed a bright red.

  Logan laughed and turned around.

  Chance put his clothes on a nearby rock and made sure Logan wasn’t peeking. The change came quick and he padded over to

  Logan, rubbing up against his thigh.

  Logan crouched down a bit, rubbing Chance’s head. “You are beautiful in either form.”

  They ran through Denali for hours, splashing around in the lake and playing with the grey wolves of Denali. Chance was on his back, with one of the pups on his

  stomach. The little guy was

  growling and tugging on his tail and ears before pouncing on him again. Logan was nipping at the other little ones, running away from them, then coming back to chase them. All in all it had been a

  wonderful morning. Chance

  padded back towards the cabin and was tackled from behind. He rolled on his back and Logan lay on top of him, nuzzling his nose.

  “You weigh a ton.”

  “Shut up,” Logan huffed. “You done? Ready to go?”



  Chance pulled his sweats on looking at the time, it was midafternoon and his stomach was growling for lunch. He dried his hair and exited the bedroom as Logan exited the bathroom, fresh from the shower. Chance stopped and admired Logan’s strong, muscular body. Water sluiced down his chest, gathering at the top of the towel. Chance licked his lips thinking about what was under that towel. Logan turned and caught Chance looking at him. He ran his fingers under the towel at his waist. Chance looked up into very lustful eyes.

  “Maybe we could try again?” Logan walked toward Chance slowly. “You can take the lead.”

  Chance nodded his head, watching Logan’s strong muscles ripple as he walked.

  “You can lose the sweats,” Logan whispered as he leaned in close, nuzzling Chance’s neck. “You smell good,” Logan growled playfully along Chance’s neck.

  Chance shivered, running his hands up Logan’s biceps. “I want you to kiss me again,” Chance raised his eyes to Logan’s. “I like the way you kiss.”

  Logan cupped Chance’s face in his hands and leaned forward, rubbing his lips softly across Chance’s. “You have such soft lips,” Logan whispered across Chance’s lips. “We can take it as slow as you want, okay?”

  “Okay,” Chance’s fingers went to Logan’s towel. He kept his eyes on Logan’s as he removed the towel, letting it fall to the floor. His hands splayed out across Logan’s chest, Chance pushed him back towards the pull-out couch. Logan’s legs hit the side and he sat down, Chance stood in front of him.

  Logan itched to touch that skin, feel the softness of it under his fingers. He pulled the

  waistband and slid the sweats down Chance’s thighs. Chance stepped out of them and closed his eyes as Logan’s hands began to explore his flesh. Touching a man touching Chance - felt right. It wasn’t strange at all, and Logan leaned in, licking around Chance’s navel, flicking his tongue around sensitive skin.

  Fingers tunneled into his hair as Logan tasted the beautiful man in front of him. Chance pushed him to his back on the couch and crawled up his body. Logan’s prick stood up and took notice. Their flesh met in an erotic dance and Logan let a groan slide from his throat. Chance moved against him, sending

  delicious tingles to his balls. He’d never felt a sensation quite like it.

  Warmth spread throughout his body as Chance moved on top of him, their dicks slick with precum rubbing against each other. Their breaths were labored; all they could do was stare at each other as their bodies moved. Chance leaned down, their eyes met and then closed as Chance’s mouth covered his in a carnal kiss. Logan’s hips bucked, begging for more. He wanted Chance inside him. Holy shit- where had that thought come from? Chance moaned in his mouth and Logan lifted his hips, maneuvering

  Chance between his legs. Chance’s erection pressed against his balls and Logan gripped Chance’s hair, delving into his mouth.

  “I want you,” Logan spread his legs out further.

  Chance raised his head, panting. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I am.” Logan licked his hand and gripped Chance’s turgid prick in his hand, spreading his saliva.

  “We should find lube—”

  “No time, need you now,” Logan breathed, positioning


  “Wait, wait, wait,” Chance pulled away panting.

  “What?” Logan sat up.

  “This is your first time, right?” Logan nodded and Chance slid off the couch and rummaged through his backpack. “You should have sex with lube. I know we can’t transfer anythi
ng to each other, but lube is a must.” Settling back on the bed, Chance lubed his dick generously and applied a liberal amount to Logan’s ready and waiting hole.

