Book Read Free

Corporate Lines

Page 9

by Donna Jay

  Nadia shook her head to clear it. “Not what?”

  “Ugly. I find you incredibly attractive. But I don’t think I’d be comfortable playing, knowing him and his girlfriend are only a few feet away.”

  “Oh, Si…” She paused. “What’s short for Simone.”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head. “And unless you want me to start calling you Nads, I wouldn’t suggest you start calling me Sim.”

  “Okay, got it.” Nadia grinned. “As much as I’m in a playful mood, one of the reasons I’m letting your sass slide—”

  “Really?” Simone interrupted her.

  “Really. I’ve been keeping count of every taunt, and one day you’ll pay. But that day’s not today.”

  Simone pouted.

  Oh, yes, they were going to have so much fun. But she had to wait until Monday, once the house was her own again. And Nadia was okay with that, it would give them the weekend to get to know each other.

  Nadia held out a hand. “Tonight I just want to hold you.” She waggled her eyebrows. “And maybe kiss a little.”

  Simone chuckled. “And touch a little?”

  “See, you know me already.”

  “Do you have a nightie I can borrow?”

  “Okay, perhaps you don’t know me so well. I don’t own any.”

  “No way.” Simone’s eyes went wide. “But you have all that beautiful lingerie in your store. I thought you’d have drawers and drawers full of sexy clothes.”

  The pitter-patter of feet sounded on the hardwood floor.

  “Don’t mind me, I’m just getting a drink.” Rose reached for a glass and turned on the kitchen tap. Her wet hair dripped onto the red and blue checked shirt she wore. Nadia had seen it before. It fitted Darrin better.

  “I’d offer you a shower before bed, but um…” Nadia indicated over her shoulder with her thumb and then made the classic sign for sex.

  “Ew.” Simone looked at her feet, lifting a toe as if she stood in a puddle of splodge.

  “We didn’t fuck in the shower,” Rose called over her shoulder as she padded back down the hallway.

  They looked at each other, eyes wide, and burst out laughing.

  “That’ll teach you for making juvenile hand gestures.” Simone shook her head.

  “Me? I had my back to her. You’re the one who lifted your foot.” Nadia tackled her to the couch. And just like that, all laughter stopped.

  She brushed Simone’s hair off her face. “Please stay.”

  Simone nodded.

  Chapter 10


  Half an hour later, after hydrating and doing their teeth, they stepped over the threshold into Nadia’s bedroom.

  “Wow, you weren’t kidding.” Simone ran her hand up one of the poles of the four-post bed.

  Nadia had seen it on sale and couldn’t resist. It was a classic design with graceful lines, sculpted hip-knobs, and flowing scrollwork.

  Simone crouched, studying the wrought-iron headboard. “No cuffs?”

  “Bend lower.”

  “Are you trying to check out my arse?”

  “Always.” Nadia admired the view as Simone peered under the bed.

  “A suitcase?” She stood, eyebrows pinched.

  Nadia sauntered across the room. She ran a finger along Simone’s jawline. “That’s where Nelly lives with her friends.”

  Simone’s pupils dilated. “Your paddle?”

  Nadia replied with a single nod.


  “And one day you’ll find out.”

  The thud of a headboard cut into their conversation. Fuming, Nadia strode across the room.

  She hammered on the wall. “Pull your bed out.”

  “Oops, sorry.” Darrin’s laughter filtered through the walls.

  When she turned, she was met by Simone’s smiling face. With her gaze on Nadia, she pulled her dress over her head and slipped between the sheets. “Sleep it is, then.”

  “God, give me strength,” Nadia muttered under her breath.

  “They’re just having fun.” Simone put her hands above her head, absently running her fingers along the wrought-iron headboard.

  Nadia smiled, letting Simone think that’s what she’d meant. How the hell she was going to keep her hands to herself all night remained to be seen.

  Undressing as quickly as Simone had, Nadia slid into bed beside her. The cool sheets were a welcome relief against her heated flesh.

  For the first time since they’d met, their bodies connected with no barrier between them. Not even a hint of lace, just supple curves and soft skin.

