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Betrayed Page 13

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Mitch leaned forward taking Locke’s hands again. “Shouldn’t I get to make that decision?”

  “I wish it were that simple. As much as I want to, I can’t start something until I know you’re safe.”

  “That’s not fair; you’re making all the decisions here. Let’s just be honest, you don’t want to hurt my feelings so you’re making shit up. Don’t bother,” Mitch stood up and walked to the back door. A hand slid into his and he was pulled back into Locke’s arms.

  “I’m not making shit up,” Locke leaned in. “I want to kiss you so badly it hurts.”

  Mitch met Locke’s eyes. “Then do it.”

  It took a fraction of a second before Locke’s lips descended on his and then Mitch’s body blew up. His hair stood on end as Locke’s tongue invaded his mouth. Hands gripped his hips, pulling him closer and Mitch moaned as Locke’s tongue explored every single inch of his mouth. Locke’s erection pressed against his own and Mitch wrapped his fingers in the taller man’s hair. They broke from the kiss and Locke’s eyes were

  searching his.

  “Believe me now?” Locke whispered. Locke had to smile as Mitch nodded slowly. “I do want you, but—”

  “Oh God, no buts,” Mitch sighed, exasperated.

  “Slow,” Locke ran his fingertip over Mitch’s lips. “We’ll take it slow.”

  Chance grinned at the scene out back. He, Logan and Nikolai were spying through the curtains.

  “Yes!” Chance whispered, high-fiving Logan. “I’m going home,” Nikolai yawned, stretching his arms out. “All this lovey-dovey shit is

  exhausting me.”

  Chance walked Nikolai to the front door. “Look, I know this Colin shit is fucking you up—” Chance put his hand over Nikolai’s mouth. “Just, shush. If you want this guy, you’re going to have to

  convince him you’d change your ways for him.”

  “I would, though!” Nikolai muffled through Chance’s hand.

  “I know you would, Colin needs to know.”

  Nikolai narrowed his eyes at Chance. “Can I speak now? I’m a killer, it’s what I do. I have sex when I’m horny, I’ve never been in a relationship and I’ve also never felt this way about another guy. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Nope,” Chance grinned as Nikolai exhaled in frustration. “Look, I love you, man. I know the kind of guy you are, you’re loyal and loving—” Chance smacked Nikolai in the bicep when he snorted. “You are. I know you. So for the sake of your sanity and mine, please try with Colin.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Nikolai hugged Chance. “Thanks. Go get freaky with your man.” Nikolai waggled his eyebrows. “I bought you some flavored lube.”

  “Oh my God!” Chance laughed, pushing Nikolai out the door.

  Once the house was locked up tight and Mitch had gone home, Chance crawled into Logan’s bed and snuggled against him. Strong arms came around him, pulling him closer.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” Logan ran his fingers through Chance’s hair.

  “I did,” Chance looked up at Logan, kissing his chin. “I hope Locke takes a chance with Mitch. It’s so obvious the guy has it bad for Locke.”

  “Like I do for you,” Logan kissed Chance’s forehead.

  Chance smiled against Logan’s chest. “Yes, I’m so glad the fates decided we were meant to be.”

  Logan smiled in the dark. “Did I hear Nikolai say he bought lube?”

  Chance chuckled. “Yes, I think it’s in the living room.”

  “Ah, well, I can go get it.”

  Chance grabbed Logan’s arm as he tried to get up. He rolled on top of him and smiled wickedly. “You’re mated to a warlock.” Chance snapped his fingers and smiled when the lube appeared in his hand.

  Logan’s eyes went wide. “That is so cool! Can you conjure a beer?”

  Chance wiggled his erection over Logan’s. “Right after.”

  “Oh hell, yes.”

