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Alpha Hell: A Dark Rejected Mates Romance (The Rejected Mate Series Book 1)

Page 17

by G. Bailey

  “It’s nothing you need to worry about, Songbird. Just know that I’m going to protect you no matter what happens.” He takes a large bite of his food. “Oh, and it’s Rizer who’s shut down Hell. But we already knew that.”

  I open my mouth to speak, to once more probe him about his cut palm, but there’s a knock on the door. I set the food down and open it, surprised to find Eziel standing there. His eyes have turned into a deep, dark onyx and he looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks.

  “Hey.” The word is just above a whisper.

  He inclines his head, saying a polite, “Hey” back to me. Then his gaze cuts over my shoulder to Caspian. Just when I think his eyes can’t darken anymore, they do. I thought he was friends with Caspian? “I need to speak to you. In private.”

  I open the door and step back with a nod. “We can chat in my room.” I lead the way, pausing briefly outside the door. “By the way, I have a pet dragon and a gnome.”

  He chuckles and follows me inside. Knight is nowhere to be seen. He must’ve gone outside judging by my slightly opened bedroom window. Dragon’s luckily too big to fit through. He wakes upon our entry, but the moment he looks at Eziel, he flaps his wings and flies over to him, landing firmly on top of the prince’s head.

  “Oh, my gosh! He’s never flown before!”

  Eziel couldn’t look more smug even if he tried. “I’ve always had a particular way with fledglings.”

  “Is that what you call baby demons?” I sit down on the bed and draw my legs up underneath me. “I’ve been calling them fur babies.”

  “But they don’t have—“

  “—fur. Believe me, I know.”

  Eziel reaches up and pries Dragon off his head. “Do you know how rare this female girl is?”

  She’s a girl? Aww!

  “I figured she’s pretty rare since I found her at the illegal demon market,” I say, and a shudder rakes through me at the memory. I quickly push it to the back of my mind. “Anyway, what is it you’d like to talk about?”

  The brief smile that threatens the prince’s lips dies when I utter the question. He puts Dragon on the floor and approaches the opposite end of my bed. Slowly he sits down, his hands splayed over his lap.

  “I think you know why, Lilith.”

  Goosebumps break out over me at the sound of my name on his lips. There’s just something about the way he says it that makes me shiver—in a good way.

  I wait for him to go on, not wanting to give away my secret unless I know we’re on the exact same page.

  He turns his dark eyes on me. “My father has increased his hunting parties, which I know are searching for you.” Before I can ask, he holds up a hand to preempt me. “Your secret is safe because you and I share something in common. We both want my father dead.”

  “You do?” I whisper, drawing my brows together in confusion. “But… he’s your alpha.”

  “And you saw what he did to my back,” the prince counters. “It was nothing compared to what he did to my mother. Trust me, there’s no love lost between us. I despise my father as much as you do, and I want to help.”

  My pulse spikes and my palms turn sweaty in my lap. “The only way you can help is to ensure I win the trials, but since that might require cheating, it’d risk getting us both kicked out.”

  “True, I can’t help you win but I can give you power, and with power you can do almost anything.” He removes the emerald ring on his finger and holds it out to me. “This will make sure I can find you at all times. It also has the extra ability to ensure the wearer cannot be held in any cage.”

  My breath hitches when he takes my left hand and slowly, gently, slides the ring onto my index finger.

  “Be careful out there, Autumn. I can only help you if you remain alive.”

  He finishes with a wink and my lips curl in a smile.

  “Well, I had better remain alive then, huh?” I raise my hand to admire the jewel. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It was my mother’s. It protected me a lot when I was a cub. Now it’s going to protect you.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, my eyes glazed with appreciation but my heart hurts for him and his mother. This ring was made for a reason and I can only imagine why his mother would never want to be locked up.

  Wolves don’t belong in cages because our souls are born in the freedom of the Crescent Mother.

