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My Regelence Rake

Page 9

by J. L. Langley

  Sebastian glanced at the temporary placard on the side of the stall. Razzle Dazzle is a five-year-old Plantation Walker. His gaits include: Flat Walk, Running Walk, Canter, Slow Gait and Rack. Owned by Mr. Barnaby Plume.

  Great. Barnaby Plume was Viscount Leith’s heir. Sebastian rubbed his temple. His headache had come back full force.

  The stallion nuzzled Colton’s hand.

  “Come on, Colton, get out of there. His legs aren’t our concern. He’s a walker. That’s probably normal. They have an ambling gait. He’s probably shifting about because of his training.” If anyone saw them… Sebastian glanced around. They were on a center aisle that formed an intersection. There was a gentleman at the end of the isle and a stableboy around the corner.

  “He shouldn’t prance like this when he’s in his stall, should you, boy. That’s a good boy.”

  A tingle went down Sebastian’s spine. Gads, that throaty murmur of Colton’s was enough to make a man all liquid inside. It appeared to be working on the horse too. Despite his agitation, he reveled in Colton’s attention. It did seem as if it hurt him to keep his weight on one foot for too long. Leave it to Colton to spot something like that.

  The stallion let out a sharp exhale when Colton cupped his fetlock and pulled his foot up for inspection. He unfastened the leather boot and tossed it away. “Shhh… It’s all right, pretty.” His mouth pinched, and his forehead wrinkled. He narrowed his eyes. “There’s a nail in the hoof wall. He’s not shod. And even if he were, it’s way too high and tacked in from the wrong direction.”

  What? Sebastian leaned over the gate, trying to get a better look. “Why would someone do that?” It would be akin to someone driving a spike through the middle of one’s thumbnail right into the thumb. Ouch.

  Colton dropped the horse’s foot back to the ground and patted him once more. “To make him lift his front legs higher. They usually go to more extremes to hide it though.” Crouching, he pushed down the wrap on the horse’s fetlock. “I don’t see any chemicals, but I’m no expert. To be honest, I’ve never even seen a Plantation Walker. I’ve only read about them.” Walkers were not common on Regelence.

  This was Plume’s horse. Like father, like son apparently. Who knew brutality could be a genetic trait? “I saw a couple about ten years ago. Wentworth took me to a horse show shortly after we married.” There’d been a roan mare that had made a lasting impression on Sebastian. Her walking run hadn’t been as pronounced as the other horses. She’d looked natural and elegant. The others had just seemed odd. “But I’m afraid I don’t know much about them. Why would someone use chemicals on them?”

  “For the same reason. It makes them sore, and they lift their legs, trying to keep weight off their feet for a longer period of time.” Rising, Colton petted the stallion and glanced back at Sebastian. Colton’s eyes drooped at the corners. His mouth pressed together in a thin line.

  Sebastian understood the anger. He shared it. The haunted look made his gut clench, but this wasn’t their horse.

  Damnation, when had keeping Colton happy become so important? Last night, Sebastian had longed to erase Colton’s heartache, and today was no different. The one thing they both agreed on consistently was horses. Sebastian understood Colton’s desire to work with horses. It was something he’d always loved as well.

  “Find a stableboy.”

  A rumble of thunder rattled the stables, and rain gave way to a sleeting downpour.

  With a deep, vibrating snort, the horse sidestepped. He bumped into Colton and knocked him off balance.

  The tiny ice pellets created a roar under the tin-roofed pavilion, and the stallion whinnied.

  “Whoa, boy.” Colton caught himself on the wall.

  Gasping, Sebastian unhooked the stall door. “Get out of there.” He’d figure out what to do about the horse once his charge removed himself from harm’s way. As he slid the door open, he offered his hand.

  Colton righted himself and came within reach but focused on something past Sebastian. “You there. Boy.” He crooked his finger. “Come here.”

  Sebastian glanced behind him.

  The blond stableboy who’d been around the corner strolled their way, swinging a pail. “Aye, milord?”

  “I’d like you to find me some nail pullers or pliers.” Colton’s regal tone brooked no argument, but the boy didn’t react immediately.