  ~~ The End~~

  Sneak peek: Summer of Awakenings

  ~Chapter One~ Will Cooper took one more look around his dorm room, making sure he had everything he needed. He, Kory Maguire, Sebastian Stevens, Wyatt Dalton, Olivia Stetson and Colin Greystone were going to be counselors at Caden Fournier’s Pride Camp for gay teens. When he and Kory had ‘joined forces’ at the insistence of cops Tucker Storm and Wesley Foster, it had worked out well for all of them. Riley Flynn-Esposito and Wayne Maccon had jumped on board, donating millions of dollars not only to camps around the United States, but to outreach centers where children- and

  teenagers - could go if they were kicked out of their homes for being gay. A knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts and he opened it, smiling at Colin


  “You ready?” Colin peered

  around the room.

  “Yep, just grabbing my iPod

  and headphones.”

  “Dammit!” Colin laughed. “I

  knew I was forgetting something!” “Well, come on, we’ll stop

  by your room on our way out. Are

  the buses here yet?”

  “You mean the hotels on

  wheels?” Colin laughed loudly. Will smiled. Caden Fournier

  wanted the kids to feel loved, and

  wanted. Caden, Riley and Wayne

  had spared no expense. The guys made their way down the hall and

  ran into Kory with his own bag. “Hey, guys,” Kory grinned.

  “Summer camp at Camp


  Colin exploded in laughter.

  “Dude, it’s Camp Pride.”

  “Oh, I know,” Kory threw his

  bag over his shoulder with a grin.

  “I’ve been a camp counselor

  before. The kids used to come up

  with outrageous names for the


  Will tilted his head,

  regarding Kory. “Dude, it’s still

  kinda orange.” He had to chuckle. Kory had wanted a change and dyed his hair from dirty blond to black. When the change was made, Kory wasn’t happy with it and had tried to dye it back - resulting in

  orange hair.

  Colin stifled a laugh. “If I

  had my Sharpie, I could draw eyes

  and a mouth on you, and then we

  could have a jack-o-lantern.” “Oh ha, ha. Save it for

  Halloween,” Kory grinned.

  “Where are Olivia and

  Wyatt?” Colin looked around,

  unlocking the door to his room. “They’re coming,” Kory motioned the guys to follow him. “Sebastian is waiting for us by the monster tour bus.” Kory stood in Colin’s doorway as his friend

  grabbed last minute items.

  “See?” Colin nudged Will in

  the ribs. “Told ya,” Colin shut and

  locked his door and followed Kory

  and Will down the stairs.

  “I heard a rumor,” Will

  continued down the steps.

  “Yeah? What rumor?” Colin

  asked, curiously.

  “Seems Wayne Maccon

  wants a self-defense class at the

  camp. He got two ex-Navy SEALs

  to run it.”

  Kory stopped and Colin ran

  into his back. “Excuse me?” Kory


  Will turned at the bottom of

  the steps. “What?” Will studied his

  friend’s face. “You don’t think it’s

  that Navy SEAL do you?”

  “As small as this world is?”

  Kory shook his head. “I don’t put

  anything past anyone anymore.”

  Kory followed his friends outside.

  He’d let it slip to Will one night

  that he’d been attracted to former

  Navy SEAL Jacob Steele, whom

  he hadn’t seen in weeks. It was

  driving him nuts.

  “Yeah?” Will grinned at
  Colin. “I heard they wanted

  Nikolai Markov, but he was

  already on an assignment.”

  Colin grimaced. “Don’t

  mention that man-ho’s name. God,

  he’s so annoying!”

  “Yeah? But he’s fucking

  hottttt!” Will laughed, running from


  The three of them exited the

  dorms into the blistering heat.

  Seattle’s summer was in full

  swing. Kory smiled as his eyes met

  with Wyatt’s. The guy was married to one hell of a hot fireman. Sebastian’s husband was a cop, and a gorgeous one at that. Kory grinned, putting his hand out to


  “Hey, Wyatt, how’s married


  Wyatt shook Kory’s hand and

  relieved him of his bag, setting it in

  the baggage compartment of the


  “It’s like dating, except


  Will looked over the gigantic

  bus. “So where does the bus pick

  up the campers?”

  “Downtown. Caden arranged

  for all of them to be picked up

  close to home. We have two weeks

  to get the camp up and running.”

  Wyatt smiled behind Kory and

  Will; his back-up team was making

  its way over. “And here are the

  rest of our guys.”

