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Betrayed Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

“I love you, Chance.”

  ~~ The morning brought a whole new day, and a whole new life for Chance. He was mated to a man who had stayed with him, even though death had been imminent. Chance opened his eyes to see Logan’s strong chest rising and falling. He traced the muscles along Logan’s abdomen, smiling at the peaceful face before him. Chance kissed Logan’s lips softly and crept from the bed. Dressing quickly, he left the cabin and made his way back down to the lake. Removing his shoes, he sunk his toes into the cool water and closed his eyes.

  “Chance.” Chance opened his eyes to see his father smiling at him.


  “Have I changed that much?” Phillip smiled.

  Chance took in his

  surroundings. He was standing in the middle of a field of grass, a large oak tree sat up on a small hill.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is where your mother and I will be if you ever need us.” Phillip walked to his son. “I have missed you so much, Chance. I’m so sorry you had to go through so much. We’d have done anything to be there for you.”

  “I miss you guys so much,” Chance put his hand out, closing his eyes. Warmth touched his hand as his father’s slid into his own. “I never knew what really happened.”

  “I know you felt alone and I’m sorry we couldn’t comfort you. The fates balance everything, life, death, there’s so much you don’t understand, Chance. You’ll be seeing it soon, life is renewed. When one light goes out, another takes it place.” Phillip took

  Chance’s shoulders. “You are the best thing that ever happened to me, besides your mother, and I am so damn proud of the man you’ve become.”

  Chance wiped at his eyes. “Really? Even after I made so many mistakes?”

  “Life is full of mistakes, it’s what you learn from those mistakes that shapes you, Chance. You are my legacy and I couldn’t be more proud of you.” Phillip pulled his son into a hug and breathed in the scent of the child he missed so much. “I love you so much,

  Chance. I will never be far away.”

  “I love you, too, Dad.”

  Phillip moved back and smiled at his son. “You are so much stronger than you know and with Logan at your side, you’ll be stronger than you can even imagine. I trust you to do what’s best for the Maccon line and all who serve under Wayne. Be strong, Chance, and know that your mother and I will always love you.”

  Phillip faded slowly and Chance put his hand out, passing through air. Chance opened his eyes to see Wonder Lake, the sun casting its glow across calm, peaceful water. Chance smiled and tilted his head.


  Nikolai stopped and smiled. “You are as bad as Wyatt.”

  “You reek of testosterone. It’s easy to know when you’re nearby.”

  “Is that what it is? I thought I just smelled sexy.” Nikolai sat down next to Chance with a

  chuckle. “You okay?”

  “Yes,” Chance sighed and looked over at his friend. “I talked to my dad.”

  “I’m trying to wrap my head around everything, you know? Werewolves, witches, created ones,” Nikolai shook his head with a laugh. “Never in a million years did I think any of that stuff existed.” Nikolai took Chance’s hand. “You are one of my best friends,


  Chance’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Of course,” Nikolai winked, searching Chance’s eyes. “You look extremely peaceful, like you got banged and hard.”

  Chance rolled his eyes. “Really? Can we not talk about sex?”

  “Every time I see you now, you know what I’ll be thinking…”

  “Do I want to know?” Chance stood up, wiping the back of his jeans off.

  Nikolai stood and pointed at Chance with a smile. “He’s a witch!”

  “Oh great,” Chance

  mumbled, walking back up the path.

  “I’ll bite your legs off!”

  “I’m so going to regret introducing you to ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’.”

  “It’s a killer rabbit!”

  “I’m going to turn you into a rabbit if you don’t stop.”

  Nikolai chuckled. “I fart in your general direction.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?”

  “Will you shut up?!”

  ~~ The packs and humans were seated at the large oak dining room table when Chance and Logan finally made it to the lodge for breakfast. Just because Pierce was gone, it didn’t mean the rogue problems were over. If Pierce had gotten his way, they were now dealing with the Mexican drug cartel in wolf form.

