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The Complete Alice Wonder Series - Insanity - Books 1 - 9

Page 170

by Cameron Jace

  “Me?” He says, looking sideways as if I have better options.

  I forgot that I’m a cool girl in this life. He probably thinks it’s a mistake. I lightly tap the seat one more time, twisting my lips in awkwardness.

  He finally nods, “Thanks.”

  Jack sits next to me, holding his backpack to his chest.

  I have to break the silence, so I stretch out a hand, “I’m Alice.”

  He takes my hand and says, “Jack.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jack.”

  “You too,” he blinks while staring at me. “Ah—”

  “Yeah?” I show him I’m interested. “You want to say something?”

  “I was looking for a companion to attend the Alice Day,” he kinda mumbles, but I got it—though I cringed at the world ‘companion.’ “Would you like to—”

  “Yes,” I said. “I’d like to.”

  He must have thought I’m the easiest girl on the planet. I take him by the hand and we leave the bus. I can’t risk killing him again this time.

  Epilogue Part Two

  Future: The Alice Shop, St. Aldates Street, London

  The bell on top of the door rang when professor Carter Pillar entered the Alice Shop. He walked toward the desk where Fabiola stood selling gifts.

  The Pillar smiled, knowing that she had no idea who she really was in this version of life. She stood there as beautiful as ever, selling toys and outfits.

  He had lied to Alice, saying he hadn’t found Fabiola, but he had, and he was hesitant to ask her out.

  “Fabiola?” he nodded respectfully.

  “Frabjous professor,” she loved to call him. “What brings you to my humble shop today?”

  To see you. To damn see you. “I was thinking I would buy an outfit for the festival. You know my students want me to attend.”

  “Oh,” she looked surprised. “I’m going myself.”

  Silence saturated the air. Things got smoother that he had anticipated. The Pillar shrugged. He had waited so many Looking Glass travels for this moment.

  “Alone?” he said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have assumed-”

  “Are you asking me out, professor Pillar?” she smiled.

  God, her smile turned him into a little butterfly.

  “If you’re not going with someone else.” he said.

  She eyed him for a while. Sometimes he wondered if she would still like him if she remembered all of the conflicts from the past. He also wondered if not telling her was cheating. But would she have believed him if he told her he killed the real Pillar for her?

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t.”

  He swallowed hard, “I understand,”

  It was such a disappointing moment after all they have been through. At least she didn’t want to kill him in this version, and it was time he excused himself. It was a shame that being as handsome in this version of life didn’t work out its charms.

  “Unless you wear a costume,” she said with a tease in her eyes.

  His eyebrow hung high.

  “You look. Well, too elegant,” she said.

  You should have seen me showering in blood, he thought, but said nothing.

  She said, “You know Alice Day is all about insanity, right?”

  “Insanity,” he considered. “Didn’t know that you like to be…”

  “Insane?” she laughed. “Catch me After Hours in a bar next door and I’ll show you insane.”

  He liked this side of her.

  “So what will it be?” she asked.

  “The costume?”

  “Mad Hatter or the Pillar?” she said

  His heart almost stopped. Did she know? “Why those two?”

  “You don’t look like Alice to me,” she wrinkled her nose.

  “I don’t,” he said, his heart beating faster. “Which costume do you think suits me better?”

  “I’ve always had a crush on the Hatter,” she rubbed her chin, sizing him up.

  He wondered if should confess being the Hatter, but he wanted to tease her back, “I’ve always had a thing for the Pillar. He is badass.”

  “Not badass, but one insane fella, I admit.”

  “You like insane, remember?” he blatantly flirted with his eyes.

  She shrugged this time. It pleased him to know she liked him. Did she have a crush on the elegant professor already?

  “Insane is good but also dangerous,” she tapped the desk with her nimble fingers, considering.

  “You look like you like dangerous.”

  “Sometimes,” she leaned forward and rested her face on her fist. “But you can’t go wrong with the Hatter.”

  “Why is that?”

  “He is the second most famous character after Alice,” she said, devouring his eyes. “Also children love him a lot. He is such a crowdpleaser.”

  The Pillar took a moment to think it over. He stepped closer to the desk and leaned forward. They were only inches from each other’s lips.

  “I’ll take the Pillar’s outfit,” he said.

  Fabiola leaned even closer, “But I told you that you can never go wrong with the Hatter. He is crowdpleaser.”

  The Pillar smiled. Well, smirked. Mischievously. Dangerously. Insanely.

  “Fabiola,” he said. “Do I look like a crowdpleaser to you?”

  “Nah,” she said. “And I like it.”

  The End

  An Idea

  Once I finish a book I just read, I still think about it in my head for hours, sometimes days. And since I know you read a lot of books, I’d fully appreciate you writing your FRESH THOUGHTS down.


  Here is the LINK

  Don’t hold back. I don’t care about the five star. I care about communicating with you. I’m a reader like you after all. Just don’t mistake the series as a Shakespearean Masterpiece. I wrote this for entertainment, and nothing would make me happier than having succeeded. Let other know if liked the book or not, and the reason behind that.

  Review Looking Glass



  Well, it’s been a long, long journey. I hope you enjoyed the ups and downs down the rabbit hole for four years now. I have to admit it’s been a greater journey for me. Not only did I enjoy writing it, but I enjoyed learning.

  I did a few unforgivable mistakes, like taking too long to finish the later books—and other things. But all’s good because I feel incredibly hyped to write more books this year. My upcoming two serieses should show a lot of improvement in writing and storytelling. Still, one can’t stop learning, but my heart is yearning to tell you my stories. Stay tuned around January 2020.

  If you’re interested in reading the newer books, make sure you’re on my mailing list or follow me on Facebook to get the announcements.

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  If you want to chat with me personally, I’m most active on Facebook. I’d love connecting with you, because without you, none of this would’ve been possible.

  Visit me at my official Facebook Group HERE

  OR my favorite group:

  My Storykiller private group HERE

  Thank you, for everything.


  About the Author

  Cameron Jace accidentally lies for a living, but all he wants to do is to escape with a story to a time and place that’s familiar yet different—and mess a little with your head.

  He calls that being a Storykiller. The act of killing your prior perception of everything you previously knew about history, folklore, vampires, witches, wolves, famous writers, and traditions.

  Don’t worry, he is not sick—well, kinda.

  He just happens to travel a lot and come across original and vintage books about folklore from the backyards in churches and old libraries and sometimes villagers in Europe.

  Ah, and if it matters, Cameron is a Top 100 bestseller of more than 12 books. He was on Amazon’s Top 100 Reader’s Favorite for a couple of years. He lives in San Fransisco (barely, as he still travels) and studied architecture for a few years.

  But none of that really matters, because readers make you who you are. Cameron is just grateful to have gotten a chance to express himself while most don’t.

  - Storykiller, Cameron Jace

  Books by Cameron Jace

  Books in the INSANITY VERSE

  (each series needs to be read in ORDER of the series, but each series is separate in itself. You can start Carter Pillar Series without having read Alice Wonder Series and so on)










  Looking Glass


  Holy Smoke (coming soon)


  Rabbit Hole (coming soon)


  Snow White Sorrow

  Cinderella Dressed in Ashes

  Blood, Milk. and Chocolate Pt 1

  Blood, Milk, $ Chocolates Pt 2

  Heartless (coming soon)


  I Am Alive book 1

  I Am Alive book 2


  (gritty real-life thriller - no fantasy)

  The Last Girl


  (high/speculative fantasy)

  The Shadow of the Blade




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