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Capture Me

Page 18

by Amber Thielman

  He visibly tensed up as her fingers sneaked towards the bulge in his pants. He was already excited, and she'd barely touched him.

  “See what you do to me?” Logan scolded, but his tone was teasing.

  Kass allowed her fingers to meet the area between his legs, and she rubbed it softly. Logan swallowed, saw his Adam's apple bob, and he shifted in his seat, giving her better access. Slowly, Kass unzipped the opening to his jeans and reached her hand in, still caressing him. She heard a slight sigh of pleasure, and it made her tingle with excitement. She realized that every time she had tried to please Ryan, even without having to sleep with him, he had always treated it like a chore instead of a treat. She was startled by how good it felt to make someone she cared about happy—in many ways.

  Logan's breathing seemed to quicken as her hand picked up speed. His hips arched slightly, and he closed his eyes.

  “Watch the road,” Kass said. Beside them, a semi-truck pulled up, traveling in sync next to the car. The excitement of being caught thrilled Kass, and she picked up speed again. Logan groaned, his muscles tensing. Just when she was certain he was on the brink of letting go, she felt the wheel jerk to the side, barely avoiding another collision. Kass released the pressure and pulled her hand back, smiling slyly, feeling a nervous sweat on the back of her neck.

  “What the hell?” Logan said. He looked at her, face flushed. “You're mean.”

  “I'm sorry,” Kass said. She, too, was blushing. “I don't think it's a good idea while you're driving. Let's try to arrive alive. The rest will come later.”

  She was pleasantly surprised when Logan turned in her direction, going in for a kiss. Their lips met before he pulled away to focus on driving, leaving her wanting more. He was smiling. Still feeling the tingle of his lips on hers, Kass laid her head back against the seat, soaking in the rays of the sun, trying to recall the last time she could remember being this happy.

  She couldn't.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Would you like two queen beds or one king?”

  “One king,” Kass said before Logan could answer. “Please.”

  “Very well.” The man behind the counter took their payment and typed something into the computer. Logan looked around, waiting, feeling impatient. The hotel was glamorous. At least, it was fancier than the Motel 6's they had been taking refuge in. This one was nice. And it wasn't far from Fremont Street. And, of course, they were okay with the dog. Logan knew they couldn't get rid of him now. Kass would be devastated.

  When she hurt, he hurt.

  Kass took the keys from the receptionist, grabbed Logan's hand, and pulled him toward the elevator. Vegas follow, his partially bald tail wagging as it thumped against Logan's leg.

  “There's a pool!” Kass said, as if it was the greatest thing she'd ever come across. “I love to swim!”

  “I'll keep that in mind,” Logan said. He couldn't resist pulling her into him and kissing the top of her head. She smelled so good, so familiar. It was a smell he never, ever wanted to forget.

  The room wasn't big, but the bed was enough for them both. Logan filled a bowl of water for Vegas, making a mental note to grab a small bag of dog food from the store later. Kass disappeared into the bathroom, and Logan sat down on the edge of the bed. He kicked off his shoes, finally allowing himself to relax. For the moment, all was well. He didn't even want to think about Laurel or everything he would have to do when he found her. He had no idea what he was going to do or when. He didn't know he would make it this far—especially with Kass. Now, things were different. They were complicated. She had turned his life and his plan upside down.

  And he couldn't even hate her for it.

  A few minutes later Logan heard the water to the bathtub turn on. He stood up and went to the door, feeling like a horse straining at the bit. He knocked once. When she didn't answer, he tried the handle. It was unlocked. Feeling antsy with excitement, Logan pushed the door open. Kass was leaning against the stone wall, naked, allowing the warm water to run over her hand from where it was pouring from the faucet. She had one leg propped up behind her

  “Hi,” she said, and smiled at him.

  Immediately, Logan could feel himself getting hard under the fabric of his jeans. Damn, the effect she had on him was surreal. Never had someone turned him on like she did—her smile, her beautiful eyes, and the way her brown hair fell over her freckled shoulders. She was mesmerizing.