  Wyatt’s father, John, and Wayne, along with Alexander, were heading to Siberia to check on the females. If some of them could be trusted enough, they would be patrolling the border. There was nothing scarier than a female werewolf that was still feral. The decision had come from the two oldest alphas of the created ones - Roane and Taber Maccon. They were running out of options.

  Andrei Panchenko had

  arrived in the early morning hours and was now seated next to his exhusband and Keegan. Wayne swore the room got colder as Devin and Andrei locked eyes.

  “So, we still do the park checks, but not as often. If Stuart is telling the truth, it’s been the rogues all along placing the traps. That frees up some of you to do other things.” Wayne turned his attention to Andrei. “Ivan has told us you’ve been threatened,


  Andrei sighed and leaned back in his chair. “It is nothing pressing and nothing I am not used to.”

  “Well, we aren’t used to it.” Wayne cocked an eyebrow. “So for now, you’ll stay low.” Wayne sighed as Devin coughed quietly.

  “Devin…” James warned. “Didn’t say a thing.” Devin laced his fingers together and pursed his lips.

  “We’ve come together

  again,” Wayne glanced around at all the faces around the table. The newest pack, the Salvatore

  brothers, sat together. “I thank you, for helping us.”

  Justice leaned his head to the side, exposing his neck. “We joined this pack and we will serve it. I only ask that my youngest brother, Jesse, is protected.”

  Wayne nodded. “We will watch out for him.”

  “I want Noah,” Jesse looked at his brothers.

  “No,” Justice narrowed his eyes at his brother. “We’ve gone over this Jess; I don’t want you involved with a werewolf! I’ve kept you human and out of this so far. If you’re around Noah, you’ll bring the rogues right to you!”

  Jesse stood up from the table and pushed his chair back. “I’m a grown man! You can’t keep me your little brother forever!”

  Jaxon held Justice back, as Jesse stalked through the lodge and slammed the door. “Let him go, Justice.”

  Justice looked around the table at all the werewolves. “I’m sorry, it’s nothing against any of you; I just don’t want my brother in the crossfire.”

  “We can watch over him,” Scott said, smiling at Justice. “We still live in Seattle, a lot of us do, and we can keep an eye on him.”

  “Excuse me,” Noah stood up and left the table.

  Jaxon watched Noah in his peripheral vision. He jabbed Justice in the ribs. “Go talk to him.”

  Justice excused himself and left the lodge in search of Noah. He found him down by the lake

  skipping rocks. Part of him felt bad; he knew what it was like to have feelings for someone you could never be with. He’d been in love before, the parents of the girl he’d fallen in love with had

  forbidden them to be together. She had died, along with her parents, in a rogue attack and he’d never gotten to say the words he’d longed to say.

  “If you care about him, let him go, Noah.”

  Noah stiffened. “I’ve left him alone, just as you asked.” Noah turned to face Justice. “But I’m going to say my piece. I care about Jesse. I don’t just want some one night sexual encounter with him and I think we could be good together.”

>   “I’m sure you could—”

  “Life is short, Jesse is

  human; so if you’re okay with him being alone without love then by all means, I’ll respect your


  “That is not what I want for my brother!” Justice shouted. “I want him to have love and a

  family! I don’t want him dragged through this mess of rogues and having to look over his shoulder if he’s with you.”

  Noah crossed the space between them and stood right in front of Justice. “He already has to do that because of you, so don’t use me as an excuse. You know who I am, what I am and what I do, so don’t think for one second I wouldn’t protect Jesse with my life.”

  “Don’t you get it? The rogues will find him, and then God help us all!”

  “It’s your decision, but if I were you, I’d change my brother. You’re walking a fine line,

  Justice.” Noah walked up the path and turned to look over his

  shoulder. “I hope in hell you know what you’re doing.”

  Justice’s shoulders slumped and he ran a hand through his hair. “Me, too.”


  Chance entered the cabin only to find it empty. He took a look around and searched the bathroom and bedroom. No sign of Logan. Chance furrowed his brows and walked into the kitchenette. A note on the small refrigerator caught his eye.

  Chance, meet me by the wondrous lake.


