
Home > Other > Betrayed > Page 11
Betrayed Page 11

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “That’s him.” Chance looked up quickly to see Preston looking over his


  “That’s who?” Chance asked. “The man who bit me as a kid, right after he tried to rape me.” Preston sat down, pushing the file away. “Tucker, Wesley and I made sure his buddies wouldn’t be hurting anyone else in the future.”

  “I’m so sorry, Preston,” Chance took Preston’s hand.

  “Don’t be, it’s not your fault. You had no idea who this guy was.”

  “He said he was older,” Chance snorted. “I didn’t realize just how much older.”

  “He was with the rogues a long time before he allowed them to make him one.” Logan came back in with the coffees. “He knew once his eyes turned, he’d have to find a way to hide. Stuart helped with the contacts, but he couldn’t do everything Pierce wanted. Stuart doesn’t have it in him to be violent. The more violent and twisted you are, the faster the rogue change comes.”

  Chance nodded. “That’s what Jude said. He also confirmed that Stuart is a good guy, he tried to help Jude when he didn’t have to.”

  “He also saved my ass,” Ross stood in the doorway. “I could have been bitten or worse and Stuart pushed me out of the way. That’s why I stay close by and keep an eye on him. He went against everyone there to not only help me, but help Jude as well.”

  Noah took a seat at the end of the table and regarded Chance. “Pierce Barnes was their leader, Chance. He was the most

  disgusting of all of them. Rapist, murderer. He killed Ethan’s and Gage’s parents; God knows what he was going to use them for.”

  “I can see what he was, trust me. It still doesn’t sit well with me that I killed him,” Chance

  shuddered. “The way I killed him. I couldn’t stop it, but when he

  started stabbing Logan, I just…the anger and fear built and I couldn’t control it anymore.”

  “You saved my life, Chance, I’ll forever be grateful.” Logan caressed Chance’s face. “Please don’t let this rule you. You did what you had to do.”

  Preston sat back in his chair and flipped the file closed. “I put the past to rest, Chance; you should do the same. Live your life, be with the man you love and don’t look back.”

  “Sounds like good advice,” Wayne walked into the dining room with Conner.

  “Can we have Chance’s birthday party now? I want some cake,” Logan grinned.

  “Yup, I couldn’t stop Nadine if I tried.” Wayne sat down at the table. “She’s with the boys right now making macaroni art for Chance as a gift.”

  “That’s so sweet,” Chance smiled. “They are doing so well, makes me wonder about how much they saw.”

  “Hopefully, not much,” Wayne pulled Conner into his lap.

  “Well,” Preston rubbed his palms together. “Let’s get this party started!”


  Scott sat back on the couch with Tristan watching everyone run around trying to get the lodge set up for Chance’s birthday. Streamers ran across the log ceiling along with multi-colored balloons. The boys, Gage and Ethan, were

  running around with Nadine trying to catch them. Scott eyed the front door and smiled when Jackson walked in, taking a second to look around the lodge. Scott got up, squeezing Tristan’s hand.

  “I’ll be right back,” Scott crossed the room to Jackson and smiled. Jonas walked in, with Jude right on his heels. Scott turned to look at the trio.

  “Jonas, Jude.” Jackson nodded to the other alpha and his son.

  “Jackson,” Jonas nodded. The air was tense around Jackson and Jonas and Scott smiled. “Where are the Salvatore brothers? We can complete the J theme.”

  Jude rolled his eyes,

  grabbing Scott’s hand. “Come on.”

  Jonas took a deep breath and turned to face Jackson.


  “Don’t, I got your message loud and clear, Jonas.” Jackson stepped back from Jonas. “It won’t happen again.”

  Jonas sighed, leaning against the wall as Jackson walked away from him.

  “It’s not my place, but you care for him.”

  Jonas turned to see Hayden watching Jackson walk towards the kids.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Jonas said quietly.

  Hayden faced his alpha. “I hurt your son out of fear. Don’t do the same to Jackson. Because believe me, I’m paying for it now.”

  “I can help—” Jonas started.

  “No, don’t. I deserve it. I’ll spend the rest of my life knowing that I hurt the only man I could see spending the rest of my life with. It’s a fitting punishment, don’t you think?”

