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Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 3

by Ward, Alice

  “You’ll never guess who the host is,” he said and then stared at me like I was supposed to start guessing.

  “Well, since this is Jamie Brown’s show, I would guess Jamie Brown,” I said, leaving out an eye rolling “duh.”

  “Nope.” His eyes moved over my shoulder, and he nodded in the direction behind me. I turned, and my danish slipped off my plate and onto the floor, leaving a raspberry stain on the hotel’s carpet.

  Holy shit!

  It was Shep Thompson. My idol of all idols. I nearly swooned in my seat.

  Shep flashed a brilliant smile as he passed by. He stooped down in front of me and picked up the danish I’d dropped.

  “Here you go,” he said, the rumble of his deep voice vibrating through me. His shoulders were broad and his smile intoxicating as he nailed me with his dark eyes.

  Our fingers touched as I took the ruined pastry and muttered a breathless, “Thank you.”

  Then he was gone. His hand slid through his thick dark hair, and his attention left me as quickly as it had found me. I felt foolish as I scooped up my mess and tried desperately to clean the carpet with the thin paper napkin offered at the buffet table.

  “Hello, everyone. In case you don’t know me, I’m Shep Thompson.” His voice was as authoritative as his presence and quickly brought everyone’s attention to him. “If you’re not aware, Jamie was rushed into surgery yesterday and will be recovering for several weeks, and like we say in the business, the show must go on.”

  He waited for the good-natured chuckles and concerns about the former host to calm down.

  “I’ll be your host as well as one of the judges. Welcome to Extreme Cuisine,” he announced loudly and with an enthusiasm that brought everyone to their feet to cheer.

  He was one of my favorite chefs, and now he would be judging my food? I was star struck, dumbfounded, and a little giddy about being so close to a real celebrity.

  It didn’t take long once Shep arrived on scene for the large double doors next to the buffet table to open. We were all ushered inside and placed at our own cooking stations. I was disappointed that they’d placed me next to the large man I now knew to be Kevin. I wanted to cook with Aiden, not only to be near him, but I genuinely wanted to learn something from the pro. I feared the only thing I could learn from Kevin was how to oversaturate a pancake and turn it into mush.

  “Your first test is a team relay, so look down your row and say hello to your team of five,” Shep announced.

  Aiden was in my row at the very end. He winked when he noticed me looking his direction. Yes!

  The other members of our team included a thin woman with gorgeous ebony skin and a full fro surrounding her pretty face. I frowned at her long fingernails that were painted like zebra’s skin, wondering how she could cook with those things.

  The other was a tall bald man with a long mustache that reminded me of the Monopoly man. Our team, while not very impressive, still had Aiden and gave us a chance. I was ready for this. I was ready to win.

  The instructions were fast-paced and following along was harder than I thought.

  “That breakfast buffet today was pitiful, don’t you agree?” Shep asked loudly with enthusiasm. “Let’s make it better!”

  We listened carefully as we were told to make five items for a fabulous breakfast buffet, each person making their own culinary creation. The items should complement one another, so we were told to organize our thoughts before starting. Also, as a team, if someone needed assistance, it was our job to help them.

  “There must be five items on the buffet; all buffets must be complete,” Shep made the final announcement.

  Two of the teams, including mine, all quickly huddled up to organize the menu, while the other one raced to the pantry to gather ingredients blindly. I tried to ignore the camera that felt like it was inches from my face or the lights that radiated heat all around us.

  “Eggs benedict,” Kevin blurted out.

  “Crepes,” the zebra nailed woman chimed in.

  “Quiche,” Monopoly man added.

  I watched Aiden, waiting to hear his fabulous idea, or at the very least, waiting on him to take charge and knock off some of the ideas given by the other members. “What do you think, darlin’?” he asked, staring at me with those deep baby blues.

  “Well, I don’t think we need two egg items, and the benedict is more outdated, so the quiche should stay. The crepes are great as long as we include several fillings. I was considering making a salmon bruschetta and grand mimosas, which means we still need a grain and something salty.” I spoke up, even to my own surprise, with complete confidence and authority.

