Corporate Lines
Page 12
Five years later, he was gone. “Dad passed away in his seventies, and mum’s in an old-folks home.”
“They sound like good people.”
Nadia nodded around the lump in her throat. Time had lessened the pain of losing her father, but she doubted it would ever go away.
She cleared her throat. “Tell me about your family.”
“Nothing as exciting as yours. My folks are in their late fifties. Younger brother lives in Wellington. He’s thirty and single. No kids—that we know of.”
That made Nadia chuckle.
“My older sister lives in Dunedin, not far from my folks. Two nieces, one nephew.”
“I’ve never been to Dunedin,” Nadia said as she dropped the stick shift down a gear and coasted into Hamilton. “Your place or mine?”
“Oh, baby, talk dirty to me.” Simone chuckled.
Nadia shook her head. “It must be the Hamilton air.”
“It brings out the sass in you.”
“Well, come on, what kind of pick-up line is that? Can’t you do better?” Simone said.
If she wanted to deflect, Nadia could do that. She could also make the decision for them both; they were going back to her house.
Once she hit the home straight, Nadia’s mind flicked to getting Simone naked. She reached over the console and ran a hand along Simone’s thigh.
“Did you wash your leggings in window cleaner because I can see myself in them?”
Simone frowned then burst out laughing. “Oh my God, I think that’s the lamest pick-up line I’ve ever heard.”
Thoughts of getting into her pants skidded through Nadia’s mind. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on all that supple flesh. She hadn’t been able to think of much else since Darrin informed her he wouldn’t be home that night.
Nadia pulled to a stop in front of the wrought-iron gate and turned to Simone. “It wasn’t a line. I’m serious.”
Simone’s throat worked as she swallowed. Nadia wanted to reach over and lick her pulse points, all of them, especially the one between her legs.
“I thought you asked whose house I wanted to go to?” Simone frowned.
“I did. You didn’t answer. I made a decision.”
“I thought you said I’d always have a choice?”
And she had the nerve to call Nadia infuriating. Well, two could play this game. Nadia threw the car in reverse. “Would you like me to take you home?”
“No!” Simone knocked the car out of gear. “Would you like me to get the gate?”
“That would be wonderful.” Nadia suppressed a triumphant smile. She nodded at the padlock. “Combination’s 2-8-0-7.”
“Really! Your birthday?”
“Who said—"
Amusement danced in Simone’s eyes, stopping Nadia mid-lie. But in fairness, only people close to her knew her birthdate, and they had no reason to crack the combination.
“Twenty-eighth of July.” Simone nodded thoughtfully. “Yep, you’re definitely a Leo.”
Having no idea what her birth sign stood for, Nadia played along. “What makes me a Leo? Wait.” She held up a finger. “Is it because I’m a fierce lion who likes to eat pussy?”
“Good try.” Simone chuckled, blue eyes sparkling. “You’re passionate and stick to decisions.”
Nadia couldn’t argue with that.
“Stubborn when it comes to change.” Simone’s gaze held a challenge.
Unwilling to admit the truth of it, Nadia revved the engine. “Weren’t you getting the gate?”
“Sure.” Simone bounded out of the car, her huge grin lighting up Nadia’s insides.
Chapter 14
Once inside, Simone pulled off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack. Nadia hadn’t been lying when she said her house got plenty of sun. It was warmer inside than out, and the sweet aroma of lavender sprouting from a metal milk-can permeated the air.
“Is it hot in here, or is it you.” Nadia fanned her face.
As lame as the line was, Simone couldn’t help but smile. She shook her head, laughing. “You really need to work on your one-liners.”
“Is that right.” Nadia pulled her closer, eyes sparkling with mischief, honey-blonde locks framing her gorgeous face. “Nice dress. I wish I could pull that off.”
“You’d look great in…” Simone trailed off when the penny dropped. She held her breath when she felt a tug on the zipper.
“And you’d look great out of it.”
