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Their New Home

Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  Randi had decided on spaghetti for supper and planned to make garlic toast to go with it. She’d use some of her homemade bread and dice a clove of the dried garlic they had to mix with butter. The veggie pasta they had would be good even if it wasn’t the same as the pasta from back home. Everything was different there on Alpha.

  A couple of hours later, the back door opened, and Bryson walked in followed by Mason. They were arguing over something. She ignored them as they continued upstairs to clean up. She unwrapped the sandwiches she’d made and set the table. By the time they’d returned, they seemed to have settled whatever they’d been fussing about.

  “Thanks for making lunch, babe. I’m starved.” Mason took a big bite of one of his sandwiches.

  “Whatever you’re cooking for supper smells awesome,” Bryson said.

  “Spaghetti, or at least as close to it as we can get here. I’ll let it simmer most of the afternoon then we can warm it up when you get ready to eat tonight,” she said.

  “Sounds good,” Mason said.

  “How much more do you have left to hoe in the garden?” she asked.

  “Probably another two or three hours’ worth. Not much, but we’ll wait until the noon sun has passed. It’s damn hot out there right now,” Mason said.

  “I bet you guys could use a nap. I’m going to take one on the couch after lunch. I could help you later, and it won’t take as long,” she told them.

  “Nope. You’ve done all you’re going to do today, hon. You can help tomorrow.” Bryson reached over and brushed a finger down her nose. “No reason for you to wear yourself out the first day back on your feet.”

  She sighed but was secretly glad they hadn’t agreed. It had been hot out there. As much as she loved working in the garden, her body hadn’t bounced all the way back yet. She needed the rest of the day to recuperate.

  When the men finished eating, they left her in the kitchen to check on the sauce and clean the lunch dishes. They climbed into their recliners and stretched out for a nap. She’d do the same once she’d finished cleaning.

  Fifteen minutes later, she walked into the living room to find both men snoring away. She nearly laughed out loud at the symphony playing as she crawled onto the couch and curled on her side. No sooner than she’d settled, Tinker climbed up on the back of the sofa just above her head. He mewed at her then closed his eyes, as well.

  Randi smiled. She had the best life she could have possibly had given the circumstances. Not only did she have a protector that followed her everywhere, she had two men who seemed to adore her. The thing was, she adored them, as well. They were good-looking, strong men who were smart, as well. They looked after her more than any one man would have back home if the world hadn’t gone haywire. She had it made.

  Now she needed to seduce them and move on with their sex life. She was ready, but the guys needed to know that she was. They wouldn’t agree so soon after her attack, so she would have to wait a little longer.

  Not tonight, but soon.

  Chapter Nine

  Two weeks later, Randi was peeling the first round of tomatoes to put up. Half had been sent over to the other women while she kept the bulk of them. The men were responsible for keeping up the garden now that she had vegetables to take care of. It would take her all day to put up the tomatoes and peppers she had sitting around the kitchen.

  At midday, Bryson and Mason walked in out of the heat to collapse at the table. Neither man wanted anything to eat until they’d cooled off.

  “I swear, those damn weeds grow an inch an hour. I’m sick of trying to keep them cut down,” Mason complained.

  “Why don’t you guys go take a shower to cool off? I’ll fix sandwiches for when you come back down. I’m between pots of tomatoes right now.” Randi shooed them toward the other room.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me,” Bryson said.

  Randi smiled as the two men shuffled out of the kitchen. She knew they had to be worn out. She quickly made four sandwiches then checked to be sure she had plenty of tea made. They’d be super thirsty when they returned. Then she returned to peeling tomatoes. When she got the next pot of the things cooking, she’d work on making pepper sauce. She figured once she had plenty of that, she’d make some pepper jelly.

  She hoped the guys wouldn’t wear themselves out again before tonight. She really wanted to spend some quality time together. They’d only had sex twice since her attack. She was beginning to ache for them so much that she’d considered making herself come just to take the edge off, but didn’t think it was fair to them. No, she could wait if they could.

  But she was tired of waiting. Maybe if she hinted that she wanted to play tonight, they’d knock off early to rest up before bed. It was a thought.

  By the time they returned to eat, she’d pretty much talked herself into dropping a few hints. It couldn’t hurt. They probably thought she was too exhausted to mess around, as well. She’d make sure they knew she was interested.

  “Thanks for the sandwiches,” Mason said.

  Bryson grabbed the tea from the fridge while Mason filled their glasses with ice. Once he’d filled their glasses, he returned it then sat down to eat.

  “No problem. I hope you guys don’t wear yourselves out this afternoon. Maybe you could come in early so you don’t fall asleep at the table during supper,” she said.

  “We didn’t,” Mason said.

  “Not really, but you damn near did. I worry that you’re going to make yourselves sick. An hour or two won’t make that much difference,” she told him.

  “Maybe. We’ll see how much we get done when we go back outside later,” Mason said.

  “It would be nice if you had a little more energy when we went to bed at night.” Randi was through hinting.

  Bryson looked up. “Are you saying you’re horny, honey?”

  “I’m not complaining. Not really, but you made me feel so good when we had sex that I can’t help but want more,” she said.

