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Page 13

by Ella Frank

  “Ed, miss. The name is Ed.”

  Rachel took a step into the elevator and turned around to face him. Pressing number twenty-six, she waved. “Have a good night, Ed,” she called out before the doors swooshed shut.

  As the elevator made the climb toward her fate, Rachel smoothed her hands down her black-and-white skirt. Suddenly experiencing an attack of nerves, she took a deep breath as she tightened the black satin bow at the side of her waist.

  When she reached her destination, she stepped out into the hall and made her way down to the left. When she arrived at Cole’s place, she noticed a folded piece of paper taped to the door. Across the front of it, her name was printed.

  Ripping the note off the door, she decided that if he’d stood her up, she was going to break into his condo and cut up all his ties. She opened the note and frowned as she read it: Level 28.

  Heading back to the elevators, she refolded the paper. She waited for an elevator to open and then stepped inside. Looking at the panel, she hit the button for the twenty-eighth floor. As it ascended, her nerves slowly crept up again. Where the hell is he? And what is on floor twenty-eight? Trying not to let her imagination get the best of her, she held her breath until the doors opened.

  As she stepped out onto the floor, the first thing she was hit with was the smell of chlorine. She spotted a single plastic chair and draped her coat across it before turning to look at the full-length pool in front of her. Taking a hesitant step forward in her silver-buckled black Mary Janes, she looked down to the white concrete floor where she was now standing.

  Glancing around, she found the space was completely empty, and then she heard a splash in the water. Moving her eyes back to the pool in front of her, she watched as a man powered with perfect form through the water toward her. His arms sliced through the surface with absolute precision on each stroke, and as he glided closer to her, Rachel could do nothing but stare. She knew she was looking at Cole, but she just didn’t know if her heart could handle what she was seeing.

  When he reached the end of the pool, he came to a stop and gripped the edge. Taking a deep breath, he reached up his right hand to remove the black goggles protecting his eyes. After tossing them aside, he ran his hand through his hair, making it stick up in wet spikes all over his head. Blinking a couple of times, he finally looked up to see her standing there.

  She hadn’t moved an inch as she remained frozen, staring at him as he caught his breath. She was about to question her own sanity for not going toward…well, all of that. Then, he placed both palms on the edge of the pool and hauled himself up and over the edge.

  Oh, thank you God for giving me this moment, Rachel thought, sending up the quick prayer. Her eyes went crazy as she tried to take in every inch of wet skin Cole had just put on display, and there was a whole lot of damn skin.

  While his body came into view, the water slid over his strong muscular arms, ran down his powerful chest and rippling abs, and finally, dripped from his tight black swim shorts, sitting extremely low on his hips. As if that sight alone wasn’t hard enough to comprehend, throw in his hard nipples that were adorned with silver bars and tattoos that were screaming for her to trace with her tongue, and she was surprised she hadn’t started to drool.

  When his eyes locked with hers, he took a step toward her, and Rachel decided there was no way she was going anywhere. She wanted a piece of that, and she wanted it now.

  As Cole walked over to Rachel, his eyes took her in. She looked like a sexy pinup girl who had strolled directly out of the 1950s. Her hairstyle was parted off to the right and swept softly to the side where curls framed her face perfectly. Her red highlights interspersed throughout kept the style modern. Her dress was black with white musical notes all over it, and a black silk bow wrapped around her waist where the skirt kicked out. She was the very image of the women who had been plastered all over the magazines back in that era.

  Cole felt his cock stiffen, and he didn’t care one bit that he was pretty much all on display. He raised a hand and ran it through his hair again, trying to get himself under control. He really wanted under her skirt.

  When he stopped in front of her, he looked down into guileless eyes as she stared up at him.

  “Hello, Rachel. I see you got my note.”

  Her lips parted but nothing came out.

