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My Regelence Rake

Page 13

by J. L. Langley

  Steven rounded the corner into the hall of washrooms and searched for an open door. Ah, there at the end.

  “What are you doing?”

  Gasping, Steven slapped a hand to his chest. His heart pounded under his palm so hard it nearly beat out of his chest. “Damn it, Raleigh.” He glared at his consort. “You scared the daylights out of me.”

  Raleigh frowned. “You’ve been gone for almost fifteen minutes. I was worried. Where have you been?”

  To tell or not to tell? Steven’s bladder decided for him. He really had to go. Grabbing Raleigh by the hand, Steven tugged him inside the washroom and locked the door. “I think the IN has murdered Admiral Jenkins and his family.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sebastian was beginning to think he was a prime candidate for bedlam. His brain was scrambled. Confusion didn’t come close to describing what he felt. Had it only been a day ago he’d decided staying away from Colton was his best course of action? Now, he wanted to spend every waking moment in Colton’s presence.

  He’d gone to the ball tonight to check in on Rourke and make certain nothing untoward had occurred. He should’ve left immediately after he’d ascertained everything was fine, but he’d seen Colton standing on the edge of the ballroom. Before he’d even made the conscious decision, he was across the room, drawn like a magnet to steel. He’d wanted to dance with Colton. It was as simple as that. He’d wanted to hold him close.

  Galaxy, give me strength. Colton was quickly becoming an addiction.

  Laying his head on the back of the chair, Sebastian stretched his legs out in front of him and closed his eyes. He ran his hands down his face, and a muscle pinched in his back. It was like being raked with shards of glass. He’d forgotten all about the blasted street fight he’d gotten into searching for Julian. Damn, it had been a long day.

  Nate came into the study and crossed to the sideboard. “What happened to you?” He picked up two glasses and poured scotch in them.

  “Ran into a band of hoodlums while looking for a friend of mine.”

  Pausing, Nate turned his head. His eyebrows shot up as he studied Sebastian. He shook his head and went back to pouring. After stoppering the decanter, he picked up the glasses and crossed the room. “You look like you could use one.” He handed a glass to Sebastian and sat on the chair next to him.

  “Thank you.” Scotch was not his preferred drink, but it was bound to help with the pain. He sipped. “Any idea why we’re here?”

  “Not a clue. In the lift on the way home, Steven told me he was calling a meeting and wanted me present.”

  Aiden came into the room, making a beeline for his consort. He kissed Nate on the cheek, and they stared at one another for a few seconds. Aiden’s hand lingered on his consort’s shoulder. The admiral laid his free hand on top of Aiden’s and squeezed. It was intimate and improper, but it was also beautiful. They made a striking couple. Aiden was elegant and lovely while Nate was big and handsome in a masculine way.

  Sebastian couldn’t look away. What must it be like to have a relationship like that? Giles would never have showed such affection in front of others. All the Townsends, thus far, had found love matches.

  Stealing his consort’s drink, Aiden sat on the loveseat opposite them. He drank as he glanced at Sebastian. His eyes widened, and he removed the glass from his lips. “What happened to you?”

  “He got into a gang fight.” After removing a cigar and cutter from his coat pocket, Nate snipped the end.

  “A gang fight?” Aiden blinked. “I don’t suppose you lopped anyone’s head off, did you?”

  Groaning, Nate dropped his head into his hand, but he was smiling.

  Sebastian’s mouth gaped open. Only a Townsend would ask such a question. “No. Why do you ask?”

  “He’s painting a war scene.” Lifting his head, Deverell went to the sideboard and dug a lighter out of the drawer. Lighting his cigar, he sat next to Aiden. He patted Aiden’s leg, leaving his hand there, and reclaimed his drink.

  “Getting the blood splatter right is giving me a devil of a time. Where are Father and Cony? I thought this was an important meeting. Any idea what it’s about?” Aiden toed off his right shoe and tucked his foot under his leg, angling his body toward Nate. Resting his right arm on the back of the sofa, he absently played with the admiral’s neck.

