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Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 36

by Ward, Alice

  Asher took Rachel’s hand and stood without waiting for Kennedy or me to express an opinion. Fury rose in my chest, but Kennedy spoke before I could.

  “That will be fine. I’ll go to the station now and let Austin know what’s happening. I’ll tell him to expect you in a few hours,” she offered. “Lauren can come with me.”

  “Thank you, Kennedy. You’ve been a lifesaver this week,” Asher replied. He didn’t take his arm from Rachel’s shoulders when he stopped to kiss me; every part of me wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

  “We’ll see you in a little while,” he called over his shoulder as they stepped into the hallway.

  I let the door shut without replying and Kennedy turned to me, her eyebrows raised. “Are you sure that woman’s a lesbian?” she asked, her voice dripping with doubt.

  “These days, I’m not sure of anything,” I confessed.

  Kennedy’s mouth turned up in a grin and she pulled me to the couch. “That’s all about to change,” she promised, typing at her keyboard.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, curiosity rising in my voice.

  She pointed at the screen. “I don’t know anything about this sort of stuff, but even I can tell that there’s nothing special about this email. If there had been any malware attached to it, my firewall would have detected it. The address it was sent from is probably bogus, but I doubt it will be hard to trace. I bet Austin’s guys have this wrapped up before Rachel graces the precinct with her presence. I’ve already forwarded it to his tech department.”

  I relaxed into the sofa cushions and kicked off my shoes. “Does this mean we aren’t going to see Austin?”

  “There’s really no need. I just said that to give you an excuse to get away from Rachel. Now, you and I can spend the day talking about what I’ve dug up on her.”

  My heart raced at Kennedy’s words. The last time we’d had a moment alone, her search into Rachel’s past hadn’t uncovered anything.

  “Tell me everything,” I insisted.

  “I still have no idea what she did while Asher was at college,” she warned. “But I did find some interesting stuff on her family. Her parents, Maude and David, have been married for forty-seven years. Rachel has two brothers and one sister, all significantly older and all very successful. One’s a neurosurgeon, another is a law professor at Old Miss, you get the idea.”

  “Asher has mentioned Rachel’s parents, but never any brothers or sisters.”

  She shrugged. “He might not know. Anyway, Maude Goins is a stay at home mom, and David is the founding partner of a huge international accounting firm based in Las Angeles. They aren’t exactly Jackson and Asher wealthy, but Rachel didn’t grow up wanting for anything.”

  “To hear Asher tell it, all she ever wanted was acceptance,” I replied. It killed me to play devil’s advocate when it came to Rachel. But as much as I was growing to loathe her, I couldn’t side with the family that had rejected her.

  “That’s where things get interesting,” Kennedy explained. “Maude and David are both very involved with their church, just like Asher told you. But they’re not radical conservatives. In fact, they’re almost as liberal as my mother. Maude’s been a feminist activist since the seventies and the entire family has campaigned for civil rights. David’s brother’s husband is CFO of his firm.”

  She paused, letting that newsflash sink in before continuing, “These aren’t the kind of people who’d reject their child for being a lesbian. And while Rachel’s foster records say that was the reason she gave for running away, the family’s statements all said she’d become disrespectful and, at times, violent. David claimed she ran away from home the day before she was supposed to be checked into a psychiatric center. But the hospital he listed didn’t have her in their system. Rachel refused to go home with them and they didn’t push it.”

  I leaned back against the sofa, dumbstruck by Kennedy’s news.

  She lied about why she left her family. But she still could have had a good reason to run away.

  Half of me felt compelled to contact Rachel’s parents and ask for their side of the story. But the other half was afraid of what I’d learn if I went digging for the truth. If someone in Rachel’s family had hurt or abused her, contacting them would only open new wounds. And we all had quite enough to deal with already. I cleared my throat and turned to Kennedy.

