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Ascendancy Origins Trilogy

Page 30

by Bradford Bates

  Just when I was thinking Sean might get close enough to do some real harm, five of the broken boulders rose from the ground. Each of them had come from a larger rock that Sean had thrown at him, he started to spin the sharpened remains around him in slow circles. All of the rocks were rotating around him on their own axis; it was an impressive bit of magic. He rushed towards Sean and dodged the last two massive boulders Sean hurled, while sending his own rocks out in retaliation. All of the rocks came at Sean from a different side at the exact same time. Sean managed to deflect three of them, but two of them hit him, sending him flipping through the air.

  He landed on the dirt floor of the arena with a thud. Gavin picked up all of the shards that had broken when they hit Sean’s shield and he sent all of them at him as he lay on the ground. Most of the rocks thudded against his personal shield but under the continued onslaught it finally cracked. Sean’s body jerked as the rocks pounded into him and then he went still.

  A horn sounded and two members of the Ascendancy clad in all white ran out onto the Arena floor. They knelt over the injured man, laying hands on him to heal him. Once Sean could stand up they escorted him off of the arena floor. At the edge of the Arena a man also clad in all white placed a red flag up. When Gavin had three red flags showing, the battle would be over and he would join us as full member of the Ascendancy. The horn sounded again indicating it was ok to resume.

  His two remaining opponents jumped back into the fray immediately, again each of them working with a different element. Gavin used their offsetting elements against them while launching a few probing attacks of his own. After one of them was knocked to the ground his opponents changed strategies. One of them started working on a massive spell while the other one occupied all of Gavin’s attention. I couldn’t tell what he was doing but he needed to do something to him before he got the spell off.

  My hands tightened on the rail again and Sarah placed her arm around me. “Have faith in him, John, he can do this.”

  “I know that he can, it’s just whatever he is trying to do now doesn’t seem to be working.”

  A giant dense fireball launched straight at Gavin from behind. Actually, calling it a fireball might have been a disservice, it was more of a meteor hurtling straight at him. The same time the meteor had been cast the player that had cast it was sucked into the ground by Gavin’s spell. He called down a rain of icicles onto the huge fireball. When that didn’t slow it down he redirected it and stepped to the side. The huge ball of swirling fire hit the edge of the arena, shaking the stands and then fizzled out of existence.

  The horn sounded again and two of the white-robed figures ran out. They stood over the spot where Gavin’s last opponent had been and looked at the ground unsure of what to do. Gavin waved a hand and a pillar of earth rose from the ground. The rocks slowly fell away revealing his unhurt opponent inside. The white-robed figures escorted him off of the arena floor and before he left he bowed and gave Gavin a wave. All of us appreciated a good spell. The second red flag was placed on the bard and the horn sounded again.

  Gavin deflected two icicles that were aimed at him but missed a blast of fire that came from behind. It looked as if the other opponent might have won. Gavin rolled on the sand but the flames only spread to the rest of his shirt. Then a stream of blue water fell from the heavens and doused the flames. Gavin stood, ripping off the remains of his shirt. Steam rose from his shoulders as he strode slowly towards the last man standing in his way to victory.

  They watched each other for a moment and then his opponent sent a stream of ice towards Gavin. He matched it with a stream of fire. The opposing elements turned into water as they collided against each other. Neither one of them wanted to appear weak, so instead of using another attack they poured all of their magic into this single test of wills. The center of the red and blue moved back and forth, neither of them having the edge. The ice slowly started to inch closer and closer to Gavin, if it reached him this fight would be over.

  I gripped the rail harder than I had before, my knuckles turning white. I could feel the metal bending underneath my hands. Sarah’s grip on my arm was just as tight, bringing a grimace of pain into my features. Just when I thought it would be over the flames surged forward engulfing Gavin’s opponent. The man fell to the floor screaming and Gavin quickly doused the flames. With another quick motion he sent the same healing stream down on his fallen opponent that he had used on himself. By the time the healers reached him, he was already standing on his feet again.

  His opponent, I think his name was Nicklaus, waved off the healers and walked across the arena towards Gavin. I could tell my student looked wary but there was nothing for him to fear. He had already won. Nicklaus reached him and raised his hand into the air in triumph. I could see that Gavin was smiling now, and it brought one to my own face. I looked at Sarah and she looked back at me, in that split second we knew what it must feel like to be parents watching their children succeed.

  Adam, followed by Gavin’s other two opponents, walked out to the center of the arena. The three opponents moved to one side and Gavin to the other. Adam reached out and placed a hand on Gavin’s shoulder.

  Adam’s voice carried around the entire facility when he spoke. “You have done well, and tonight you will join the ranks of the Ascended.”

  All of the warriors surrounding the arena broke into wild applause. Even Frank gave him a few grudging claps. Gavin looked at me and I raised a closed fist in salute, he returned the gesture. Then Adam and his three opponents did the same. I could see the smile on his lips from my vantage point. It was a great day for us all and the Ascendancy would be stronger having someone like Gavin as part of it.