  He nods and stands from the bed. Spotting one of the letters my ‘new friend’ sent me, he picks it up, reads it, then tucks the parchment into his pocket.

  “Payment for the ring,” he says, grinning at me.

  “Sure,” I murmur.

  Until now, part of me had wondered if the letter was from him but it’s clearly not.

  I watch him walk over to the door. He came all the way here just to help me. I know it’s a little silly, but I can’t help but hope it’s because he shares similar feelings for me. Hell, maybe it’s about time I just outright ask him.

  “Are you only helping me because of your father?” I ask, the words tumbling from my lips before I can catch them.

  He looks back, his gaze intent on mine. “There are many forbidden secrets in Hell, but none of them will drop from my lips this evening.”

  I recognise the famous poet, a Rivermare wolf who sold millions of his poems to the humans and wolves. The poem is about a human who falls in love with a ghost who he can never love, but in the end it turns out he was the ghost all along. The human wasn’t a human, but a demon, luring his soul down to the pits of hell.

  In the end, the ghost fell willingly into hell, lured by beauty and desire.

  Conlaelth’s eyes drop to my lips for a brief moment before he leaves, and I’m left wondering if I’m the human or the ghost?

  Chapter 22

  Lilith Thornblood

  I suppose my idea of hell would be hunting demons in a corporate building in the middle of New York City on a cold, rainy day. All those people in suits talking about finance or weekend plans while cramped in stuffy little elevators or hanging over office cubicles is definitely not my idea of a fun mission. But when it comes down to it, I’m willing to do just about anything to get out of Hell for a while.

  The real Hell.

  “Here you go, love.” Alaric hands me a blue lanyard with a card that says ‘VISITOR’ on the front. He proceeds to give Caspian, Dove, and her partner, Annastasia, one.

  The raven-haired girl hasn’t spoken more than a handful of words to me, but she barely speaks to Dove either, so I think she’s just quiet like that.

  We hang the passes around our necks, then Caspian approaches the reception desk where a cheery face human smiles at us all. Damn, Caspian looks hot in his dark grey suit. The material clings to him like a second skin and really brings out his eyes. The demon marks that are usually on his face have been hidden with magic. I actually prefer him with the marks, but I still melt a little when he casts a smile over his shoulder at me.

  “Hello and welcome to Dyenasty!” The human’s shrill voice cuts through me, unnecessarily high-pitched and there is a strange dazed look in her blue eyes. Something demonic has been messing with her head.

  According to the tracker, Dyenasty is merely a place where demons like to hide and hunt. It’s just a coverup for their antics. But the CEO is a level five demon, and so this place has become a sort of gathering place for them. Already the scent of less powerful demons lingers around me, the smell pungent and suffocating.

  It’s also incredibly difficult to tell which of the businessmen and women are demons. They walk with their briefcases and laptop bags without paying us so much as a passing glance. The rows of elevators across the foyer ping open and more suits walk in and out. Above us, the transparent stairs spiralling toward the domed ceiling appear seemingly endless from down here. This is my biggest mission to date, and it’s why we’ve been grouped together.

  Eziel called everyone to the courtyard this morning for this mission and got us into groups with each of us tasked with a certain
level of the building. I know at least three teams are in the other buildings with sniper guns ready to rain fire down on these demons. Other hunters are making wards outside so none of the demons can escape. I glance over as four cleaners walk in, two of them wheeling trolleys full of cleaning products and weapons into the building. We got this.

  “Are you ready?” the girl asks.

  “We’re ready.” Alaric flashes her a seductive wink. His wine red sweater, pulled over his white shirt and tie, strains against his muscles. The creepy, happy-go-lucky receptionist practically drools over him. I can’t really blame her. He looks every bit the sophisticated nerd, especially with those wide black glasses.

  She taps her earpiece. “The applicants are ready.”

  Not three seconds later, a tall, expressionless human in a bright red suit appears. She looks like she hasn’t cracked a smile in yonks. I’m jealous of her red crystal earrings shaped like moons.