  That’s just fine with me, Cole thought. He wrapped a wet arm around her waist and pulled her in tight against him. Pressing his body flush against hers, he lowered his head. “You don’t mind if I get you a little…wet, do you?”

  She gripped his biceps hard as she shook her head without saying a word.

  “Good because I need you wet for what I have in mind.”

  Lowering his head, he pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, and when she parted her lips, he ran his tongue along her bottom one, teasing her. As her nails bit into his arms, he sucked on her lip and then released it. Finally, he slid his tongue deep inside to rub against hers. As she sighed against his mouth, her eyes closed, and he felt her right palm slide down his arm until it gently landed on his waist.

  Angling his head to the side, he closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. He groaned when he felt her tongue chase his back into his mouth. He loved this aggressive side of her that simmered under the surface. As she pushed closer against him, he felt that sneaky right hand of hers smooth around his back to the top of his black swim shorts.

  Lifting his mouth from hers, he opened his eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Silently, she curled her nails into the top of the elastic and dragged it down until his left ass cheek was bare. She scraped her nails up and over his cool flesh before grabbing him tightly, pulling him as close as she could against herself.

  Clenching his jaw, Cole brought up his left palm to her covered breast where he cupped her and squeezed, pushing it up, as he pressed his cock in closer to her. He could feel her breathing coming quicker as she remained completely focused on him. One set of her nails dug into his arm while the other set gripped his ass.

  “I want to see,” she finally said.

  Cole rubbed her breast through the material again as his other arm held her immobile. “You want to see what?”

  Blue eyes zeroed in on his mouth as Rachel told him fearlessly, “I want to see your other piercing. I want to see what is mine for the week.”

  Rachel was losing her mind if she thought she was the one making demands. But damn, his ass is hard as a rock, she thought as she gave it another squeeze while she waited for his answer.

  His expression right now could only be described as ravenous. He released her and took a step back, watching her intently. Rachel was just about to give up, thinking she would be denied.

  Then, he sensuously instructed, “Take off my swim shorts.”

  Caught up in the sexual energy swirling around them, she took a step forward, and without thinking, she reached out to slip her fingers into the elastic. That was when his hands came out and gripped her wrists. Looking up at him with questioning eyes, she was about to ask what the problem was.

  “On your knees,” he added.

  Feeling thrilled at the order, she lowered herself in front of him, and when she was eye-level with his impressive hard-on, she stroked her finger over the wet material. Making sure she was allowed to do that, she raised her eyes to his, and she almost lost her train of thought from the view above her.

  Cole had placed his palms behind his head, and she now had a completely unobstructed view of the tattoo covering his right ribs. It looked like the side profile of a silhouette. Inching upward, her gaze drifted over to the tufts of hair under his arm, which were slightly darker than the hair on his head, and then the writing on each of his arms drew her attention again.

  The man is so fucking hot I’m surprised steam isn’t coming off him.

  Just as the thought entered her head, he looked down with sharp, intelligent eyes, and Rachel found herself moistening from the look he aimed her way.

  “Is there a problem?” he inquired.

  His tone was so arrogant that Rachel should have found it annoying, but instead, it made her want to hike up her skirt and beg him to take her. Rather than doing that though, she shook her head and rose up on her knees. Slipping her fingers into his swimwear, she pulled it down over his hips and let them fall to the floor where he stepped out of them. That was when she found herself face-to-face with his very impressive erection and a bold Prince Albert piercing.

  Knowing, feeling, and seeing were three totally different experiences, and in this moment, Rachel was paralyzed. The straining hard flesh in front of her was tipped with what looked like a ten-gauge curved stainless steel barbell that was currently glistening from the pool water and a small bead of pre-cum.

  Just as she was about to lean forward and flick her tongue over it, she felt a hand cup the back of her head and grip her hair. Cole pulled her head back, so she was looking up at him.

  He shook his head at her. “Your request was to see it, and the promise was you could look at it. I believe both have been met.”

