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Brides of the Kindred Volume One: Books 1-4

Page 98

by Evangeline Anderson

  “All the flavors and textures you describe…I’ve never had anything like that.” He shook his head. “We have no such ‘pleasures’ aboard the Fathership.”

  “You don’t know what you’re missing,” Lauren sighed. “And that isn’t even my best seller. I make a raspberry filled vanilla bean cupcake with cream cheese frosting that’s out of this world.” Remembering her surroundings, she gave a sad little laugh. “Well, out my world, anyway.”

  “You’re very passionate about your work. These things you make—the cakecups—”

  “Cupcakes,” Lauren corrected gently, studying him from under lowered lashes as she talked.

  Despite his frightening eyes and strange, gray skin, he had strong, noble features that looked like they had been carved out of granite. His profile looked almost Native American and she had an idea that the coal black hair he kept in a club at the back of his neck might be soft and thick if he ever let it free.

  “Cup…cakes,” he repeated slowly. “You enjoy making them for others to consume?”

  “Yes, I enjoy it very much. I love baking—creating things that give other people pleasure.” She smiled at him. “I wish I could bake one for you.”

  “Me?” He looked startled. “Why would you wish such a thing?”

  “To see you eat it. To watch your face when you first bite into it—I love to watch people the first time they taste one of my cupcakes.”

  “You do?” He sounded perplexed.

  Lauren nodded. “Yes—it’s always the same. The smell gets them first—warm and fragrant and then they have to take a bite. Even the ones who swear they’re on a diet—they just can’t resist.”

  He leaned forward a little. “Yes? And then?”

  “And then the flavor hits them. It rolls over their tongue, sweet and perfect as the cupcake just melts in their mouth. Their teeth sink through that moist, delicious texture and crunch on the sprinkles. Then their eyes roll up in their head and most of the time they moan.”

  “They moan?” He frowned, his red eyes narrowing. “I thought you said it was a pleasurable experience.”

  “It is. They moan because it tastes so good—feels so good in their mouth. Haven’t you ever had anything that made you feel so good you just had to let it out?” Lauren asked.

  He shook his head. “No, never.”

  She sighed. “Then I really wish I could give you one of my cupcakes. If we were on Earth, in my shop right now I would hand you one and say, ‘Here you go, Mr…” She paused and tilted her head to one side. “I just realized I don’t know your name.”

  He frowned. “I suppose there’s no harm in telling you. I am called Xairn.”

  “Is that your last name or your first?”

  “I have only one name.”

  “All right. Zzzairnnn.” She rolled the name on her tongue and looked up at him. “And I’m Lauren—but you probably already know that.”

  “Your name is known to me,” he acknowledged gruffly. “Not that it makes any difference.”

  Lauren refused to be sidetracked. “Xairn, I wish I could bake you a special cupcake to thank you for what you’ve done.”

  “What have I done but capture and imprison you?” he demanded.

  “You’ve given me more to eat when I asked for it. You gave me your cloak.” She nodded down at the thick black fabric which kept her from freezing in the cold and lonely cell. “And you’ve given me your time and attention when I needed to talk and to hear someone’s voice. I don’t feel so alone because of you.”

  He scowled. “You don’t mean that—any of it.”

  “Yes, I do,” Lauren protested. “Please don’t be angry. I’m just trying to get to know you.”

  Xairn seemed to loosen up a little bit—at least some of the tension went out of his broad shoulders. He really was huge, Lauren reflected. Every bit as big as the Kindred warriors who came to Earth now and then to call their brides. “What do you want to know?” he asked.

  “I don’t know…what are your hobbies? What are your dreams?”

  He shook his head. “I have neither. I was born on the Fathership and I will most likely die here. I do not aspire to anything else.”

  “That’s so sad,” Lauren blurted. “I mean, to never have any hopes or dreams.”

  “I have work that must be accomplished or I will be punished,” he offered.

  She shook her head. “Uh-uh, work doesn’t count. What do you do for fun? You know, for enjoyment?”

