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Stone (Knights Corruption MC Series Book 2)

Page 19

by S. Nelson

  “Oh, stop it,” she said, playfully slapping my chest before trying to take a step back. When I kept my hold tight, she challenged me, her eyebrow arching impatiently and waiting for my release. Finally, I gave it. She parted her lips to speak but quickly closed them, throwing her hand over her mouth at the same time her beautiful blue eyes widened.

  She was gonna be sick.

  She was too far from the bathroom so I hauled over the empty garbage can, her gratitude speaking volumes while I held her loose blonde curls behind her head. Expelling the small breakfast she’d had earlier, her complexion paled after she’d finished. It was right then that she stopped fighting me about quitting, about feeling the need to travel to the hospital simply to tell them the news.

  Helping her lie on the couch, I placed her favorite throw over her after removing her sandals. “I’ll be right back,” I promised, moving away only after she nodded. Quickly cleaning out the can, I brought it to rest beside her in case she felt the need to be sick again. I also brought her a small glass of ginger ale. Because of the chemo treatments, she hated taking any additional medication for nausea, so the soft drink was her only slight reprieve. I made sure to stock up on it as soon as she told me it helped.

  “Here,” I said, handing her the phone. “When you feel better, make the call and tell them.” It wasn’t a suggestion and she knew it, too tired and sick to even try and argue. She knew I was right, even though she would never admit it.

  The rest of the day passed easily enough. She’d only been sick one other time, quickly recovering enough to hold down a small dinner of chicken and carrots. She loved pizza and pasta, but her body rejected the overly starchy meals more often than not. Actually, I was surprised she was able to gain weight with the amount of times she threw up, but she and the baby received a healthy diagnosis along the way, so I forced myself to not worry as much.

  Most days, it worked.


  The next few days passed better than the previous ones. I’d been able to hold down my meals, as well as eating a little extra to make up for what my body lacked. At least it was the way I justified it, gobbling down bowls of ice cream and indulging in some weird cravings—Oreos and pickles, to be exact. I guessed it was the combo of sweet and salty.

  I’d followed Stone’s advice—rather, his demands—and quit my job. For the time being. I would beat this rotting disease inside me, give birth to a beautiful baby boy, and then decide how I wanted to proceed. Helping people had been my calling and I didn’t want to give it up altogether, but I did agree that I had to focus on both my health and my child for the next few months or so.

  Not being able to financially contribute to the household drove me nuts, even though Stone refused my money while I was still bringing in a paycheck. I had a small amount in savings, but I didn’t like that my cushion wasn’t growing each month. Instead, I had to rely on Stone to provide for everything—food, utilities, baby items, even my clothes. He promised he had more than enough to take care of us for the rest of our lives, but I didn’t want to take advantage.

  He rebuked my arguments each time the conversation came up, until one day he laid it all on the line for me, confessing he had millions saved, the interest on that money more than enough for us to live on.

  Admittedly, I felt a little better after hearing a figure, but I still couldn’t stand being hindered in some way.

  As far as my cancer went, I hadn’t told anyone but Stone. Worrying my father and uncle was the last thing I wanted to do, and I chose to wait until after the treatments were finished to decide what to do next. Hopefully, the therapy would work and there would be nothing to tell, but until I received the results, I was keeping my mouth shut.

  “How ya feeling today?” Stone asked, tracing my arm with his fingertips. We were still lazing about in bed, the early morning sun dancing through the window, trying to entice us to rise and enjoy the gift of the day.

  “Why? You have something in mind?” On my last word, I backed my ass into his groin, eliciting a soft groan from his throat.

  “Keep doin’ that and I’ll be inside you before your next heartbeat.” Gingerly continuing to stroke my arm, his warm breath cascaded over my neck, shivers shooting through me with deliciousness.