  “Just…please, Chance…”

  Chance closed his eyes and pushed in. Logan’s gasp had his eyes flying open. Logan’s eyes had gone wide, and his fingers were clutching Chance’s biceps in a death grip. “Tell me…”

  Logan moved, pushing down on Chance’s erection. A feeling of fullness spread to his chest, and heat flared up his ass. Grabbing Chance tighter, he pulled him to his lips.

  “Make love to me,” Logan moaned into Chance’s mouth.

  He’d never seen Chance like this; he looked so different making love. His hair hung in his eyes, wetness ran down his cheeks as he sweated, his hips worked into Logan’s ass. The biceps flexed and Logan held on as the fullness became pleasure, crashing into him over and over again. He’d never thought having sex with a man could feel so damned good. His prostate was constantly massaged once Chance had found his spot and the kid nailed it over and over. His orgasm rose up so fast he wasn’t prepared for it. Chance hit him hard, bottoming out, his eyes went wide and Chance wailed as his orgasm overcame him. Logan let loose, his orgasm racing from him. Chance collapsed on him, biting down on his shoulder. Logan’s body jerked on the couch as Chance’s bite traveled through his body, sending sparks behind his eyes.

  They stayed quietly on the couch, both panting as their bodies came down from the aftershocks. Logan ran his hands up and down the soft skin of Chance’s back. Chance kissed his shoulder softly, licking where he’d bitten him.

  Logan sighed, sated. Being with Chance felt natural, like it had been meant to be. How he wished Chance was his mate. The thought of being given someone else was disturbing now. After being with Chance, he couldn’t see himself with anyone else.

  “What’s wrong?” Chance lifted his head, peering into

  Logan’s eyes. “Do…do you regret this?”

  “God no,” Logan wrapped Chance up in his arms. “I’m a little scared, though.”


  “Because we’re not mated, Chance. I’m afraid when mine finally comes along, that I’m going to have to tell him or her that I’ve already found the one for me.”

  Chance’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Do you feel the same way?”

  Chance nodded. “Yes, I want you and only you.” Chance slid out slowly and rolled to Logan’s side. “I should have prepared you better, your first time should have been better.”

  “It’s all right, Chance. Pain is fleeting, and besides,” Logan grinned, “it was better than I could have imagined.”

  “So, you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Logan pulled Chance to his lips. “We are going to have to take another shower. How about this time, we go in together?”

  Chance grinned, sliding his tongue along Logan’s bottom lip. “I’m all for that.”


  Water sluiced down Logan’s chest and abs making a direct line to the man’s beautiful dick. He’d never seen Logan’s dick up close. He was magnificent. Chance had never seen a more perfect man. The sex had been perfect. Logan’s body had been made only for him it seemed. Chance closed his eyes, remembering the incredible feel of Logan around him, milking his dick deliciously.

  Fingers massaged shampoo into his hair, and Chance tilted his head back, enjoying the feel of Logan’s body pressed to his. He’d never felt this way with Pierce. Chance stopped his thoughts right there. He did not want to think of Pierce right now. There was no comparison. Logan was completely different.

  “Close your eyes so I can rinse.”

  Chance leaned his head back, water slid down his face and neck. Logan’s fingers wiped any

  remaining soap from his face and Chance opened his eyes. Logan stood admiring him.

  “What?” Chance asked, feeling a bit self-conscious.

  “I love your skin,” Logan whispered, leaning in. “Your lips are so soft, I could kiss you all day and night.”

  “I could go for that,” Chance breathed, as Logan’s lips closed over his. Chance stepped back and leaned against the wall as Logan’s arms enveloped him. The water was turning cold, but Chance felt nothing but the heat coming from Logan. He wanted Logan to bite him, mark him as his own.


  “Mmm,” Logan nipped at Chance’s bottom lip.

  “When do you think you’ll make love to me?”

  Logan stepped back and gazed into Chance’s eyes. “When you’re ready.” And when I know you’re over Pierce.

  Logan sighed; if only he could know for sure. God knew he wanted Chance as his, but being someone’s second choice didn’t sit right with him. He wanted Chance to fall in love with him and only him. Chance’s hands glided up his back and Logan pulled Chance to him again, just holding him as the shower’s cold water cooled them. He hoped one day Chance would love him. His eyes became heavy as he stood with Chance in his arms. Logan turned the water off and opened the shower door. Grabbing two towels, he

  proceeded to dry Chance off. Mussing the younger man’s hair, he pulled the towel up and noticed Chance’s grin.


  “I made love to you,”

  “Yes, you did.” Logan dried Chance’s stomach off. “It was perfect.”

