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Beware the Devil (Mafia Soldiers Book 3)

Page 20

by Samantha Cade

We lock eyes, both with hard expressions, daring the other to make a move. The moment dissolves when Vince walks into the office.

  “Leo, wow, I still can’t believe you’re here,” Vince says, shaking his head.

  I break my gaze from Pop and step away. Vince is carrying a black briefcase.

  “Anyway, Pop,” Vince says, checking his watch. “It’s almost ten-thirty.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” Pop says gruffly. He sits behind his desk and starts ruffling through drawers. He pulls out a package wrapped in paper. It looks like a brick of cash. When Pop looks up and sees me staring, he waves me away.

  Back at the card table, Uncle Tony has fallen asleep. His hands are folded on his massive belly, and his head is craned back. He snores and mumbles in his sleep. Mateo has the deck of cards, and he’s shuffling them furiously. I sit down next to him and pat his back.

  “Mateo, how you been?” I ask. “What you been up to?”

  Mateo shrugs with a cocky smirk. “Beating guys to a pulp, crushing pussy. You know, the usual.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I double over, wiping the tears from my face. “You? Crushing pussy? The guy who couldn’t get a date in high school?” I crane my head back, laughing more.

  Mateo gives me a patronizing smile. “That was a long time ago, bro.” He holds up his fists and shows me the bruising around his knuckle. “You see that? This right here can make any girl drop her panties. Once they know you’re a bad ass, you’re in.”

  “Oh, okay. And you’re a bad ass?”

  Mateo looks at me in a way that chills my blood. “You’ve been gone a long time, bro. A lot has changed.”

  A few minutes later, Vince walks out carrying the black briefcase. I walk up to him while he’s putting on his coat.

  “Where you going?” I ask. “You need backup?”

  “Nah,” he says, shaking his head. “Just a little business. Shouldn’t take long.”

  “I’m coming along.”

  “No, really. That’s okay. You just got back. Relax. Have a beer. We’ll hang out when I get back.” He flashes me that charming smile that’s always worked on the ladies. But I’m not falling for it.

  “Who are you paying off?” I ask.

  Vince gives me a pained look. “Listen, you shouldn’t get in the middle of this. It’s a shaky truce as it is.”

  “That wad of cash is going to fucking Anton?” I say.

  “Which is why you can’t come,” Vince says. “You just look at them wrong and the war starts all over again.”

  I take a breath to calm myself. “Fine. You’re right. I just got here, and I shouldn’t be meddling in business just yet.” I open the door for the both of us. “I’ll stay in the car.”

  Vince gives me an incredulous look.

  “Promise,” I say.

  Vince heaves his shoulders and starts to walk out. Before the door closes behind us, Mateo runs out to join us.

  Chapter Three



  I don’t think I’ve taken a deep breath the entire night. I’m too on edge. Anything can happen. I’m in a room full of drunken psychopaths, with numerous weapons casually lying around, so yeah, I’m a little nervous. Or, one of the them could turn their eyes on me, and decide they want to do more with my body than just stare at my ass.

  I stay close to the edges or room, avoiding everyone’s attention as best I can. It seems to work for the most part. The men are too engaged in drinking and cards to notice me skirting around, and most of them already have a girl in their laps to fondle. That leaves only me to serve the drinks that they never stop demanding, and I’m fine with that arrangement.

  The only one who notices me is Pill Crusher, who’s name I’ve learned is Anton Nabatov. From the way the other guys act around him, I can tell he’s a boss, maybe even the boss. I feel him watching me as I walk back and forth to the bar. I furiously hope that he doesn’t grab me again, and this time, pull me into his lap and not let me go.

  But he doesn’t. All he does is watch. I worry that’s he’s keeping tabs on me. If he is, he’s definitely displeased with my service. The other girls are flaunting their bodies, and tempting his guys to take them into the backroom. What if he decides not to pay me for the night? Or what if he decides to do something worse?

  My paranoia starts to catch up with me. I start to tremble, which makes it even harder to balance in these skyscraper heels. I rush down a dark hallway and into the bathroom. I close and lock the door behind me. For the first time that night, I take a deep, cleansing breath.

  “You can do this, you can do this,” I repeat under my breath, telling myself to get back out there. “You’re just working yourself up.”

  I splash cold water on my face, not worried about messing up my makeup. The thick eyeliner Dani applied to my face is already starting to run, and the bright cherry lipstick has vanished, leaving only the borders of my lips stained.

  “One night. One month’s rent.”

  But I’m still not convinced. I can’t bring myself to walk out of that door. Not yet. I walk over to the window and look out. This part of the warehouse is partially underground, so my eyes are level with the street. It’s quiet and dark out there, since no one in their right mind would be here at night.

  I see headlights approaching up the street. I assume someone’s lost, or is taking a shortcut. I hope it’s not more Russian men, hungry for vodka and desperate young women like me.

  The car stops on the street in front of the window. The doors open, and two tall, very handsome men get out. Seriously, they look like they could be in a jean ad. They don’t look Russian. With their olive complexions and thick dark hair, I’d guess Italian. As they get out, the interior is illuminated briefly. There’s another man in the back seat. He looks like the others, and I assume they’re brothers. The man in the car is so tall, his head is hunched slightly forward. His shoulders so broad, he seems to fill the entire space in the back of the car.

