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My Regelence Rake

Page 21

by J. L. Langley

  Wrapping an arm around Trouble’s back, Rexley pulled him into his lap, and Trouble made a whimpering sound.


  Startled, Steven jerked his gaze to the door.

  “Boys. Stop that this instant.” Raleigh strode forward.

  Nate came in right behind him. “Jeremy Hawkins.”

  Trouble stayed exactly where he was, gazing into Rexley’s eyes. “Whaaat…?” He turned his head toward the door, spotted Nate and bounded off Rexley’s lap.

  “Why are you yelling at me?” Steven returned his consort’s thunderous expression.

  Rexley sat in the chair, looking bored as if nothing had happened.

  Trouble stood in between Rexley and Steven’s desk. His arms were crossed in front of him, his back unnaturally straight.

  “Why were you just sitting there?” Planting his hands on the desk, Raleigh glowered at him.

  “I was in shock.”

  “Jeremy—” Nate started.

  “That was all Rexley’s doing,” Steven explained. Trouble was…well, always in trouble. Steven couldn’t help but want to defend the kid. He was a good boy. Just a little on the energetic side. He was no worse than Tarren. Okay maybe a bit more sneaky about his mischief, but not a lot. Trouble certainly didn’t deserve to get in trouble over this. Who could blame the kid? Apparently, Rexley knew exactly what he was doing. Poor Trouble hadn’t stood a chance.

  Raleigh spun around, hands on his hips, and stared at Rexley.

  Rexley stared right back. His eyebrow went up.

  Oh brother. Steven bit his lip, waiting for the explosion. Raleigh was going to kill the boy, and then they’d have to demand Payton come home and learn Rexley’s duties.

  For several moments Raleigh and Rexley faced each other.

  Trouble backed up until he bumped into the desk.

  Nate, still glowering at Trouble, pointed to the door. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  Finally, Raleigh turned back to Steven. A slow smile crept onto his face. “Rexley, we will discuss this later. Boys, you’re dismissed.”

  Standing, Steven prepared to make his getaway with the kids.

  “Not you.” Raleigh pointed at the chair. “Sit.” He was still grinning. That had to be a good sign.

  The rapid, slapping sound that had preceded Trouble’s entrance grew distant, and Steven glanced around his consort to see Rexley slowly swagger out the door. Trouble was nowhere in sight.

  Raleigh flopped down in the chair Rexley had vacated and busted out laughing.

  “I’m sorry.” Nate’s lips twitched, and he sat in Trouble’s chair. “I’ll talk to him.”

  Steven chuckled and shook his head at his consort, who was now red-faced. Galaxy, Raleigh was beautiful when he laughed. “Really. Rexley started that.”

  Closing his eyes, Nate grinned. He glanced over his shoulder and stretched his long legs out in front of him. “Other than Rexley acting un-Rexley-like and Jeremy being Jeremy, what did we miss?”

  “I told them I’d found a way to break the betrothal and was told rather forcibly the contract was not to be broken.”

  “Excellent.” Raleigh glanced at Nate.

  “I agree,” Nate said. “That’s indeed excellent. Best news I’ve had all day.”

  Speaking of news… “Did you find out anything about Jenkins’s son?” Steven asked Nate.

  Nate sighed. “One of the reports said Robert had just gotten back from visiting his parents here on Regelence, but from what you learned from Eversleigh the admiral has been missing for nearly two months. I know it’s been at least that long since I’ve been able to get a hold of him.”

  “Sebastian checked at the Jenkins’s residence two days ago. The place had been ransacked like someone was trying to find something. And the butler has been taken, his hard drive missing. Sebastian plans on sending one of his new men to Delcorte to check on the admiral’s other residence, and he’s searching for the servants and Betty’s family to see if they know anything.” Steven looked from Nate to Raleigh. Both wore grim expressions.

  Standing, Nate stretched. “I can check into those things. Sebastian and Colton deserve at least a little bit of a honeymoon.”

  Steven nodded. “I agree. Talk to Knighton. He’s taking over for Sebastian for a day or two. He’ll know where Sebastian has searched so far.”