The dress fell to the floor, and there Simone stood in her underwear and leggings. Talk about an unsexy combination.
A car door banged, and Simone lunged for her dress. “What time will Darrin be home?”
“He won’t.” Nadia took the dress out of her hands. “It’s probably the neighbours. The night’s ours.”
She walked away and Simone followed.
“Ditch the tights,” Nadia said over her shoulder.
This time, Simone didn’t hesitate. She wasn’t as toned as Nadia, but she wasn’t ashamed of her body either.
She also thrived on the power imbalance. Being ordered around by a fully clothed dominant woman, while she was all-but naked, appealed to her submissive side.
It made her feel inferior and, for a little while at least, she could let go of the constant demands she put on herself to be the best superior she could. She thrived on her job, but the constant need to stay on top of the game was often draining.
The heat in Nadia’s gaze made a bead of sweat trickle down Simone’s spine.
“You’re fucking gorgeous, Simone—?” Nadia searched her eyes.
“Emmett,” Simone answered.
“Nice.” She nodded slowly. “May I call you Emmett when we play?”
Wow. That was a first. Renee just called her whore. The thought made her sad.
“Hey, why the long face?” Nadia put a finger under Simone’s chin, forcing her to meet her eyes.
The compassion shining back at her was like a vortex with the ability to suck Simone’s deepest, darkest secrets out of her. First the candle incident, now the name-calling.
“Renee used to call me whore, bitch, slut, whatever took her fancy. Never asked if it was okay.”
“Did you ever say it wasn’t?”
Simone shook her head, disgusted by her own idiocy. Why had she let things get so out of hand? She knew being submissive didn’t mean letting your partner walk all over you, but it was the only time she had Renee’s attention and, at the time, negative attention felt better than none.
“What’s going on in there?” Nadia tapped her temple.
“Just mulling over the name. No one’s ever called me that before.” She hoped Nadia couldn’t see the lie, but she wasn’t ready to admit her mind had flicked to Renee. “I like it,” Simone answered honestly.
“I’ll let it slide for now,” Nadia said, “But later you’re going to tell me where your mind went.”
“Do I have to?”
“Now you sound like a whiny brat. Not sexy, Emmett.” Nadia’s smile was playful. She walked around the kitchen island and opened the fridge. “Would you like something to drink?”
“Water’s fine, thanks.”
Nadia grabbed a pitcher of icy cold water off the top shelf and topped up two glasses.
“For my lady.”
Simone smiled, loving the term of endearment. “Why don’t you just call me lady when we play?”
“Because on your knees, lady, doesn’t have the same ring to it as, on your knees, Emmett.”
A flood of desire pooled between Simone’s legs. She squeezed her thighs together, soothing the ache.
Oh, yes, please, order me to bow before you, to worship every inch of you, to please you any way you see fit, until you’re delirious with need.
“Hungry?” Nadia asked as if she hadn’t just dropped a sexually charged bomb between them.
Only for you. Simone shook her head. “No, I’m fine.” She was still stuffed fro
m lunch.
Nadia rested her elbows on the kitchen bench, her face so close Simone could smell her perfume. Would she kiss her?
“Now we’ve got the niceties out of the way, you have a choice.” Nadia held her gaze.
You’ll always have a choice.
“We can snuggle up and watch TV, or burn off some of our lunch.”
“Like go for a walk?” Simone knew that wasn’t what she meant, but she couldn’t resist teasing her.
Simone let out a squeal of surprise when Nadia pinched her backside.
“The only place you’ll be walking to is my bedroom. What are your limits?” Nadia got straight to the point.
“No metal wrist cuffs.” Simone shuddered at the memory.
Despite her stern expression, Nadia’s eyes were full of compassion. “Anything else?”
“I don’t know.” Simone felt out of her league. Over the years she played with Renee, they’d never had an in-depth conversation about limits. She pretty much just put her trust in Renee’s hands.
Yeah, and look how that worked out?