  London, England 1400

  I stepped out into the cool misty rain that I loved to associate with my homeland. If it wasn’t raining in England, it was thinking about raining and when the sun finally came out it was as if you had been blessed by God himself. My new doublet fit well, and the leggings the tailor had crafted were some of the best I ever wore. My dark cloak covered the garishness of the bright colors. I pulled the hood over my head and moved into the street.

  I had two people that I needed to visit before I left town again, and neither of them would live through the meeting. I was tempted to go after the warden first but when I succeeded in killing him it would only alert his more powerful brother. If I could eliminate Byron and get to his brother before they found the body that would be my best case scenario. I had spent the last few days spying on the brothers in the disguise of a beggar. Neither of them even bothered to look at me which made appearing in a few of the places they frequented easier.

  It was Thursday and that meant that Byron would be heading towards his private bath. He paid a handsome price once a week to bathe in extravagance. The servants brought in hot water that had been laced with herbs. The curtain hanging from the ceiling had been covered in flower petals. The highlight for him was the company of a woman named Roslyn. She washed him and catered to his every need and desire. It would be the perfect time to sneak in and take him but I couldn’t accomplish that looking like a beggar.

  The new clothes and the money I had secured since leaving the prison would be more than enough to get in me in the same bathhouse. From there it would just be a matter of slipping out of one room and finding out which room Byron was in. I scheduled my appointment for thirty minutes before his so we should avoid overlapping. I booked a full service package which included my own version of Roslyn; in this case her name was Emma. I had been assured that she would make me feel at home.

  When I entered the establishment a woman greeted me at the door. “Welcome, how may I help you today?”

  “I have an appointment under the name Edward.”

  “Of course. Emma has been expecting you, milord. If you need anything else please do not hesitate to ask for Gretchen.”

  “Thank you, milady.”

  “You are too kind. Would you l
ike to resolve your remaining balance now?” I passed her a small purse full of coins, and after giving me a curtsey she walked into the back room. The red curtains parted and then drew closed behind her.

  When the red curtains opened again a beautiful young blonde woman approached me. She was dressed in a stunning lace gown that clung just enough to all of her curves as to leave nothing to the imagination. I had never set eyes on anyone so beautiful in my entire life. She moved towards me and then stepped around me unfastening my cloak. She draped it over one arm and with the other she took my hand and led me towards a set of stairs. I followed her up the stairs and into a room, all the while still trying to catch my breath from the sight of her.

  Servants came into the room with buckets of boiling water and began filling the large wooden tub. The steam that rose out of the basin smelled wonderful and filled the air with the scent of spring. A small fire was lit under the basin to keep the water warm, and the servants filed out of the room. Emma stepped forward and started to remove my doublet, then her hands moved towards my belt, she unhooked the woolen leggings, and I stepped out of my hose as she tugged my leggings down.

  She let out a sigh as I stepped out of them. I was sure that she was used to having fat older men to service, but today she found herself in the presence of a young man fit from hard years of manual labor. She ran her hands up my legs and gently moved them across the scars on my back. She turned me around and then dropped her dress to the floor. I took in the full glory of her body and felt a part of me stir that hadn’t in a long time. She led me up the small set of steps and once I was in the tub, she slipped in next to me.

  She grabbed a sponge from the ledge and started to rub the warm water across my shoulders. The warm water and gentle touch of a woman brought me back to a time before I had been imprisoned. I relaxed into her arms and was rewarded when her hands moved across my chest and then down my belly. When her hand moved lower I let out a small gasp.

  “Milord, is everything all right?”

  “Sorry if I startled you, it has been a long time since anyone besides my wife has touched me.”

  I felt her body stiffen at the mention of my wife. I was surprised; I thought a woman in her line of work would have been used to that. “She has been sent back to our lord Christ for over a year now.”

  Her body relaxed and I could feel her firm breasts against my back. “I understand, milord.” Her hand moved lower again but this time all I felt was the pleasure of the moment.

  When she let go of me, the feeling of loss was almost palpable. She slid around my body until she was floating in front of me. Her breasts bobbed with the motion of the water, and her green eyes were locked on to my own. She noticed that my eyes had drifted down and stood up, offering me a far better view then I had moments ago. I rose and wrapped my arms around her, my lips finding her neck. It tasted slightly like lilac and I couldn’t get enough of it. I only stopped when she pulled away to lower her mouth to mine.

  I indulged myself in that kiss and when she stepped away, bending over the edge of the tub, I indulged myself in that as well. It had been so long that the first time was over in minutes, but now that my lust had been awakened, the second time lasted much longer. Feeling almost giddy from my exertions, I lowered myself back into the water. Emma crawled into my lap, sponge in hand, and started to move it against me. She smiled when she looked at me but her eyes looked sad.

  “Did I do something to displease you?” I said running one hand down her wet hair until it rested on her lower back.

  “Nothing like that, milord.”

  “Then tell me what it is that bothers you.”

  “I can’t. I’m sorry that I have taken anything away from your enjoyment of today.”

  “Tell me anyways, do you not enjoy what you do?”

