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American Scandal (Their First Lady Book 1)

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by Lucia Black

  American Scandal

  Their First Lady Book One

  Lucia Black

  Lucia Black

  Published by Lucia Black and Raging Hippo

  Copyright © 2020 by Raging Hippo

  Edited by ALD Editing

  Cover Art by Addendum Designs

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  To those who find love in the worst of situations.

  Chapter 1

  Men loved doggie style.

  I don’t know why. It’s not that I don’t like it. I liked all positions, but if I wanted an orgasm—and who didn’t—I needed to be on my back. Or with a skilled lover. Jimmy wasn’t the best, but he was good enough.

  “You know, I like it like this.” I flipped over and spread my legs wide so he’d get the idea.

  “Oh, yeah?” he asked, teasing me with his tip.

  “Oh, yeah.” I squirmed, ready to be fully entered.

  “Then that’s what I’ll give you. You know I aim to please.”

  Jimmy pushed himself into me again and I could already feel the orgasm building. Needing just a little more to push me over the edge, I swung my right leg up over his left shoulder and opened completely for him.

  Jimmy did aim to please. Picking up his pace and intensity, he slammed into me harder. I gasped at the sensation, then choked back a scream of pleasure. I never knew who else might be listening.

  The shrill chiming of Jimmy’s cell on the nightstand nearly killed the moment. When he reached for the phone, smothering me with his chest to get it . . .

  “Jimmy, don’t you fucking dare,” I warned.

  “It’s your dad.” He thrust into me, the phone still ringing in his hand. “I have to.”

  “Just let it ring and call back when we’re done.” I pressed my freshly manicured nails into his back, hoping to distract him.

  “He’s my boss. I gotta. But I won’t let it stop me from fucking you.” He swiped to answer and held the phone to his ear—while still fucking me. “Yes, sir?”

  “Do you know where Mari is?”

  It wasn’t enough my father kept me under constant bodyguard protection, he had to call said bodyguard almost constantly to check up on me. If only he knew he was paying Jimmy to fuck me regularly . . .

  “Yes, sir, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her.” Jimmy grinned at me and I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh.

  “Good. Make sure she is at the fundraiser in two hours. She can’t be late.”

  I lifted my hips to give Jimmy’s shallow thrusts more impact, biting my bottom lip in an effort to not make a sound as he continued. “Yes, sir. Not a problem. I’ll make sure she comes.”

  I nearly lost it at Jimmy’s wordplay, and he winked at me.

  “See to it then,” my father said in his signature barking tone.

  The call ended.

  “Let’s get back to it. Where was I? Aiming to please, yeah?”

  The realization I only had two hours before the fundraiser and I still had to get ready, then manage to navigate the hell that was New York City traffic meant that Jimmy and I needed to finish up.

  “Hard and fast, Jimmy. I need you to deliver on that making me come promise.”

  Jimmy, always one to follow an order, took direction well enough. All the work he put in at the gym to keep fit for his job showed. His abs contracted in a sexy way and his dark brown hair obscured his eyes as he worked up to a frenzy-inducing rhythm. I pushed my legs apart as far as I could, and Jimmy moaned long and deep to show his appreciation.

  He panted, his olive skin glistening with sweat. I could tell he was close—much closer than me. With no other way to guarantee my release, I closed my eyes and reached down to rub myself.

  That did the trick.

  I moaned, losing myself in the building intensity.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes,” I hissed, so close I only needed a few more seconds.

  I opened my eyes to see Jimmy on the verge. I knew that face well. I closed my eyes again, working myself in quick wide circles.

  My legs began to shake, and I gasped as Jimmy shuddered, both of us finding that sweet release.

  I was sated, happy to have gotten off and still feeling the pleasure from it, but already I wanted more. I always wanted more. I just wasn’t sure what exactly ‘more’ was. I mean, I knew when I wanted more sex. But from life? That was too complicated to think about. Jimmy was supposed to distract me from that.

  Jimmy reached out to rub my clit, hoping to go for another round, but I smacked his hand away.

  “Come on, Mari. We have enough time.”

  “Don’t call me Mari. Only my parents get to call me that. I’m only ever Tessa to you.” I couldn’t tell what I was more frustrated about: Jimmy thinking he could call me Mari, or where I had to go tonight and what it meant for my future.

  “I’m just fucking with you.” Jimmy laughed as I sat up and he flopped onto the bed beside me.

  “Don’t be an asshole,” I muttered.

  “What’s that?” Jimmy rolled onto his side, making himself too comfortable.

  “Nothing.” Just because I was in a mood, I made a show of going into my nightstand. I rummaged around, pushing aside all the random bits and pieces that had ended up in the drawer, and pulled out my waterproof pink vibrator.

  Jimmy sat up and looked in my hand. “What’re you taking that for?” He nodded to the vibrator like I wouldn’t know what he’s talking about. “You just said no.”