The scar on her wrist itched, and she did everything within her power not to scratch it.
“Huh?” Simone frowned, trying to keep up. The penny dropped. “Oh, shit.”
“Not quite what I meant.” Nadia’s lip kicked up.
“I meant no to anal sex.”
“Soft limit or hard?”
That was a very good question, she’d never tried it. Maybe it felt good. “Soft.”
“Good to know for the future. Come with me.” Nadia held out a hand and Simone took it.
She followed her down the hallway, feeling like she was being led to the lion’s den.
Once in the room, Nadia got down on the floor and pulled out the suitcase Simone had seen the first time she stayed over.
She spun a small combination lock, popped the padlock, and pulled it through the zipper tabs.
“Let me guess,” Simone said, recalling Nadia’s birthday. “28-07.”
“Wrong. Darrin knows that.”
“So why use it for the gate?” Simone crouched beside Nadia, trying to see what lay within.
“How much wine did you have with lunch? He lives here. He needs the gate combination.”
The bag opened and Simone stared wide-eyed at the contents. “He doesn’t need to see in here. I doubt he comes in my room, but one can never be too careful. He has no need to know what gets me off, and I have no desire to know what cranks his engine.”
Nadia pulled out a slender pink toy, no bigger than Simone’s finger but ribbed and a lot longer.
“This is an anal vibe.” Nadia handed over the toy, still in its packaging.
“How is it fair for you to want to use this on me if you haven’t tried it yourself?”
“Don’t point fingers until you have all the facts.”
Too embarrassed to ask Nadia if she expected Simone to pleasure her with the toy, she kept her mouth clamped shut.
“Don’t look so worried. I told you I’ll respect your limits, but you said it wasn’t a hard limit. Take it home. Play around. Experiment.”
“I couldn’t.” It felt dirty, somehow.
“Your choice.”
She grabbed the box and dropped it back in the suitcase. “Nelly.” She pointed to a paddle with a love heart cut-out. “Leaves a delightful imprint.”
The thought of having her backside covered in red stripes with white hearts where the cut-out left the skin unmarked made her blood heat.
“It’s hot in here, isn’t it?” She blew out a puff of air, raising the hair on her forehead.
“It is.” Nadia’s appreciative gaze made Simone’s nipples pucker. “Pick two items.”
Most items were familiar, harness and dildos in varying sizes. Feeldoe. Was that a butt plug? Handcuffs, thankfully not metal, paddle, what appeared to be a feather duster, lube, and, of course, the anal vibe.
Screwing up her face in thought, Simone tugged on her bottom lip. The first item was a no brainer. “Nelly.” She nodded at the paddle.
The pleased look on Nadia’s face made Simone glad she’d picked it.
“Those.” Simone pointed to the wrist cuffs half expecting Nadia to protest or at least ask if she was sure, but she simply gave her a sharp nod.
With no further ado, Nadia zipped up the suitcase, attached the padlock, and shoved it back under the bed.
Simone pushed to her feet and Nadia did the same.
“Let’s freshen up.”
“Good idea,” Simone agreed.
Neither of them smelled bad, but they had just spent the last three hours on a farm. And could you ever be too clean when it came to sex? No. Not in Simone’s book.
“You go first.” Nadia turned toward her wardrobe.
“How about we shower together?” Simone asked hopefully. It’d been a long time since someone had washed her back for her.
“No, Emmett. I said you first.”
“Sorry, Nads.”
A chuckle burst out of Nadia, lighting up Simone’s insides.
She grabbed one of Simone’s nipples through her bra and twisted. “Brat.”
Raising up on her toes, she sucked in a sharp breath, trying to think of a more appropriate title. “Sorry, Miss.”
“That works.” Nadia released her grip and Simone’s heels hit the floor again. “Towels are under the vanity. Toss it in the basket once you’re done.”
“Where?” Simone glanced around the bedroom, certain she hadn’t spotted a laundry basket.