  “Hayden…” Jonas reached for his beta, only to have Hayden back away.

  “I mean it; don’t try to help, Jonas. I brought this on myself.”

  Jonas could only watch as Hayden walked away. He searched the room for Jude and found him talking with Scott and Tristan. Jude had grown into a beautiful man, blessed with his mother’s violet eyes.

  It didn’t surprise him at all that Hayden had fallen for his son. Jude had been kind and caring as a child, and very passive. Always trying to help those less fortunate than himself, the rest of the pack loved Jude. Hayden had been human, forced into pack life and ridiculed at times for not having the werewolf gene.

  He had become angered by the constant taunting of the older werewolves. That was when Jonas had stepped in. Being the alpha of the pack, he’d had to discipline those who were hurting Hayden. He should have realized sooner that the older ones were picking on Hayden, who in turn was picking on Jude.

  Jonas rubbed his face with his hands and looked back at Jude. Jackson had joined them and was palming Scott’s face. They’d almost lost Scott months before, just when colder-than-ice Tristan Miles had fallen for him. Jackson looked up just then; their eyes met and Jonas felt the hairs on his neck stand straight up. There was no doubt the man was beautiful, and the kiss they’d shared had been scorching.


  “Jackson?” Tristan grinned as his alpha stared at Jude’s father.

  Jackson tore his eyes away and smiled at his beta. “Yes?”

  “Remember what I said - I’m here, if you want to talk.”

  The front door to the lodge burst open and the whole room turned to see Devin Lyons enter with Keegan and Vince.

  “I heard there was cake!” Devin walked in looking around the lodge and rubbing his hands together. “Where’s Panchenko? We have to start this party off with a bang.”

  “Oh, shit,” James sighed, leaning into Derek.

  “Devin, dammit, you

  promised!” Keegan stood with his hands on his hips.

  Devin turned to see Keegan glaring at him. “Oh, come on! I’m just playing around. There are little kids here; I don’t want to

  traumatize them.”

  Nikolai sipped his soda, watching Devin out of the corner of his eye. He felt a jab in his ribs and looked over at Chance.


  “Doesn’t that worry you?” Chance nodded to Devin. “With him hating your other dad so


  Nikolai grinned, eyeing Devin Lyons.

  “Nope. It’s like they seek each other out, not on purpose or anything, but they keep running into each other.”

  “Yeah, and then they fight,” Chance said, exasperated.

  Nikolai raised a brow.


  Chance raised his brows.

  “No, seriously. Keegan let it slip that while he was looking at pictures of Pops in the FBI files, Devin used to stare at the pictures of Dad. And believe it or not, my dad doesn’t date much. Being the head of the Russian mob, men kind of cower in his presence. So, Devin constantly threatening him is, well, a turn on.”

  “So you think…?”

  Nikolai’s gaze returned to Devin Lyons. “Yep. I’m looking at my future stepfather.”


  The party was in full swing. Chance had already blown out his candles - tha
t he had lit himself with his powers - which had Ethan and Gage in awe yet again. Conner stood with Aidan off to the side watching the festivities. He felt a tug on his jeans and looked down to see Gage staring up at him, mouth agape. It was adorable the way the boys looked at him and Aidan. As if they were angels.

  “Hi, Gage,” Conner smiled, crouching down to the young boys’ level. They’d grown attached to Wayne and had formed a tight bond with not only Nadine, but Aideen as well.

  “Hi,” Gage smiled wide. “You are all like me and Ethan, huh?”

  “Well, you’ll have to explain that more,” Conner smiled, trying to use smaller words for the little boy.

  “You’re a wolf, like Wayne. But Nay isn’t, right?”

  Conner nodded. “That’s right. Wayne is a very powerful wolf.”

  “How come you shine? Are you special?”

  Conner smiled, hugging Gage to him. “Yes, I was made for Wayne.” Conner pulled back and eyed the young boy. “Have you become a wolf yet?”

  Gage nodded. “My mommy said I couldn’t change after the first time. That the bad men would come and take me away.” Gage wiped his eyes. “But they came anyway,” Gage whispered.