  “Hi,” he said back. He felt like a bumbling idiot. Logan prided himself in being a charmer. He'd always had a way with the ladies; it didn't matter who they were. But Kass? Well, Kass was unlike anyone he’d ever met. She was sweet and sour all at once, sometimes unable to keep her hands off him and other times nonchalant and sly. She was never just hot or cold, but a little bit of both. He never knew what he was getting into with her when he stuck his hand in the pot, and he loved that about her. Kass was the piece of him that had been missing his entire life, and now, here she was, standing naked near the shower.

  Logan closed the bathroom door behind him and approached her. Still smiling, Kass reached for the button on his pants and undid the button and the zipper. Already, he was hard. He needed her. He craved her. Like a bottle of booze for an alcoholic, she was his weakness.

  “You're beautiful,” he said. Her chin tilted down, and she blushed. He reached out and brushed a strand of her hair back, and Kass turned to face him. Her complexion was makeup free, and she was stunning. Her lips met his, and a zap of electricity sizzled through him. He took her face between his hands and kissed her hungrily. She returned the desperation, her tongue searching for his, eyes closed as a moan of pleasure escaped her lips. Logan pulled back briefly and removed his shirt, fumbling, unable to let her go for longer than a few seconds. God, he was over the moon for her. He wanted to wake up every morning and see her beautiful face smiling back at him, wanted to hold her hand in his until the end of days, wanted to be close to her at every moment of every day.

  Unable to hold his excitement, Logan met her lips again. Kass ran her hands through his hair and pulled him back, towards the huge glass-encased marble shower. Once in, the shock of the warm water hit them, and Logan felt himself harden even more. The water showered down, steam rising. It was almost suffocating, but at the same time, it was sexy. Arousing. Logan reached between Kass's legs, stroking, listening to her respond with tiny moans of pleasure. The water was warm on his skin. Kass, now soaked from head to toe, brushed her wet hair behind her and wrapped her arms around Logan, pulling his body into hers.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Unable to hold himself back, Logan picked Kass up off the ground, allowing her to wrap her slender legs around his. Desire caught him in the chest as he slammed her back against the wall, pushing himself into her, their bodies meeting with lust he'd never experienced. Kass gasped, caught off guard, but she didn't fight in. Her legs tightened around him instead, her mouth meeting his again as he thrust into her. He could feel her tighten and then relax, taking him to the full extent. He quickened his pace, out of breath but unable to stop.

  Kass had her eyes closed, face pointed into the water, moans escaping between her lips. She had a hold of his hair, wrapping it around her hand, which only drove him further. The tension built up, and he slowed, not allowing himself to be satisfied before she was. But it didn't take long. After another few moments, with one last heavy thrust, Kass let out a long, shaky breath and let her head fall forward, onto Logan's shoulder. Seconds later, he, too, reached climax. For a moment, they stood there, wet from passion, soaked from the shower, as they tried to catch their breath.

  Logan lowered Kass to her feet, slowly, trying to retain the feeling of being inside of her. Her face felt hot, hands shaking from the intensity of their lovemaking, but she was smiling. She reached up and stroked the stubble on his face. He leaned in and kissed her, wondering how he had survived so long without this woman.

  He kissed her aga
in, resting his forehead against hers. “Where in the hell have you been all my life?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Kass liked Las Vegas. She loved the parties and the shows and the drinks. She enjoyed the happy people and the nightlife and the fun, but she especially liked being there with Logan.

  Nothing was quite as good as that was.

  “How's that daiquiri?” he asked.

  Kass held up her football-sized drink, admiring the garnish of strawberries and pineapple that laced the glass.

  “It's awesome,” she said. “I love piña coladas.”

  “I do, too,” said Logan. He was holding her hand, squeezing. He hadn't let it go even once. She was okay with that. “The best piña colada you'll ever taste though is in the Bahamas. My father had a beach house there, and Ashley and I use to visit in the summers. Those are perfect.”

  “You'll have to take me someday,” Kass said, prodding him for a reaction. There was only a split second of silence before he spoke.

  “Of course,” he said. “I think you'd like it.”

  She thought about it then, giddy with excitement; she and Logan, on the beach, hand-in-hand, living their life together. They would be so happy—just as they were now.