  “God, this feels good.” Nadia pulled Simone closer, unable to get enough. It’d been a long time since she’d just held someone, and even longer since someone had stayed overnight.

  “It does,” Simone said softly, staring into Nadia’s eyes.

  Could she see the sense of utter contentment Nadia felt in that moment? She hoped so. “This feels kind of perfect, doesn’t it?”

  “My head’s a little fuzzy, actually,” Simone said. “I don’t know if I’m drunk on lust or wine.”

  “A little of both?” Nadia hoped it wasn’t only the wine talking.

  “Maybe.” Simone lifted a shoulder. “Being here, in your bed, in your arms…now that I’m here, it all feels surreal.”

  Nadia nodded. She knew exactly how Simone felt because she felt the same way.

  “May I kiss you?” Simone asked, and Nadia’s heart exploded in her chest.

  It was the confirmation she needed that Simone was submissive, and the request thrilled her.

  Rather than reply, Nadia pushed up on an elbow. Their mouths met in a heated kiss. Simone’s lips parted and Nadia swallowed her moans before venturing inside. She tasted like desire and mint toothpaste.

  Her back arched, mashing their breasts together. Gorgeous breasts Nadia could do nothing but look at last time she laid eyes upon the luscious mounds.

  She knew she should back off, but she needed to taste. She broke the kiss and moved lower, taking one of Simone’s nipples into her mouth.

  When she murmured her appreciation, Nadia bit down gently. A groan tore from Simone and Nadia quickly pressed a finger to her lips. She didn’t need Darrin banging on the wall, making lewd remarks.

  “Sorry,” Simone whispered.

  “It’s okay.” It was also a reminder of what they had agreed not to do.

  With a mammoth effort of self-restraint, Nadia put her head back on the pillow. “Wanna tell me the long version of what your ex did?”

  Resignation flickered behind Simone’s eyes. “As I said, she liked to use metal handcuffs. A few weeks before we broke up, I bought some new candles.”

  Nadia dreaded where this was going. She didn’t know how she’d cope with seeing burn marks on Simone’s body, not because they would disgust her, but because they would be a reminder her idiot ex didn’t know you couldn’t use any old candle for wax play.

  “They were spiral and about the same size as a glass dildo I used to own.”

  “Used to?”

  “Yeah.” A breath of warm air huffed out of Simone. “Renee smashed it with a hammer.”

  “Why would she do that?” Nadia was liking this woman less and less by the second.

  “Because I masturbated with it.”

  “Had she forbidden you to?” Orgasm denial was one of Nadia’s favourite kinks, but she wouldn’t destroy a toy over it.

  “Nope. This was when things weren’t going too well. It was okay for her to spend hours upon hours gaming, but it wasn’t okay for me to take care of my own needs.”

  “Needs she was neglecting,” Nadia said softly, vowing never to do the same. If Simone would let her, she would treat her like a princess.

  “We fought,” Simone continued. “She offered to buy me a new one. I said forget it. I was at an all-time low and doubted I’d ever feel like sex again.”

  “Sorry.” Nadia’s heart broke for Simone. It sucked being in a relationship when one
person was more invested than the other.

  “A few weeks later, she wanted to play. I was dubious but played along in the hopes it would bridge the gap between us.”

  “You know that never works.” Sex was a great way to bond a couple, but it would never save a relationship that was doomed.

  “I do.” Simone gave her a coy smile.

  “Go on.” Nadia brushed a lock of auburn hair off Simone’s face. She looked like she belonged in her bed. Hands tucked under her cheek, head resting on the pillow.

  “It started the same as normal…I’ll spare you the details.” Simone gave her a small smile, and Nadia returned it.

  The last thing she needed was an image of Simone submitting to her ex. A woman who clearly didn’t deserve her.

  “Once I was bound and blindfolded, Renee said, ‘I’ve got a treat for you.’ Something hard and cool, with a rough texture, was thrust inside me. I sensed something was up. I also knew she wouldn’t take the blindfold off. So, I wiggled my head until I knocked it askew.”