  Xairn shook his head again. “Nothing. I told you, we have no pleasures here.”

  “Nothing at all?” She leaned forward eagerly. “You don’t play games or read books or watch vids? Don’t you have any pets?”

  But she seemed to have said the exact wrong thing. Suddenly his face, which had been almost open to her, closed, and he stood up abruptly. “None of what you mention is permitted here. I must go.”

  “Wait!” She reached for him, upset at the sudden change when everything had been going to so well. “Please don’t go—I’m sorry if I said something wrong.”

  Xairn looked at her, his eyes narrowed to black and crimson slits. “Cover yourself,” he said coldly. “I have no desire to see your flesh.”

  Looking down at herself, Lauren realized that his cloak was gaping open, showing her bare breasts. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, pulling it closed quickly. “It was an accident. I…I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “I must go,” he repeated. At the door, he turned to look at her, his face impassive. “Eat your nutra-wafers. They may not be as good as your cupcakes but they will keep you strong until the AllFather sends for you.”

  And then he was gone.

  Lauren watched the heavy metal door close and heard the muted sound of the locking sequence being keyed in from the other side. Damn it, damn it, damn it! Tears of frustration rose in her eyes and she sobbed aloud before she could stop herself. So close! She’d been so close to making a connection with him—she could feel it. And then…nothing. What did I do? What did I say that upset him? That drove him away?

  She sobbed again and then blotted her tears with the corner of his cloak which still carried a warm hint of his scent. It wasn’t just the lost chance that upset her—she genuinely didn’t want him to go. He was the only person she ever saw, the only one who would talk to her. Her only link to the outside world in this claustrophobic metal prison. Watch it girl—you’re stuck on an alien ship, a prisoner of the Scourge—the ultimate bad guys. The last thing you need is a bad case of Stockholm syndrome on top of everything else, she warned herself.

  Lauren knew it was true but she couldn’t help herself. Xairn was the only one she had to talk to. She missed him when he was gone.

  Xairn stood outside the heavy plasti-steel door and listened to her sob. He told himself that he felt nothing but it wasn’t entirely true. For some reason he wanted to open the door again and go to her. And then he would…What? What would you do?

  He didn’t have the faintest idea.

  It was a foolish thought, anyway. Better to keep your mind on your duties.

  Yes. He had much work to accomplish if he didn’t wish to be punished. And just because the AllFather was no longer able to feed off him didn’t mean he couldn’t devise some cruel and cunning physical penalties. He could have Xairn thrown in the drowning tank, for instance, as he had when Xairn was young. Just the memory of that made him cringe inside. After all these years, he still feared deep water, though he knew how to swim.

  I need to get back to work, he told himself, turning away from the soft sounds of distress on the other side of the plasti-steel door. I won’t visit her again. I’ll instruct one of the vat-grown to bring her meals.

  The thought of never seeing her again seemed to stab at him, to touch a place inside that ought to be untouchable—frozen like the rest of him. Xairn ignored it. There was work to be done and punishment to be had if the work was not completed. He had no time for the human girl—For Lauren, whispered a voice in his br
ain—no matter how strangely she made him feel.


  “Here we are! These folks are prominent locals right here in town,” Piper said, ushering Kat up to a middle aged threesome who smiled and nodded at her kindly. “This is Twila and her two mates, Fishes Often and Catches Many. Go on, say hi,” she urged, nudging Kat with an elbow.

  Kat looked at the smiling, nodding people and felt suddenly shy. “Uh, should I just talk in English and the Twin Moons language will come out of my mouth?”

  “That’s right honey.” Turning to the threesome, Piper spoke in a language that was clearly not English but somehow Kat understood her anyway. “My friend is new to Twin Moons. Her name is Kat and she would be pleased to make your acquaintance.”

  At once, both of the males each took one of Kat’s hands and their female mate came forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Welcome. Welcome to our world,” she said, smiling broadly.

  “I…thank you,” Kat said haltingly. “Thank you very much.” She could tell that the words coming out of her mouth were some foreign language but somehow it seemed to be comprehensible to the Twin Moons threesome.