  “Made love, babe. We made love, and if you’re feeling neglected, don’t. We’ll take good care of you tonight.” Mason finished one of his sandwiches and washed it down with a gulp of tea. “Bryson and I were worried you were too tired to mess around the last few nights and didn’t want to pressure you if you were.”

  “Mason, if I’m too tired, I’ll tell you. Honestly, the way you two make me feel I can’t imagine I’ll ever be that worn out,” she teased.

  Bryson’s face lit up like a thousand-watt bulb. “Just wait until we get through with you. Then you’ll be worn out.”

  “Make sure you’re finished with your canning before supper tonight. You’re going to want to rest before we go to bed,” Mason told her.

  The two men got up and took their empty plates to the sink and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher for her. They each kissed her on the cheek then left her in the kitchen to rest in the living room. Tinker followed the men as if making sure they didn’t do anything different than usual before returning to curl up under the table once more.

  She winked at the little bunnycat. “Looks like I’m going to get what I want tonight after all.”

  Randi managed to put up twenty-four quarts of tomatoes and six pints of pepper sauce before the guys walked in that evening after working in the garden all afternoon. She’d made a roast and potatoes for them. Though they didn’t eat as much as they had at lunch, she knew they enjoyed it. The heat and long hours had cut their appetite. She put away the leftovers and tidied up the kitchen before joining them in the living room. Both men were sound asleep once more.

  She smiled. Good. A two-hour nap and they’d be ready to play. She couldn’t wait.

  * * * *

  Randi spent a few extra minutes in the bathroom applying lotion to her entire body. She wanted to look and smell her best for them. Mason and Bryson had awakened refreshed and hinting of things to come when she excused herself to get ready for bed. They promised to follow her up after checking that the house was secure.
  The sound of them talking in the bedroom hurried her along. She opened the door to find them both half-undressed, sitting on their sides of the bed. Mason smiled and stood, unfastening his jeans and pulling them down until he could step out of them. She couldn’t stop the huge grin that crept across her face as he followed with his boxers. The man’s cock stood out from his body, heavy with need.

  Need for her.

  It was a heady feeling to know that both men wanted her as much as she wanted them. Mason held out one hand toward her.

  “Come to bed, babe. We’re waiting on you,” he said.

  She looked over to find that Bryson had removed his clothes, as well, and was already climbing in on his side. His eyes were heavy-lidded as he patted the space next to him.

  “Climb on in, hon.”

  Randi crawled to the middle and turned to slip beneath the covers. Mason stopped her.

  “You don’t need this gown, babe. No need to sleep with any clothes on anymore. I think we’re past that, don’t you?” he asked.

  “I suppose. I’ve never slept naked before. It feels weird,” Randi told them.

  “You’ll get used to it. It will feel normal in no time,” Mason said. “Now let us love you.”

  Randi shivered when both men latched onto a nipple each. The feel of them sucking on the tender nubs went straight to her pussy. She could tell she was wet between her legs already. She moaned as they used one hand to squeeze each breast while they suckled there. Then Mason released her nipple to kiss his way up her chest to her neck, and then her ear. There he sucked on her earlobe before moving around to her jaw and covering her mouth with his.

  His kiss electrified her. The way he took command of her mouth was so different from the way Bryson kissed her. Where Bryson teased and explored, Mason took what he wanted and gave her back more.

  He pulled back and stared into her eyes as if trying to memorize her face then pulled her away from Bryson, rolling her over on top of him.

  “I want you to ride me, babe. I want to feel that tight, wet pussy squeeze my dick,” Mason said.

  “God, yes.” She didn’t immediately lean back and fit his thick cock inside her pussy. Instead, she did some exploring of her own. She licked one nipple then nipped at the other one. She ran her tongue across his well-defined abs only to return to the flat discs to lick and suck once more. His groan was music to her ears. She loved that she could reduce her men to moans and groans.

  When she lifted, Bryson took her face in both of his hands to still her while he kissed her. Mason pulled on her nipples as the other man licked and sucked on her tongue as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Finally, he let go and climbed off the bed.

  Randi whimpered that he’d left her, but Mason claimed her attention once more as he used his thumb to locate her clit. He rubbed over it with a light touch. Just enough to have her writhing over his pelvis, his hard cock trapped between their bodies. He pumped his hips as she slid over the engorged shaft.

  “Fuck, you’re hot down there, babe. I want my dick inside you, now. Ride me, Randi.” Mason gripped her hips and pulled her off him so that she could reach between them and hold his hard cock at her entrance.

  When he released her, Randi slowly slid down his erect shaft. The sheer thickness of it took her breath. Where Bryson was long, Mason was thick and just long enough to bump the back of her cervix when they got going. Her body took him deep as their skin met.

  “God, you’re so big. I swear I can feel you in my throat,” she said after swallowing hard.

  Mason lifted her off him only to allow her to slide sensuously down once more. Over and over he helped her ride him until she felt as if her entire body was alive with the effort of taking him again and again.

  “You’re perfect, Randi. I love how your tight cunt clutches at me as if it doesn’t want me to leave every time I pull out,” Mason said.