  “What if I want you inside me?” I prompted. “I’ve missed you . . . so much,” I moaned, rocking against him again. It’d been days since we last had sex. Between me not feeling well and the time he had to spend at the club, we hadn’t had much quality time together, and when we did, I was exhausted. Stone had been very patient, but I knew it was driving him insane that he couldn’t touch me the way he wanted to.

  Hell, it was driving me insane.

  “Don’t tease me, woman. I don’t think I can handle it.” Seizing my hip, he pushed his thickness against me, rubbing himself in sweet anticipation. Craning my neck, I locked eyes with him, and with a simple look I gave him the go-ahead. Licking his lips, he grabbed my jaw and turned me toward him so he could capture my mouth.

  Teasing and promising.

  Torturing and relieving.

  “Stone,” I moaned, my sudden need for him almost too much, weighing down on me so heavy the only relief would be when he filled me and destroyed the ache cresting inside me.

  “It’s Stone? Not Lincoln?” he teased, nipping my bottom lip before kissing me again.

  “We’ll see what happens in a few minutes.” I smiled, but it disappeared as soon as his fingers found my nipples. My breasts had become super sensitive since becoming pregnant. A couple months before, he’d been able to make me come just from playing with them, sucking and kneading the pliant flesh until I rocked into bliss. It was a first, but it certainly wasn’t the last. Once he realized how responsive I’d been, he teased me unmercifully whenever we were alone, no matter what we were doing. Watching a movie, cleaning up after dinner, simply passing by each other after a shower—any time he could get his hands on them, he was game.

  I knew he’d loved my body before I’d become swollen with his child, but his appreciation for my new curves certainly made me feel like the sexiest woman alive.

  “You like that?” he asked, gently twisting the erect buds between his fingers.

  “You know I do,” I whispered, barely able to get the words out before my body bucked under his touch. Gripping his strong thigh, I dug my nails into his skin, unable to hold back the orgasm slowly cresting to life. “I can’t . . . Oh, my . . . Yessss.”

  “Do you love my hands?” He tweaked my nipples with a bit more pressure. “Do you love my mouth?” He kissed my neck. “Do you love my tongue?” He teased my lower lip with the softest sweep of his tongue. “Do you love my cock?” He pressed his body against me, grinding hard until all the air was forced from my lungs in a harsh moan.

  “Yes . . . Yes to all of it. Please stop teasing me.”

  “What do you want me to do to you?” He rolled me on my back, moving down my body until he neared my waist. Sitting on his haunches, his large hands gently spread my thighs. “Tell me. I’ll do anything you want.” Need licked at my core. Arching my back, I widened my legs for him. Or was that for me? The desire in his eyes was one of the most erotic sights, looking like he wanted to devour me whole, and the sooner the better.

  He placed his hands on my belly for a brief moment before lowering his head between my legs, and it was right then that something happened. Something he’d never experienced before.

  “What was that?” he asked, jerking his hands away from my tummy and looking frightened.

  I’d felt our son kick quite a few times before, and each time he did, Stone was either not present or the baby stopped before his father could feel him.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, worry distorting his expression as he moved to sit up.

  I grinned, so excited he’d finally been able to feel his son. “That’s your boy.”

  “Oh,” he said, still confused by what he felt. “Does it hurt?” Placing his hands back on my belly, he
waited for our baby to make another move. Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long. Another flutter erupted inside me, Stone’s eyes flashing wide before a huge smile tilted his lips.

  “It doesn’t hurt, just feels . . . weird.”

  Looking at me with such adoration, he leaned in close and captured my mouth. “Thank you, Addy.”

  “For what?”

  “For giving me a son. I never even realized how much I wanted to be a father until fate made the decision for me.” His entrancing brown eyes glassed over, the moment very emotional. While he held back, I bawled like a baby. Or like a pregnant woman whose hormones were all over the place. One minute I was fine and the next . . . well, it was like this.

  “Don’t cry,” he soothed, kissing my lips over and over, wiping away my tears until finally I’d calmed down enough to actually speak.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just sometimes you’re too sweet.”