  He shifted his weight side to side and brought the pail in front of him, grabbing it with both hands. He bit his bottom lip and darted a glance to Sebastian. “Milord? This is Mr. Plume’s horse.”

  “You heard His Highness. Off with you. And locate a veterinarian as well.”

  Eyes widening, the boy bowed at Colton. “Right away, Your Highness.” The bucket fell to the cement with a clang, and he took off. He stopped, turned back and bowed toward Sebastian. “Milord.” Then he ran around the corner.

  Grinning, Sebastian caught Colton’s arm when he would’ve returned to the stallion. “Guess he didn’t recognize you at first.”

  Colton pressed his lips together again. “I want this horse.”

  Sebastian tugged. “Come on.”

  Losing his footing, Colton plowed right into Sebastian.

  Sebastian wrapped his arms around the younger man to keep him from bouncing off and nearly crushed the hat in his hand. The sound of the storm drowned out Colton’s gasp, but the pretty heart-shaped mouth formed an O. Sebastian wanted to claim that mouth once more. To taste Colton’s innocence and eagerness. Why couldn’t he dislodge this man from his head lately?

  As the warm, hard chest pressed against his own, a clap of thunder rumbled and footsteps echoed and grew louder. Thank galaxy. He set Colton away from him.

  “Milord.” The stableboy bowed and thrust out a pair of shoe pullers. “Will these work?”

  “Yes, thank you. What’s your name, child?” Sebastian asked.

  “Jimmy, milord.” Looking back and forth between Sebastian and Colton, the boy bowed.

  “Thank you, Jimmy.” Sebastian took the tool. “Now, go find a vet.”

  “Yes, milord.” Jimmy bolted.

  Colton snatched the pullers. “We also need to look at the other hoof. I suspect we’ll find the same thing.”

  No doubt. Sebastian followed Colton inside and placed both their hats on the hooks used for tack. He wiggled his fingers. “Let me pull. You talk to him. He likes you. The sign says his name is Razzle Dazzle.”

  “Really?” Colton’s face screwed up in disgust as he passed the pullers. “Why can’t people just give horses normal names?” He brushed the back of his hand over the horse’s nose. “Something unique without being silly?”

  “You’re asking me? According to Tarren, my horse shares a name with the great majority of horses in the romance genre.”

  Colton snorted. “Ignore Tarren. Maximilian is a good name.” He paused long enough for Sebastian to retrieve the un-booted foot. “I’ll call you Razz. Or do you like Dazz better, baby?” There was that sultry voice again. “Okay, Dazz it is.”

  If Colton kept it up, he was going to have more than just the horse wrapped around his finger. No, no, he would not. Sebastian would not allow him to have the upper hand. He’d vowed to protect Colton, not seduce him. Damn Colton anyway, why did he have to grow up?

  Sebastian brought Dazz’s foot up between his legs and bent at the waist as he would while pulling a shoe or cleaning out hooves. His pants were going to get dirty. “The things I do to keep you happy.”

  Colton chuckled. It was a low, throaty sound a man could wallow in. “I was going to do the dirty work.”

  “I clean.” The nail was far enough out of the hoof that the pullers fit around the head snuggly. Would bending the nail and using the leverage of the pullers to remove it hurt Dazz worse? A drop of perspiration dripped down the bridge of Sebastian’s nose. Where was Jimmy with the vet? They always kept medical staff on call during an auction.

  A loud crack of thunder rent the air as Sebastian tugged and pulled st
raight up. Dazz nickered and bobbed his head. He tried to move away.

  Sebastian held his foot firm but lost his grip on the nail. He wasn’t sure if he’d hurt the horse more or if the thunder had startled him.

  “Shhh… It’s all right, Dazz. Wentworth is going to fix you right up. He knows what he’s doing. Then we’ll get you something for the pain.”

  The horse stilled.

  Positioning the pullers again, Sebastian heaved upward. The nail came free and blood rushed to the surface of the hoof. Bugger. “We need a vet to clean the puncture wound and apply a clotting agent.” He released Dazz’s leg.

  The horse pulled his head away from Colton and lipped his hoof. After a few moments, he raised his attention to Sebastian and whinnied.

  Colton chuckled. “I think that was a thank you.”