  “We were just discussing that when you came in.” Sliding his hand farther up Aiden’s thigh, Nate took a drink of scotch. Holding the cigar in the same hand, he gave the glass back to Aiden, who sipped from it. “Surely if it were very important, they’d be here already.”

  “One would think.” Sebastian smiled. The ton was full of couples who barely tolerated one another. It was so refreshing to see a couple so in love. Men did not share their drinks with one another. It just wasn’t done. It spoke of the devotion and intimacy between the two men. Would Colton be that affectionate with his consort? A knot formed in Sebastian’s stomach. The idea of Colton married and sharing things with another man did not sit well with him. He had no claim on Colton, yet something inside him screamed out Colton was his.

  “Ah good, you’re all here.” Steven came into the room with Raleigh on his heels.

  “Jeffers, stop all recording and leave the room.” Raleigh closed the door behind him and sat next to Steven on the desk.

  “Yes, Your Highness,” the butler answered.

  Laying his hand on Raleigh’s thigh, Steven cocked his head and studied his son. “Aiden, what’re you doing in here? Not that I care, but…”

  “Saving Nate the trouble of having to repeat everything.”

  Slipping his hand on top of the one Steven had on his thigh, Raleigh wound his fingers with Steven’s. Did he even notice he did it? They too always seemed to be touching each other in little ways. Sebastian was certain they did most of it unconsciously.

  Raleigh grinned. “Aiden, Nate doesn’t tell you everything.”

  The admiral thought about it for a second. “Actually, I do. Anything of importance anyway.”

  Aiden beamed at him.

  Sebastian chuckled. If he married Colton, would they share all their secrets?

  Where had that come from? He’d sworn off marriage after Giles died. He had no need to marry again. It didn’t matter to him if the Wentworth title was passed on or not. It wasn’t his family name. The title and estate could revert back to the crown for all he cared.

  “Okay, fair enough. We can use the extra brain pow— Good galaxy. What happened to your face?” Raleigh gaped. “Do you need an ice pack?”

  “I’m fine.” Sebastian waved the questions away. He was getting tired of explaining it, but it warmed his heart that they cared. “I ran in to some delinquents when I went to find one of my old teammates. They decided they needed my money and belongings more than I did. I begged to differ.”

  “Did you find your teammate?” Aiden wanted to know.

  “I did. He starts work tomorrow. His name is Julian Towers. That’s one more guard who can accompany all of you on your outings. I prefer you take Knighton, Julian or myself rather than the other guards.” He looked at Nate. “I wish you would reconsider having an armed escort to the base every morning.”

  Nate puffed on his cigar. “It’s only a mile away.”

  Sebastian sighed but didn’t say anything. It wouldn’t do any good. The man had made up his mind, and he was as hardheaded as the rest of the family.

  It got quiet for several seconds then Steven cleared his throat. “Eversleigh, as you know, is our permanent IN council member. He’s been trying to track Admiral Jenkins down for the past two months with no luck. He’s not on Delcorte or here on Regelence. As far as we know those are his only two residences.”

  Deverell gasped.

  Aiden whispered, “Oh no.”

  Sebastian sat too stunned to do anything.

  Looking at Sebastian, Steven asked, “Do you know of any other places he and his family might be?”

  Sebastian shook his head. “Th
e last time I talked to him was at the ceremony where he retired and named Nate his successor.” Surely Carl was all right. He had to be.

  “Why would Wentworth know where the admiral lived?” Nate’s brow furrowed.

  “Jenkins was my mentor.” Actually, he was more like a savior. If it wasn’t for Carl, Sebastian would probably be dead by now. “He’s the one who got me into the Regelence Navy. His wife is from Regelence. I met him when I was sixteen, and he was on leave.” No one needed to know he met the admiral—a captain then—because Sebastian tried to pick his pocket. It was his and Carl’s secret, and Sebastian intended it to stay that way. Please be all right, Carl. To Steven he asked, “I take it you have not located Betty either?”

  “I didn’t know his wife was from here.” Aiden leaned forward slightly.

  “Yes, his son was born here. I believe Robert is twenty-five or twenty-six. Somewhere around there.”

  “Why didn’t I know this?” Putting his feet on the floor, Aiden leaned forward more.