  The doors close and the car goes dark, but I can still make out the outline of the man in the back. The other two walk to the entrance of the warehouse. One of them is carrying a black briefcase.

  A chill runs up my spine. What are they doing here? Is a fight going to break out? Why did they leave one behind? Is he going to surprise the Nabatovs with an attack?

  I definitely don’t want to leave the bathroom now. Not until those guys leave. My legs are frozen as I cower below the window, looking out. I can’t take my eyes off of the man in the car. There’s something about him, his posture, or his aura, that gives off a sense of danger. Now, after the company I’ve been keeping, this should frighten me. But with him, I’m drawn to it.

  I hear the front doors of the warehouse open. Everyone immediately goes quiet. I can feel the tension, even all the way in the bathroom. I hear Anton’s voice, and another man’s, probably one of the Italians. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but the exchange is polite, if not strained.

  I continue to watch the man. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and I’m just beginning to make out his strong jawline that’s offset by heavy cheekbones. His hair is short, probably shaved. Every angle of his face, neck, and shoulders is perfectly symmetrical. The lines come to together to make a figure that’s powerfully strong.

  I wish it was him in here, and not these monsters, I think. I wouldn’t mind him grabbing my ass.

  I bury my face in my hands, wondering why in the hell I’d be lusting after some mystery man after the night I’ve had. I peek back out of the window. His head is turned towards me. But there’s no way he can see me. There’s very little light outside, and a leafy bush stands between him and me.

  He makes a sudden movement, making me yelp. He’s getting out of the car. My heart pounds in panic, but I remind myself that he couldn’t possibly see me here. I watch as he hurriedly walks across the sidewalk, and suddenly, this huge, hulking man is crouching right in front of the window.

  I seem to leave my body
at this point. All I can focus on is his eyes. They’re dark, with two focused points in the middle that are laser focused on me.

  Blood rushes in my ears. I try to snap myself out of this trance. Run, I yell at myself, run!

  But I’m trapped in his intense, focused gaze, and can’t help feeling a little like prey. When he flashes a brilliant smile, revealing his perfect teeth and dimples in his cheeks, I don’t want to run from him. I want to give myself to him, or better yet, let him take me.

  He raps his knuckles against the window pane, and glances down at the lock. Inwardly, I scream at myself not to do it, but I have no control over my arms. I unlock the window, then thrust it up. Cool air rushes in, making me shiver. The man leans further inside.

  “Hi, there,” he says.

  His smile is so intoxicating, and his face so handsome, I almost forget that I should be afraid. I’m comforted by the fact that he’ll never be able to squeeze his huge body through the window.

  “Are you in trouble?” he asks.

  I try to speak, but it comes out croaked. I realize my throat is dry, and my mouth has been hanging open. I shake my head quickly.

  “I’m Leo.” He extends his hand through the window. I shake it, feeling the rough callouses on his palm. His hand is so big, it envelops mine completely. “And what’s your name, sweetheart?”

  “Mia,” I say in barely a whisper. “Mia Clemons.” I give him my last name not for his information, but to ground myself in reality. I glance towards the door. I should get out. Now.

  Leo tightens his grip on my hand, and pulls me closer to him. My breasts smash against the windowsill, spilling my cleavage in this low-cut dress. Leo directs his intense gaze to my chest. It feels like fingers running in between my breasts. I break out in goosebumps.

  “Don’t be scared of me,” Leo says. He looks to the door. “You should be scared of the guys out there. Listen, climb out of this window. I’ll take care of you. Get you away from here.”

  I pull my hand out of his grasp, blinking rapidly. What scares me the most is that I’m tempted to take him up on his offer.

  “I’m fine, thanks,” I say, mustering a defiant tone.

  Leo studies me more closely, like he’s searching my soul, looking for an opening he can manipulate into doing whatever he says. He’s so fucking cocky, and it’s obvious he has experience tempting women into his bed. Hell, with his looks, he’s probably good at it.

  “What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?” he asks.

  I summon my confidence, and stand up straight. “Working. What does it look like?”

  The muscles in his jaws clench. His pupils expand. I must be wrong, but he looks a little jealous. It gives me a small thrill.

  “How many of those reds have you let sample your wares?” he spits.

  My jaw drops, and I scoff at him. “I’m serving drinks. That’s it. Not that it’s any of your business what I do.”

  His face scrunches, and he looks almost offended. It’s the reaction I’d expect from a possessive boyfriend. Leo seems to realize the absurdity of this, and his face relaxes into a smile.

  “You seem smart,” he says. “So let me ask you something? Why would you open a window for a guy like me?” He cocks his head to side, then reaches for my arm. Against my better judgement, I let him take it. He draws me closer to the window where he can get a better view of my breasts. I don’t recoil. It feels good to have him look at me. An icy chill runs through me as he pushes the hair from my ear and whispers, “Maybe you crave a little danger?”

  I respond with a sharp gasp. Leo’s smile deepens, like I’ve confirmed what he said. Before I can tell him that I have no desire for danger, his head snaps to the left. I hear voices coming up the sidewalk, probably his brothers. He brings my hand to his lips and gives it a quick kiss, then disappears into the night.

  Keep Reading Hostage

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  The Romano Brothers Series




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