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My Regelence Rake

Page 2

by J. L. Langley

  Giving one last glance in the direction of Wentworth Park, Colton let the curtain fall back in place. “So long Wentworth.”

  He climbed back into bed and closed his eyes. He was going to be okay.

  Chapter Two

  January 13, 4831: Planet Regelence: Townsend Castle in Classige, Pruluce.

  “Good morning, milord.”

  Sebastian swung his leg over Maximilian and smiled down at the stableboy. “Good morning, Denny. How are you this fine day?” Hopping to the ground, Sebastian handed over the reins.

  “I’m good, milord. Cook made cinnamon buns this morning.” Holding the reins in one hand, Denny rubbed Max on the neck with the other.

  The big stallion nuzzled his nose into Denny’s side in greeting.

  Sebastian had been hesitant to turn such a spirited mount as Max over to the boy when he first started working in the stables, but Denny had quickly proven himself to be capable.

  “Did she? Well then, I think I’m going in through the kitchen today.” Sebastian patted his horse on the shoulder, marveling at how the sunlight made his black coat shine.

  Denny chuckled. “Better watch it, milord. Mrs. Studdlefield was in there when I left.”

  “Thanks for the tip.” Sebastian tousled the kid’s hair and strode toward the side entrance. With any luck, the housekeeper was long gone from the kitchens and there were still plenty of cinnamon buns.

  “My lord, Captain Wentworth!”

  With his hand, Sebastian shielded his eyes from the sun.

  Smithe, one of the uniformed guards, had come around the side of the castle and was heading straight toward Sebastian. He didn’t groan, but it was a close call. Jeffers must’ve alerted the guards to his arrival.

  Smithe stopped in front of him. “Captain, Johnson and Blake are under the weather, and all the princes have outings planned. We don’t have enough men to cover duties. Hendricks accompanied Lord Rexley, Lady Muffin and her nurse to the modiste early this morning. His Highness Lord Raleigh has an appointment with the haberdasher this afternoon, and Lord Aiden is leaving at fifteen hundred hours to have lunch downtown with the admiral and—”

  Cutting the man off with a raised hand, Sebastian changed direction toward the front entrance. So much for cinnamon buns for breakfast. “I’ll figure it all out when I get to my office. No one leaves until I get back to you.” He supposed he should at least be glad that the princes were relating their schedules to the guards now. That had taken Sebastian months to accomplish.

  “You want me to stop the royal family?” Smithe sounded outraged.

  With all the things that had happened lately, Sebastian didn’t trust just any guard with the detail. “Yes, Smithe. Is that clear?”

  They stopped, and Smithe resumed his post. “Yes, sir.”

  Sebastian opened the door. “Did Admiral Hawkins by any chance take an escort with him when he left for the base this morning?”

  “I don’t believe so.”

  Bloody hell. Sebastian nodded, stepped into the foyer and closed the door behind him. What was he going to have to do to get Nate to take a guard with him? It was an ongoing argument. “Jeffers, is the king available?”

  “Yes, my lord. He’s awaiting you in his study,” the castle butler answered.

  “Inform him I’ll be there directly.” Sebastian headed to the breakfast room. He needed a cup of tea in the worst way. He’d been expecting this problem. So far, with the newly increased security, they’d managed to have enough staff to cover outings, but today their luck had run out. He was already looking into hiring more royal guards, but he wanted to speed up the process. “Jeffers, ask His Majesty if he’d like a cup of tea.”

  Sebastian turned the corner and caught a glimpse of black hair as he collided with a brick wall. “Oof.”

  There was a grunt and the sound of crumpling paper.

  Tears sprang to Sebastian’s eyes as his face smashed against a hard skull. Stumbling backward, he grabbed his nose.

  “Begging your pardon, my lord.” Stepping back, Colton rubbed his forehead. In his hand, he held a bookreader and daily newspaper. He shook out his wrinkled paper and began reading it again.

  Sebastian pulled his hand away from his nose. No blood. “Quite all ri—”

  Without making eye contact, Colton stepped past Sebastian and continued down the hall.