  “I don’t know.” Sebastian gulped some of his drink.

  “I didn’t know it either,” Nate said to Aiden.

  “Hmm…come to think on it…I have seen him at balls before,” Aiden said.

  “Aiden, do you mind?” Raleigh arched a brow.

  Aiden’s shoulders drooped. “Sorry, Cony.”

  With a smirk at his son, Steven continued. “I also heard that Carl’s son Robert went AWOL. Nate, can you check that out?”

  “I’ll check it out first thing in the morning.” Nate set his cigar in the ashtray next to him and retrieved his drink from Aiden. Peering down at the liquid, he shook his head. “I sensed something was wrong. I should’ve confronted him about it. I should’ve offered him protection.”

  Sebastian’s thoughts exactly. His stomach was queasy.

  “There is no use beating ourselves up over it. Let’s just find them.” Raleigh stood and stretched his arms over his head. “He obviously knows something. When we do find him, we’ll see to it he and his family are protected. Now, unless anyone else has something to add, I’m going to bed.”

  “Me too.” Nate stood and offered his hand to Aiden.

  After putting his shoe back on, Aiden accepted the assistance and stood. “Good night, everyone.” Still hand in hand, Aiden and Nate left the study.

  Raleigh stepped up between Steven’s legs. He touched Steven’s cheek and dropped his hand. “Are you coming?”

  Steven lifted Raleigh’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “In a moment.” The romantic gesture made Sebastian’s mind wander once again to Colton. He was so passionate and vibrant. No doubt he’d throw himself into a relationship with as much ardor as his parents did.

  “Don’t stay up too late. You aren’t going to find him tonight.” Raleigh dipped his head at Sebastian. “Good night, Wentworth. Go put some ice on your face.” He closed the door on his way out.

  Steven stared at the closed door with a soft smile on his face, but he looked a million miles away.

  Sebastian downed the rest of his drink and set it aside. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Do you think he’s dead?”

  “I hope not. But yes, that’s my fear.”

  Sebastian’s pulse skipped a beat and a wave of dizziness swamped him. Sadness nearly choked him. He owed Carl so much.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it. Like Raleigh said, we aren’t going to find him tonight.” Steven gave him a sad smile. “While I’ve got you here…I wanted to ask you about something else.”


  “I saw you and Colton tonight. The two of you look good together.”

  Sebastian fought to show no outward sign of surprise. “He looked lonely when I went to check in with Rourke, and he wasn’t dancing, so I asked him to dance.”

  “Then I take it you’ve heard the rumors about you and Colton?”

  “Not personally, but I know people are speculating Colton and I stole the horse.”

  “That’s not all.”

  “Yes, yes, the elopement rumor. I’ve heard about that one too.”

  “How about the one claiming the two of you are lovers?”

  A sinking feeling settled into Sebastian’s gut. “No, I hadn’t heard that one.”

  “What do you intend to do?”

  Sebastian sat back and rested his hands on his thighs. What could he do? “The rumors will die down.” Perhaps his dancing with Colton tonight would help. Surely no one would think he’d flaunt their relationship in front of Colton’s parents. Or given Sebastian’s reputation, maybe they would think that. Sebastian cringed.

  “And what if they can’t be quashed?”

  Taking a deep breath, Sebastian closed his eyes. He’d do anything to protect Colton. “Then Colton and I will get married.” He waited for the panic to come, but it didn’t.

  The wind caught the door, throwing it and Colton against the side of the stable with a bang. “Bloody hell.” The icy breeze buffeted his face as he struggled against the weather. Brrr… It was freezing out here. Perhaps he should have gotten his coat. His hands were frozen. It was amazing they hadn’t cracked and fallen off. The chill cut right through his clothes.

  Fighting with the door, Colton was determined to win. He dug his heels in and heaved. At that precise moment the current of air faded, and the door slammed shut with a resounding boom. He landed on his arse inside the stable.

  The horses shuffled their feet and snorted. One of them kicked a wall. Apollonia nickered, already fussing to be let out. The wind whistled outside, but the crisp, clean scent of hay and oats surrounded him. He loved that smell.