  “Rachel grew up with money. I doubt she’d have chosen the foster system over her upper class LA home unless she had very good reason. Do you think…?” I let my voice trail off, unable to speak the words.

  “I don’t know,” Kennedy whispered. “I’ve run background searches on the whole family. None of them have ever been accused of being a sex offender. That doesn’t mean none of them are, though. I stopped digging. I wanted to talk to you before we decide what to do next.”

  “I think we should leave the family alone for now. Let’s focus on figuring out the lost years after they left LA.”

  “That’s going to be a lot more difficult,” she warned. “But I’ll keep up the investigation. If I have to, I’ll fly to Vermont and poke around for a few days.”

  “Thank you, Kennedy. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Kennedy’s laptop chimed as a new email popped up on the screen.

  “You’re about to have to settle for having me at a distance,” she announced, reading the message. “Austin’s guys traced the email to an apartment just outside of San Francisco. The internet account is owned by a woman named Tanya Shroud. She was in Rachel’s first group home. Austin is on his way there now to make the arrest, which means my work here is done.”


  Tanya Stroud was arrested for trespassing, stalking, and blackmail, all of which she denied. She admitted to knowing Cynthia Goins, but denied having any knowledge of her new name or current whereabouts. The evidence spoke for itself and Tanya was released on bail to await trial. The hearing was closed, and the judge made it clear that if Rachel’s identity was exposed, bail would be revoked and more charges would be added.

  After Tanya’s arrest, Rachel became a completely different person. She thanked me for not pitching a fit about her monopolizing Asher’s attention and apologized for accusing me of spilling their secret. I didn’t trust her sincerity, but I kept my doubts to myself.

  Kennedy flew home to Boston Monday afternoon after the hearing. Rachel moved back to her condo and by Wednesday, I felt like I was settling back into my life. Asher and I had time alone again and I was even able to spend some time painting in Deacon’s studio. Just when I thought things couldn’t get better, Asher walked into my office with unexpected news.

  “Baby, you won’t believe who I just got off the phone with,” he announced, smiling from ear to ear. It felt so good to see him relaxed and happy again, and I grinned back at him instinctively.

  “Well whoever it is, you’re obviously excited. Who called?”

  “John Livingston, the editor in chief of Arts, International.”

  “The magazine?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat.

  Arts, International employed some of the most well respected critics in the industry. Their editorials were known to make or break an artist’s career and I couldn’t fathom why the man in charge had called Asher.

  “Yes, the magazine. Their annual honors banquet is next week, and they’d like to add you to the list of honorees.”

  What? I must be hearing things. There’s no way he just said what I think he said.

  I stared back at Asher, unable to speak. His eyes crinkled in amusement and he let out a soft laugh.

  “I expected this reaction,” he teased. “John’s exact words were that you’ve created an entirely new way to experience art, and he expects it to revolutionize both the art and gaming industries. I went ahead and accepted the invitation on your behalf. We leave for London Sunday night.”

  My body went from numb to electrified. I practically flew over my desk into Asher’s arms. He kissed me hard
on the lips and then dropped his mouth to my ear.

  “I’m so proud of you, baby,” he whispered.

  “This wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for you,” I insisted, burrowing my face into his neck. I felt his cock rise against my hip and went wet between my legs. I rocked against it, suddenly desperate to break our no sex at work rule.

  “All I did was offer you the job,” he replied, seemingly oblivious to my intentions. “The rest was all you.”

  I pushed my hips into him and arched my back, meeting his eyes. I shook my head and gave him my best lustful grin.

  “I’m trying to give you credit so I have a reason to thank you.”

  Realization flashed across his face and his eyes lit up with his broad, devilish smile. He kissed me again and then pulled away.

  “I thought we made a rule that we were going to keep our professional and personal lives separate,” he teased, already unfastening his belt.

  “Well, aren’t rules made to be broken?” I replied with a daring grin.

  “Yes, Miss Matthews. I believe they are.”