  Kory turned to see Brock

  Holloway, Travis Rhoades and

  Jordy Crain making their way over.

  He turned his attention back to

  Wyatt. “The football players?” “Yes. Lance is meeting us out

  there,” Wyatt said.

  “You did warn Brock not to date the campers, right?” Sebastian


  “I heard that, Stevens!”

  Brock laughed, making his way to

  the bus. “Yes, I was told no touchy

  feely with the campers.”

  “Travis,” Sebastian extended

  his hand to the police chief’s son. “Hey, Bas,” Travis grinned.

  “Thanks for getting me out of

  Police School 101 for the


  “But, you’re not gay.” Will

  looked at Travis Rhoades.

  “Neither am I,” Jordy

  chuckled. “Doesn’t mean we can’t


  “Oh, I know…I didn’t

  mean…” Will felt his cheeks flush. “Hey, it’s cool,” Jordy

  mussed Will’s hair.

  “Can we get a move on?”

  Olivia huffed, making her way to

  the bus.

  “Hey, Liv,” Wyatt grabbed

  her bag from her and got a slap on

  his hand.

  “I can carry my own bag,

  Wyatt Dalton!”

  “Ow,” Brock covered his


  “I know,” Sebastian grinned. “It’s like a screeching car.”

  Sebastian laughed and felt a smack to his head. “Hey!” Sebastian rubbed his head. “What was that


  Olivia tapped her foot at

  Sebastian. “Just because Wyatt

  forgave you doesn’t mean I did.

  You still haven’t given me a good

  reason as to why you were such an

  abusive ass.”

  Sebastian glanced over at

  Wyatt. “Can I tell her?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “I suppose.

  I’m going to hear it when you’re

  done, though.” Wyatt took a long look at the group. “Well, let’s get this show on the road. We’ve got the big guns coming in three days to

  see our progress.”

  “Three days?” Will repeated. “Oh, don’t worry,” Sebastian

  grinned. “We have more help


  Kory sat back in the

  cushioned bus bench and reclined it back, closing his eyes. They had quite a few hours on the road and he was going to use that time to think about how much his life had changed. For weeks he hadn’t seen Jacob; it’d been pure hell. He’d taken a class on human sexuality at school and was still no closer to understanding his feelings for the ex-Navy SEAL. Okay, so he found a man attractive, but it was a far cry from kissing one, or having sex. Kory sighed, stretching his legs out. He hadn’t even had sex with a girl yet. Who was he kidding? He hadn’t even been kissed yet.

  Kory opened one eye and peeked at Olivia. She was pretty, no doubt about that, but he didn’t get that feeling in his gut that he did with Jacob. In fact, he hadn’t even dated anyone at school. He

  preferred hanging out with Will who wasn’t dating, either. They preferred hanging out and watching stupid TV shows to going out to frat parties and getting drunk. Kory was going to school on his

  brother’s dime - well, and Kurt’s husband, Wesley’s, dime. He couldn’t afford to let them down.

  It was weird to know that his previously straight brother was now married to a man. Not to mention they were both

  werewolves. Kory had been allowed in on the secret, although they’d really had no choice since he’d seen his brother shift into a wolf with his own eyes.

  Wayne Maccon, a created werewolf and the alpha of the Denali pack, had sat him down and explained it all. Wayne Maccon’s werewolf line was created by Artemis and Gaea. Artemis was the god of light and the vulnerable Gaea, of Mother Earth. Together with the fates they created

  werewolves. Half man, half wolf, they moved between both worlds. They were the first of their kind and were meant to rule all other werewolves. He’d also found out how his good friends – all

  government assassins - had come to be with them. When he’d first heard ‘assassin,’ he’d about shit himself.

  Then he’d met Mateo, Troy, Sam and Josh, and their husbands. James Jacobs had come into the picture with his husband, retired general Derek Jacobs, when

  wealthy businessman Caden

  Fournier had been changed into a werewolf by a violent and outcast Carson Drake. Caden had met his EMT/werewolf husband, Kellan, at the scene of an accident in which Caden had been involved. They’d fallen in love and the Skull

  Blasters, (Mateo, Sam, Troy and Josh) felt that their bosses, James and Derek, needed to be in on the secret since they were all working together so often and so closely.