  “Welcome. I’m Margaret, the Vice President here at Dyenasty. Please remember that only one of you will be chosen as our new intern. Once the board of directors has made their decision, you will be informed by close of business whether your application was successful. Shall we begin with the tour?” The VP doesn’t wait for a reply. She spins and heads for the elevators, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

  I turn and fall into step with Caspian, my black skirt flowing around my thighs and I want it off as soon as possible.. “You look good in a suit,” I whisper.

  He chuckles and tugs at the collar of his loosely buttoned shirt. “Don’t get used to it, Songbird. I hate these things. Doubt I’ll even make the intern cut,” he adds with a wink.

  I grin at him. “I wouldn’t be so sure. And I think suits are sexy. You should definitely remove your coat and roll up your sleeves at some point.” I slide into the elevator and stand next to him, Alaric on my other side. “In fact, you might as well just take the damn thing off. Both of you.”

  My guys laugh and make room for Dove and Annastasia.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Alaric chuckles.

  I grin at him. “Oh, you have no idea.”

  “I think I do.” He smirks at me.

  Caspian tenses slightly at my side, but he doesn’t look as if he wants to murder Alaric like he did a few days ago. I mean he still looks like he could chop off certain parts of him. Maybe hunting demons will bring the two of them closer. I can only hope.

  The VP presses for the first floor and a momentary silence drifts between us. I use the moment to go over the mission. First, we need to find the level five demon. Find and kill it. Alright, bring it back to hell if indeed possible. The fact that it’s killed over a hundred humans really makes me want to do the former. An eye for an eye. But death would be giving the demon mercy. It makes sense they should rot in the pits of Hell for eternity. It’s where creatures like them belong.

  My pulse spikes at the thought of capturing a level five demon. Not only that, it’s from the Feeder family but far more powerful, which means more points. However, capturing this one won’t be easy. Level fives are ruthless, powerful, and this one is the head of one of New York’s most successful corporations. It’s a little funny, now that I think about it. Aurelia did always say that businessmen were soul-sucking demons who suck the life out of others. I just never realised how accurate that definition was until now.

  The doors slide open with a resounding ping, and a shudder runs down the length of my spine. Well… it’s time to face these demonic businessmen. And women. Because when I step out into an open-planned office, which the VP explains is the finance department, there are females sitting amongst the males, all blending into a sea of bland suits. The thrum of fingers typing away on keyboards and photocopiers and printers hard at work punctuate the quiet chatter that circulates between them. Nobody pays us any attention as the VP guides us through the department.

  While Dove jots down notes in her book, appearing to take everything in, I drown out the woman’s voice and search the floor for demons.

  “There’s too many,” Caspian mutters in my ear. “But the level five will stand out. Even humans can sense something wrong about them. Wolves can taste it in the air, feel it in our souls.”

  I turn my eyes to Caspian. He is the son of a level five demon and ever since I met him, all those years ago, I felt Caspian in my soul. It was a dull beat that’s slowly turned into an inferno that I never want to escape.

  I nod, pulling my eyes away and scanning the figures slouched over their desks. I highly doubt the CEO will be sitting here. It’s most likely somewhere at the top of the building. Once we find and capture it, every demon spawned from it will also be returned to Hell. It’s a win-win, really.

  “…show you each of the departments.” The VP’s voice carries back to me. “Unfortunately, I will be unable to give you a tour of the top floor because we have several executive meetings taking place throughout the day, but don’t worry, there’s plenty to see.” She stops a small woman in a pinstriped navy suit from walking past. “Ah! Karen. I wonder if you could talk to our intern applicants about—“

  Her voice fades into the background again, and we’re taken to another department. I exchange a knowing glance with my team. Of course the top floor would be off limits: that’s where the level five demon is. Now, how do we get there? We hadn’t expected the VP to be the one to give to the tour. We also hadn’t expected there to be so many demons hiding amongst the humans. Either the humans are oblivious to their existence or they couldn’t care less. Both make absolutely no sense to me.