  “I’ll be in the shower,” I said, ignoring his question.

  I was being mean to him; meaner than he probably deserved, but it was only because being mean to him was just as much a distraction as fucking him when it came to what was coming. This thing between us needed to end. I just needed to find the right time to tell him. Being mean made that easier.

  Jimmy wasn’t the first of Papa’s hired bodyguards to bed me. I doubted he would be the last if I was being honest with myself. It was a thrill at first. Forbidden. And that made it fun. That alone used to be enough to get me off. And when I decided I needed someone new, I would tell my father that the hired help wasn’t cutting it anymore, and he’d unknowingly bring me a new lover. Just like that.

  Jimmy was the newest notch in my bedpost. We’d been going at it for a while. Though I enjoyed his company, he wasn’t the greatest for conversation. And it was ok. I didn’t need him for that. But everything was about to change.

  It wasn’t his fault things had to end.

  Exactly one hour and forty-five minutes later Jimmy pounded on the bathroom door. “You almost done in there? We gotta go.”

  I had been ready for twenty minutes, but I didn’t wan
t Jimmy to know that. I wasn’t ready to go.

  I sat at my vanity and looked in the mirror, admiring my evening attire. I had my father to thank for so many things. I loved my parents, more than words, but the mob life was suffocating. And despite my best efforts to avoid it, I was pulled in completely.

  Every aspect of my life was decided by it because I was the daughter of the Don.

  I had a love hate relationship with that fact.

  I liked nice things. I liked the security that having money brought.

  But sometimes the strings attached . . . could be a lot.

  I piled my long, black curls on top of my head in a loose updo. My makeup was soft, but dramatic, making my dark eyes more mysterious; the red that painted my lips made my skin look even tanner. Tonight was a big night.

  And those strings? There were so many attached to this evening.

  “Just putting on my earrings,” I called back to Jimmy.

  The large diamond studs were a gift from Papa. Even if I got to the fundraiser late, I knew he’d be thrilled when he found out I was wearing them.

  When I finally stepped out of the bathroom, Jimmy did a double-take, but said nothing.

  “You don’t like it?”

  “No, that’s not it. You look incredible. It’s just so . . . plain for you. At least your dad won’t give me shit for bringing you somewhere so important dressed inappropriately.”

  My dress was black and form-fitting, with long sleeves and a modest neckline. But, there was a surprise in the back. With dramatic flair, I moved across the room to collect my clutch from the table by the door.

  “Alright,” Jimmy laughed. “That’s more like a Tessa dress.” As I step into my gold stilettos, Jimmy caressed my exposed back and kissed my neck. The designer dress dipped so low it verged on scandalous, but it stopped just in time to just be seriously sexy. “Your dad is going to be pissed, but you look so good, it’s worth it.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled. “You can fuck me in it later.” I knew I shouldn’t have said it. I was supposed to be being mean. But knowing what I was walking into tonight, I needed the distractions that Jimmy provided. Thoughts of pulling him into a bathroom or closet and having him go down on me might have been enough to get me through the evening.

  As soon as we stepped inside the swanky hotel, Jimmy transitioned into professional mode, walking just a couple of feet behind me. A good bodyguard stayed close, without being obtrusive.

  My heels clicked on the polished marble floor as I followed the familiar corridor to the ballroom. The muted applause and clinking of glasses making it clear the event had already started. Similarly to how I was late enough to make it clear to my father that I didn’t want to be here, but not so late as to mess anything up for his carefully laid plans.

  I paused at the bar, just outside the doors to the ballroom, and eyed the long line. Men in tuxedos, women in evening gowns by the most enviable designers, everyone dripping in diamonds and platinum—and still, I was the most important one tonight.

  It would be conceited if that thought didn’t fill me with sadness and frustration.

  “Champagne?” A petite, brunette waitress stepped out from behind the bar and offered me a flute of golden liquid on a silver tray.

  “Thank you, Amy,” I said, reading her name tag. “Please find me inside and keep them coming all night.” I nodded to Jimmy and he tipped her generously, ensuring good service for the remainder of the evening.

  I took a sip and then a deep breath before Jimmy opened the door to the ballroom. The lights were mild, creating a warm glow, and the white cloth-covered tables were spaced just far enough apart for easy passage. Just as I spotted my reserved table on the far side of the room near the stage, everyone erupted into applause and jumped from their seats.

  I glanced to the platform as a man in a tuxedo with a breathtaking smile walked to the podium. That chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, and chestnut brown hair with flecks of silver—I’d know him anywhere, even though we’d never met. The spotlight hit him in the most flattering way as he began to speak to all in attendance.

  “Good evening everybody,” he said in a languid and confident tone. I didn’t listen to his speech. I didn’t care. My racing thoughts took over, drowning out whatever he was saying to warm the crowd up. He was Calvin Nathaniel James, the former mayor of New York City and the only reason I was at the fundraiser.