  What in the— Sebastian turned to watch Colton leave.

  Colton never looked back. Why didn’t he say good morning and ask how Sebastian was doing? Dust, he hadn’t even let Sebastian apologize.

  Frowning, Sebastian continued to the breakfast room. What was with the bookreader and newspaper? Colton did not read. Unlike his brothers, he seemed to have a real aversion to it. He’s up to something. Thank galaxy he was Steven and Raleigh’s problem.

  Sebastian had enough headaches of his own.

  He went to the sideboard and poured himself a cup of tea, adding a dash of milk and six cubes of sugar. If he accompanied Aiden to the base, that would leave them only one guard short. Now, whom could he call in on their day off?

  “Lord Wentworth, His Majesty would love a spot of tea,” Jeffers announced.

  Taking another cup, Sebastian poured some more. Wait a minute. He set the teapot down. What was with Colton calling him “my lord”? Colton always called him Wentworth. Sebastian shook his head, plopped two cubes of sugar in the king’s cup and grabbed two spoons.

  When he reached the study, Steven was sitting behind the desk looking over something on the computer. “I brought you tea, Your Majesty.”

  The king lifted his head and smiled. “Ah, Wentworth. Thank you.”

  Sebastian set the cup, saucer and spoon in front of Steven. Sebastian took a seat in one of the two chairs. “You’re welcome. I wanted to talk to you about some things, and Jeffers said you were waiting on me.”

  With pursed lips, Steven stirred his tea. “Yes.”

  Sebastian sipped his tea and studied his king. He’d known the man long enough to tell when Steven was hedging.

  “You go first.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “Need more time to plot?”

  Blinking up at him, Steven smiled. “Not at all.”

  Sebastian arched a brow, not sure he believed the professed innocence. “Okay, in that case, we’ve got to hire more guards. I don’t have enough men to cover the family on their daily jaunts without compromising castle security. And speaking of security detail… Once again Nate left without an escort.”

  Steven sighed. “Yes, I know. Nate thinks that it will look suspicious if he has a royal guard escorting him to the base. But I worry about him. Do you know any IN soldiers stationed here in Classige whom you trust?”

  Did he? Sebastian took a drink. He kept in touch with the men who had served under him. Unfortunately, they were Regelence Special Regiment, not IN. However, all six years Sebastian had served he’d been stationed here in Classige, so he might still know some IN soldiers who were native-born Regelens. “Let me ask around.”

  Steven nodded. “Good. Perhaps if I can get Nate some names of trustworthy men who are loyal to Regelence, he’ll use them. He inherited Admiral Jenkins’s aides. I trust Admiral Jenkins’s judgment normally, but with our recent…shall we say, questions about the IN’s loyalty, I’d much prefer Nate had his own men. He says all the soldiers he trusts are on the Lady Anna, and he wouldn’t dream of asking them to landlock themselves.”

  Admiral Jenkins was one of the most exceptional men Sebastian had ever known. If it weren’t for him, Sebastian wouldn’t be here now, but he wouldn’t vouch for the man’s old aides, only the man himself. “You know that is a good idea. I need more guards. I’m going to call some of my old regiment who are retired and see if they would be interested in working for me again.”

  Steven’s eyebrows rose. “Does this mean you’re going to hire hunky ex-RSR men for bodyguard duty?”

  Sputtering, Sebastian nearly choked on his tea. He set his cup and saucer on the table beside hi
m and gave Steven a mock glare. “Not if you let His Highness hear you call them hunky. He’ll throttle me. I’ll find you the oldest and fattest one I can who is still capable.”

  Steven stuck his tongue out in a very un-kingly gesture. “I wasn’t actually talking about for me. Although a comely escort would be appreciated. I was thinking about the boys. And if I get an old fat one, so does Raleigh. It’s only fair.”

  Sebastian laughed. “Galaxy, help me.” What kind of brumblebroth had he gotten himself into? He could see it now. Raleigh and Steven were going to drive him insane trying to get the most out-of-shape bodyguard assigned to each other. It was baffling what the two of them could make into a game. As for the boys… “Why does it matter what they look like? Are you matchmaking?”