  “I know you said, well, about the mate thing…”

  “It’s okay that you bit me, Chance. I want us to be bonded. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want. Okay?”


  Logan smiled, taking

  Chance’s hand. “Let’s go watch a movie.”

  Chance groaned.


  Logan got permission from Wayne to take Chance to the mall in Anchorage. Riley accompanied them along with Wyatt, Nikolai, Sebastian and Preston. Why he needed an entourage, he had no idea. They’d been at the mall for almost an hour and Chance had ended up buying some new CDs along with a few movies. He wandered through the clothing aisle. He really needed new jeans. He sifted through a clearance rack and selected two pair before making his way to the back of the store. The fitting rooms were off to the right and Chance grabbed a shirt off a nearby rack before heading towards the room.

  His arm was yanked and then he was inside a fitting room with another man. Chance’s mouth dropped open. A hand came over his mouth immediately.

  “Don’t scream, understand?” Chance nodded, his heart pounding. The man he thought was dead was standing right in front of him. Pierce was alive.

  “I want you to listen, okay? Don’t tell anyone you saw me, Chance. Your so-called friends think I’m a rogue. Look at me,” Pierce removed his sunglasses. “Do I look like a rogue to you?”

  Chance looked into the blue eyes he remembered so well. He shook his head no.

  “Promise me you’ll keep quiet,”

  Chance nodded again.

  Pierce removed his hand slowly. “God, I missed you so much.” Pierce whispered. “I tried to find you for so long. I thought you’d died.”

  “I thought you were dead,” Chance whispered back. “What happened?”

  “I got away, I went to look for you but you were gone. I heard you’d died.” Pierce palmed Chance’s face. “I missed you so much, Chance. Look, the people you are with, they think I’m a rogue. They are trying to kill me. I can’t stay long, but I want you to meet me somewhere, can you do that?”

  “They watch me all the time, I don’t know if I can get away.” Chance reached out a tentative hand; Pierce took it and placed Chance’s hand on his cheek.

  “It’s really me.”

  Chance wiped at his eyes with his free hand. “I can’t believe you’re real.”

  “If your friends get their way I won’t be.”

  “Let me explain it to them—”

  “No,” Pierce shook his head. “They won’t believe you, and they’ll kill me.” Pierce took

  Chance in his arms and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I love you,
Chance. I waited so long to be with you.” Pierce backed away and pulled out a phone from his pocket. “This is a burner phone, it can’t be traced. I’ll expect a call from you.”

  Pierce cracked the fitting room door open and looked out towards the store. Dammit, Nikolai Markov was patrolling the

  entrance. He turned back to look at Chance. “Remember; don’t let them know you saw me. I’ll be dead before I can explain.”

  “Wait,” Chance took Pierce’s hand. “I missed you so much,” Chance leaned in and pressed his lips to Pierce’s softly. “You are real,” he whispered against

  Pierce’s lips.

  “Yes, I am, but I have to go. Call me next week; I’ll have formed some kind of plan to get you. You want that, right?”

  Chance nodded. “Yes, I do.”

  “Good,” Pierce smiled. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Chance waited a few minutes after Pierce left to contain himself. He exited the fitting room and looked around the store. Nikolai was leaning against the store’s window, watching the people in the mall. Logan was stationed in guard stance in the entrance.

  Chance looked around and saw the back door to the store was slightly propped open. Pierce was alive. Chance stopped walking and looked at Logan’s back. Logan. Oh God, he had feelings for Logan. How could he leave with Pierce? It had taken him so long to get over Pierce, and he and Logan were just beginning.

  “God, what do I do?”

  ~~Chapter Four~~

  Pierce ran into the parking garage and jumped into the van that was coming down the exit ramp. He wiped his mouth, spitting out the door before closing it. He felt sick; Chance’s lips had been on his. Pierce wiped his mouth off again.

  “Who has gum?” Pierce rubbed his face with his hands. “My skin is fucking crawling.”

  “So, I take it you made contact?” Stuart asked, with a raised brow.

  “Yes,” Pierce snapped. “And your spray worked. They didn’t smell me at all.”

  Holding his eyelid up, Pierce removed the blue contact from one eye, and then removed the other one. Blinking rapidly, he held his hand out to Stuart. “Give me the drops.”

  Stuart handed over the bottle of eye drops. “So? Will he meet you?” Stuart shrank back as Pierce growled.


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