  “. . . and that’s why I’m not stopping at winning this primary. This campaign trail isn’t stopping until we get to the White House!”

  The crowd went absolutely wild with applause, cheers, and whistles. It was hard to ignore the excitement and energy in the room, so much so that I was tempted to join in, if not for the fact my heart was thundering in my chest.

  Calvin wasn’t just the future President of the United States. He’s the man my father arranged for me to marry.

  Chapter 2

  As the applause died down, I made my way through the crowds to find my table. The reality of what I had to do stared me in the face as I looked at Calvin up on stage. Just the thought made my knees shake.

  I glanced at the name card at my seat and looked around at my tablemates. They were all too engaged in Calvin’s speech to take notice of my arrival. I couldn’t say I blamed them. His presence was commanding; the way his strong hands gripped the podium, his voice confident and assertive. He held their attention well and it was clear he knew how to control the room.

  I knew my role here tonight. I just wasn’t sure if I was really able to make people see us as a real-life fairytale and not the cold bargain it was. It was a tall order.

  He finished his speech and quickly exited the stage to an adoring crowd. I watched him as he moved from one group to another, shaking hands and kissing cheeks. He charmed each one of them with an award-winning smile and a genuine laugh. They were practically throwing their money at him. As he approached closer, I took that as my cue to get up and work my way through the masses. We couldn’t bump into each other if I stayed sitting in my seat.

  I moved around the room, the sweet scents of the dessert table calling my name while I hoped to find someone I wanted to talk to. A few familiar faces dotted the crowd, friends of the family, but they were too far away from where I needed to be. I searched the room again to find him. He was getting closer to my spot and the tension rolled off my shoulders like morning fog.

  Amy the waitress from the bar found me just in time.

  “More champagne?” She gracefully held the tray in front of me.

  “I’d love some,” I told her with a smile and took two. “Thank you.”

  I downed one quickly, regretting it instantly as the bubbles tickled my nose and a cough threatened to come out. I put the empty flute on her tray and gave her an appreciative glance. With the other champagne in hand, I turned and took another sip, praying the liquid courage would do its work.

  “Tessa!” A familiar voice called out. A second later I was pulled into a hug, nearly spilling my drink.

  “Gloria.” I hugged her back with one hand and put on my best saccharin smile. A member of the New York elite, and one of the finest gossips in all Manhattan, Gloria was just the person I needed to see in this moment. “It’s so nice to see you here.”

  “Well, you know how I love a party. And any chance to spend money on handsome men.”

  “I know that very well.” I laughed and took another sip, secretly wanting to die a little. I knew how to interact at these events, but I didn’t like it. It just wasn’t me.

  “Well, don’t you look positively stunning,” Gloria said and gestured to my dress.

  “I thought so too,” I replied with a wink. As soon as I answered, a string quartet took the stage. The plucking and strumming quickly turned into a soft, beautiful melody.

  “Did you come with someone?” she asked me, looking around for my nonexistent date.

  “I’d be interested in knowing the answer to that question.” I turned around to see the man of the hour st
anding right behind me. Somehow, he was even more handsome up close; his features more prominent. I realized he was taller too. He was easily six-foot-three, dwarfing my measly five-and-a-half-foot frame.

  Gloria laughed and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Hi, sugar. Let me introduce you to a friend of mine. Calvin James, this is Tessa Moretti, the daughter of Bruno Moretti. You know who he is, no doubt. You businessy types all know each other.” She turned to me, placing his hand in mine. “Tessa, this is Calvin James, the future president if we have anything to say about it.”

  I reminded myself to breathe as he took me in, studying more than just my looks. His eyes twinkled a bit, and I found myself annoyingly attracted to him.

  “It’s wonderful to meet you, Miss Moretti.” Calvin smiled so wide his perfectly straight, white teeth nearly blinded me, then he gently kissed my hand.

  “Likewise, Mr. James.” I smiled back.

  “Cal,” he said, never taking his eyes off me.

  “Tessa is a professor at NYU in political science. You two would have so much in common,” Gloria said. “And she’s single.”

  “I’m not a professor just yet. I teach while I’m finishing my graduate degree, but I do enjoy politics quite a bit.”

  “I had no idea that Bruno’s daughter taught politics. I’d love to hear your thoughts about our campaign some time,” Cal said.

  “I’d like that. Perhaps we can—”

  “Oh! Look at the two of you. I can feel something happening here,” Gloria said suggestively. Yes. She was just the person I needed for this moment.

  “Would you care to dance, Miss Moretti?”

  “Please, call me Tessa. And I’d love to,” I told him in the sweetest voice I could muster. The pressure of a first date was heavy enough; add in our situation and it was nearly crushing. I didn’t know if I could keep doing this. It was much harder than I anticipated to keep up this kind of act. I took a deep breath and gave my cheeks a break from the smiling.


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