  Her head moved on the pillow as if she was reliving the memory.

  “You don’t have to tell me the rest.” Nadia stroked Simone’s back, hating that she’d brought up painful memories.

  “It’s okay,” Simone said. “I peered beneath the blindfold, and I’ll never forget the look on Renee’s face. She looked like she was enjoying herself. Not sexually, more like a fuck you. She pulled out a candle, glanced at the charred wick and thrust it back in.”

  The fucker. Tamping down her anger, Nadia stared into Simone’s eyes, wishing she could take away her pain.

  “I screamed bloody murder, told her she was a sick fuck. By the time she freed me, my wrist was raw from pulling against the restraints.” She let out a humourless chuckle. “Now you know.”

  Nadia picked up her arm and kissed the puckered flesh on her inner wrist. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” She hoped she never laid eyes on Renee.

  “The worst thing was I couldn’t tell anyone. I felt violated—”

  “You were,” Nadia said, keeping her voice low even though she was fuming.

  “I know that, but try to explain it to someone who doesn’t understand kink, power exchange, whatever you want to call it. I can already hear the ‘you asked for it’ comments.”

  A shy smile tilted Simone’s lips. “I never told anyone that before, not even my best friend.”

  “Well, I’m honoured you felt you could tell me.” It was a hell of a thing to entrust someone with, and Nadia was tickled to know Simone trusted her already.

  “Something about you makes me feel safe.”

  “Safer than the shield of armour you carry around?” Nadia smiled to soften her words.

  The small nod she received in return was all the encouragement she needed to show this wonderful woman how much she would cherish her.

  Their lips met, and she felt desperation rolling off Simone in thick waves. Simone moaned into Nadia’s mouth, pushing her body closer.

  Nadia placed a hand on her shoulder, guiding her onto her back. Their eyes met and Nadia saw the lust she felt reflected back at her.

  “You okay?”

  Simone nodded.

  Nadia dipped her head and took a nipple between her lips. A moan rumbled deep within Simone’s chest. Nadia couldn’t wait to hear her cries of passion, one day when they were alone in the house.

  Balancing on one elbow, she ran her hand down Simone’s torso, loving the way her muscles flexed beneath her fingers.


  “A little.” Simone’s smile turned to a gasp when Nadia cupped her mound.

  “Hands above your head. Clutch the headboard.” Nadia kept her voice low. One day it would be an order, but not before trust had been earned.

  Silently, Simone’s hands gravitated up and she wrapped her fingers around the scrollwork crisscrossing the wrought-iron bedposts.

  And just as quietly, Nadia ran a finger along her slit. Finding her wet and ready, Nadia pushed inside, curling two fingers against her walls.

  Simone drew her lip between her teeth, her expression bashful. “How embarrassing.”

  “What? That you’re dripping for me?”

  She nodded.

  “Never…” Nadia circled her clit with the pad of her thumb. “Ever…” She massaged her G-spot. “Apologise when all this is for me.”

  Simone’s eyes slid shut on a whimper. Nadia had her, and they both knew it.

  Her own centre was throbbing with need, but tonight wasn’t about Nadia’s needs. Not her physical needs, anyway. Tonight was about emotional needs. Her need to be trusted and Simone’s need to let go.

  She upped the tempo, massaging Simone’s clit in the same rhythmic circles as she swirled her tongue around her nipple.

  Simone’s fingers threaded through her hair, and Nadia let out a low growl.


  Nadia smiled to herself. She didn’t need restraints to bind Simone. Once her hands were back where they belonged, Nadia resumed lavishing attention upon her.

  The bed rocked. Simone writhed in pleasure, hips gyrating, back arching, death grip on the headboard.

  Needing to taste, Nadia flung the blankets off. Simone’s eyes popped open when cool air hit her flesh.

  Nadia pressed a finger to her lips then kissed a path down Simone’s body, over the swell of her belly, the triangle of hair, and lower.

  The scent of her arousal flooded Nadia’s senses, ramping up her excitement.

  She glanced up. The picture-perfect image of Simone with her lip pulled between her teeth, auburn hair fanned across the pillow, and nothing but trust and desire radiating off her body robbed Nadia of breath.

