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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

Page 100

by Veronica Blade

  “Natasha’s still not answering.” His blue eyes met mine. “Zack located her but I need to know she’s really okay. And I have to ensure she stays that way.”

  “Then why aren’t we already on our way there? The sooner we storm the werewolf castle, the sooner I get Zack to safety and you get Natasha.”

  His eyes flickered.

  I hummed, playing chicken with Dathan, each of us daring the other to look away. “Oh, c’mon. You never got over her. Even if you won’t say it out loud, admit to yourself how you feel about her.”

  He groaned. “What do you want?”

  “To get Zack and Natasha out of there. Now. The less time they spend there alone, the less likely they’ll be killed.” And I only just discovered my aunt. I’d love a chance to get to know her.

  “Cedric is arranging transportation now.”

  “Which reminds me.” I plopped down on the sofa directly in front of him. “Zack glamoured the guys in security and the guards on the roof. We don’t have a choice, but to arrive by helicopter. I hope Cedric can arrange it.”

  “He’s on it. I have a few more details to figure out before we leave. Don’t forget, we need more information from Zack before we take any action. I’d rather not go in there blind.”

  I nodded, knowing Dathan was right. Even so, whatever they arranged wouldn’t be soon enough. Zack needed to contact me again ASAP with more info. My gut screamed that staying any longer could be disastrous for Zack and Natasha. Something just occurred to me, Dathan. If you and my aunt hook up, you’ll be my uncle.

  His stony expression squashed my humor. “Don’t you have work to do?” he asked.

  “Once we’re on the roof and we don’t have information we need from Zack, what next?”

  “I’m currently examining all possible aspects of the situation to be prepared to handle anything.” He rose from the chair. “I need to speak with Queen Jane.”

  “I’ll come with you.” Since my parents were nowhere to be seen and I didn’t love being alone—I was too used to danger lurking everywhere—I didn’t mind shadowing Dathan.

  “No. I need a private word with her.” He moved so fast, he practically vanished into thin air. Dathan and I had shared blood, which gave me a connection to him. I could’ve easily found him. But he’d made it clear he wanted to be alone.


  I wandered out of the salon through the french doors into the courtyard. I’d grown to love the lush greenery of their grounds, a pleasant sight in the desert. I wondered if the witches had some kind of magic to keep the plants thriving. November in Scottsdale was more than comfortable and the best time of year to sit outside.

  A girl’s voice came from the other end of the courtyard. “You don’t have to come with us. You’ll be safer here.”

  Didn’t quite sound like Tessa, which made me think it was Zoe. I was curious about her situation and whatever horrible thing that had happened to her to make Tessa and Jane coddle her so much. Zoe wasn’t having anymore babying and I couldn’t blame her.

  “But you’ll be safer if I’m there to protect you,” a male voice said.

  I wondered if they had any idea I was on the other side of the shrubs. But they were probably too into each other to sense me.

  She gave a harsh laugh. “You’re dreaming, Chait. You and Hayden are the ones who need protecting.”

  He huffed. “Four of us will be more helpful than one. We have a better chance of you returning home if we’re there to help.”

  “I can’t be helpful and do what’s necessary if I’m worrying about your safety. You should stay.”

  He groaned. “If you need a good fight, I’ll give it to you. If it’s a road trip you want, I’ll drive anywhere with you. But you don’t have to go on a suicide mission to prove anything to anyone.”

  “Sweet Chait.” Fabric rustled and she sighed. “You can’t know how ten years drag on when you’re buried alive in the dark. You can’t possibly imagine the tricks your mind plays on you.”

  “I’ll never truly know what that’s like, but I can imagine it. Regardless, I can’t allow any more harm to come to you.”

  The way Chait talked to Zoe and the tone of his voice reminded me how Zack used to speak to me when he was pretending he wasn’t into me. Seconds ticked by.