  “Would I do that?” When Sebastian just stared, Steven continued. “I was actually wondering if it was a good idea. You of all people know what it’s like to be the object of my boys’ attention. I don’t want them getting in the way of the men trying to protect them.”

  “A very good point. I shall find unsuitable men. Perhaps heterosexual, or—”

  “Portly ones?”

  They both laughed.

  “I will try. And if I fail, I’ll enlist Cook’s services to help round them out.”

  “Except for the one you assign me, of course.” Steven smirked. “Offer them triple what they made in the RSR.”

  “Capital.” Sebastian stood and reached for his cup.

  “Not so fast. I’ve a favor to ask of you.”

  “I knew you were plotting.” Returning to his chair, Sebastian kept his cup in hand.

  Steven grinned and sipped his tea. “I’m not scheming. I just have an assignment for you.”

  “Oh?” Sebastian would do anything for his king and his king knew it, so why the hesitation? It must be something Sebastian wasn’t going to like.

  “Have you seen Colton this morning?”

  “Yes.” Sebastian frowned. His nose still hurt from the impact of Colton’s hard head. “He was acting peculiar.”

  Steven’s brows pulled together. “How so?”

  “He ignored me.”

  Steven surged forward in his seat, his eyes wide and a smirk on his face. “Upset you, did it?”

  “What? No.” Sebastian winced. He’d spoken a little too clipped and a bit too fast. “I’m not complaining. Just stating it was unusual.”

  “Yes, it is. Which means it’s worse than I thought. He’s determined to do this.”

  “Do what?”

  “He cornered Raleigh and me while we were still abed this morning with plans for a new stable. He’s decided to breed racehorses. And given that he’s not plaguing you with attention, it means he’s thrown himself into this.”

  That explained Colton’s preoccupation this morning. One thing Sebastian had learned over the years was whatever Colton did, he did wholeheartedly. “Steven, one can’t just up and decide to start a stud. There is a matter of licensing and regulations. The Jockey Club has to approve the stables. Racehorses have to be licensed and added to the Breeding Register. A respectable lineage is a must. Any ole horse will not do. Not only will the Jockey Club not license it, but who’s going to purchase the offspring of a horse without a pedigree?”

  Steven was already nodding and waving his hand dismissively. “I know, I know. And so does Colton. He’s going to set up the stables first, then petition for approval.”

  “It’s not at all proper for him to be involved in breeding horses.” Young lords did not involve themselves in something so vulgar. They were supposed to pretend they had no knowledge of where foals, or babies for that matter, came from. Even if the foal or baby in question was artificially procreated.

  “Brooks will help manage the stables. She’s already agreed. Colton will have to work behind the scenes until he’s of age or married.”

  Apparently, Colton had thought of that argument when presenting the scheme to his parents. “Yes, but what about horses? He’ll have to purchase some good racing stock.”

  “He will, but for now he has Apollo. And he’s planning on having his new filly trained.”

  Ah yes, Apollo. He was beautiful and very fast, but— “Apollo is not a racehorse.”

  “He’s the progeny of Beaumont’s Beauty. He was listed in the Breeding Register at birth.”

  Sebastian blinked. Had he heard correctly? He wasn’t a part of the racing set, but he knew enough about racing to recognize the name. “Beaumont’s Beauty? The horse that won the Roseglen Stakes four years in a row? That Beaumont’s Beauty?” No other horse had won that particular race more than twice except the Earl of Beaumont’s horse. Though dead now, the horse was a legend.

  Steven dipped his head. “That’s the one.”

  “Bloody Hell. Why have you never raced him?”

  Shrugging, Steven said, “He’s Colton’s,” as if it explained everything.

  “You bought the offspring of Beaumont’s Beauty to be ridden about town as an everyday mount?”

  “Colton wanted him. You shouldn’t be surprised. The boy was riding before he could walk and has always had an exceptional eye for horseflesh.”