  “I’m going to go do that now. I’m not working today.” Nate left the room with a “Good day” to both Raleigh and Steven.

  After a few moments Raleigh stood up and leaned over the desk. He kissed Steven on the lips and said, “I’m proud of you for talking to Rexley and Jeremy.”

  “I have a confession to make.”


  “I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t pretty certain they would want to remain engaged.”

  Raleigh kissed him again. “That’s okay. You still gave them the choice. And for what it’s worth, I think things will work out with Colton and Sebastian too.”

  Yes. Now, if he could just find someone for Tarren…

  Regelence Park in Classige, Pruluce.

  Colton stood in his stirrups and swept his frock coat out from under him. It’d been ages since he’d ridden in Regelence Park. He glanced at Sebastian as they rode through the front gate.

  Sebastian grinned. “Are you having fun?” His eyes sparkled, and Colton had to resist the insane urge to laugh for the sheer enjoyment of the moment. That look, the pleasure in it, was directed at him.

  “I am. Are you?” Colton tipped his hat to Lord Bernard and his older brother Walter, who were on horseback right inside the gate.

  “I’m having more fun watching you than actually riding.” Sebastian’s voice lowered an octave below normal, and he winked.

  Colton’s cock noticed the sultry sound and decided to remind him of last night. Just in case he’d forgotten…which he hadn’t.

  “Ah, sweeting, what a fetching blush.” Sebastian got Max as close to Apollo as he could without crushing his and Colton’s legs and reached for Colton’s face.

  Colton tilted forward until Sebastian’s hand made contact. He closed his eyes and reveled in the warm caress on his cool cheek. Perhaps they should go home. Their horses drew apart, and Colton jerked upright to keep from losing his balance.


  “Yes.” The sensation of being watched niggled at the back of Colton’s neck. He spotted the source at once. Inside the open landaus, chaises and phaetons lined up on the carriage drive, several heads craned in their direction. The queue of carriages stretched outside the gate to where the trees obscured the inside of the park. Even pedestrians strolled through the snow-covered grounds. As was their habit, the haute ton had come to see and be seen. A nosey and vain lot they were. Not even weather could stop them. It was cold, and the sky was growing darker by the moment. It would snow again soon.

  “Which way do you want to go? By the lake or by the trees?”

  Pointing toward the lake, Colton urged Apollo into a trot. The trail around the trees was the place to see and be seen. It ran parallel to the carriage drive, but Colton had grown rather tired of the constant attention lately. And the lake route was much less crowded. A better place to let Apollo stretch his legs.

  Sebastian heeled Max and clucked his tongue. “Come on, Max, let’s give them a run for their money.”

  As soon as Sebastian and Max passed Colton, he gave chase.

  They were neck and neck until Sebastian had to rein in to pass some slower equestrians.

  Colton cut him off. “I think not, my lord.”

  Sebastian grinned and went to the outside. His hat caught the wind and would’ve flown off if he hadn’t grabbed it. He drew abreast of Colton, and they rode side by side.

  It was exhilarating despite the icy wind whipping their faces. The sense of freedom strummed through Colton’s veins like a shot of adrenaline.

  They rounded the corner together with neither of them trying to take the lead.

Colton’s smile grew larger until he threw his head back and laughed. He reined in and slowed to a walk. “I love riding fast.”

  Sebastian and Max matched pace with Apollo. “So do I.”

  Within seconds they’d left the other equestrians behind.

  Reining to a stop, Sebastian smiled at him. “Come here.”

  Colton drew Apollo close. “Here?”

  “Closer.” Sebastian leaned toward Colton.

  Colton did the same. Their lips met and tongues clashed. Colton shivered and tilted his head to get a better angle. His cock, already stiff from the excitement of their race and Sebastian’s vicinity, grew even harder.

  Pulling back, he stared at Sebastian, and Colton’s smile melted into a grin. The first flurries of the day trickled down around them, painting his cheeks with icy pinpoints of snow. A white speck caught on his lashes, and he blinked it away. Moments passed, the horses shifted under them, the snow danced around them, but still Colton held his husband’s gaze. Colton’s whole body warmed from the inside out. The nip in the air became nonexistent. How could something as innocent as a smile fulfill him so thoroughly? But it wasn’t only the smile. He’d never tire of staring into those blue eyes. They were ever-changing, yet constant and steady like the man himself.