  With the image burned into her retinas, she closed her eyes and got her first taste of Simone.

  The second she made contact, Simone’s hips bucked. She moaned. Nadia held her breath, expecting to feel Simone’s hands snake through her hair.

  When that didn’t happen, she licked Simone from hole to clit and back again, savouring the taste of her; sweet and musky.

  Once she was gasping for breath, as loud as she could with someone in the next room, Nadia entered her, first with one finger, then with two. She was incredibly tight, hot, and wet.

  Lying flat on her stomach between Simone’s legs, Nadia reached up with her free hand and palmed her breast. Simone’s breathing quickened, and Nadia squeezed her nipple.

  “Oh, God…” Simone whisper-gasped as she rode out her climax.

  Knowing she was the cause of the thighs trembling around her shoulders was more rewarding than Nadia ever could’ve imagined.

  As Simone came down, chest heaving, Nadia pressed a kiss to her quivering thighs and slowly ascended her body, dragging the blankets with her.

  “You okay?” Nadia brushed a lock of hair off Simone’s forehead.


  It was what Nadia wanted to hear, but she didn’t miss the look of uncertainty in Simone’s eyes.

  “You sure?”

  Simone pulled her lip between her teeth. “What about you?”

  “I’m fine, better than fine.” Nadia cupped Simone’s cheek, kissed her softly, and rolled onto her back with a satisfied murmur.

  A second later, Simone’s face hovered above her. “I mean what about you? You know…” She looked south, and Nadia finally got it.

  “Honestly, I’m fine,” she reassured Simone, but she didn’t look convinced.

  “Speak to me, Lady.” That earned Nadia the smile she’d been going for.

  A pillow appeared and the cruel words Simone’s ex had thrown at her came back to Nadia. It also cemented in her mind she would never call her princess.

  “Just for the record, there will be times when I expect you to service me and your pleasure will take a backseat. Likewise, at times I won’t let you come, and at other times I’ll make you come when you’re sure you couldn’t possibly come again.”

  Simone’s eyes went wide, a mixture of desir
e and intrigue swimming in the icy-blue depths.

  “Now, lay your pretty little head on that pillow and get some sleep. We have work tomorrow.”

  A groan escaped Simone as if she’d forgotten.

  As Nadia flicked on the alarm clock, Simone’s silver-rimmed glasses caught her eye.

  “Here.” She handed them over. “Put these on your side of the bed.”


  Propping herself up on an elbow, Nadia watched Simone slide her watch off and put it next to her glasses.

  The flash of puckered flesh defacing otherwise flawless skin made Nadia’s throat tight. The need to protect Simone was all-consuming in its intensity.

  Before Simone had a chance to roll back over, Nadia snuggled her from behind. “Goodnight, sweet lady.”

  Simone tugged on her hand, pulling it tighter around her waist. “Night.”

  Nadia drifted into a peaceful sleep, cradling a soft, warm body.

  Chapter 11


  Stretching, Simone luxuriated in the feel of cool sheets sliding over her body. It was Friday, the weekend was just around the corner, and she was sharing the bed with a wonderful woman.

  She reached out, and her happy mood took a nosedive. Where was Nadia? In the shower? She laid still, listening. The house was deathly quiet.

  She reached for her glasses and found them atop a silk gown with a note beside them. On the other side of the bed, the radio alarm clock blared to life. She lunged for it, shutting it off before it woke Darrin and Rose. How the hell she’d managed to sleep through it when it woke Nadia was anyone’s guess.

  It’d just gone six, time to get cracking. By the time she drove home, showered, and scarfed something down for breakfast, she’d be lucky to make it to work on time.

  It was one thing to finish at five alongside her work colleagues, but the thought of being late made her break out in a cold sweat.

  Goosebumps erupted on her skin as she dived for her clothes. Disappointed Nadia left without waking her first, she took a minute to read the note.

  Morning, sleepyhead. The robe’s yours to keep, help yourself to a shower. Thanks for a wonderful night. Text me later. Xx


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