  “I’m so sorry, Gage. I wish we could have stopped them sooner.” Conner smoothed Gage’s blond hair back from his brow. “You’re safe here, with us. Do you want to stay with us?”

  Gage nodded. “I’m not afraid here.”

  “And you shouldn’t be; Wayne will protect you with his life. You know that right?”

  Gage nodded. “He changed for me, to show me.”

  “He’s not a regular

  werewolf, Gage.” Conner held in a laugh, as Gage’s eyes widened.

  “He was really big.”

  “Yes, he is. He’s also very loving and kind.” Conner looked up to see Wyatt approaching. “Hey, Wyatt.”

  Wyatt crouched down and smiled at Gage. “Hey, Ralph.”

  Gage narrowed his eyes and put a hand on his hip. “It’s Gage,”

  Wyatt chuckled. Gage was missing his two front teeth and ‘it’s’ came out as ‘iths’.

  “It is? Oh, that’s right.” Wyatt smiled, taking Gage’s hands in his. “There’s a piñata ready for you to smack it with a bat.”

  “Nay made it like the bad wolves,” Gage said.

  “Yes, she did,” Wyatt had seen the ugly thing. It was a black wolf with yellow eyes. “So you can hit it all you want and then candy comes out of it.”

  “It poops candy?” Gage’s eyes widened.

  Conner covered a laugh.

  Wyatt tilted his head in thought. “Sure, it poops candy.”

  “But it is candy, right?” Gage persisted.

  “Yeah, little man, it’s

  candy.” Wyatt scooped Gage up.

  “I hope it poops gum,” Gage giggled.

  “Me too,” Wyatt smiled, taking Gage outside.

  Aiden turned to Conner. “What will happen with the boys?”

  “We leave it up to them. All of us would love to have them, but whomever they go with, they will be loved.”

  “How come you are so tall, Mr. Miles?” Ethan looked up at the blond haired pretty man.

  Tristan crouched down and palmed Ethan’s face. “It’s Tristan, and I’m tall because I’m all grown up.”

  “Ew,” Ethan’s nose twitched. “I know, trust me,” Tristan smiled. “Don’t you want to smack the bad wolf with a bat?”

  Ethan sized up Tristan. “Will you help me?”

  Tristan put his arms out and Ethan crawled into them. He picked the little boy up and nuzzled his hair. So many emotions flooded him just then. A sense of

  protectiveness settled into his bones as he cradled the young boy.

  “Let’s go beat that bad wolf,” Tristan chuckled.

  Scott leaned against the wall with a smile. Tristan may not want to deal with baby poop, but he had a soft spot for the boys. It was endearing.

  “Damn, your man is a pup with those boys,” Jude scoffed.

  “Yeah,” Scott’s heart melted, watching Tristan hold Ethan up to smack the wolf. “He is.”

  Wayne stood back, watching the party. They’d gained a vet in Stuart, and two little boys. He was confident that Stuart Macavoie could be changed back, but it was a matter of putting the man through unspeakable pain to do so. Wayne caught Conner’s eyes and he

  smiled, crooking his finger at his husband.

  Conner’s aura seemed to light up the room; he still hadn’t gotten used to it completely.

  Conner came to his side and he enveloped his husband in his arms. Looking over his pack, Wayne realized what he’d been missing all those years. Family.

  Where Gage and Ethan would go would be left up to them. Most of the mated ones wanted the boys, so they had their choice of who to live with. Riley had grown to love them in the short time they’d been with them. Riley and Mateo’s child would be born in months, as well as Sam’s and Dakota’s. They were getting new pack members and Wayne knew the odds of having at least one with the female gene were strong. They’d have children with the sight, as well as more werewolves with the Maccon line.

  “What are you thinking about, babe?” Conner nuzzled his husband’s neck, breathing in his scent.

  Wayne caressed Conner’s face, looking into his eyes. “I’m home.”

  ~~ Chance threw another log into the fireplace and put his hands on it. The power raced from his shoulders and burst through his fingertips. The logs caught fire immediately. Chance grinned, turning around. Logan stood

  smiling at him.

  “What?” Chance asked with a smile.

  “You love doing that, don’t you?”