  “See?” Piper grinned. “Works like a charm! Let’s see now, who else can we introduce you to?” Nodding goodbye to the smiling threesome, she grabbed Kat by the arm and towed her deeper into the milling crowd.

  Kat followed her, trying not to step on any feet. It seemed that the party had gotten even more crowded while they were in the ladies room and she wondered where all these people had come from. Had Deep and Lock’s mother invited the entire town or were some of them just crashing the party? Speaking of Deep and Lock, she craned her head to look for them, but the Twin Moons inhabitants were too tall to see over. She felt like a little kid lost at the mall and looking for her mother. There was another feeling too, starting at the tips of her breasts and between her legs—something strange and ominous that made Kat uneasy. But before she could give it much thought, Piper was talking again.

  “Here we are,” she said, nudging Kat into position in front of her. “These two own the local vegetable and fruit market here in town. It’s a very lucrative business they inherited from their fathers.” She nodded at two males who appeared to be around Lock and Deep’s age and spoke again in the Twin Moon’s language to Kat. “This is Large Tasty and this one’s Rigid Juicy.”

  “Excuse me?” Kat said, startled. “I’m not sure I caught those names right.”

  “I said they’re—”

  “Oh my goodness, Piper—thank the Goddess you’re here!” A distraught looking Twin Moons woman suddenly appeared and grabbed Piper by the hand.

  “Mina, what is it?” Piper’s easy smile was replaced by a frown of concern.

  “It’s the Take-mes, they’re at it again. I knew it was a bad idea to bring a breeding pair, especially since Ju-ju is coming into heat. But those stupid mates of mine wouldn’t listen. Can you come help me? You know they always mind you so much better than me.”

  “Of course I’ll come.” Piper squeezed the woman’s hand and turned to Kat. “Sorry, honey, but this is sort of an emergency. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  “But…but I don’t really know anyone here,” Kat protested.

  “You’ve got your convo-pillar—you’ll be okay. Look, hon, I really have to go. You’ve never seen a mess like Take-mes in rut. They’re as mean as a bull with a porcupine up his ass.” Piper patted her hand. “You just stay right here and I’ll be back in two shakes.”

  And then she was gone.

  Not knowing what else to do, Kat turned back to make polite conversation with the two large twins Piper had been introducing before she got called away. “Um, how do you do?” she said, trying to smile.

  “We are well to do, thanking you, my lady.” The one Piper had introduced as Large Tasty had light blond hair and pale blue eyes. Clearly, he was the light twin. The other, Rigid Juicy, had dark brown hair and green eyes that reminded Kat of emeralds. He must be the dark twin, she thought, trying not to feel uncomfortable as that glittering green gaze raked over her body. The two of them looked somehow familiar but she didn’t know why.

  “I’m not sure I understood your names correctly,” she said slowly, thinking how strange it was to hear a foreign language that she really didn’t know come out of her own mouth. “Could you please repeat them?”

  “I am Large Tasty,” the light twin said, taking her hand and kissing it. “A name which tells of me—I have an immense fruit of succulent quality.”

  “Uh, okay,” Kat said doubtfully. I really hope he’s talking about the fruit he sells at his stand!

  “And I am Rigid Juicy.” The dark twin took her other hand and kissed it slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “Because of my fruit, which is full of flavorful juices for the sucking.”

  “Umm.” Kat really didn’t know how to answer that. But the way they spoke seemed strange. Was her convo-pillar not working? “I’m Kat O’Conner and I’m new to Twin Moons,” she said, smiling uncertainly at both of them. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “Already we have seen you,” Large Tasty said, nodding pleasantly.

  “You have?” Kat frowned. “When?”

  “In the light of morning, as the sun rose up, the day to greet,” his brother answered for him. “We rose our eyes to the window and see a star wrapped in shadows.”

  “Huh?” Okay, her convo-pillar definitely wasn’t doing its job—this conversation was becoming more and more incomprehensible but Kat didn’t know how to end it.