  Teeth chattering, Colton lay on his back in the middle aisle with his lungs burning. He’d planned to check on the horses, but he hadn’t known he was going to get a workout. What a picture he probably made. Now his appearance was as ruffled as his emotions.

  Tonight, he’d not only danced with Wentworth, but kissed him. Obviously, Wentworth had not been as thrilled by the kiss as Colton, so why had Wentworth done it? Why had he even danced with Colton? Colton groaned. Since the man was now his business partner, he couldn’t ignore him—not like he was doing a good job of that anyway—but he had to keep things professional between them. And for galaxy’s sakes, he had to stop kissing the blasted man.

  Trying to catch his breath, he stared up at the haylofts on each side of the peaked roof and groaned. What was he going to do with Wentworth?

  Apollonia nickered again, louder this time.

  “Hush, Apollonia.” Sitting up, Colton rubbed his arms and pushed himself to his feet.

  Apollonia danced in place inside her stall.

  His lip twitched. “Okay already.” On the way by he petted her mother, who had stuck her head out of her stall. “Good evening, Belle.” Moving to the next stall over, he unlatched Apollonia’s door and pointed his finger at her. “You can have out of your enclosure, but we aren’t going outside.”

  She hurried into the center aisle and turned back to him, nudging his arm and flipping it up with her nose.

  His hand landed on her head, making him chuckle. “Okay, pretty girl.” He rubbed her neck. The red chestnut coat appeared even darker in the dim overhead lights. Resting his head on her shoulder, he put his arm around her neck and the other on her back. He was still chilled, but her warmth and the heat in the barn seeped into him. “Maybe Wentworth’s libido got carried away, and I was in the right place at the wrong time. Or is that the wrong place at the right time?” None of it had felt wrong. Even now his lips tingled, and he fancied he could feel Wentworth’s lips pressed to his. Or maybe they were just cold.

  Apollonia leaned against him.

  “Ack.” Colton shuffled around to keep from being knocked over and shoved against her side. “Stand up, you dolt.”

  She turned her head to look at him as if to say, You started it, I was only cuddling.

  Colton patted her side once more for good measure. “You have not developed the fine art of lis
tening like your father.”

  Apollo, who was next door to Apollonia, lifted his head. Some hay hung out of his mouth as he chewed. Flicking his tail, he looked at Colton. How many times had he come out in the middle of the night to brush and talk to Apollo over the years? Too many to count. “Hi, boy. How’re you this evening? Let me check on Dazz and see how he’s settling in then I’ll come brush you.” Colton rubbed the velvety nose and started down the aisle.

  Halfway there, the stable door opened and a chill whipped down Colton’s back. Wrapping his arms around himself, he turned to face his intruder.

  With his frock coat flapping in the wind, Wentworth struggled to close the door.

  That familiar tingle he got whenever Wentworth was near niggled at Colton. He hadn’t thought to see Wentworth again so soon. Maybe it was too soon. Colton had no idea where things stood between them.

  The door finally slammed shut, and the roar of the air rushing inside converted to a howl outside. Wentworth glanced around. When his gaze landed on Colton, he grinned. “I wondered if you’d be out here.” Wentworth’s shoulders sagged more than normal, and his black eye was darker than it had been at the ball.

  “What’re you doing here?”

  “Max is here.” Wentworth gestured to the back of the stable.

  Colton glanced over his shoulder. Sure enough, Max was in a stall at the back. “Oh. I was checking on Dazz.”

  “How is he do—?” Something jangled as Wentworth strode forward. He stopped in front of an open enclosure. “Give me that.” The deep dulcet tone was like wrapping up in a blanket.

  Glancing around, Colton realized Apollonia was not in the center aisle anymore. Oh no.

  Wentworth disappeared into the empty stall. “No. Bad.”

  The jingle sounded again, and Apollonia snorted. Her hooves clicked a few times in rapid succession on the cement floor. What was she into now?

  Amused, Colton walked over to investigate.

  She held the end of an old leather harness clenched between her teeth. Wentworth gripped the other end. “Gimme this. You don’t need it.” A tug-of-war ensued, and Wentworth’s boots slid on the concrete floor. Little by little she tugged him right into the pen with her.


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