  Chance grinned and grabbed the note, stuffing it in his pocket. He left the cabin and took the path down to the lake. Candlelight caught his attention first, then a table with two chairs. A white tablecloth covered the table and a bottle of champagne sat off to the side. Logan near it, in a suit. Chance’s mouth fell open at the sight of Logan in a suit. He was breathtaking. The grin on Logan’s face was just as breathtaking.

  “Hi,” Chance smiled. “This is beautiful, Logan.”

  “Well, you are twenty-one, and since I didn’t have time to take you out for your birthday,” Logan motioned to the lake and the full moon, “I felt this would be better than a restaurant any day.”

  “What did you make? You did cook, right?” Chance


  Logan lifted the lid off the plate. “Burgers, medium rare.”

  Chance licked his lips. “Perfect.”

  “And fries,” Logan smiled, lifting another lid. “And vinegar for your fries.”

  “Aw, honey,” Chance stood in front of Logan and palmed his face. “You remembered.”

  Logan grinned. “Well, it’s hard to forget, seeing as I like my fries the same way.” Logan pulled the chair out for Chance and waited for him to seat himself before pushing him closer to the table.

  “Do you think that’s why the fates mated us?” Chance grinned, pouring vinegar on his fries and taking a big bite of burger.

  “I don’t know,” Logan

  dipped a fry in vinegar. “Don’t you think it’s weird how you ended up in Boston?”

  Chance pondered that

  question. “I just figured after I did my year at NYU, I didn’t want to be in New York anymore, too many memories. So I took a train and just got off whenever my feet moved.”

  “So no plan? Just, I’ll get off here?”

  Chance nodded, chewing. He swallowed and looked up at

  Logan. “Never been so happy I wandered into Westwood.”

  Logan leaned over and took Chance’s hand. “I’m so glad the fates decided we belonged to each other. The thought of being with anyone else scared me.”

  “Even though I’m a man?” Chance waggled his eyebrows.

  Logan stood up and came around the table. Putting his hand out to Chance, he smiled.

  “Dance with me.”

  Chance furrowed his brows. “There’s no music.”

  “Sure there is,” Logan grinned, bending down under the table.

  Chance smiled as soft music flowed out from under the table. “My song?”

  “Yes, let’s dance.” Logan covered the food and took Chance out to the shore. Wrapping his arms around his mate, he pulled him close.

  Chance swayed to the music in the arms of the man he was in love with, and had killed for. He was coming to terms with what he’d done. If he hadn’t killed Pierce and his men, Logan would be dead. That was something he couldn’t even fathom, losing Logan.

  “I love you, Logan.” Chance whispered.

  Logan looked into Chance’s eyes. “I love you, Chance.



  “A little more to the left.” Chance tilted his head.

  Logan pushed the bottom of the frame to the left and looked over his shoulder.

  “How about now?”


  “Nah, it’s still crooked,” Nikolai snickered.

  Chance turned around and frowned at his friend. “Will you quit?! Go get laid or something.”

  Nikolai pouted.

  “Oh stop it,” Chance turned around, putting his hands on his hips. “Go get Colin and work your sexy Markov charm on him.”

  “He’s immune,” Nikolai sighed, flopping down on the couch with a heavy, exaggerated sigh.

  Chance looked horrified, covering his mouth. “No way! Someone isn’t falling at your feet? Oh, the horror!”

  Nikolai rolled his eyes.

  “You know, Nik, you could help me move furniture.” Logan eyed the younger Markov.

  Nikolai looked around the living room of the spacious four bedroom house. Chance, Logan and Locke had moved to Arizona and now lived two blocks from his father and Keegan. Nikolai spread out, lacing his fingers behind his head. “I’m too tired.”

  The doorbell sounded and Chance walked around the couch, smacking Nikolai in the head along the way.

  “Ow!” Nikolai balked.

  “Shush!” Chance opened the front door and had to smile.

  Riley’s head accountant Mitch stood with a bottle of wine. “Hey, Mitch. So glad you could come.”

  “Are you sure this is okay? I mean you guys are still moving in, right?” Mitch looked around the foyer as Chance pulled him into the house.

