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The Sentinel's Reign

Page 40

by Suzanne Rogerson

  They stood arm in arm and faced the cheering crowd.

  ‘Now the hard work begins,’ Callisa said, but she was smiling.

  Tei felt the hope of the united people surrounding them and grinned. ‘I can’t wait.’

  Chapter Forty

  Brogan put down the grooming brush and stood at the edge of the horse pen where he could see Kalaya’s new allies make their preparations to leave camp and head back to the Bay of Hope.

  Tei and Callisa were talking with the sea commander, while Hafender was chatting with a group of mystics who’d agreed to sail to the island of Stone Haven and help the people restore its magic.

  Brogan gazed at the fast disintegrating camp; the farmers of Kalaya had already departed, heading back to their farms to tend the crops and prepare for this year’s harvest. Brogan envied them and the simple lives ahead of them.

  Most of the Elders had left for the mountains yesterday. Only Hilda and Thal remained. Hilda had been taken ill and was too weak to make the journey to Turrak so she would stay in Newington while she recovered. The two Elders were standing together by the supply wagons, though he could tell by their stiff body language that they were not the best of friends.

  The Assembly planned to leave camp shortly and Brogan didn’t look forward to being stuck in the middle of the two factions as they worked through their differences and planned the future of Kalaya. Thal would be the contact between the Elders in Turrak and the Assembly. There were weeks of talks ahead of them and they had a lot of reshuffling to do, including a new town guard to appoint.

  Brogan looked down at the pack by his feet; he would be moving back to his family home. He’d be alone, but he hoped Tei would join him soon, even if only for a visit. The sooner the island politics were organised, the sooner they could be married and start their life together.

  Ellas waved and joined him. His friend still walked with a slight limp and his stomach wound was slow to heal, but he looked happy and the mischievous twinkle had returned to his eyes. ‘Well, old friend, looks like you’re stuck with the Assembly.’

  Brogan slung his arm around Ellas’ shoulders and grinned. ‘For now, but I’ll get my farm someday.’

  Ellas laughed. ‘That’s what I’ve always liked about you, Brogan, you’re always thinking big.’

  They teased each other until Luth spotted them and made his way over.

  ‘All set? Today’s a big day for the Assembly.’ The old man looked out across the expanse of Kalayan people packing up camp, smiling with pride. ‘We’ll leave here today and start a new era in Kalayan history, leaving the old practices to rot along with Rathnor’s body and his memory.’

  ‘That’s how my father would have wanted it,’ Brogan said, looking at the solitary mound of stones over Rathnor’s grave. There had been no ceremony or speeches to mark his death; it had been an oddly sombre affair. ‘Though we shouldn’t forget his victims.’

  ‘None of us will forget them.’

  After a minute’s silence, Ellas slapped Brogan on the back. ‘It’ll be good to have you on the Assembly again. You can keep all the oldies in line.’

  ‘Enough with the old,’ Luth said, standing spear straight.

  Brogan nodded at him. ‘We’ll still need the wisdom of the older generations. And now you won’t have to disguise your magic anymore. I hope they won’t hold it against you.’

  Luth looked to the tent where the rest of the Assembly were preparing for their return to Newington. ‘It’ll take time, but I’m confident of winning them around. It still feels strange admitting to it though. The only person in Newington I ever took into my confidence was your mother. I never even told your father; I didn’t want to risk Lucan’s life with my secret.’

  ‘He would have protected you.’ Brogan remembered his father fondly and smiled. ‘Lucan was an honourable man and it feels good to finally let go of all that childhood resentment. I hate that he was another in a long line of Rathnor’s victims, but we can’t alter the past, we can only ensure the future is better.’

  ‘Well said.’ Luth smiled reverently.

  Brogan looked solemnly between his friends. ‘No more leaders, no more manipulation... the people come first.’ They shook on it and then headed to join the rest of the Assembly.