  Aiden smiled. “And there you have it.”

  “I can make a breakfast polenta,” Kevin agreed quickly.

  “I’ll make something with bacon,” Aiden added.

  We all ran into the pantry and began gathering ingredients. I was still unsure how this competition was being judged. I hated to think it was by team, but having Aiden on my side was at least helpful. I worried about Kevin, fearing his cooking skills were no better than his manners, and the woman’s incredibly long nails concerned me. I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to properly hold a knife.

  My nails had been trimmed short ever since I started my catering business. There was no way to get anything done quickly in the kitchen with long flashy nails. That seemed to be a quick lesson learned by women in the kitchen, which made me worry she was an amateur cook.

  It was chaotic as all three teams ran back and forth to the pantry. The timer was set for thirty minutes, and it felt as though it moved in seconds instead of minutes. I decided to quit looking at it and concentrate on my dish.

  It became clear that the woman, who finally introduced herself as Mary, was falling behind. Her nails were a hindrance, something she should have realized before coming to this show. My heart was in my throat as I helped her chop up her strawberries, nuts, and other toppings and fillings for her crepes, then worked quickly to finish the mimosas right as the clock buzzed at zero.

  The bald man with a Monopoly mustache was impressive. He helped with decorating the table with cloths, flowers, and fresh fruits while his quiche baked in the oven. It looked professional, and I was proud to stand behind the table as Shep and two other celebrity chef judges walked up to scope it out.

  Our menu was selected as the most cohesive and desirable, and we were given kudos for our beautiful presentation. “But, this is a cooking competition, so we need to taste each item,” Shep said with a grin.

  He smiled at me as he slipped one of my smoked salmon breakfast bruschettas into his mouth. Shep Thompson smiled at me! “Whose idea was it to add the mimosas?” he asked. “Mine,” I proudly responded. He winked and moved on.

  It was torture waiting for the results as each judge tasted our food.

  “Five of you won’t be moving on,” Shep announced without any remorse. Brutal! Five people cut the first day. I wasn’t prepared for this at all.

  I was relieved to know that an entire team wouldn’t be cut, even though with our fine décor and decent menu I felt we were safe. I wanted to win this on my own, and if I was going down, I wanted that to be alone as well. There was no way I would have someone else blaming me for their loss.

  Aiden, myself, and a cutesy blonde were brought up to the front. She looked as though she was a housewife in Beverly Hills. But as the judges announced we had the three best dishes, I realized she was more than met the eye and probably tough competition.

  Mary and Kevin were cut from our team. Three others from the third team were included in the cuts, and that was it. I made it to the final ten.

  “Congratulations!” Shep yelled, meeting each of our eyes. “Now, things will get tough, and as the weeks go by, even tougher. Are you ready?”

  We all agreed, but without the enthusiasm he expected or wanted. “Are you ready?” he asked again, even louder.

  We all screamed out, “Yes!” with one, “Hell, yes!” coming f
rom Aiden.

  “As you may know, I live in Austin. Was born and raised here. I love this state, and my farm isn’t far from this hotel.” Shep spoke with such grace I could listen to him all day long. “I’m a strong believer in the farm to table movement, so during this competition, you’ll be visiting farms not only here in Austin but from around the country using ingredients that you’ll find onsite.”

  This was a twist I hadn’t prepared for, but I was excited to take on the challenge. Shep spearheaded the farm to table movement, and since his show started, I’d been following his lead. I may not have been prepared, but I knew I was ready.

  “We’ll start by visiting my family farm right here in Austin where you’ll have access to some of the freshest, most delicious ingredients on the planet,” he bragged. “So get rested up, we leave in a few hours.”



  I opened my door to find Gretchen standing outside with a clipboard. “Be packed and outside the hotel in sixty minutes,” she ordered in her overly perky tone. Before I was able to ask any questions, she was gone, already headed for the next door.