  “I shouldn’t really speak of it, milord. My job is to make sure you enjoy yourself, not to speak ill of my employer, or my profession.”

  “Would you like me to take you with me when I leave today?”

  “You couldn’t, they wouldn’t let you.”

  “I would like to see them try and stop me.”

  She ran a hand down my back feeling the scars, somehow they must have reassured her because she mumbled into my ear. “Yes, take me with you.”

  It was almost a shame about what I would have to do next, but before I could leave and take Emma with me I needed to make sure that my target was taken care of. Emma watched my face and for the first time I could see hope in her eyes. It made me smile. I wrapped my arms around her and cast a spell to put her to sleep, then leaned her against the tub in a way that would make sure she didn’t slip back into the water and drown. Once she was secure, I finally took my leave.

  I thought about donning my clothes for the next part of the plan but it would simply take too long. I used another spell to dry my skin and headed out the door. I moved down the hall without seeing a soul. The stairs to the third floor came into view and with a quick look around the corner I was moving up them as silently as possible. Those instincts proved to be spot on when I exited the stairwell and found a man guarding one of the doors. He hadn’t seen me yet so I rushed down the hallway and slammed my fist into his temple. I had augmented the blow with magic and the man crumpled on impact. I caught him in my arms and dragged him in behind me when I opened the door.

  Good old Byron was in no state to notice me based on the loud giggles and sloshing sounds coming from the tub. When I looked over I noticed that the curtain had been drawn around the tub. So the discretion that I had used probably wasn’t needed. I left his bodyguard tucked just inside of the door and made my way towards the tub. I felt sorry for Roslyn as I heard the man grunt. Her moans must have been fake because the image I had in my head of the judicator at my trial was not a kind one.

  I parted the curtain and moved around the tub until I was behind Byron. I reached out with one hand and as soon as my fingers touched him he slipped into the water dead. I had stopped his heart but hopefully he would take a few breaths in the water as he died and it would look like more of a drowning. His companion had finally noticed that he was no longer thrusting and turned to see him face down in the water. I was surprised by the look of concern on her face. She had noticed my presence and before she could scream my hand clenched around her throat.

  The demon inside me howled out in pleasure as I choked the life out of her. I felt the moment when her soul left her body and my demon drank in its scent like it was the greatest drug on the planet. My demon screamed out for more and these deaths were something that I couldn’t deny it. The first step of my revenge was complete; the demon deserved its due. I moved through the other rooms killing servants and working girls alike. I found a bin marked Emma in one of the rooms and brought it with me. Once I had placed her items into our chamber I headed downstairs to deal with the madam and secure our finances.

  The look of shock on her face when I strode into her room naked as the day I was born was comical. I could tell she had no idea what to make of it, but her eyes lingered over my body as if she was enjoying the sight.

  “Milord, is everything ok? Was Emma not to your liking?”

  “Oh I liked her very much, so much in fact that I will be taking her with me when I leave.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” she said moving towards her desk.

  “See that is where you are wrong. Anything is possible,” I said moving towards her.

  The club she grabbed surprised me but not enough that I couldn’t grab her wrist before it found its mark. I wrenched her arm up behind her and slammed her down onto the desk. The air escaped her lungs with a hiss. “Tell me where the money is?”

  “Or what, you’ll kill me?” She laughed.

  “Yes, I will, just like I did to everyone else that works here.”

  “What do you mean by that!” She spat.

  “It’s simple really, everyone else in this building is dead. If you would not like to join them you can point me to
the money and I will be on my way.”

  She pointed to a picture on the wall at the back of the room. “The safe is behind it but I don’t have the combination.”

  “Then how do you get the money in?”

  “There is a slit in it built to accept the coins. Like I said you’ll never get into it.”

  “And you, you have kept nothing extra for yourself?”

  “Please, it’s all that I have.”

  I gave her arm another tug, and when that didn’t work I broke it. As her screams faded she finally pointed to a small keepsake on her desk. I removed the plug in the bottom and smiled when several gold coins fell out. That would be a nice start. “Don’t move.”

  I ripped the picture off of the wall and looked at the safe. She was right, if I didn’t have magic there was no way I could open it. A small flame covered my finger and I started to move it around the edges of the safe’s door, slowly cutting through the lead. The molten metal pooled on the ground, and the woman behind me started to scream.

  “What are you! What are you! What are you!”

  By the third scream I had had enough. I reached my free hand out behind me and made a motion. I heard her neck snap and she fell to the floor. I turned my attention back to the safe just soon enough to catch the door as it fell off. I loaded the coins into a large pouch. This would be more than enough to set Emma up with a new life in a new town and she would never have to work again.

  A small smile escaped my lips as I slipped into the still warm water. When I touched Emma, she rose from her slumber murmuring an apology. “No apology is needed, my dearest Emma.”

  “All the same, I am sorry.”

  “Emma, before you fell asleep I told you that I would take you away from here. Would you like that?”

  “I thought that maybe I had dreamed that. Why would you do such a thing? Are you trying to make me your personal plaything?”


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