  Asher kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants before moving to my office door. He made sure it was locked and then moved back to me, planting his hands firmly on my shoulders. He walked me behind the desk and pushed me gently into my chair. Then, he dropped to his knees and slid his hands beneath the hem of my skirt. He teased me through my cotton panties before slipping them down my legs and stuffing them into his shirt pocket.

  “We have to be quiet,” he reminded me, circling my clit with his fingers.

  “I know,” I gasped, my words barely audible. I leaned back in the chair and pushed my hips to the edge of the seat. Asher pressed on my pubic bone with shockingly thrilling pressure as his finger circled inside me.

  “You’re sure you can do that?” he asked, adding another finger.

  “Yes,” I begged with a whisper. I mimicked his motions and put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him away from me. I sat up in the chair and reached down, taking his cock in one hand. It throbbed between my fingers and I longed to have it inside me.

  “The question is can you be quiet,” I teased, sliding onto the floor. I sat in front of him and took as much of his shaft into my mouth as possible.

  Asher let out a series of rapid, heavy breaths but he didn’t cry out. Instead, he rose to his feet, pulling me up with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me into the air. I folded my legs around him, trying to angle myself over his throbbing member.

  “We have to be quick. Someone could knock on the door any second,” he warned.

  Knowing we could get caught just made me want him more. I wiggled and turned, trying to take him inside me.

  “If we have to be quick, we should probably get started,” I whispered, half teasing, half pleading.

  Asher sat me on the desk and pushed up my skirt. I stroked his cock as he stood before me.

  “You just went to the doctor last week. Are there any condoms in this office?” he groaned.

  “Yes,” I replied with a sigh. Asher and I hadn’t taken any chances since that first time. I knew the rubber was necessary, but I was counting the days until we wouldn’t need them anymore.

  I opened my desk drawer, retrieved a condom, and carefully tore open the package. I rolled it down Asher’s beautiful cock in one fluid motion and laid back on the desk, not caring what might fall to the floor. Asher pushed my legs open and plunged inside me. I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out in passion.

  “Oh, Asher,” I groaned softly as he moved in and out.

  “You like that, baby?” he whispered, moving faster and harder.

  “Yes,” I cried. I opened my eyes and watched Asher slipped the middle and index fingers of his right hand into his mouth. He moved his hand from his lips to the place where we connected, pinching my clit between his two slick fingers. I groaned louder, catching myself almost immediately and dropping my tone.

  This was a horrible idea. Staying quiet is going to kill me.

  I could hear talk and laughter coming from the workroom and knew there was a very good chance that our office tryst would be watercooler gossip by the end of the day. But I didn’t care. I could hardly even think about it. All I could concentrate on was the pleasure radiating through my body.

  Asher rocked into me again and let out a growl; I knew he was close, but I wasn’t quite there yet. Slowly, I lifted my legs to his shoulders, clenching my pussy muscles at the same time.

  “Holy shit, Lauren,” he gasped, slowing his pace.

  “Don’t,” I growled back at him instinctively. “Don’t slow down. I’m so close.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked through heavy breaths.

  I clenched my muscles tighter in response and Asher let himself go. He thrust into me wildly, animalistic grunts escaping his throat. I felt my eyes roll back in my head as I gave myself over to release. With a final thrust, Asher let my legs fall and collapsed on top of me.

  “Oh my God,” I sighed. “We should make love at work more often. That was amazing.”

  Asher kissed my neck and smiled. “You know what, Miss Matthews? I like the way you think.”


  “Well, the PI Kennedy recommended is good,” Claire announced. She dropped her purse onto the table and slid into the booth across from me. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was dressed in yoga pants and a baggy white t-shirt.

  “I’m so sorry, Claire.”

  She shrugged and her eyes glistened with tears. “Better I know now, right? Royce has been seeing a woman we met when we went to Lake Tahoe last year. She and her husband stayed at the same bed and breakfast as us.”

