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Forever with Me

Page 9

by Trilina Pucci

  “Don’t be so dramatic, you two! Let’s get back to it,” Alex calls out just as we make to walk out the doors.

  Cole and I rejoin the two lovebirds and I cannot hide how much my heart warms knowing that Foster loves my friend so much.

  “So, here’s the deal, Alex,” Foster begins. “You were at Cole and Mia’s when someone broke in and attacked you. You were beaten and the headache is because your head was split open from some serious blunt force. If I hadn’t found you when I did, you wouldn’t be here, baby.”

  Alex’s eyes grow big and she squeezes Foster’s hand at the same time I wipe a tear from my face. I still cannot believe we almost lost her.

  “Wow, okay. So, I made it through the second robbery of my life. I need to buy a lotto ticket, I am the luckiest bitch on the planet.” She laughs out, wiping her tear-filled eyes. I feel Cole smile against the top of my head, where I’ve been tucked while listening.

  “Be serious for a minute, is there anything during your day that happened that could help us figure out who would want to hurt you?” Foster questions while adjusting her pillows.

  “No, not unless Leslie is pissed that I ate her yogurt. I mean, if it’s not labeled, it is first come first serve.” Alex laughs. “The only creeper moment I had was with Jack. Seeing him was super strange and he was definitely a ten on the serial killer scale.”

  “Hold up! You saw Jack the morning of the attack?” I question, pulling away from Cole to give him a pointed look. Then pointing my finger at Foster, I add, “And you kept that information from us… or just me? Did both of you know about this?” My voice is raised by the end of my monologue and I’m sure they both know I am super angry.

  Cole and Foster just stare at each other, doing that thing I hate.

  “Quit! Speak right now. Foster, if you want me to keep you around for longer than three seconds, you better know I am not the kind of girl that will be kept in the dark. It’s all or nothing, baby!” Alex huffs out.

  Cole raises his eyebrows to Foster and Foster gives back a look that can only be described as the silent equivalent of “bullshit.”

  “Parker!” I yell.

  “Yes, my love?”


  “I thought it was in your best interest to be kept in the dark. I didn’t want you to interfere, because I believed you may not want me to look into the idea of Jack having a connection to all of this. I realize you may think it is out of jealousy, but it was a gut instinct.”

  I stand staring at him and a horrible sense of guilt washes over me. He’s right, that is exactly what I would have thought. What if Jack is crazy and trying to hurt me. I would play right into his hands with my constant second-guessing and worry.

  “Okay, you aren’t wrong, but I still don’t like it and Alex doesn’t either. This is happening to all of us, we need to keep each other in the loop.”

  “I second that,” Alex nods at Foster.

  “Deal,” he agrees, taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

  “Well, now that all of that is out of the way, let’s get down to business,” Cole interjects and gives me a reassuring smile.

  We stay with Alex for another hour discussing different possibilities for her attack when she starts to get tired. Before leaving, tears spring to my eyes again, giving her more reason to make fun of me. I have to be acutely aware of how hard I am squeezing as to not hurt her, but I can’t help giving her the longest hug in history.

  “I love you, too.”

  Leaving the hospital, I am so relieved and happy that I want to shout from the rooftops, but I doubt people would appreciate my celebration since it’s late at night. My stomach growls, reminding me that Cole and I haven’t eaten. He must hear it too, because he says, “Looks like my girl needs a burger” with a smile.

  “That sounds perfect, just like you and this day!” I throw my arms around his neck and let him lift me into a kiss.

  I crawl into the back of the car and toss my purse next to me. Cole scoots into the adjacent seat and tells the driver to take us to the closest burger joint. Reaching down, he picks up my purse to remove the space it is creating between us when it dings again.

  “This thing is becoming quite the nuisance, it’s been going off all evening,” Cole complains as he reaches in to hand my phone to me.

  “Sorry, I know. It must be my new work friend, Jules. I’m sure she wants to talk to me about some more treats at work,” I laugh, rolling my eyes at the thought. “I can’t imagine why anyone else from work would be messaging me.”