  With a slight shrug, he said, “I know,” kissing me once more before attempting to hop off the bed.

  “Wait,” I cried out. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m gonna grab a drink. Why?”

  “I thought we were gonna have sex,” I pouted, rising on my elbows to see him better. He took a few steps back, pulling on his T-shirt while still engaging me.

  “Not after I felt him. No way are we having sex now that I know I’ll probably hurt him.” Stone’s fears were irrational, although many men shared the same thought. I’d done a stint in obstetrics when I first became a nurse, and I remembered having many a conversation with the parents about this very same topic.

  “Stone,” I pleaded. “For as large and in charge as you are—” I chuckled “—there is no way you’re gonna hurt, or even reach, the baby. Trust me, he’s pretty far up there.” Thinking he would take me at my word, I relaxed on the bed, waiting for him to come back to me, but he only moved further away. Walking across the room, he shook his head, showing he didn’t believe me. A few seconds later he disappeared and left me lying there in utter disbelief.

  It wasn’t until our next doctor’s visit, after Dr. Weber thoroughly explained the ins and outs of where the baby resided in the womb, and how far into the vagina the penis went—even for someone as well-endowed as Stone—that he finally believed I was safe enough to have sex.

  Although it was the last thing I wanted to talk about with my doctor, it was necessary to calm Stone’s nerves and frantic irrational thoughts.

  When it was all said and done, though, we had some of the best sex of our lives.

  So thank you, Dr. Weber.


  The entire ride to Marek’s house was bittersweet. I hadn’t been able to spend much time with my buddy these past few months, only meeting to discuss club business—Yanez, in particular—so I was looking forward to catching up. But on the other hand, all I wanted to do was laze about with Addy, soaking in as much of her as I could while we still had time alone together. While my love for my son grew every single day, I knew once he came into the world our lives were gonna change forever.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” I asked, reaching across and placing my hand on Addy’s knee. As much as I wanted to spend time with Marek, I knew she was itching for some girl time with Sully as well. The mere mention of going to their house for dinner had Addy smiling big, and as much as I wanted to keep her all to myself, I realized that was selfish. She needed her friend, just like I needed mine.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Plus, this will be my last good meal until I go for my next round of treatment tomorrow. Then you know what happens.” She tried to smile, but the knowledge that she was gonna be sick for at least a week after treatment would instill an uneasiness in anyone.

  Adelaide Reins was the strongest woman I knew. She battled cancer like a trooper, while carrying our baby. There were times she cried when she was sick or when she was tired—hell, there were times when she was sick and tired—but she never complained. She never questioned why this had happened to her, at least not out loud. Taking the cards life dealt her, she made the best of an extremely difficult situation, all the while putting up with my mood swings.

  I tried to stifle my outrages, mostly my jealous rants, and I believed I was successful, but there were a few times I couldn’t help it. Like when Hawke commented on how sexy Addy was with her new tits. Yeah, the fucker actually made that comment. Or when Tripp embraced my woman, kissing her cheek before placing his hands on her growing belly.

  That earned him a punch in the face, the brazen bastard.

  He laughed.

  Addy . . . not so much.

  I still didn’t like the relationship she had with the nomad, but I guessed I had to deal with it because Addy considered him a friend. And if I forbade her to talk to him, all that would get me would be a few days of the silent treatment, and I couldn’t deal with that. Plus, I didn’t want to add any extra stress in her life.

  So I sucked up their interactions, reacting when I felt he pushed the envelope too far.

  When we finally arrived, I cut the engine and exited the truck to make my way to Addy’s door. I may be part of a notorious biker club, albeit legit now, be tattooed and look a bit rough to some people, but I opened the door for my woman. I waited on her hand and foot whenever I could, and showed her a side of me no one else was privy to.