  They wandered in silence for a few more minutes, swimming through the crowd of rowdy college kids and retired old folk. Every few minutes Logan would squeeze her hand, and Kass couldn't help but squeeze back. The thought of letting go of him frightened her. She wasn't sure she would ever be able to. Not now, not after everything they had been through. The mere thought of going home to Ryan made her stomach turn, but not in a good way. A love like those classic romance movies she’d seen growing up existed in real life, too. She was living it.

  “Do you know where Laurel is staying?” Kass asked. Logan shrugged, but she could visibly see his expression darken under the lights. She couldn't blame him. This woman sounded like the devil herself.

  “I think I have a good idea.”

  “Where at?” When he didn't answer, she wanted to push him for it. But she didn't. Instead, she took another sip from her drink, trying to enjoy the night. She couldn't help but feel that in the last hour, Logan was becoming distant. He was thinking about stuff, she could tell. Maybe he was thinking about stuff that didn't involve her.

  No, that was impossible. They were a team now. Logan had dragged her into this with him, and now she would refuse to let him walk out and leave her. She wouldn't let that happen. She couldn't. Logan was who she had now. This man, who days ago had been a mere stranger to her, was now one of the only people she had left in her life. If he walked out now, she wasn't sure she could survive.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, pulling her back to reality.

  Kass nodded, not trusting herself to speak. What could she say? No, I'm not okay. I'm terrified that you will leave me and I have no idea how to keep you here.

  “I'm all right,” she said instead. Logan watched her doubtfully, his striking blue eyes seeming to burn into the side of her skull. She hated that. She hated it and loved it all simultaneously. Part of her hated that he had so much control over her. His eyes, his hair, his stupid perfect body, and his stupid charming smiling—he was flawless in her eyes. But the other part of her? Well, the other part of her loved it. She loved how handsome he was. Alluring. She loved that she got butterflies when he smiled at her, she loved the feel of his skin against her own, she loved his charming smile and the way he squeezed her hand. She loved him.

  “Logan?” Kass stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, pulling him to a halt, ignoring the angry sneers of the drunk crowd trying to step around them. Logan turned to face her. He seemed distracted. Someone bumped into her, but Logan caught her before she face-planted into the cement.


  “I—” Kass faltered, then set her drink down and reached up, taking his face between her hands. “You mean a lot to me,” she said. “You need to tell me right now if you're going to leave.”

  “Leave?” He sounded confused. “Leave where?”

  “Anywhere,” she said. “Leave me. Are you going to leave me?” The silence that greeted her was painful, and she felt her heart-rate speed up. She was terrified to hear the answer. The thought of him walking out on her now was enough to drive her over the edge. She wouldn't be able to do it. Not after knowing him—not after knowing what she knew now.

  “Kass.” Logan rested both of his hands on both of hers before leaning in and kissing her on the forehead. “No,” he said, and pulled her back into the crowd.

  A tiny sliver of relief trickled through her, but an even bigger part of her was still worried. No, worried was an understatement. She was terrified.

  Logan had always been a bad liar. Ashley had been the fibber of the family. She could sweet talk anyone into doing or being anything, only to make it seem like it had been their idea to begin with. Logan couldn't lie if his life depended on it—especially if it was to someone he cared about. Which, now, was Kass. He cared about this girl more than he ever thought was possible. This person, who had been only a stranger to him, now meant more to him than anyone besides his sister and mother ever had.

  Logan turned on his side to watch Kass sleep. She looked like an angel to him, one arm flung over the yellow dog, her head buried in his fur, her chest rising and falling with her breathing. She seemed so happy, so at peace, as if all the hate and drama in the world was gone and all she had to worry about was herself, Logan, and the damn dog.

  With a sigh, Logan rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom, feeling anxious. All day his mind had been on Laurel, and all day he had fought himself on whether to bring Kass along. He liked her—he liked her a lot. Okay, more than a lot. The thought of Kass led into danger by him made him sick to his stomach. She didn't deserve that. He had put her through enough. How could she want to be with a man like him? Sure, her fiancé was a douche, but Logan had never considered himself Mr. Perfect. He had problems. He had issues. He had a temper—so why in the hell did Kass choose him? She deserved better. She deserved a man who could support her. Someone who was smart and intelligent and could help her through the dark times instead of dragging her into their own.