  If that hadn’t confused him enough, then he’d met sweet FBI agent Keegan and his formerly vicious killer husband, Vince Markov. Kory shuddered at that thought. Vince Markov was one hell of an intimidating man, but he’d put Kory at ease right away with his sense of humor. Nikolai was the same as his father, albeit more slutty.

  Kory grinned thinking about Nik Markov. He had a huge crush on Colin Greystone.

  Then, just as he was getting used to the werewolves, the warlock came into the picture. Meeting Chance Christianson was the kicker. The guy had shrunk him to an inch tall. It was freaky. Chance was sweet though, even though he’d fried his ex-boyfriend to protect the man he loved. Pierce Barnes had been Chance’s ex, and

  - unbeknownst to Chance - a rogue wolf, murderer and rapist. When Chance had been kidnapped by Pierce, Logan MacLeod moved heaven and Earth to get him back. They’d almost died together, but Chance’s magic had saved them both when he incinerated Pierce.

  Kory sighed. How he wished he had that kind of love in his life. The werewolves and humans lived and fought together side by side. Kory had never seen a rogue and he hoped he never would. Olivia’s loud shriek brought him out of his thoughts.

  “Wyatt Dalton!” Olivia stood up and turned to find Wyatt.

  Kory shrunk down in his seat; he did not want to be part of that argument. Although Sean Knight (Olivia’s boyfriend) was well aware of Preston and Wyatt’s werewolf counterparts, Olivia had been kept in the dark. Sebas
tian Price - now Stevens - had been a werewolf his whole life. He just hadn’t known it because the female werewolf gene lay dormant in him until he’d met his mate, detective Nicholas Stevens. When Sebastian had started dating Wyatt, his lupine side recognized Wyatt’s, which caused Sebastian to act

  irrationally. He’d been aggressive with Wyatt when he normally was not a violent guy. It hadn’t made sense to anyone until Sebastian and Nicholas came together and the shift was complete.

  Wyatt and Preston’s story was one for the books. Preston had been thirteen when the mate bond had bitch slapped him in the head. The problem? Wyatt was seven at the time. Preston had explained to Kory that because Wyatt was so young, he and Wyatt’s family had decided to keep the truth from him until he was older. That hadn’t gone over well with Wyatt once he found out. In the end, Preston and Wyatt had come together for good.

  “How dare you keep that from me!” Olivia stalked to the back of the bus.

  “What’s going on?” Will slid in the seat next to Kory.

  Kory had been getting to know Will slowly. “Um, not sure,” Kory smiled moving his bag to the empty seat in front of him.

  Will Cooper knew Tucker and Wesley; they’d arrested him on his 21st birthday for driving drunk. Will had had a bad night and as luck would have it, Officers Storm and Foster had pulled him over. When he’d come back to the precinct to thank Tucker and Wesley for their concern, they’d told him about Kory, the younger brother of a friend of theirs. The two had hit it off and were

  becoming good friends. Now Will had met the rest of the packs - he just didn’t know that they were werewolves.

  Kory had noticed that Will was skittish, and seemed to look over his shoulder a lot. He didn’t talk about his past much and Kory was trying to get him to open up. There was a story there, he just needed Will to trust him enough to tell him. They stopped in Spokane for snacks and then continued the last forty minutes to the camp.

  Camp Pride was less than an hour from Spokane, right next to Deer Lake. When the idea for the camp for gay teens had come up, Caden, Riley and Wayne had started buying property. With help from James Jacobs, they cut through red tape and years of waiting. Now, the first camp in Washington was built and they were taking it through a test run. The original camp had been put up near Fairbanks, Alaska, and they had already had a successful runthrough the previous summer.

  The camp came into view and Kory whistled softly.

  “Wow, look at that.”

  Will looked out the bus window and his eyes widened. Camp Pride looked like a resort. Log cabins stretched out for what looked like miles and a larger structure sat right in the middle of it all. There were log picnic


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