  “I’m learning to control it. Small steps.”

  Logan walked to his mate. Taking Chance in his arms, he leaned in and ran his nose across the pulse in Chance’s neck.

  “You smell so good.”

  Chance shivered, wrapping his arms around Logan. “We’re… mated now…”

  Logan pulled back, looking into Chance’s eyes. “Yes.”

  “Will you make love to me?”

  Logan took Chance’s face in his hands. Leaning in, he covered Chance’s lips with his own. Chance’s warm mouth opened to him immediately and Logan sank into bliss. Chance’s arms wrapped around him as the kiss deepened, both of them moaning softly. Logan threaded his fingers through

  Chance’s hair.

  “Too much clothing,” Logan murmured into Chance’s mouth. “Need to feel your skin.”

  Chance reached between their bodies and unbuttoned

  Logan’s jeans, sliding the zipper down. His wrist slid against Logan’s erection and they both shivered from the contact. Logan’s hands freed themselves from his hair and began unbuttoning

  Chance’s jeans as well. Freeing the zipper, Logan slid his hands down the back of Chance’s pants.

  “Logan,” Chance whispered across Logan’s lips.

  Logan pulled Chance’s jeans down along with his boxers. Keeping their lips fused for as long as possible, Logan finally managed to pull up Chance’s shirt and discard it. Logan stepped back to admire a very naked Chance.

  “Damn,” Logan eyed Chance from head to toe. “You are


  Chance blushed and grabbed the bottom of Logan’s shirt. “Off.”

  Logan removed his shirt and threw it on the floor next to

  Chance’s. He closed the space between them again and took Chance’s lips with more force. Heated fingers traveled his back as they moved towards the couch. Chance moved back on the couch and put his hand out to Logan. Moving slowly, Logan crawled up Chance’s body, tasting heated flesh along the way.

  “What if I…hurt you?”

  Chance whispered.

  Logan took Chance’s fingers and kissed the tips. “You won’t, Chance. We are fated to be

  together and your powers are more in control now.” Logan leaned over and kissed Chance softly, his hand reaching for the lube on the side table. “Do you n
eed me to stretch you out?”

  Chance shook his head. “No, just…please…I want you to mark me.”

  Logan smiled against

  Chance’s lips as he covered himself liberally with lube. Chance spread his legs, rearing up a bit and presenting himself.

  Logan settled in between Chance’s legs and rubbed his inner thigh softly. Positioning himself, he slid in slowly up to the crown and closed his eyes. Warmth flooded his body as the heat from Chance’s body annexed his own. Chance’s eyes were wide, pupils blown, as Logan slid in inch by inch,

  relishing the feel of Chance

  wrapped around him. Chance looked beautiful, mouth partially open in an O of surprise, his body moving under Logan’s, fingers pressed tightly into his biceps. Logan slid in further, the pressure and heat almost too much to bear. Logan stopped, fully seated inside Chance.

  Their eyes met and Logan saw so much from just that one look: Unconditional love, respect and awe. Leaning in, Logan pressed his lips to Chance’s.

  “I love you,” Logan

  withdrew slowly. He’d only had sex with women his whole life, but this…this was so different. His body connected with Chance’s on so many levels. It was nothing he’d ever felt before. Logan slid into perfection over and over again, Chance’s body meeting him at every thrust. He couldn’t stop kissing Chance, the taste of him, the feel of their bodies pressed

  together. They were one and

  Logan’s body was ready to take it to another level.

  “Logan…oh God…” Chance panted. Power raced through him as his release drew near. “I’m scared,” Chance whispered.

  “Come with me,” Logan sank in deep, filling Chance to the hilt. His canines elongated, readying for the bite Logan knew he would have to make. His body seized and Chance’s release shot up his abdomen. Logan cried out, his body erupted inside Chance and he collapsed, sinking his canines into Chance’s shoulder. The cabin shook as Chance’s loud howl pierced the quiet night. Logan withdrew his canines and kissed the area lovingly. Chance lay beneath him panting. Logan kissed Chance’s racing pulse and nibbled his chin.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m perfect,” Chance whispered. “I love you, Logan MacLeod.”


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