  But she's not perfect either.

  Turning on the faucet, Logan splashed his face with cold water. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, hair disheveled, forehead crinkled with worry. What a mess he was. How could he be strong for Kass if he could barely stand on his own two feet?

  The yellow dog's eyes followed Logan across the room, thumping his tail weakly against the bed. Kass continued to sleep, snoring softly. For a moment, Logan considered leaving her be, but he couldn't resist. Sitting down next to her on the bed, he pushed Vegas aside and reached out for Kass, stroking her cheek with his finger. She stirred but didn't wake. Logan scooted closer, smiling, lowering his face to hers. He allowed his fingers to trail up and down one arm before moving over to her chest. The shirt she wore was hanging low, and her cleavage rose and fell with her breathing. Logan rested his lips on hers and reached up to caress her cheek.

  “Hey,” Kass murmured as she woke. Her eyelashes fluttered, and she smiled up at him with a childlike innocence. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Logan said. “It’s okay.”


  He hesitated, just briefly.

  “I promise.”

  She was amazed by how he made her feel, like a goddess in her body, a sexual being who, for once, wanted to open to a man and embrace everything they were.

  Kass allowed herself to melt into Logan and embraced the secure feeling of his arms around her, pulling her in. She wanted him so badly that she wondered for a moment if sex was even enough. But what came after sex? Love? Did she love Logan? She wasn't sure. The thought of sex with another person had only ever made her want to curl up and hide. But now, with Logan, things were different. She wanted this. She wanted him. She wanted sex—but even more than that she wanted love.

bsp; More than once Kass wondered if that's just how it was—maybe sex wasn't even that great and maybe it was just a matter of finding that person you could tolerate and create a life with them. The spark hadn't been there—at least, not for her. But with Logan, everything was different. It was a whole other new, exciting world for her. A world full of fantasies and happiness and endless possibilities; a world filled with sexual pleasure and desire—a feeling she had not experienced until now. Her father had made her fear her body after what he'd done to her. She'd looked upon herself shamefully, an insecure teenager and then a frightened young woman. A man's touch frightened her, it always had. But now, with Logan, his body against hers in a mind-numbing moment of passion, Kass wasn't scared anymore. She wasn't frightened. She was a woman.

  Logan slipped the button of her jeans loose. Her hips moved automatically towards him, practically begging for another touch—another feel—of pure ecstasy. She reached one hand behind Logan's head and tangled her fingers in his hair, forcing his lips apart with her own. He groaned softly, and every nerve ending in her body seemed to light up with a spark, egging her on. She placed her palm on his chest, the feel of his skin hot beneath her touch. He parted his lips to hers, eyes closed, body responding in such a way that Kass felt caught off guard—but only because she had never known herself to get a reaction like that from another being. And not just any other being, but a man—a man who she was desperate for.

  It was a matter of moments before Kass felt Logan's body press into hers, sliding into her smoothly, flawlessly. She let out a quiet gasp of pleasure, still amazed by how good it felt even now, even after they had already done this. The excitement didn't go away. The pleasure only sharpened.

  Kass moved her hips in sync with his thrusts, biting her lip to keep from losing it after every soft movement. Logan smelled good, a hint of aftershave mixed with the lingering scent of cigarette smoke. He slowed his pace for a moment to shower kisses down her neck and breasts, his hands gently tracing her skin, nearly sending her over the edge. She lifted her head to search desperately for his mouth, drawing his chin towards her own as their lips met yet again. She slid her tongue into his mouth, feeling the heat of his breath on her face. She raised her hips, pleading for him to go deeper. When he did, another small gasp escaped from her lungs, and Kass could feel the heat rise to her face and chest. After a moment, Logan rocked again, gently at first, and then harder and faster. She clenched her teeth to keep from crying out, but it was with the utmost pleasure. Once she had adapted to him inside of her, she, too, began to move, rocking her hips to the beat of his body. It was a new experience with Logan every time—a moment, or a feeling, that she'd hadn't felt or experienced before.


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