  As soon as we’re shown to the HR office three departments later, Caspian touches my arm.

  “Songbird Alert,” he whispers, nodding to the double doors at the end of the other room, where a green exit sign hangs above it.

  ‘Songbird Alert’ is the code we came up with—or rather, I reluctantly agreed to—when any of us sensed the target. Alaric found it hilarious when Caspian explained why he calls me Songbird. Jackasses. Anyway, the demon must be close by. A tendril of unease mixed with excitement trickles into me. I slowly reach into my dress pockets and wrap my fingers around the silver square. To the untrained eye, it’s exactly that, but the moment I press the button on the front, it transforms into a huge dagger infused with magic.

  I scan the floor. This department is much quieter compared to the others, with only a few occupied desks dotted around the room. This time they do look up. Although it’s hard to tell which of the employees are demons, the one licking its lips by the door is a bit of a telltale sign. I drown out the VP’s commentary about the department and keep my focus on those within the room. It’s clear that whatever lurks on beyond the double doors is our target. Alaric and Caspian nod at each other while Dove pretends to be listening to the VP intently. Her partner’s hands are already tucked inside her coat, reaching for her weapons.

  Since I’m closest to the VP, I remain a step behind her as she ushers everyone toward the exit. Stairs spiral down in a narrow, dimly lit passageway. A sign on the wall points to the RECORD ROOM and the VP drones on and on about how integral it is to the company. Yeah, integral to capturing their prey. This stairwell must be the one of the last things those poor humans see before they are shoved into the slaughterhouse. And they’re led there by one of their own people. It’s disgusting.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Alaric casts a fleeting glance over his shoulder and winks. The signal for me to get a little touchy-feely with the Vice President.

  In two swift movements, I pull out my weapon, grab the VP, and press the tip of the blade to the front of her throat. She lets out a startled little squeal while the rest of us gather around her, weapons raised.

  Alaric grins like a child about to unwrap a present. “I do believe we’ve reached the end of your little tour,” he says in a deep, sinister voice that sends shivers down my spine. “So here’s what’s going to happen next. You’re going to open that door and come inside with us, then, if he’s not already the
re, you’re going to give your boss a wee call. Comprende?”

  “He’ll — kill you either way,” she chokes out.

  Alaric’s grin spreads into a full-blown smile. “Oh, he’ll certainly try to. But don’t worry. We’re demon hunters, sweetheart, and we know a thing or two about sending soul-sucking demons back to Hell. Now let’s go.”

  He steps aside and I shove the VP forward. Caspian stands protectively close to me while she swipes her pass down the security lock. The door clicks open and I push her into the room, my team following behind. Only one ceiling light activates when we enter; the rest remains shuttered in darkness. Fortunately, my shifter senses can make everything out.

  The multiple, towering filing cabinets, and the large cage on the middle of the floor are as clear as day. Pushed up against the far wall is a huge furnace, the kind used to burn bodies, and I can’t resist the shudder that snakes through me. Those poor humans.

  “Call him,” I growl, nudging my blade into her.

  “S-Sebastian,” she stammers. “Sebastian, I have brought them as requested.”

  Nothing. Not a reply, not even a whiff of demonic magic.

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are, little demon.” Alaric flicks a knife in his hand and searches the main part of the floor.

  “Looks like our demon is a bit shy,” Annastasia says, contemplating her black polished nails. “How adorable. Let’s go kill it.”

  I glance at her and smile. She may be a woman of few words, but the ones she does use are hilarious sometimes.

  “Call him again,” I snap at the VP.

  She shakes her head. “He won’t come. He knows what you are. Both you and the tall one.”

  Caspian gives a long, drawn-out sigh. Wordless, he reaches into his suit pocket and pulls out a fae grapefruit. I’ve seen them in books, but I had no idea they were real. He tosses it in his hand and smirks at me. “Feeders love fae grapefruits. Can’t resist them and luckily my father grows rare fruits.”


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