  “It was you, my lady,” the light twin, or Large, as she was beginning to think of him said. “Your sheet like a cobweb to cover the curves of a goddess.”

  Suddenly, Kat got it. Oh no! No wonder they look familiar—they were two of the guys who waved at me this morning when I was only wearing a sheet. She began to feel intensely uncomfortable and not just because of what Large and Rigid were talking about. The strange prickling sensation she’d had earlier in her nipples and pussy was back and this time it was multiplied.

  Shifting uncomfortably, she blurted, “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the show but I didn’t do it on purpose. I mean, I didn’t know you could see through the sheet with the sun shining on me that way.”

  Large frowned but then nodded, as though understanding her. “But though you showing curves of luscious tastiness without intention, still the seeing of an elite was a thing more beautiful than skies aflame by burning sun.”

  Clearly it was a compliment so Kat nodded politely and murmured a soft, “Thank you.” She really wanted to get away from this embarrassing predicament and find out what was going on with her tingling body parts, but when she turned to leave, Rigid took her hand.

  “The Goddess has blessed you with enough delicious to burn a male with desire,” he rumbled, his green eyes blazing into hers. “Good thing, come with us. Please enjoy evening entertainment of our tongues on every scrumptious curve.”

  “Huh?” Kat tried to pull away but the dark twin was gripping her hand too tightly and refused to let go. “Look,” she said carefully. “I don’t think we understand each other very well, but I am not going to have sex with you and your brother. Is that clear?”

  “Fine lady.” The light twin took her other hand and stared earnestly into her eyes. “Forgive this brother of mine. His tongue is rough like a boot to the rear. His meaning is this—you go with us and discover the joys of meat?”

  “Meat?” Kat said doubtfully. Maybe they were just asking her out to eat. Not that she wanted to go anywhere with this weird tingling sensation going on in the most sensitive parts of her body. Still, she felt she ought to be polite. “Uh, well, I do enjoy meat. The only thing I’ve had to eat so far on Twin Moons is fruit.”

  “Bonding fruit.” Suddenly Rigid pulled her close and pressed his face to her neck. Kat tried to push him away but he held her tight, inhaling deeply. To her dismay, the heated lump she felt pressed against her thigh proved that he really lived up to his name.

  “Hey, let me go!” she gasped, pushing at his broad chest. It reminded her of the way Deep had scented her when they first met but this was different—strange. She couldn’t explain it but it felt utterly and completely wrong to have someone who wasn’t Deep or Lock touching her. Especially this intimately.

  “Hands off, you son of a bitch,” a deep, familiar voice behind her growled. “This female is spoken for.”

  “Deep?” Kat turned her head and saw him standing there, his black eyes blazing with barely controlled fury. “Oh, thank God! Help me—they won’t let me go!”

  “That’s because you just agreed to spend the night with them, teasing their cocks with your talented tongue.”

  “I said what?” Kat gasped as Deep pulled her away from the very irritated Rigid. “I did not! They just asked me if I liked eating meat and I said that yes, I did enjoy it.”

  “Is that what you heard them say?” Deep frowned as he hustled her away through the crowd.

  “Well, not in so many words,” Kat said, trying to keep up with him. “I mean, it was more like, uh…” She tried to think of exactly how Large had put it. “Something about discovering the joys of meat.”

  Deep raised one black eyebrow at her as he dragged her along. “You mean the pleasures of the flesh?”

  “Oh my God!” Kat shook her head. “But I had no idea that was what they meant. Look, could you please slow down? I—” She stopped abruptly as she tripped over someone’s foot and nearly fell. Only Deep’s grip on her hand saved her, but her stumble pushed them both into a silvery fountain which was spouting some kind of pale green alcoholic beverage. Kat only got a few drops on her dress but the entire front of Deep’s shirt was thoroughly drenched.

  Cursing, he straightened up and plucked at the sodden mess. He was wearing the same kind of shirt Kat had found in the chest that morning and the tiny little feather designs that decorated the front of it dripped with alcohol.


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