  As they walked, Brogan glanced back at the camp and saw Tei. She was heading for the second wave of riders and wagons still waiting to depart for Turrak. She looked determined, changed from the passionate woman who’d spent the night talking and making love to him.

  He followed Tei’s progress and realised she was heading straight for the former Masked Rider, Nadan.


  ‘Hello, Nadan.’

  Nadan looked at her nervously. ‘Hello, Tei.’

  She attempted a smile and felt her cheeks flush with shame. ‘I came to apologise.’

  ‘Apologise for what?’

  ‘For releasing you from the spell like I did. I wanted you to suffer, but I didn’t think it through.’

  ‘I’d rather be free than trapped under his spell.’

  ‘But you could have been better prepared for it.’ She saw the goodness in him and realised how close Nadan was to breaking. ‘I’m sorry about your family.’

  ‘It still feels as though it happened to someone else.’ He ran a hand through his long, dark hair and sighed. ‘Rathnor had them murdered and blamed the exiles. Then while I raged with hate and despair, he took my mind and erased all trace of my family. Thanks to you, I’m starting to remember them again.’

  ‘But the way I did it was cruel, it was unforgiveable.’

  Nadan smiled sadly. ‘It doesn’t matter, Tei. The man responsible is dead and we all have to find a way to carry on.’

  ‘So what will you do now?’

  ‘Your battle general has spoken with the Sentinel and she’s agreed I shall go to Turrak. I think it was where we were heading when my family were murdered.’ He looked in the direction of the mountains, sadness heavy on him. ‘I’ll train with Hafender and serve with him... it’s the only life I know.’

  ‘Turrak is a wonderful place. I hope you’ll be able to heal there.’

  ‘What about you?’ Nadan asked. ‘You’ve lost a lot to Rathnor too.’

  She saw the guilt on his face and pictured her friends and the countless others lost to Rathnor’s war plans. ‘I’ll get through it as I always have. Right now, I’m escorting our new allies to the Bay of Hope, after that, who knows.’ She glimpsed Brogan walking towards the Assembly tent.

  Nadan caught the direction of her gaze and nodded. ‘I’ve heard how he stood up to Rathnor. He’s a good man, you’re made for each other.’

  She grinned, feeling her cheeks blaze as she thought of the few snatched hours she’d spent in Brogan’s arms last night.

  Tei shook hands with the man she’d once hated, realising as she did that nothing was ever clear-cut. Even Rathnor, for all his evil deeds, had been driven by revenge.

  Leaving the former Masked Rider, Tei headed back to the Sentinel, knowing their hour of departure was approaching.


  Rike hovered over Turrak, questing out for Mara. It took a lot of his energy to break free of the bonds that held him firmly in the Astral Plane, but then he saw her and nothing else mattered. She was sitting in the orchard where Tei liked to spend her time, staring into the distance, her hand stroking the bump of her belly.

  Rike longed to reach out to her. He would run his hand through her soft blonde hair and trace his fingers across her lips, then he’d kiss her cheek and tell her it would be alright.

  She looked up to where he watched her, and, for a heartbeat, he wondered if she could sense his presence. Then the moment passed and the Astral Plane called him back.

  He returned and Garrick found him, scrutinising him through narrowed eyes.

  ‘How’s Mara?’

  ‘She seems fine.’

  ‘Why do you torture yourself like that?’

  ‘I need to know she’s safe. Then I k
now the sacrifice was worth it.’

  Garrick clapped him on the back. ‘The women we love are still alive, of course it was worth it.’

  Rike stared into the empty mists. ‘Do you ever consider letting go?’

  ‘What do you mean? Passing over like Gohan did?’

  ‘Why not? Kalaya’s safe. The Sentinel is firmly in her place. Sometimes I don’t want to feel this hollowness inside me anymore.’

  Garrick shook his head. ‘It’s a torture but I don’t want it to stop. I’d rather see Tei here than not at all. It hurts me to admit that she loves another man, but I want her to be happy. By staying here protecting the Sentinel and the magic I’m keeping the people I love safe.’