“In the bathroom.”
“You expect me to waltz through your house naked?”
“I do.” Nadia’s eyes lit up. “There’s no one here but us.”
“Darrin might arrive home…unexpectedly.” And wouldn’t that suck?
“I already told you he won’t be home. Now, get your backside in the shower, or put your clothes back on, because looking at you is driving me crazy.”
“Is that why you won’t shower with me?” She grinned.
“Yes and no.”
What the hell did that mean? Simone swallowed the question.
The bathroom was large and bright with a window overlooking a flower garden.
In the shower, she pumped the bottle of shower gel. It carried the subtle hint of white roses, a scent and flower Simone would forever associate with Nadia.
Once she’d soaped up and rinsed off, she shut off the water and stepped into the steamy bathroom.
She left her hair down, auburn locks tickling her shoulders. Her skin had a healthy pink glow. Most of her makeup had come off, but she didn’t care. Nadia wasn’t a shallow person.
Simone wiped mist off the mirror and peered into it. She shared the same eye colour as Nadia—blue—but when it came to shades, like their personalities, they were miles apart. Hers were so light they often appeared grey, whereas Nadia’s were so dark at times they appeared black. Especially when she plumped up her thick, blonde eyelashes with black mascara.
A rap on the door made her heart leap into her throat. “Shit.” She clutched her chest.
“Time’s up.”
Once again, here she was taking her sweet time. Anyone would think she wasn’t anxious to get back to the bedroom.
She cracked open the door and was met by Nadia with an armful of…of what? Clothes? It was hard to tell, the bundle was wrapped so tightly.
“Go. Present yourself how you see fit. Once I enter the room, you will call me Miss. Understood?”
Scared she’d say something wrong, Simone nodded. “Yes, Miss.”
As she passed, Nadia gripped her elbow. “Safeword?”
It came without thought. “Nads.”
“Fine.” Nadia’s voice was stern, but Simone didn’t miss the smile that flashed across her face. There one minute, gone the next.
Feeling cocky, she strode toward the bedroom in all her naked glory. She’d taken less th
an three steps when she heard over her shoulder, “Nelly’s looking forward to meeting that gorgeous backside of yours. And, yes, I’ve been keeping count of every smart comment.”
Oh, shit.
A heady combination of anticipation, trepidation, and uncertainty swirled through her veins as she neared Nadia’s bedroom.
How should she present herself? Facedown on the mattress? Kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed? Sitting on the edge? Standing in the middle of the room?
Why hadn’t Nadia just told her what to do?
Because you’ll always have a choice.
But what if she didn’t want a choice?
Chapter 15
The sound of the shower turning off sent Simone into a tailspin. Mid-pace from one side of the room to the other, she dropped to her knees, sat back on her heels, and placed her hands on her thighs, palms up.
Plush, creme carpet cushioned her knees. She parted her legs ever so slightly, hoping Nadia would appreciate the way she presented herself.
The house was eerily quiet. She strained to hear. What was Nadia doing? How long did it take to dry off?
The late afternoon sun cast shadows across the bedroom. A branch screeched against the window sending a shiver up her spine.
The sight that appeared before her a minute later robbed her of breath. Nadia stood in the doorway; hands on hips. She wore a red and black corset, cinched at the waist, matching G-string, and sheer black stay-ups, trimmed with lace.
“You’re beautiful, Miss,” Simone said softly.
“Thank you.” Nadia strode into the room, heading straight for the wardrobe. “I couldn’t hide these.”
When she bent to retrieve whatever ‘these’ were, Simone’s breath hitched. The globes of her backside bisected by a G-string was a sight she would cherish forever. Fantasise about. Masturbate to.
When Nadia stood, a pair of black leather boots with three-inch heels dangled from her hands.
Ah, no, she couldn’t have hidden those in the bundle of clothes she squirreled into the bathroom. She dropped them in front of Simone.
Without needing to be told, Simone unzipped a boot and held it open.