  Then it hits me that the only person I messaged was Jack. I don’t even know where to begin if Cole finds out, he will be livid and I can only imagine what his reaction will be now that I know the backstory. I dive my hand into my purse hoping to grab my phone before Cole gets to it, but he pulls it out before I do, his eyes frozen to the phone.

  “Something you’d like to share with me,” he asks coolly, leaning back into the seat, his jaw tensed, and his eyes narrowed in on the screen of my phone.

  Breaking his eyes away he looks directly at me, placing the phone into my hand. I look down and see five missed calls and at least a dozen messages from Jack. Oh fuck.

  “Listen to me before you freak out and turn into an unreasonable beast,” I ask, putting my phone down on the seat.

  “I’m all ears,” his tone is challenging and it’s clear to me that he is set out for a fight. Lord help me.

  “Okay, Jack works for Sam Johnson… he was the reason I was hired for this position. When we were ‘friends,’ I mentioned how much I wanted to work for this particular company and he remembered. Trust me, I went off today and really gave him the ‘what for’ but honestly Cole, this was his olive branch. We don’t really even work together and he is seeing his boss… like ‘seeing’ her. You can’t freak out. You can’t, because this has been a great day. I know you are suspicious of him, but that’s totally based on your gut, not fact. I don’t want to base my entire work life around a ‘might be.’ We are about to eat burgers and go sleep in our new place. Don’t ruin my wonderful amazing day with your bad attitude, Cole Parker!” I end with a huff that makes me sound like a child, but I don’t care as long as he doesn’t freak out.

  Cole sits for a moment, and I can tell he is taking in everything I just said. Reaching his arm across the back of the seat, he lazily draws circles on my shoulder with his finger.

  “Mia, I had hoped that my wife would have been more forthcoming with her day. I don’t like being kept in the dark much like you complained about earlier. That being said, I already know about Sam Johnson, the weird part is Jack never showed on any of the files. Your security detail told me you had an argument with a male co-worker, but I was hoping you were going to tell me about it sooner. I know you don’t see it, but that guy is bad news, Amelia, and I’m done talking to you about this when you refuse to listen.”

  Opening his door, he exits the car leaving me feeling lectured and childish and really pissed off. Forget him, I don’t need to call him about anything. I’m a grown woman and if I handled it, well then, it’s handled. How about that?

  My internal monologue is interrupted when he hops back in with two brown paper bags. Handing one to me, he cocks his head as if to ask me to speak. I stare into those gorgeous blues and open my mouth to put his silly ass in his place, but something unexpected pops out, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was keeping a secret. I honestly was trying to wrap my brain around it and had every intention of spilling everything to you when we were having dinner. The whole Alex thing kind of put a wrench in my plans. Knowing what I know now, about Jack, I agree he is a creeper, but how could he attack Alex, especially since the doormen know he isn’t allowed in? You made that happen the day you kicked his butt and drug him to the elevators!”

  “I get that my suspicions have holes but, Mia, I really wish you had talked to me before starting a line of communication between the two of you. I don’t trust that guy. I don�
��t think it was coincidental that Alex ran into Jack the same day she was attacked. I don’t know how he attacked her, but I will find proof. I want you to quit your job. Don’t give me that look. I know exactly what I am asking from you. I know it’s high handed and unfair and a bit patronizing, but that’s not the place I am coming from. I need you safe and I need you to be far away from that psycho.”

  “Hold up, wait. The day she was attacked, what does the security video show?”

  “Baby, trust me, Foster and I have been all over the footage. It’s clean, but on that day the service camera was broken. That’s how I think he got in. I can’t even consider you going back, Mia! I won’t even be able to focus, you are the most precious person to me and I literally almost lost you to one monster. This time, I can stop it. Please, let me protect you.”

  I look into his eyes and see the all the horrors flashing through them that are flashing through mine. I know he needs me to be safe and a large part of me just wants to let him care for me, but my mind keeps interrupting that feeling.