  “Regardless of Apollo’s parentage, everyone is going to want to see him race.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. However, what I need your help with is Colton. He’s determined to find a location on Townsend property today for his stables. You’re fairly knowledgeable about horses, and you’ll know the best places from a security standpoint. I’d like you to help him.”

  Sebastian groaned. “I’m already short guards today. Can this not wait until tomorrow?”

  “Fine with me.” Folding his hands over his stomach, Steven smiled. The smile was downright evil. “But one of us needs to tell him. And by one of us…I mean you.”

  “Why me?”

  “Because he likes you.”

  Sebastian stepped out of the study into the hustle and bustle of the central hallway. Why couldn’t Steven just tell the boy no? Sebastian didn’t have the time or patience to coddle Colton today. All of the princes were impossible to discourage once they set their minds to something.

  Heading toward his office in the basement, Sebastian sighed. He needed his earpiece to connect him privately with Jeffers. Then he’d look into calling some of the off-duty guards. Colton and his pet project were going to have to wait until after castle business was taken care of, or longer if Sebastian could possibly manage it. Spending time with Colton, even to pick a good spot for his business, would likely encourage him to increase his flirtation toward Sebastian. And that was the last thing Sebastian needed. He had enough problems with Eugene.

  Sebastian groaned. Eugene’s temper tantrum when Sebastian got ready to leave last night was an unmitigated mess. Simply put, Eugene had become too clingy, and Sebastian did not do commitment. Once had been enough for him.

  Sebastian shook his head. What a day. It had only just started and he was already melancholy.

  A footman raced by with a table followed by another footman carrying a green tablecloth. They set up a table for baked gifts in the foyer, pushing it neatly against the wall and out of the way.

  Damn, Sebastian had forgotten about the increase in visitors. The princes always had tons of callers after a ball, which required more security. He was going to need at least four men to come in and cover the two out sick.

  Continuing toward the servants’ stairwell, the only access to the basement, he contemplated a parting gift for Eugene. Perhaps a gold watch fob or—


  Oh, please don’t let that milord be for me. Sebastian kept walking.

  “Captain Wentworth. A word, please.”

  Blast. Stopping only a foot away from freedom, Sebastian gave the stairwell door a frown for good measure and turned. “Yes?”

  Smithe, the front-entrance guard, stood wringing his hands. “There’s a problem.” He bit his bottom lip and darted a glance around the hallway.

  Good galaxy
. One would think Sebastian beat his guards the way the man was acting. Sebastian prayed for patience. “Get on with it, Smithe. What’s the problem?”

  “It’s Prince Colton.”

  “What about him?” A lump formed in Sebastian’s throat, and his stomach tied in knots. If anything happened to Colton—

  “He’s, er… That is to say— I told him you said no one was allowed out without an escort.” The guard swallowed hard.

  “And?” Irritation replaced fear. Sebastian’s head began to throb. He did not have time for any Townsend offspring theatrics. Especially Colton’s.

  “He said he didn’t need an escort to ride on Townsend property and left.”

  Bugger! Sebastian clenched his teeth until his jaw ached. Colton thought he was above the rules, did he?

  Smithe’s eyes widened, and a blush stained his cheeks.

  Oops. He’d shouted the obscenity rather than thinking it. “Begging your pardon, Smithe. Please carry on. I will locate Lord Colton.” And throttle him. Sebastian changed directions. “Jeffers, have my horse saddled and brought around.”

  “Right away, Lord Wentworth,” Jeffers answered promptly. “Is there anything else?”

  “Yes. Are Hingham and Alcock on duty today?”

  “No, my lord, they are not.”

  “Call them in. What other guards are off today?”

  “Loring, Delafield, Clarke and McGregor.”

  “Call in Loring and Clarke as well. Offer all four of the men double their hourly wages for today.”

  “Very well, my lord.”

  “One more thing, Jeffers. In what direction has Lord Colton ridden off in?” The front door opened as Sebastian reached it.

  “To the north.”


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