  “You can’t protect me forever. I can’t live in a bubble.” Zoe paused a short moment. “I need purpose in my life. And right now, my heart is telling me to make sure David can’t hurt anyone else the way he and his girlfriend hurt me. If nothing else, maybe I can help bring peace to all supernaturals. Neutralizing werewolves helps witches and would ensure our survival. I’ll never feel normal again until I’ve accomplished something, made a difference.”

  He blew a raspberry. “I guess I’d better start packing my weapons,” he said as his footfalls faded in the opposite direction.

  Zoe passed me then halted abruptly, telling me she’d sensed me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, lifting my palms in surrender and rising from the bench.” I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I waited for a chance to leave that wouldn’t be awkward, but it never came.”

  “It’s fine.” She shrugged, her mouth drawn like she was drowning in unhappiness.

  “I had a similar problem with my parents. I mean, not the buried alive part. But they hovered over me like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Zoe pursed her lips, considering my words. “They want to protect us. But they don’t understand if we’re not allowed to run our own lives, make mistakes and learn from them, they’re crippling us. I want to see what’s out there, outside the bubble they keep me in.”

  “It’s kinda ugly out there.” I wrinkled my nose. “But we could win this thing and make the world a little less unpleasant for everyone.”

  “Yes!” She squeezed both my forearms. “I want to be a part of something meaningful.”

  “You will be.” I offered her a reassuring smile. “By the way, are you and Chait a thing?”

  “No.” Her gaze dropped and her mouth turned down again. “I suspect he wants more. But I can’t give into that until I conquer my demons.”

  The french doors swung open and my mom marched to me. “We’re leaving in the morning, but I can’t find Dathan to ask what time. Have you seen him?”

  “He’s meeting with Queen Jane. Wouldn’t tell me why,” I replied, glancing at the tiny blond figure approaching the courtyard from the other side of the french doors. Bree was Zoe and Tessa’s younger sister. She resembled them so much, I thought of her more as their clone. Except she was only ten. Knowing she would be awaiting her sisters’ return made me even more determined to survive the battle and make sure both Zoe and Tessa came back to her.

  “Grandma drove off with the one who always smells like blood,” Bree said.

  “That’s Dathan,” Zoe said. “Did you hear them say where they were going?”

  Bree shook her head.

  I picked up voices in the distance. “I think they’re here.”

  “Good.” My mom spun and sprinted out of the courtyard.

  Zoe and Bree drifted away after my mom. Past the glass, I saw Chait meet Zoe in the salon for more hovering.

  They cared deeply for each other yet did nothing to satisfy their longings. They should be savoring their precious moments here and now, like I wished I could be doing with Zack. I missed him more than I thought I could. I was alone now. Zack, can you talk?

  Taking in the sweet smell of lavender and the soothing sight of bougainvillea, I waited for his reply. Did Zack miss me? Was he so caught up in werewolf palace intrigue that he didn’t have a minute to contact me? Or had the werewolves changed him somehow? Was Zack even still in control of his thoughts? Werewolves controlling minds was such a new thing, Dathan hadn’t been sure of Ulric’s powers until he had attacked. Maybe Mortimer could do more. Maybe he really could control Zack.

  I ached to be with him and find out for myself, but that also meant being in the battle of our lives and an uncerta
in future. We would leave tomorrow morning and a few hours from then, we could be captured, tortured or dead.

  † † †

  The next morning, I joined Dathan in the foyer. I set my bag by the front door as Tessa, Hayden, Chait and Zoe ambled over, duffle bags over their shoulders. My adrenaline spiked, making my body tremble. We were about to leave the safety of the witch’s palace for Utah. But we weren’t arriving at Mortimer’s mansion in Cedric’s Escalade. We would be picked up by helicopter several miles from Mortimer, then we would literally drop in on him. In just hours from now.

  “Why are we bringing all our crap when we won’t need it at the werewolf castle?” I asked Dathan as I scanned the area for my parents or Queen Jane. What was taking them so long? “And where will we put our things while we’re in battle?”

  “We’ll leave it on the helicopter,” Dathan replied, setting down his own bag. “Once we’ve secured the area and taken control, one of my people will deliver our belongings.”