  As his words penetrated her lust-addled brain, she felt him tug gently on her hair.

  “Stand up,” he instructed.

  After getting to her feet, she almost stumbled as he walked her back to the wall where he pushed the button beside her for the elevator. That was when it hit Rachel. Oh shit! Roles are reversed. I’m completely clothed, and Cole…well, he is one hundred percent gloriously naked.

  As he stood in front of her, pinning her to the wall with his stare, he didn’t seem to notice or care at all.

  Cole was barely keeping it together as he waited for the elevator to arrive. He was taking a gamble that no one would be in it, but at this stage, he didn’t really give a shit.

  “Uh, you’re naked,” Rachel pointed out cautiously as the elevator arrived.

  He couldn’t help the insolent grin that came across his face as she wriggled out from between him and the solid surface. When she scurried into the empty lift, he sauntered in behind her and pushed the button to his floor. He turned to rest against the back wall and tugged her in front of him.

  “Good thing this dress has a full skirt then, wouldn’t you say?” He gripped her hips and pulled her back, so her ass was pressed up against his stiff cock. He blew a gentle breath against her ear and smoothed a palm around her to play with the bow at her waist. “What do you have on under this skirt?”

  Taking a swift breath, she revealed, “Nothing.”

  Cole’s hand tightened on her waist as his cock flexed. He was dying to get inside her. “Really?”

  He watched her silky black hair as she nodded.

  “You told me to always act like you are above me and about to slide inside me, so I figured you’d prefer nothing in your way.”

  She is going to fucking kill me, Cole thought as he felt his chest tighten.

  Thank God his condo was only two floors down. When the elevator reached his floor, the doors opened, and he shifted his hand to where the skirt covered her bare mound.

  Pressing his palm to it, he promised her, “As soon as we’re inside my front door, I am going to lift this skirt, and I am going to fuck you. Before we get there, is there anything I should know?”

  He released his hand and urged her forward into the hall. When he realized she hadn’t yet replied, he asked, “Rachel? Do I need to get protection?”

  She finally glanced back over her shoulder. With eyes as dark as a stormy night, she shook her head. “I’m safe and on birth control.”

  Watching as her eyes took in his tense body, he pushed off the wall and stepped out of the elevator. He pulled her back against him again.

  “Good because I can’t wait to feel you hot and tight around my cock. Now, stick close, would you? I don’t mind the whole floor seeing my ass, but this,” he emphasized, pushing himself hard against her skirt-covered ass, “I’d rather keep between us.”

  Breathe. I have to remember to breathe, Rachel told herself over and over as they made their way down the hall. She could feel Cole’s overheated body pressed to every inch of her back, and she was still unable to comprehend that the man was walking down the hall completely naked.

  More to the point, I’m missing out on seeing it!

  When they got to his door, he reached around her and turned the doorknob. He had obviously left it unlocked while he had been upstairs. As he pushed it open, Rachel’s eyes zoomed in on the door, wooden side table, and wall. Suddenly, she found all the oxygen had left her lungs.

  Where? Where is he going to take me?

  “Three steps forward, eyes front.”

  His commanding rumble penetrated her thoughts. In heightened anticipation, she licked her lips and made her feet move. Three steps in, she heard the door shut behind her before a large hand immediately grabbed her right forearm and spun her around.

  With her breath stuck in her throat, her eyes found Cole’s as he yanked her to him. He marched her backward until her ass hit the side table. Reaching around her, he swept his arm across it, and several things—she couldn’t have said what they were—clattered to the ground.

  His eyes, blistering and possessive, riveted hers as he gripped her hips and hitched her up on the table, pushing his way between her thighs. With a hand around her waist, he pulled her close to him and crushed his mouth down on top of hers.

  Parting her lips on a guttural moan, Rachel gripped his shoulders while he continued to press himself directly against her heated core. He squeezed her waist and then trailed his left hand down to her naked calf. He slid it back up over her knee and moved effortlessly under her skirt. His fingers burrowed deeper between her bare upper thighs, urging them further apart.