  “Oh, the two of you are ready for another scandal, I see,” sneered a familiar voice.

  The spell was broken, replaced by fury. Colton wheeled Apollo around toward Plume. He’d had quite enough of this jackanapes. “If you have something to say to me, I suggest you grow some bollocks and come say it to my face. I assure you, I’ve no qualms about planting you another facer.”

  Drawing abreast, Sebastian gripped Colton’s arm. “Let it go. He’s only trying to rile us.”

  What? Surely Sebastian was not going to let Plume get away with talking to them like that. Colton gaped at him. Where was his fearless bodyguard who closed down even the slightest threat?

  “Ignore him.” Sebastian’s head lowered, and his eyes flared. A twitch started at the corner of his eye. He gripped Colton’s reins and turned Max, making Apollo follow, and faced them away from Plume.

  The anger at Plume melted into confusion. Sighing, Colton nodded. He supposed Sebastian was correct. One could not argue with oneself. If he ignored Plume, eventually the arsehead would go away.

  The clip-clop of horse hooves danced by, along with Plume’s maniacal laughter.

  “Ho there.” Several someones trotted up behind them. Out of the corner of Colton’s eye, the posting movement of the rider came to a halt, and bridles jangled.

  “Good morning, Your Highness. Lord Wentworth. Hold up.”

  Colton sat up straighter and raised his chin a notch. The anger and confusion mingled together again, and his jaw tightened. What did they want?

  Lord Frances Rycroft sidled up to Colton’s right on his palomino. His cheeks were rosy and chapped from the cold. He wore a flaxen-colored coat that blended in perfectly with his horse’s mane. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the other night. There were so many rumors flying around and…” He glanced down, and the rosy hue on his cheeks deepened. “Please say you’ll accept my apologies, Your Highness.”

  Sebastian closed his eyes briefly. When he opened them, he frowned and looked at Lord Francis and his friends, then back to Colton. The fearless, no-nonsense bodyguard was back. Sebastian opened his mouth to say something, but Colton gave a shake of his head. He didn’t want to get into how the group had shunned him right now.

  Colton’s posture eased a little, and he dipped his head. “All is forgiven. Your confusion was understandable under the circumstances.”

  “Colton, you are too kind. We all owe you an apology.” Lord Roth pulled his horse to a stop next to Sebastian. “We also owe you congratulations on your marriage.”

  Lord Francis, Mr. Gareth Fareweather and Edmund Smithe offered their felicitations in chorus as Mr. Fareweather and Mr. Smithe positioned their mounts in front of Colton and Sebastian as well.

  Colton studied them all, trying not to glower.

  “Thank you. I’m a lucky man. His Highness finally put me out of my misery and accepted.” Sebastian smiled at their audience.

  Colton gasped. Sebastian was making their marriage sound like a love match rather than a consequence of scandal. If only it were true.

  Colton beamed at him. “After all, a man can only take a certain amount of hounding.” He winked at Sebastian. “Although I dare say you withstood it well for many years, Wentworth.”

  Sebastian erupted into laughter along with Fareweather and the others.

  A couple of riders squeezed to the side of the trail to pass them.

  “Is this the famous Apollo?” Mr. Smithe asked, steering his bay horse around to make room for passersby. He was the only one of them bareheaded.

  “This is he.” Colton leaned forward and patted Apollo on the neck. Pride filled him, making him finally relax a little. There was nothing quite like talk of one of his babies to put him at ease.

  “Beautiful conformation,” Gareth said.

  Lord Francis turned his attention to Max while the others fawned over Apollo. “I say, Wentworth, your horse is quite fetching as well. Don’t see many true solid blacks.”

  “I’d never part with him.” Sebastian petted Max’s neck as he snuffled and nuzzled his nose against Lord Francis’s horse. Max was a beauty, but he was not in the same class as Apollo. Apollo’s musculature was impressive even by racehorse standards. He looked as fast as he was. And in a dead run, he was even more of an impressive sight.