  ‘I’m lucky to have you two,’ Callisa said, materialising in front of them.

  Rike hung his head, ashamed of his self-indulgent words.

  The Sentinel cleared her throat, forcing him to look at her. She lay a gentle hand on his back and her warmth filled him.

  ‘The threats we face will never be over, Rike.’ She looked serious and a sadness clung to her that hadn’t been present before. ‘Gohan told me as his memories transferred to me that this isn’t the end of our problems. There are bigger issues out there - not from Farrell’s people, but from other invaders.’

  She paused and looked between them, her serious expression unchanged. ‘Harder times are still to come and I need to know you two will be by my side. Will you be my champion Spirit Guides?’

  ‘Always, as long as you need me,’ Garrick pledged, placing his hand on his heart.

  They both turned to Rike.

  ‘I swear to continue serving you, Sentinel.’

  She hugged them both. ‘Thank you. I’m glad to know the spirits will be safe in your care.’

  ‘We ask in return that you look after the people we love,’ Rike said, watching her response closely.

  ‘I’ll do my best.’ The Sentinel turned away from him.

  Garrick seemed happy with her words, but Rike had seen the flash of uncertainty in her eyes. He knew the Sentinel wasn’t telling them something but she bid them goodbye and disappeared before he could question her.

  Garrick patted his back. ‘See, my friend, everything will be fine. So smile and enjoy this moment of peace while it lasts.’

  Rike laughed despite his doubts. He still had his best friend. He decided to worry about tomorrow when it happened.


  After a few days of travel, they arrived at the Bay of Hope. Farrell stood beside Kalaya’s Sentinel and looked out at his fleet of ships anchored in the bay. Pride swelled in his chest as he saw the flag of his homeland billowing in the wind.

  The Saviour looked magnificent bobbing gently on the waves. The skeleton crew left on board waved to them. They hadn’t heard the news yet, but they must have been shocked to see their return so quickly, with a beautiful escort leading the way.

  He turned to Callisa. ‘We came here to set the people of Kalaya free from their oppressors and win a new home. We failed in that part but I feel we’ll gain much more from this alliance.’

  The Sentinel smiled a dazzling smile. ‘Our people are reunited and we are moving towards a future where magic is no longer feared. Our race is healing and that is in no small part thanks to you.’

  He waved aside the compliment. ‘I’d still be Rathnor’s prisoner if not for your help.’

  He thought about the people on Stone Haven. They were still expecting him to provide a new home, but despite not taking the island, he would be going home having only lost one man. Poor Buck, but without his death Farrell would never have seen the truth. ‘I wonder how they’ll take the news back home,’ he thought to himself.

  He glanced at Kalaya’s Sentinel and saw how she shone with an inner glow. ‘I’m glad we aren’t parting as enemies.’

  She smiled as she shook his hand. ‘Our alliance will change both our lands and our people for the better.’

  ‘Do you really think you can help us restore Stone Haven’s magic?’

  ‘I know we can. Stone Haven was once just like Kalaya.’ She closed her eyes as if remembering. ‘It was once called Tarporar.’

  Farrell ran the name through his head. ‘Tarporar... I prefer Stone Haven. The island gave our people a haven from death and I hope we can bring her magic back.’

  ‘I have no doubt Stone Haven’s magic will return.’

  Farrell looked out at the crystal waters of the bay shimmering in the sunshine. He pictured the open horizon on the Silent Sea. The expanse of emptiness pulled at him, dragging his spirit home. Finally, he realised that he was following the right path. Stone Haven was his home and always would be. He said as much to Callisa and she smiled.

  ‘I’m sure your people will come to think of Stone Haven as their home too, once the magic is restored.’

  He nodded thoughtfully. ‘Do you think there are other islands like ours in the Silent Sea?’

  Callisa looked out at the sea, her brow creased in thoughtful contemplation. ‘There are other islands like ours and one day you could be the man to find them. But let’s focus on Stone Haven for now.’