  Adrenaline was still rolling through my veins like thunder in the sky. The competition was fierce but exciting, and I was finding my true competitive nature. I pulled out a pair of pink shorts and a white tank top from my suitcase along with a fresh pair of panties and rushed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I had spent too much time reliving the recent events of the competition in my head, and now only had an hour to freshen up before heading to Shep’s family farm.

  I reached behind the hotel shower curtain and turned the faucet to a cool stream and stripped, throwing my clothes in a pile on the floor. The stream of water felt wonderful on my skin as they pierced into the sore muscles and washed away that tingle of excitement.

  Aiden’s flirty smile ran through my mind. He was sexy, I had to admit that, but I knew he had to be a player. Women flocked to him, and he seemed to expect it, so it was strange that he had decided to pursue me. Wasn’t he the guy women chased, not the other way around?

  And then there was Shep, the god of all gods. But he was a judge and, as much as I’d like to, there was no way I could even think about flirting with him.

  My fingers gripped onto the hardened nipples that now pushed from my full breasts, rolling them until I moaned. My body began to tingle again, but not from the excitement of the show this time. Another man — men, if I were honest — were finally starting to interest me. Excite me, really. Lauren warned me that I may meet a man while I was here, and I’d scoffed at the idea… now look at me. I was drooling over two of them.

  I released my nipples and avoided reaching between my legs where even the cool water of the shower couldn’t reduce the heat. I turned the faucet off, grabbed my towel, and wrapped it around me loosely as another knock banged on my door.

  What does Gretchen want now?

  I opened the door just enough to speak to the efficient woman and nearly yelped in surprise. It was Aiden, and the wide smile he’d been wearing fell away as his eyes traced a path down my towel covered body. I was still dripping wet, and as the beads of water rolled down my thighs, I imagined the feeling of Aiden’s tongue exploring their same path.

  Stop it, Claire. You’re here to win, nothing else!

  Aiden swallowed hard as his eyes met mine again. “They’re loading up early and…” he coughed and ran a hand through his hair, his tongue sneaking out to moisten his lips. “I just wanted to catch you so maybe we could ride together.”

  Had I flustered this man, this player?

  I felt powerful in that moment even as my body ached with sexual tension as his eyes dropped back to the too-small towel I gripped tightly in my hands.

  “Yes, that would be great,” I said, my voice filled with that same flustered tone.

  “Do you need help getting dressed?” he asked, and in an instant, his cocky persona was back, his smile turning crooked again. There he was; that cool player who melted women’s hearts and dropped their panties.

  My face grew hot, and I knew my cheeks were bright red to accent my long auburn hair. I was mortified when a giggle escaped my lips, making me sound like a high school girl as she met her favorite rock star backstage at her first concert. I quickly shut that shit up and calmly replied, “I think I can handle that on my own, but thanks.”

  “I’m sure you can, darlin’,” he said with a wink. “I’ll wait for you in the lobby.”

  My heart was pounding so hard it felt as though it would knock my towel right from my body, leaving me naked and vulnerable to this man. If it did, I knew he would waste no time in taking full advantage. I closed the door with a nervous smile and let my body fall onto the perfectly made hotel bed. My hands felt numb as I willed them to continue gripping the towel and not explore the heat that burned between my legs. I needed to stay focused, my eye on the prize, and that prize was not Aiden Maxim. It was the number one spot in this competition.

  As promised, Aiden was waiting in the lobby as I pulled my suitcase behind me. “You look nice, but I must say… I liked the towel better.” The sly, teasing tone was back.

  We boarded the last van in the row with two other contestants and some of the production crew. Aiden started asking questions about the filming, more industry stuff that I’m certain made him feel superior. I settled in my seat and stared out the window as we rolled away from the hotel. The beautiful countryside of Austin was breathtaking, and I lost myself in thoughts of what Shep would be like once we arrived on his family farm.