  “He’s been seeing a married woman?” I asked with a cringe.

  She nodded. “They’ve been meeting at one of those God awful pay by the hour places. I have videos of them going into the place and then leaving a few hours later. I’ve showered six times since I saw them.”

  I reached across the table and took her hand. “Does Royce know that you know?”

  “Not yet. I’m not sure I even want to say anything to him. I wish I could just disappear and let him wonder what happened to me for the rest of his stupid life,” she confessed.

  “Well, I’m not sure I can help you disappear forever. But I can hide you for a while. Is he at home right now?”

  Claire shook her head. “He’s at work, and he’s already warned me it would be a late night. Which I now assume means he’s meeting Gretchen when he leaves the office.”

  “I don’t want to push you into making a decision. But if you want, we can go pack some of your stuff after we eat and you can stay with Asher and me for a few days. We’re going to London on Sunday, so you’d have the place to yourself. Even if Royce suspects you’re there, he’d never be able to get in. Once things calm down, you can move into the townhouse.”

  “Are you sure Asher won’t mind having me around?”

  “I’m positive,” I assured her. “Asher’s no stranger to looking out for a friend.”

  A middle aged waitress approached our table with a pot of coffee in hand.

  “Sorry for your wait, we’ve been slammed. My name is Susan. Are you ready to place your orders?”

  “I’ll have coffee and a BLT,” Claire replied.

  “Same for me,” I added.

  She filled the empty mugs on our table and promised to have our food out shortly. I took a long sip while Claire added three packages of Sweet’N Low to her mug.

  “I need to think about something else for just five minutes.” She twisted the empty paper packages in her hands and stared at me, hoping for some sort of distraction.

  “You said you’re going to London. That sounds exciting. Is it for work?” she pressed.

  “Kind of,” I answered with a smile. “I’m being honored at the annual Arts, International banquet.”

  “Oh my God, Lauren. Congratulations.”

  The fact that Claire could muster a smile for my ne
ws with everything she was going through warmed my heart. I felt horrible for neglecting her while things were upside down with Rachel, and I vowed to never take her for granted again.

  “Thanks. I’m still having trouble believing that it’s happening. This doesn’t feel like real life.”

  “You deserve every bit of it,” she insisted. “I’m so proud of you. Have you told your parents?”

  I shook my head and blushed. “I haven’t been keeping in touch with Mom and Dad like I should. I talked to them when I left the museum, but they don’t know that I’m with Asher.”

  “You haven’t told them?” she gasped. “For God’s sake, Lauren, why? They’d be thrilled to know you’re happy.”

  “I guess I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop.” It was the first time I’d admitted it, even to myself.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I warmed my suddenly cold hand around my coffee mug, staring down into the dark liquid. “Everything’s happened so fast. And the ups and downs have been somewhat extreme…”

  “Did you two have a fight I don’t know about?” she interrupted, cocking one eyebrow.

  “No, it wasn’t exactly a fight. I learned some things I hadn’t expected, and it took me a little time to decide if I could deal with them. I’m sorry to be so vague, but there are some things about Asher’s life that I just can’t talk about.”

  “No need to apologize,” she assured me. “I know Asher values his privacy. That giant concrete wall kind of speaks for itself.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I agreed with a laugh.

  Susan returned to the table and sat our plates in front of us, along with two glasses of ice water. She left as quickly as she arrived and Claire and I dug into our sandwiches. I was relieved to see my friend had an appetite after getting such terrible news. It told me that she’d made peace with her situation long before the PI showed her the videos. I tried to imagine Asher betraying me, but I couldn’t.

  Asher definitely comes with his own unique baggage. But he’d never hurt me the way Royce hurt Claire. He doesn’t have it in him to do be anything but loyal and good to the people he loves. We may have to live our lives looking over our shoulders. But at least I know we’ll always be by each other’s sides.


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