  That’s assuming we survived another seven hours or so until we arrived in Glendale, Utah, and stayed alive after that. Dead people didn’t need their belongings anymore. But I couldn’t allow negativity. For Zack and everyone I loved, not to mention shape-shifters slaves throughout the world, I had to stay positive. We might never have a chance like this again. We had no choice but to dethrone Mortimer. If we blew this, any chance of freedom was over for decades, if not centuries. Or forever.

  Dread engulfed me. “Where is Cedric meeting us?”

  Dathan ran his hands through his hair, the same scowl on his face unchanged from hours ago. “Not him. Kayla, Tony and Joseph. About ten miles from Mortimer, where we have less chance of being spotted.”

  “Right.” Tony and Kayla had turned out to be allies when Zack and I had stayed in the vampire palace months ago. Joseph had helped at the shape-shifter compound when it had been nearly destroyed by the explosion. I wished they—or any of the vampires—could help us fight Mortimer. But they wouldn’t be much good to anyone if they got a werewolf bite. Then I’d feel awful if they died.

  “I need a private word with you.” Dathan glanced around, his gaze landing briefly on the witches. “But not here.”

  “What’s going on?” My mom arrived with wrinkled brows, my dad at her side.

  “I have to go over something with Autumn before loading the car.” He motioned toward the door. “We’ll take the Escalade.”

  “Hold on.” My dad squeezed past the four witches to study Dathan. “Why the secrecy?”

  “I have my reasons.” Dathan’s eyes darkened. His expression softened as he switched to me. “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded. “With my life.”

  “Good. Let’s go.” With his hand gently pushing between my shoulder blades, he guided me out the door. “We’ll be back soon.”

  My parents kept trying to have a say in my life. I couldn’t allow them to micromanage me just because I wanted them comforted. I was over eighteen and this was my life, not theirs. I had to do what I believed was right.

  Dathan drove a couple miles before pulling over. He climbed out and circled the car as he scanned the area. Around the witch palace had been barren. This spot was even more isolated.

  “Good, they didn’t follow.” His cobalt blue eyes zeroed in on me. “When we drop down from the helicopter onto Mortimer’s roof, from that moment on, every action counts. You can’t think about where Zack or Natasha might be. Leave them to the others. You have to steamroll past any werewolf in your path until you get to Mortimer. I’ll be by your side, along with a witch or two, helping you the entire way.”

  “Killing Mortimer is our number one priority. Got it,” I said. No way did Dathan bring me all the way out there to give me information I already knew. “And?”

  He stared at me a long moment before finally whispering, “You’re destined for greatness, Autumn.”

  I snorted. “Seriously, Dathan. I’m a shape-shifter werewolf hybrid. Stronger than your average newbie. Hardly what I’d call exceptional though.”

  “Forget what you think you’re capable of and remember all you’ve accomplished these past few months, the opponents you’ve crushed and the barriers you’ve shattered. And then remember what you’re fighting for—a real future with Zack, your parents’ freedom and the lives of every shape-shifter who hasn’t already died because of a werewolf.”

  It sounded good, but sheer terror kept me from taking his words to heart. “You brought me out here for a pep talk?”

  “Yes. But also to give you my blood in private. You know how I feel about sharing with others.” He offered his wrist. “Drink up.”

  I leaned away from him. “You need your strength. I’m depending on your help, big time, to kill Mortimer.”

  “And I have plenty of blood bags with me to fortify myself on the way there. I’ll be at full speed before we arrive.” He stretched his wrist toward me again.

  Hell, twist my arm. “If you say so.” I bit into his wrist and let his blood flood me. I may have even sighed. Drinking blood wasn’t at the top of my list of favorite meals. But vampire blood was way different. It was downright addicting.

  “Have all you want,” he cooed.

  I’d had no idea I was so hungry. I drank and drank, reveling in the euphoria of vampire blood. Pressure on my stomach forced me to stop and I released his wrist. Blinking, I reeled sideways and Dathan caught me.

  “What’s wrong with your blood?” I croaked. It didn’t taste bad and I wasn’t weaker. Just different. Very, very different.