  Farrell’s smile withered. ‘The Elkenan invaders who destroyed Arconia are out there too. They’re a threat to anyone with magic.’

  ‘I know, but Kalaya’s barrier is restored and when you have a Sentinel, Stone Haven can be protected in the same way.’

  Farrell looked at his ship and thought about his people and his family. ‘Should I become the Sentinel?’

  Callisa studied him, seeming to understand what he was thinking of sacrificing. ‘I honestly don’t know if that is even possible, Farrell. If it was your destiny, things would have probably gone differently the moment you set foot on this island.’

  He remembered Buck’s confessions about blocking his powers and wondered if that could have affected his reaction to the dormant magic. He opened his mouth to ask, but decided against it. Callisa had no way to know what his island was like now. Better to wait and see what the mystics who were travelling to Stone Haven thought.

  They watched the supply boats leave shore and head out to restock the ten waiting ships. Allisus was going on ahead to spread the word of their new alliance with the score of crewmates who had stayed behind to guard the fleet.

  Farrell remained silent for a long time, thinking about the magic lying dormant in his home. He remembered feeling the odd shudder of connection and seeing the patches of flowers struggling to life. They were definite signs of the magic returning, but if the Kalayan mystics couldn’t produce it, he knew his time as commander would be over. The council would have all the reasons they needed to get rid of him.

  ‘I’m sending some of my best people with you to Stone Haven, Farrell. They will help you restore the magic, I’m certain of it.’ As always, Callisa seemed adept at guessing his thoughts and he nodded at her wisdom.

  Then he pictured Banuth and the rest of the council’s faces when he tried to convince them they lived on a magical island. That would be an interesting day.

  He looked back inland at Kalaya, wondering if his own home would ever look as green and prosperous in his lifetime.

  ‘Look, there’s your Confidante,’ Farrell said, spotting the red-haired woman storming across the beach towards them. ‘She doesn’t seem happy.’

  Callisa looked pained. ‘She must have just heard the news...’

  Farrell backed away as the two women squared up to one another. ‘This is a conversation you two had best have alone.’

  With a bow, Farrell made his escape and headed for the shoreline, eager to get back to the Saviour and set off for home.

  As he walked across the golden sands that had featured so often in his dreams, Tei’s words drifted towards him.

  ‘How can you do this to me? Have you lost your mind? Why would you agree to send your Confidante to Stone Haven?’


  ‘The barrier was down, but not for long enough, master. I didn’t manage to trace the island.’
  The scar-faced Elkenan captain slammed the point of his dagger into the map of the Silent Sea. Then he looked up at his cowering first mate and grinned. ‘We’ll still find them. Those Kalayans won’t see what’s coming until it’s too late.’

  Dear Reader

  Thank you for reading The Sentinel’s Reign. If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads. I love to read your thoughts on my books and value every review.

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  Silent Sea Chronicles

  The Sentinel’s Alliance - Book 3

  Due out in 2019

  Also by the Author -

  Silent Sea Chronicles

  The Lost Sentinel - Book 1

  Standalone epic fantasy

  Visions of Zarua


  Thanks to my husband for continuing to stick by me while I spend my life in fantasyland. To my beta readers, I’d never have the nerve to put my books out there without your advice and critiques. To my mum and dad who have supported me since I started this crazy journey into self-publishing. To The Cover Collection who have provided the amazing covers for all my books. Finally, I would also like to thank my editor, Alison Williams, whose edit always manages to bring that final sparkle to my work. Note that I proofread the final draft myself, so any mistakes are my own.

  Visions of Zarua

  Chapter One

  He stood outside the broken entrance of the citadel and watched the small pyre burn. Bright flames licked high into the night sky and smoke drifted on the breeze, carrying the stench of burning flesh. Twigs crackled and a log split, sending sparks spiralling upwards. The contents of the inferno shifted, giving a glimpse of the blackened limbs within...


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