  “I believe it was.” Petting Dazz’s forehead, Sebastian smiled. “You’re welcome, ole chap. With any luck we can get you doctored up soon and get something to help with the soreness.” Moving to the opposite side, he set about removing the other boot. More effort was required to get the edges of the pullers under the nailhead, but when he did, the nail came out easier. He dropped Dazz’s foot and patted his side. “There you go. Now if we can get the vet to look at you, you’ll be good as new in no time.”

  “Thank you.” Colton continued to hold the halter and run the back of his gloved hand over the side of Dazz’s face. His long fingers caressed and soothed. The gentle drag was both smooth and constant. The action was mesmerizing. Sebastian would be willing to bet the touch felt as nice as it looked.

  “You don’t have to thank me.” He hated to admit it, but he was having a good time. Horses never judged him and found him lacking. He’d always loved caring for horses, and in that regard Colton was a kindred spirit. They worked well together. “You know I’d never condone anything like this.” His hand touched Colton’s where it rested on Dazz’s cheek. Sebastian caught Colton’s fingers in his and squeezed. There was something so peaceful and yet alluring about watching Colton. Perhaps it was the simplicity of the moment. Contentment flooded Sebastian, making him grin.

  Colton’s gaze connected with his. They stood there staring at one another, understanding each other better than they ever had.

  “Just what in the bloody hell do you think you’re about? Remove your person from my stall.”

  Sebastian, Colton and Dazz started at the outraged shout.

  I should’ve known I wasn’t lucky enough to escape a run-in with Plume. Sebastian rolled his shoulders and turned to face the man. He didn’t know Plume, but he’d seen him before. They frequented some of the same haunts on occasion. “Mr. Plume.”

  “Wentworth.” Barnaby Plume looked down his patrician nose at Sebastian. “What do I owe the honor of you turning up in my stall?”

  “I assure you, it’s no honor. I ought to have you brought up on charges.” Sebastian’s headache insinuated itself behind his right eye, and the piercing pain made him catch his breath. He clenched his fist and stepped closer to Plume. “The treatment of this horse is deplorable and inexcusable.”

  Sneering, Plume wrenched the door open. “I’ve no quarrel with you. Remove yourself from my stall.”

  A tick developed in Sebastian’s cheek. He ground his teeth to keep from shouting. “Oh, but I’ve a quarrel with you.” He met Plume in the middle of the pen. When Sebastian stood chest to chest with the man, Sebastian grabbed him by his cravat.

  Plume gasped and swung.

  Ducking, Sebastian tightened his grip on the man’s neckcloth and wrung a gurgle from him. Sebastian grinned at the sound.

  “Sebastian. Let go.” Colton’s request was so soft it was barely audible. His gloved hand caressed Sebastian’s sleeve. “Please.”

  Shoving Plume away, Sebastian unfurled his fist.

  Plume collided with the wall, but Sebastian ignored him. Colton had called him Sebastian instead of Wentworth. It was a stupid thing to think at the moment, but it popped into Sebastian’s head and would not subside. Their gazes locked. Once again they’d found common ground between them. This horse needed them.

  Booming thunder broke the spell. The wind picked up, slicing rain onto the cement walkway under the pavilion.

  “I want this horse.” Situating himself at Sebastian’s side, Colton confronted Plume.

  Plume frowned and studied Colton up and down. He sneered and snarled his lip. “Your Highness. If you wish to purchase him, you can bid like everyone else.”

  The insult didn’t faze Colton. He kept right on trying to stare Plume into the ground.

  Sebastian, however, tensed, and heat suffused his neck. No one was allowed to disrespect Colton. Or any of the other Townsends for that matter. “Pay your respects,” Sebastian hissed through clenched teeth.

  Fortunate for Plume, he understood the threat and bowed.

  “Perhaps you’re hard of hearing. I will be buying this horse. Name your price, or take what I give you,” Colton said.

  “You can’t—” Plume sputtered and looked at Sebastian.

  Sebastian stared back with a blank expression on his face.

  “Seven and a half thousand pounds.” Colton arched a brow, appearing more like royalty than Sebastian had ever seen him.

  “I’d take him up on it if I were you,” Sebastian suggested. As long as it wasn’t directed at him, he rather enjoyed this haughty side of Colton.