  “Jane was generous enough to donate blood earlier and I’ve passed some magic on to you.”

  My balance regained, I noticed tingles in my belly, which webbed out to my hands and feet. A surge of energy made me want to climb the nearest mountain.

  “Hang on,” Dathan said soothingly. “Feels different and you want to burn up all the extra energy. But don’t. Save it for Mortimer. And most of all, don’t morph. That’ll use up the magic.”

  Now I understood werewolves’ uncontrollable urge to morph. Staying in my human form was the last thing I wanted to do right then. But I’d learned to always listen to Dathan. “Will I have any new abilities?”

  “Anything a witch may have, except on a temporary basis.”

  “How temporary?” I wiggled my fingers, dying to do more. “Telekinesis?”

  “A few weeks, maybe less. Not sure which abilities you’ll have or to what degree, but you can practice in the car on the way back.”

  “Okay.” I headed toward the SUV.

  Dathan climbed behind the wheel and fired up the engine. “I’d rather keep this between the two of us, if at all possible, so try to be stealthy with your experimenting.”

  As I jumped into the passenger side, Zack’s thoughts entered my mind. Autumn, I don’t have much time, so listen carefully and write this down.

  I’m listening. “Zack is talking to me. I need a pen.” I rifled through the glove box and found a pencil and napkin, then gave up and rested my fingertips on Dathan, the physical contact giving him the ability to listen in.

  Natasha is in the basement prison, but she might still be unconscious when you get here. She’ll be well protected, don’t worry about her. You guys concentrate on dethroning Mortimer, but be careful who you destroy on the way to him. Some of these guys are on my side now.

  A chill ran up my spine. Zack had single-handedly given us a real chance. Now he needed to survive the battle and not be discovered as a spy before we got there. And where will you be?

  Fighting my way to you. Listen, Mortimer’s suite is on the first floor, east side. He has maybe twenty guards who stay in the mansion with him. But then there are the werewolves living in the surrounding houses who have probably all been glamoured into battling to the death for him. We’re facing a very serious fight. Be careful and don’t take anything for granted. I have to go now.

  If you get a chance to feed from a witch, do it. Witch’s abilities, for instance telek
inesis and any other powers, will transfer to you. I hoped.

  Zack didn’t reply, most likely because someone was too close, but I knew he heard me. “Did you get all that?” I asked Dathan.

  “Yes.” He pulled into Queen Jane’s driveway.

  My mom met us outside the front door, a scowl stuck to her face. I jumped out of the Escalade and strolled to her.

  Her brows flew up. “You smell interesting.”

  I shrugged, my mouth zipped shut.

  My dad stood beside her, inhaling as though trying to catch my scent. Whatever he caught, he didn’t react. “We’re ready to go?”

  The four witches filed out the front door, each carrying their bag. “We’re all set,” Hayden said.

  “Shotgun.” Zoe raced to the front passenger seat, beating me to it. If she wanted to avoid the other witches, I didn’t want to ruin her plan. After we all loaded our bags, the other three witches crawled into the third-row seat. My parents scooted over, making room for me to sit next to my mom.

  We stopped for gas at the first station we came to and also picked up some junk food. As soon as we all piled in the car again, I whipped out my phone to read a book, hoping to lose myself. But thinking about anything other than the upcoming battle proved impossible.

  I twisted in my seat to face Tessa on the other end of the farthest seat. “So, in theory, if you shield yourselves, you could sneak anywhere in the castle, yes?”

  Tessa blinked hard, then chuckled. “We can shield ourselves from being sensed, like I said. But we can’t make ourselves invisible.”

  Oh, duh. “Right. Tell me about your other abilities.” I needed to know what I might be able to do. Temporarily anyway.

  Chapter ELEVEN


  The prisoner’s arm was almost fully detached, with only ligaments barely holding it together at the shoulder. Still better than other things David could have done to the poor guy.

  David dropped the giant tweezers and wiped his bloody hands on a dirty rag. “I’m ready for the blow torch. Get it, Jack.”


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