  “You’re driving me crazy going so slow. I need you to go faster, Mason.”

  “Lay flat over Mason’s chest, hon. I want in that tight ass. I’m going to get you ready to take me,” Bryson said from behind her.

  “Oh, God. You’re going to kill me. I swear I’ll never survive both of you.” Randi leaned over, laying her cheek against Mason’s now sweaty chest.

  She licked him with the tip of her tongue, enjoying the salty taste of him. She wanted more, but couldn’t move with Mason’s arms around her.

  Something wet and cool hit her back hole. Then Bryson pressed a finger against her ass before dribbling more of the slick substance down the crack of her ass. He pushed more and more of it inside her dark hole before slowly pushing one finger inside. In and out, the feel of his thick finger entering her ass didn’t hurt. It felt different was all.

  Then he added more lube before adding a second finger. Now it pinched then burned when he moved them in and out of her ass. She moaned as Mason ran his hands up and down her back in a soothing motion.

  “Relax those muscles, hon. When I push in, you push out. I’m getting you ready for my cock,” Bryson said. “I can’t wait to feel that tight ass squeezing me. You’re going to feel so damn good.” Bryson began pumping both fingers faster as she started moving back to meet him. It still burned, but the pinch was gone.

  “I think she’s ready, Bryson,” Mason told him.

  Randi nearly cried out at the loss of his fingers from her ass when the press of something much larger against her ass stopped her. The crown of his dick against her ass stilled her. He dribbled more lube over both of them then spread her ass cheeks wide as he slowly breached her small opening in back. The burn bordered on more than she could handle, but suddenly he was past the tight band that had kept him at bay. Now he surged forward before stopping as he cursed under his breath.

  “Fucking amazing. Holy hell she’s tight,” he said.

  “I can’t stand it. Someone move. I need you to move,” Randi cried out.

  The feel of both men deep inside her was too much. She felt as if she were choking on them. They filled her beyond anything she could have expected.

  Mason pulled back as he lifted her back onto Bryson’s dick then he surged up into her as Bryson pulled nearly all the way out of her back hole. They seesawed her back and forth, back and forth until her body became something else. Her head began to spin with the pleasure that slowly built from their burrowing in and out of her. It was almost surreal as her head spun with the sensations of them both inside her.

  “Fuck. This is amazing. I can feel you moving inside of her,” Mason said in a strained voice.

  “When you’re inside with me at the same time, I swear I’m going to blow my load. She’s super tight. I’m struggling to even move my cock with you there,” Bryson answered.

  “Please, please. Someone do something. I’m so close. I can’t stand it.” Randi needed something, but she didn’t know what.

  “Easy, babe. We’ve got you.” Mason ran a hand down her back before settling on her hips once more to move her up and down his shaft.

  Randi squirmed between the two men, needing more so she could climax but not finding what she needed. Then Mason shoved his hand between them and found her clit with one finger. He rubbed over it, building her climax up at an alarming rate. It was too much, too fast. She was going to die when she came.

  “Hurry, babe. I’m not going to last much longer,” Mason bit out.

  “I’m hanging on by a thread, man. She’s got to come soon,” Bryson added.

  “Oh, God. It’s right there. I’m coming. Yes! I’m coming.”

  Mason bucked up into her as Bryson held still with his dick deep in her ass. She could feel both men shooting their hot cum inside her as she rode her climax long and hard. She’d never come apart like this before. If making love with both men was always like this, she’d die one day a happy woman.

  Her orgasm slowly slipped away, and she collapsed on top of Mason, panting like a dog that had just run a fox to ground. She’d never felt so light-headed and was close
to passing out. Her body sang with the pleasure they’d given her. If they felt half as good as she did, they would be almost comatose, as well. She panted, trying to catch her breath sandwiched between the two men heaving as they attempted the same thing.

  “Can’t breathe,” Randi managed to get out.

  “Get up, man. You’re crushing us both,” Mason said.

  Bryson pushed off the bed and slowly pulled from her body before collapsing on his back next to them.

  “Give me a minute, and I’ll get a cloth and clean you up, hon. I think you killed me.” Bryson’s voice sounded forced.

  “Just wake me up when you need me to move,” Randi said with a wide yawn. “I’m going to sleep.

  Mason chuckled under her, the movement sending shockwaves through her body. With him softening inside her, she was sure he’d slip out soon. They were all sticky and needed another shower.

  But Randi didn’t feel like taking one. All she wanted to do was close her eyes and sleep. That didn’t last because at some point Bryson had managed to get up and wet a bath cloth with warm water to clean her up. It roused her as he wiped her down then rolled her off Mason whose soft snore had lulled her to sleep.

  “Wake up, man. Help me get her tucked in bed,” Bryson said.

  Mason yawned and scooted over to make room for Randi between them. He covered her with the sheet then tucked himself next to her, throwing one arm over her belly as Bryson climbed into bed next to her. It wasn’t long until she was dreaming about home before the sun started dying.

  Chapter Ten

  “I never want to see another tomato, pepper, squash, cucumber, or green bean again for as long as I live.” Randi had been putting up vegetables for four weeks straight and felt as if it had been months.


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