  “I want you to care for me too, but to what extent? My life has to be my own, Cole. I can’t be locked in a tower like some kind of city Rapunzel,” I counter, taking a bite of my burger.

  “Obviously Mia, I’m not trying to turn you into a kept woman. All I’m saying is quit the job where the possible sociopath works. Is that so unreasonable?”

  “Yes! Yes, it is when I have a whole security detail that is on me every day. I promise not to be alone with him and I promise not to keep you in the dark, but I’m not hiding away,” I emphasize, shaking my head.

  “You are the most pigheaded person,” he grunts, tossing the bag from his lap.

  “Oh, don’t take it out on the food, big baby,” I laugh, handing him back his bag and watching him open it and start eating, begrudgingly.

  “This feels too easy, Parker,” my disbelief obvious as I raise my eyebrows.

  “Well, Mrs. Parker, we are at an impasse, so it seems it’s every man for themselves. You won’t listen to reason, so I will just have to try another method.”

  “What does that mean exactly?”

  “I guess we will find out, won’t we?”

  “If you interfere with my career, I will be beyond pissed off, Cole.”

  “If you interfere with your own safety, then I am left with no other alternative but to handle it myself. I love you and I will take on even the likes of you if it means I’m protecting you. I’m starting to think I need to protect you from yourself, too!”

  “What exactly does that mean, Cole?” I ask through gritted teeth.

  “None of your goddamn business, my love.”

  “So help me God… I will not pu—” Before I can finish, I am lifted and placed into his lap, our mouths becoming a tangle. Pulling away, I look into his eyes and see desperation.

  “Are you going to try and fuck some sense into me?” I ask with a smile.

  “If it were only that easy,” he winks, “To answer your question, no, but I’m going to ask you to check those messages, because if he is as crazy as I think, he may prove my point.”

  Looking down at my phone, a feeling in my gut tells me he is probably right. Shit, I can’t even begin to think about leaving my position, but if he is a psycho what are my choices. He did leave a lot of messages and voicemails. Here we go…

  Shifting back into my own seat, I slide my finger across the screen to open my phone and take a last look at Cole. Seeing him eyeing me, the tension radiating off his body. Despite myself, I put the phone down.

  “Cole, this is ridiculous.”

  “How can you say that, Mia? Why do you act like I’m being some kind of controlling caveman? You know me better than that, I love you. You are my every reason for everything and I have to protect you, even from your own stubborn pride.” He runs his fingers through his hair frustrated, leaning his head back, blowing out air.

  I scoot closer to him and remove his hands from his head, making sure I look directly into his eyes for what I’m about to say. I want him to see how sincere I am being.

  “Cole, that’s why I said, this was ridiculous. I trust you and you would never ask me to do something on a whim. You are not impulsive or controlling. I love you and if I need to leave that place for my safety, well then, we better get home so I can give my notice. I’m sorry for even waiting a beat. I feel like my senses are dulled. I’m so focused on getting through all of this insanity that I think I may be living in a bit of denial. I really just wanted this to be the happy ever after part. I like the job, but I really like feeling normal and boring, even if it was for ten seconds. I know you understand, thank you for being in my corner while I spun my wheels! I love you.”

  Cole picks up my hands and kisses the palms. “Thank you,” is all he whispers and pulls me into his side, wrapping his arms around me.

  We stayed like that, silent and cuddled until we pull up to our new home.

  “Let’s go, baby.”

  As I exit the car, the exhaustion from the day catches up and my feet feel like lead. Cole takes one look at me, sensing my exhaustion, dips down and swoops me up, kissing my neck as he does.

  “Come on, princess.” The twinkle in his eye is too adorable to resist.

  I laugh, just happy not to have to walk the steps up to our new home. Squeezing him extra tight, I whisper sweet little, dirty nothings in his ear. His growl and nip at my ear tells me he likes what he hears.