  The men discussed business for several minutes, asking over Colton’s stables and appointments with the racing commissioner and Jockey Club. Perhaps he should give them another chance.

  Colton told them how he’d arranged a meeting for Apollo to be licensed and how Rexley was handling the builders for the stables and corrals. They all seemed genuinely excited for him.

  “Colton, I know it’s short notice and you’ve just married and all, but my father has arranged a private race for several of the owners tomorrow. Would you be interested in joining us? Perhaps you can show us what this beauty…” Mr. Fareweather dipped his head to indicate Apollo, “…is capable of. I’ll be riding my father’s newest stud, Great Escape.”

  The others nodded their approval.

  Roth said, “I’ll be riding my Georgie here.” He rubbed the chestnut’s shoulder. His ears swiveling, Roth’s horse perked up at the mention of his name.

  Colton widened his eyes and nodded. He stopped mid nod, glanced at Sebastian and raised his brows. “Well, Captain?” he asked, making it clear he was asking a professional opinion. Please let Sebastian understand how important this could be to my career.

  Sebastian turned his attention to the other men. “Has the event been publicized?”

  Gareth shook his head. “No, my lord. It’s invitation only.”

  Sebastian smiled. “I trust His Highness’s security team will have full access to the facility.”

  Colton bit his bottom lip. His eyes squinted slightly in merriment. Sensing victory, he gave in to a smile. Would whooping and hollering be inappropriate?

  “Yes, of course,” Gareth assured him. “My father will have servants who can help out as well. So what say you, Colton? Will you come?”

  Sebastian and Colton answered together, “Yes.”

  The men made their excuses and rode off with reassurances they’d see Colton tomorrow.

  Colton waved, feeling good down to his toes. This was the break he needed.

  Nudging Max into a walk, Sebastian asked, “What did they do?”

  “They cut me at the Thompson musicale.”

  Sebastian growled and tightened his grip on the reins.

  “It’s understandable. They’d only just met me two days prior.”

  “That’s not the point. Anyone can see you are an honorable man. And none of them have pristine reputations.”

  “But they’re all of age. I am not, and how ca
n anyone possibly deduce my honor on such short acquaintance? Besides, I need the connections, and I think it says a lot about them that they acknowledged their behavior.”

  “You’re too gracious.”

  Gracious, but not stupid. Colton caught his gaze. “Not really. They’ll have to gain my trust. I might have forgiven, but I’ll never forget.”

  Sebastian laughed and accidentally pulled back on the reins, drawing Max to a standstill once again. The merry sound filled Colton with warmth.

  The snow came down in earnest now. Visibility was fading fast. If not for the voices in the distance and the clatter of carriage wheels, Colton would’ve thought them alone.

  Colton stopped Apollo. “Thank you.”

  Sebastian leaned forward, wrapped his hand around the back of Colton’s neck and kissed him. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wentworth Park, Viscount and Viscount-Consort Wentworth’s residence, in Classige, Pruluce.

  “Yes.” Victory is mine.

  Panting, Colton stopped in the open door of the bedroom. His mad dash from the stables to the house and up the stairs had left him winded. He hated to lose at anything. He threw his hands in the air. “I wi— Oof.” Sebastian hit his back with so much force it propelled him across the room. Colton landed flat on his stomach on the bed with a bounce and Sebastian next to him.

  Laughing, Sebastian propped himself on his elbow and rested his head on his hand. “It’s a tie.” The smile his mirth had morphed into was pure joy.

  “It was not. Clearly I won.” Colton rolled to his side. Happiness bubbled up within him. The past couple of days he’d seen a side of Sebastian he’d never seen before. When Colton had threw his coat, hat and gloves at a baffled servant and darted up the stairs, he hadn’t expected Sebastian to give chase.

  “You cheated. Besides, you said the first one to the bed, not the bedroom. Therefore it’s a tie.” Sebastian brushed back the hair that had fallen into Colton’s eyes. The feel of cool fingers left a tingling warmth in their wake. For all the casualness of the touch, it was intimate.


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