  Raising his hungry mouth away from her, he kept his eyes on hers as he drew her knees wide. Following his lead, Rachel spread her legs without uttering a word. When he took his other arm from around her waist and slid it up her other leg, Rachel leaned back against the wall and let her eyes slide closed in ecstasy.

  Pushing the skirt up and out of his way, he slid his large palms around to her naked hips, letting out a low curse. Her eyes flew open as he gripped her tightly and tugged her right to the edge of the table. Clenching his jaw, he removed his hand from her waist to fist his cock. He lined himself up, and with one solid thrust, he finally slid deep inside her.

  With a loud moan, Rachel cried out as he wrapped his right arm back around her waist. Gripping her leg in his other hand, he hitched it up and over his naked ass. Not releasing her from his molten gaze, he flexed his hips, and as the force of his thrust pushed into her, Rachel felt the wall behind her. With her skirt rucked up around them, Cole’s muscles strained and bunched as he pounded into her.

  As her eyes slid closed, Rachel’s last thought was that she was losing her mind. Enjoying the ride, she held on for dear life.

  Cole’s cock had found heaven, and it never planned to leave.

  As Rachel sat, spread wide apart on his foyer side table, he couldn’t help the way he went at her like a starving man.

  With her skirt up around her waist and those prim little shoes thumping against his ass with every thrust he made, his brain was telling him that this was everything he had ever wanted. As he continued to power into her, he wanted to scream, Mine, mine! You are fucking mine!

  He could feel her nails digging into his shoulders, and he welcomed the pain as he quickly found himself losing his grip on reality. He moved the hand around her waist to slide in under her skirt. Tightly squeezing her bare ass, Cole lifted her up to get his other hand under her as well. Once he had a firm grasp on both her ass cheeks, he quickly pulled her down onto his cock, and then he stilled, waiting for her to open her eyes.

  It didn’t take long. The minute she realized he had stopped moving, her eyes snapped open, and he nodded once.

  “I just wanted to make sure I had your attention and that we are now clear about me wanting you here.”

  With that, he crush
ed his mouth back down on top of hers. He pulled out of her slowly and then tugged her hips forward, sliding back inside. Penetrating her deeper than before, she cried out against his lips while Cole firmly held on to her ass. Her thighs clenched around his hips as she pulled herself forward to meet every thrust. Using his cock in the most delicious way, she got closer and closer to that moment when—

  Her eyes flew open, locking with his, as he felt her pussy grip him like a hot silk fist. She screamed his name, and that was all he had been waiting for. Cole steadied his legs and then hammered into her as her fingers came down over his chest, tracing the outline of the wolf tattooed on his pec.

  Her sultry eyes came up to meet his, and while his hot cock pounded inside her, the sex bomb arched her brow. Licking her glistening lips, she gave him a smile so full of sex. He almost cried as she reached out and twisted hard on one of his nipple piercings. Clenching her ass, Cole threw his head back and came with a loud shout as he thought to himself, Who the fuck won that round?

  Rachel stood barefoot in front of a glass sliding door that opened out onto a balcony. The night had closed in on downtown Chicago, and lights were twinkling in the distance on the lake.

  Cole had told her to make herself at home as he had walked down to his bedroom to put on some clothes. He probably meant a three-piece suit, Rachel thought, feeling a mischievous laugh leave her swollen lips. It’s not that she was complaining about anything because when that suit came off…Wow. Just wow.

  The man was a walking contradiction. During the day, he was completely put together, not a single blond hair out of place, but after hours, she was finding that there was a lot more to Cole than she had originally suspected. The tattoos, five in total as far as she was aware, were enough of a shock, but the piercings were what made Rachel’s mind spin.

  “I brought something more comfortable for you to change into, only if you would like, of course.”


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