  “Well, it’s about time, brother,” Marek greeted from his front porch, leaning in the doorway as he acknowledged his dinner guests. Addy insisted on bringing a salad, and when she was close enough she shoved it into Marek’s hands, walking past him through the front door.

  “Where’s Sully?”

  “She’s finishing up getting ready. You can go back in the bedroom to hurry her along if you want,” he offered.

  “Okay, be right back,” she called over her shoulder, leaving the two of us alone to talk.

  “Want a beer?” He walked into his home, me following directly behind him.

  “Sure thing.” I accepted the drink and sat at the kitchen table while Marek took the seat next to me.

  He and I were best friends, had been since we were young. We knew everything about each other, our best attributes as well as our weaknesses. Experiencing the death of our fathers together made our bond even stronger, the pain we felt sealing our place in the world as brothers. We didn’t share the same blood, but it made no difference to him or me.

  Recently, though, we’d fallen out of sync. He was busy with cementing his relationship with his wife, and making sure the club stayed on the right path. All the while waiting for the opportunity when he could catch Rico Yanez doing some shady dealings behind the cartel’s back. Only when he was able to take Yanez’s life would he be able to rest easy.

  And me. Where did I even begin with what I’d been dealing with? Addy made me swear not to tell anyone in the club about her cancer, fearing even if I told Marek in confidence he might somehow innocently let it slip to Trigger. Therefore defeating the purpose of trying to protect her uncle, and eventually her father. I didn’t agree with her decision. I felt her family had a right to know, to offer her their love and help, but when it came right down to it, it wasn’t my call.

  Then there was the baby. Only a few of the men in the club had kids, but no one I was close enough with to seek out any kind of advice. Ryder had a daughter he hardly saw because she lived across the country and only visited once a year. I found out recently Cutter had a daughter as well, but he didn’t want anything to do with her. Something about keeping her and her mother safe all these years, but I wondered if all that would change now that we were eliminating threats toward our club.

  Our lives had certainly changed in the past year, but it was for the better. We both had a woman to love, something I would have never envisioned for myself before Addy, and certainly not for Marek.

  “So,” my friend started, pulling me back from my thoughts. “How’s it goin’?” A short and simple question, but it spoke volumes. He was asking me about my relationship with Addy as
well as impending fatherhood all rolled into those three little words.

  Nodding, I took a large swig of my beer. Only after the cool liquid had cleared the back of my throat did I form the words to answer. “Everything’s good. Addy’s still sick most days, but she’s trudging on through.”

  “Well, I guess she doesn’t have a choice, now does she?” he joked.

  “Nope, she doesn’t. But she sure is a trooper, man.”

  “Especially since she’s gotta deal with your unpredictable ass on top of being pregnant.” He laughed, a little more that time because it was the truth.

  “There’s that,” I responded, tipping the nose of my bottle at him before drinking. Turning my head to the side to make sure we were still alone, I asked him what I’d meant to for the past few days. “Any new developments with Yanez?”

  He shifted in his chair, his expression quickly turning to frustration. “No,” he grated. “I still have Zip watchin’ him, and while we’ve been able to gather a bit more info on his interactions with Koritz, it’s not enough to bring to Carrillo yet.”

  “Well, at least we’ll be able to take that fucker out as well when the time comes. I’m still pissed about him raiding our club.” Sam Koritz was a shady DEA agent and his time would come. Payback was certainly a bitch. Switching the subject, simply because I was curious, I asked, “Does Sully know you’re biding your time until you can kill him? Have you told her anything of your plans?”

  “Fuck no. I don’t need her worrying about that shit. I’ll tell her when it’s done; otherwise, there’ll be no mention of it whatsoever.” He looked at me like I was slow. “Got it?”

  “Really? You even have to ask me that?” My jaw muscles ticked while my face scrunched up in disbelief. I was insulted and he knew it.

  “Sorry, I know you’d never say anything, Stone. I just . . . Sully . . . Sometimes I wish I could purge for her. You know?”

  Sadly . . . I did.


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