  “We’ve assigned campers for each contestant throughout the farm. Please take a map as you exit the van and find your camper. Once you drop your suitcases off, please come directly to the area marked ‘common grounds’ on your map for your next instructions,” Gretchen said with her normal quick, sharp voice.

  Aiden was already out of the van, still talking shop with one of the cameramen when I reached out and took a map from Gretchen. Her nose wrinkled up, and she pushed her glasses down it. “Good job earlier, you surprised me.” Her voice was the softest I’d heard it.

  “Thank you,” I responded, but couldn’t help but wonder why it was so surprising to her that I’d done well.

  “Looks like we’re neighbors,” Aiden said, focusing his attention on me once again. The entire ride he’d rattled on and on about angles, lens, and grilled the cameramen for their expertise, but now he was ready to flirt again. I wasn’t.

  Stepping onto the soil of Shep Thompson’s family farm was surreal. This was where he grew up, where his love for food developed. From here, he became a world-renowned chef.

  The large white house looked humble, not what you would expect from a famous chef, but the land was never-ending, and the fields perfectly tended. Large barns sat on the farm that housed the animals, and small campers were placed throughout the grounds. I looked on the map and noticed mine was indeed right next to Aiden’s, which I realized could turn into trouble with those dreamy blue eyes and his mischievous smile.

  “Let me,” Aiden said and reached for my large suitcase.

  “I can handle it, thanks.” I pulled the handle up from the case so I could drag it behind me. I hated that the new designer bags from my friend were getting dragged through the dirt and not carried by Aiden’s strong arms, but I wanted to do this on my own. Any sign of weakness might be used against me somehow.

  My camper was small but offered a bed, a small sink, and a bathroom. It was clean, well-organized and even though not glamorous, my home for the next week.

  Aiden was leaning against his camper as I walked back out onto the farm. He straightened and headed towards me as I struggled to follow the map Gretchen had given me. “What do ya think of your new palace on wheels?” he asked.

  “Oh, it’s glamorous,” I replied lightly.

  “That bed looked big enough for two, so if you’re scared out here all alone, just holler and I’ll come a runnin’.” His lips curled back into that crooked smile
that was sexy as hell.

  “I bet you will,” I answered with a witty snap and another one of those ridiculous schoolgirl giggles.

  Oh my God, he was getting to me!

  Focus Claire. Eye on the prize, not Aiden Maxim!

  I was relieved to see our small group gathered around Shep and hurried over to join them. On the drive here, we’d learned that this first week at his farm had already been scheduled, even before the regular host got sick.

  “Welcome to my family’s farm,” Shep began, addressing the ten of us. “Here, you’ll be given tasks throughout the week that will help you learn about the foods you’ll be preparing. Each contestant will be assigned duties.” He grinned and met my eyes, giving me a little wink. “And don’t worry, you’ll all get a turn shoveling out the pig pens. At the end of the week, you’ll prepare a dish that represents not only you and your cooking style but also represents what you learned here.”

  “Free labor,” Aiden muttered sarcastically.

  A woman standing on the other side of Aiden snickered at his comment. She was tall, thin and had a short black hairstyle that accentuated the sharp feminine features of her face. I vaguely remembered her from the introductions. Elle, I believe was her name. Aiden looked at her with the same flirty smile he’d been given me since I arrived. I didn’t like it, suddenly feeling trapped in his game.

  “I know you all are tired, so there’s no competition, no tasks, and no work today. My family has insisted on having you all join them in the main house for a dinner prepared using fresh ingredients found right here on site.” Shep made the final announcement and stepped away from the camera that had been pushed into his face.

  Gretchen announced that we would be taking a tour of the farm and would have dinner waiting for us on our return. Shep jumped onto the back of a long trailer attached to a John Deere tractor and took a seat on a bale of hay. We all joined him, taking seats on similar bales that were placed around the trailer’s perimeter. It felt like a hay ride as the tractor bounced to the beat of its engine, and we all piled in close to one another.


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