  “Of course!” Chance closed the door and led Mitch into the spacious living room. “Look who’s here.”

  Logan smiled at Mitch. “Hey you, how’s the job?”

  Mitch handed the wine over to Chance and sat down on the couch. He became very aware that black eyes were staring at him. Mitch turned his head to see Nikolai Markov eyeing him.

  “Ahem,” Chance narrowed his eyes at Nikolai. “No.”

  Nikolai flopped back down on the couch with a heavy sigh.

  Mitch turned his attention back to Logan. “It’s great! I can’t believe how much fun I’m having working for Riley Esposito. You know he had ‘jeans’ day,

  ‘Hawaiian shirt’ and ‘shorts’ days at work?”

  Chance chuckled. “That does sound like Riley.”

  “He’s a lot of fun, but when we go into a meeting with other companies, he’s like a god. He’s so serious. It’s kind of freaky,” Mitch laughed.

  “Well, Riley is known to be playful, but when it comes to his company?” Chance shivered. “Watch out!”

  The front door opened and the sound of keys hitting the side table rattled through the house. Mitch turned around on the couch to view the front hallway and was rewarded with the sight of Locke Renfro - in his firefighter uniform. He almost came right there and then.

  “Hey, Locke,” Chance

  grinned at the look on Mitch’s face. “Mitch is here for dinner.”

  Locke removed his jacket and placed it on the coat rack. “Did you turn the oven down like I asked you to?” Locke turned and tried to keep his mouth from dropping open. Mitch was wearing jeans and a blue shirt that accentuated the color of his eyes. Keeping his hands off the man was a constant chore. “Hello, Mitch. It’s good to see you.”

  “You, too.” Mitch’s eyes wandered over Locke’s fit physique.

  “So,” C
hance cleared his throat. “Dinner should be done soon. Let’s go get ourselves seated.”

  Talk at dinner revolved around Locke’s day at work and Mitch’s new job in Riley’s

  company. More than once, Chance caught Locke staring at Mitch’s lips. It was adorable. Once they made it through dessert, Chance elbowed Logan and motioned to the dishes.

  “So, why don’t you guys head out to the patio?” Chance nudged Nikolai to get up. “Logan, Nikolai and I can get the dishes.”

  “Dishes?” Nikolai furrowed his brows. “I don’t do dishes.”

  “You do now,” Chance stared a hole through Nikolai, tilting his head towards Mitch and Locke.

  “Oh,” Nikolai shrugged. “I can put stuff in a dishwasher.”

  Locke waited for Mitch to grab his wine glass and led him outside to the patio. The pool lights were on and a small fire was lit in the pit. Locke had to laugh at Chance’s seduction set up.

  “What’s so funny?” Mitch asked.

  Locke motioned to one of the lounge chairs, encouraging Mitch to sit. “Chance is what’s so funny. Not very subtle, is he?”

  Mitch felt his cheeks heating. “Oh…if you’re uncomfortable, I can go.”

  Locke shifted on the lounge chair to face Mitch head on. “Look, I know I haven’t made my feelings clear to you—”

  “It’s okay,” Mitch hurriedly said. “I get it.”

  Locke took Mitch’s hands in his own. The other man’s brows shot up and Locke smiled. “I like you.”

  “You do?” Mitch sighed in relief. “I thought…”

  “That’s my fault; I should have made it clear. It’s just,” Locke sighed and released Mitch’s hands, rubbing his face. “I was with someone for a long time and when it ended, it hurt - a lot.”

  Mitch nodded. “I get that, you don’t want to ever feel that again.”

  “No, I don’t.” Locke looked into Mitch’s eyes. “You’ve been hurt.”

  Mitch nodded. “Quite a bit.”

  “I don’t want to ever hurt you; there are things about me that you need to know, though.”

  “You’re a werewolf.” Mitch laughed. “That right there is a lot to take in.”

  “Yes, there is that. I’m also a killer, Mitch. I kill rogue

  werewolves and if they ever get wind of how I …feel about you, your life will be in danger.”


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