  “Baby, stand up for a minute, I need to open the door.” Cole rights me before letting go to open the door of our new home. He walks through the door and turns on the lights and that’s when I notice his face is beaming.

  “What have you done? You have that look. You only get that look when you are about to surprise me with something insane. I don’t even want to walk in the house!” I say, letting out a laugh. Grabbing me, he tugs me through the door and I squeal.

  “Look!” he spreads his arms, motioning to the completely furnished rooms.

  “Oh! My goodness! Cole! You had all our stuff brought home, here… to our home! Are you serious?”

  I stand stunned at the incredibly amazing and sweet gesture. I was dreading having to move, I honestly just wanted to walk in and be settled and he just made my dreams come true.

  “Are you mad? I know you may have wanted to decorate it yourself, but you still can. I will dutifully move any couch you want. I just wanted to see you comfortable.”

  Smacking a kiss on his lips, I look directly into his eyes and say, “Race you to the bedroom.”

  We take off up the stairs, forgetting our fatigue and stumble through the door. I’m beyond giddy and I don’t even take time to look around the room. Instead, I am hurled onto the bed by my husband. I scream out, laughing loudly as he jumps on top of me, covering me with kisses. We kiss and caress and make love before he gets up out of bed and heads out of the room bare-assed.

  “I’m headed for water, would my girl like some as well?”

  God, I fucking love it when he calls me his girl.

  “Yes, I’m in need of some serious hydration.”

  With a wink, he walks out of our room and I can hear him pad down the stairs. I stretch out my limbs and relish in this moment.

  Alex is alive, Cole and I are happy and living in our new home, any suspicions about his involvement in Carter’s murder seemed to be losing ground and Foster is in love with my best friend. My life is insane. Perfect, really. Instinctively, I look around for that other shoe to drop again. Getting out of bed, I see my bag on the floor and my phone is lit up. I walk over and rummage through to grab it and see three missed calls from an unknown number. Oh man, I hope these aren’t from Jack because if they are, Cole is going to close the whole building down. I don’t hear Cole coming, so I decide to take a peek at the messages Jack left. Swiping my phone open, I can feel my heart start to beat quicker. I think I’m more nervous that they will be something so terrible that I will have to show Cole. I start reading the first one.
r />   Hey thanks, I appreciate the olive branch. Maybe we can catch lunch sometime?

  Then the next.

  Or not, whatever. I thought this was a friendly but apparently, we are more of a one and done kind of relationship. Ha ha… no worries, I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate us having lunch anyhow.

  I shake my head seeing where this is going and scroll down to the bottom message.

  I should have known you were still such a cock-tease. After all these years, all this time and you still haven’t figured out that turning your back on the wrong person will never work in your favor.

  Holy shit! I don’t even know what to do. Staring at the phone, my mind is wandering, bouncing off a thousand fears. My mind scrambles to make sense of everything as I re-read the last message.

  All these years? I haven’t known him for years, what is he talking about? Cole was right though, he is psycho and something isn’t adding up. All I can think to do is find Cole. I turn to run out of the room as Cole walks in chugging a water bottle.

  “Whoa, baby, what’s up?” He steadies my shoulders as I hold out the phone to him. Taking the phone from me, he walks over to the chair and throws on his sweatpants.

  “Look. It’s… I don’t even know. Oh my God, Cole, you couldn’t have been any more right! I’m totally skeeved out, but the part that has me freaked the most… look, he writes ‘years,’ Cole. I haven’t known him for years!”

  He keeps one hand on my shoulder pulling me close to his chest as he reads the messages. We stand in silence as he reads and strokes my back. Setting my phone down, he reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone and hitting dial.

  “Foster, we need to talk, I think we are more on target than we thought. It’s Jack… all of it. It’s him. I know it! Come to the penthouse. I will meet you there. We need Alex to try and remember. I left her belongings at the penthouse, we can start by checking out her phone. Call your friend and share the new information I’m sending you now. I sent you a text with messages to Mia’s phone from him. See you in twenty.”


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