  “Are you threatening me?”

  Sebastian just smiled. Let Plume make of it what he would.

  “But the starting bid is going to be twenty thousand pounds. You can’t do this to me.” Plume glared and stepped forward.

  Darting in front of Colton, Sebastian held his gloved hands up. “Move back.”

  “You, sir, are a bully.” Plume tossed his head, flipping his overlong dark brown hair off his forehead. “I should expect no less of a lowborn—”

  In one slick move, Colton advanced and punched Plume in the mouth. Plume’s head flew back. He stumbled and fell on his arse outside the open stall door onto the wet pavement. Blood dripped from his split lip.

  Damn, that was fast. Sebastian blinked.

  Colton shook out his right hand. “Apologize.”

  “It’s all right.” A warm feeling spread throughout Sebastian, and the last of his anger melted away.

  “No, it is not all right. He owes you an apology.” Colton breathed deeply.

  He was wrong. It was more than all right. No one had ever stood up for Sebastian that way. Not that he’d needed it, but still… Tipping Colton’s chin up, Sebastian nodded. “It’s okay.”

  Dazz nickered behind them, and his uncovered hooves clicked against the floor.

  Not only had Colton rescued an abused horse—a horse that would not further Colton’s ambition of being a racehorse breeder—he’d stood up for Sebastian. The man was simply amazing.

  Plume steadied himself on the wall, pulled out a handkerchief and blotted at his lip.

  “Ten thousand pounds will be sent to you for the horse by this evening,” Sebastian said.

  “Make it eighteen and you have a deal.”

  Colton’s shoulders slumped.

  Sebastian didn’t let on that he noticed Colton’s reaction. “Deal. Have him sent to the castle.”

  As Plume slinked away, Colton caught Sebastian’s arm. “I can’t afford that. My allowance is only five thousand pounds a quarter.”

  “I can afford it. You can pay the seven thousand pounds you originally offered if it makes you feel better, and I’ll pay the rest.” Dazz could not be allowed to stay in Plume’s custody nor did Sebastian want to take a chance on a new owner making things right for the stallion.

  Shaking his head, Colton threw up his hands and turned away. “That isn’t right. You should have Dazz if you’re paying the majority for him.”

  “If it makes you feel better, you can consider me a partner. I’ll help you set up a stud. But you keep Dazz, he can be part of my buy-in.”

whipped around. His complexion had grown pasty. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  Neither did Sebastian, but it was too late to take it back now, and part of him didn’t want to.

  The letters and words all blurred together as Sebastian stared at the guard schedule displayed on his computer screen. This morning with Colton had not gone as he’d expected. He’d planned to distance himself from the prince. Somehow or other he’d let his emotions get mixed in with the lust, and he’d become partners with Colton. He hated to admit it, but the prospect wasn’t so bad. The thought of working with horses on a regular basis soothed something deep inside Sebastian, and his intuition told him it was a sound investment. He believed in Colton. With his tenacity, given a few years, Colton would be one of the leading names in the sport.

  Leaning back in his chair, Sebastian closed his eyes. He was starting to see more than just a fetching form. Colton was as lovely inside as he was out. Oh, who was Sebastian jesting? He’d seen the man for his wonderful personality long before he’d noticed how stunning his face and body were. Sebastian propped his feet up on his desk and crossed his ankles. He’d still wanted Colton today, but he’d been able to control the all-consuming lust and concentrate on their friendship. Friendship? Yes, that was exactly what it was. Sebastian smiled. He could make this work.

  “I’m glad you’re comfortable. I’ve something to talk to you about.” Raleigh lounged against the doorjamb with a grin.

  Sebastian dropped his feet and stood. “Your Highness.”

  Waving Sebastian to sit back down, Raleigh walked the rest of the way into the office and propped himself on the corner of the desk. “While I was in town this morning, I heard through the grapevine you bought Colton a horse and challenged a man to a duel over him. Another version had you stabbing another peer of the realm with a sword for kissing Colton in an abandoned stall and proclaiming your undying love. Then there was my favorite in which you both stole the horse and eloped.” Raleigh’s eyes practically danced with merriment.

  Sebastian gaped. He didn’t know whether to be appalled or amused.


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