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Something Wicked (Here Witchy Witchy Book 11)

Page 4

by A. L. Kessler

  He nudged the plate toward me. “Eat, please?”

  I ate the eggs and took my plate to the sink. Simon gave me a worried look.

  “I’m not going to die. If a hex couldn’t take me down, and Ira couldn’t kill me, I’m sure has hell not going to die from being magically exhausted.” I went to make a cup of coffee and he stopped me.

  “I’ll make it.”

  “Seriously, Simon, don’t baby me.”

  “I’m not. I always make your coffee in the morning when we’re together.” He gave me a small smile. “Go sit.”

  I tried not to mock him and walked out of the kitchen. Before I went to the living room, I took a detour to get my parents’ Book of Shadows. Maybe there was something in there. The book had never failed me before. I set it on the coffee table and pulled a blanket over my shoulders. The coldness had never lasted this long before, and in the back of my mind, I was wondering if Merick was right.


  Two hours later and I still hadn’t found anything useful in the book, but I had warmed up. I now sat on the couch with the book in my lap turning page after page trying to find something that might be useful.

  I looked up when there was a knock at the door, but I let Simon get it. I wasn’t moving from the couch until I found an answer or an explanation.

  Liz walked into the living room. “A little birdie told me that Oliver was going to be here.”

  I shrugged. “Haven’t seen or heard from him today. Merick told me the same thing, but we all know Oliver works on his own schedule and agenda.” I didn’t look up from the book. “But if he thinks this is as serious as Merick does, he’ll be here at some point.”

  “Abigail, you told us the issues were getting better.”

  I was getting tired of hearing that. “And they were.” I tried not to roll my eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m working on getting it taken care of. Have you heard about me working at the Academy yet?”

  “I have. O’Donald wants to check on one more thing before he clears you to work. He does like the idea of you being off the field.”

  I hmmed for a moment. “Yeah, he says it’s for my own sanity, but then he brought Nick back and I’m not sure what his game is.”

  “I don’t think we can trust O’Donald either, but I think he’s the least of our worries right now.” She crossed her arms and stared at me.

  “Spare me the lecture, please? I get it, you’re all worried. I’m taking it easy right now.” The alarm beeped as it disarmed, and Oliver walked in.

  He eyed Liz and then me. “Which business do we want to handle first? Abigail’s magic issue, or the fact that I’m your top suspect?”

  “How do you know that?” Liz dropped her arms and stared at him.

  “I have my ways, Liz, you know that. Now, what are we handling first?”

  Liz stared at my uncle. “You better have an airtight alibi because I have several people who’ve said you’ve threatened Seth before. The motive is there.”

  Oliver nodded. “I’ve been away for the last week.” His cheeks turned red, and it took me a moment to realize that he was blushing. My uncle, who admitted to sleeping with a psychopath just for power without blinking an eye, was blushing.

  “Any witnesses?” Liz asked slowly.

  “One, and her security cameras. Maybe her bodyguard. I’m sure he saw me come and go.” He mused for a moment, and I didn’t miss the smile on his face.

  “I’m going to need their numbers.” Liz glared at him. “And if I find there was some sort of setup to make sure you had an alibi, you’re still going to be a suspect.”

  I swore he mocked her the moment she turned her back to look at me. “Now you.”

  I held my hands up. “I haven’t even moved since I’ve gotten home.”

  “Oh, I know. Simon wouldn’t let you. You told all of us that your fits or spells or whatever you want to call them were getting better. I let you, as your lead, go out on the field because I trusted you to have them under control.”

  I glanced at Oliver. “Will you please tell her they were better, and that we’ve been working on them?”

  “We have been working on them. This is the worst one Abby has had in a while. They’ve been down to one a week, sometimes less. Today was as much of a surprise to me as it was to you.”

  I motioned to him. “See?”

  Liz nodded. “I can’t let you go back on the field right now. I don’t even want you on desk work right now.”

  “Liz.” I growled.

  “Abby. I cannot have you out there unable to defend yourself. This isn’t even as your bodyguard. This is as your lead PIB agent.”

  I tried not to cringe. More often than not, Liz and I worked as partners. It was very rare that she reminded me of her seniority. “What about at the Academy?”

  “I’m still working on getting that approved by Levi and O’Donald.” She sighed. “Seriously, I’m worried about you.”

  “I know, I know.” I leaned my head back. “I’m feeling better.”

  “You’re still pale.” Liz rubbed her eyes. “Okay, look, we need to get a handle on this before Levi gets even a tiny inkling that something is wrong.”

  Simon sat next to me. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  I was sure Mario had already told him, but I wasn’t going to argue with her. “So, what do we do? The things Oliver and I have been trying aren’t working, apparently.”

  “Merick reached out to me, wondering if I knew a… specialist,” Oliver stated. “Which is why I’m here. It’s time for you to go see a witch that specializes in healing—”

  “I am not injured,” I snapped.

  “Abigail, shut your mouth and listen for once,” Oliver snapped back, and all three of us looked at him like he’d lost his damn mind. “She specializes in healing auras and magical issues. She’s not a typical healer.” He sighed. “You’re hurt niece, not physically, but magically and mentally.”

  No one spoke after he said that.

  I sat there and stared at the book in my lap. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t find an answer. I was looking for a more physical cure. I knew it was mental. Oliver had mentioned it before, but I was hoping he was wrong. “How do I see this witch?”

  “You come with me and stay at her cabin. We’ll need an excuse for you to be gone for a few days if we’re hiding this from Levi.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “A few days?”

  “Yes,” he said without any explanation.

  “Abby can’t just disappear for a few days. Levi will be suspicious, and he’ll want Mario to watch her during the night.” Simon shook his head.

  Liz looked at Simon. “Not if you decided to take her on a surprise trip.” She grinned. “What a great way to get her mind off being on leave? A romantic trip for the two of you.”

  Simon thought for a moment. “Let me call Travis and see if we can make it work.”

  “I wanted to work at the academy on the cold cases,” I muttered.

  Liz looked at me. “Not right now.”

  “There might be time for you and Simon actually to enjoy the area.” Oliver nodded. “Could be good for both of you.”

  I tried not to glare at him. “But what about Seth’s case?”

  “It’s just a couple days, Abby. I’ll let you know if anything else shows up,” she promised. “Right now, it’s chasing down any leads and any suspects we have. But before we can let Oliver take you, I have to clear him.”

  Oliver sat down and pulled out his phone. “I’ll text you the numbers and you can call them now if you’d like.”

  “I will, and I have to go back to the office for a bit. So, Abby…”

  “I’m staying right here,” I promised. “I’m going to get bored.”

  Oliver chuckled. “Oh, I don’t know if bored will be the word I’d use for this.”

  “I meant sitting at home.” I reached for my coffee and flipped another page in the book.

  Oliver stood. “I’m going to speak to Melisandra and let
her know what our plans are.”

  “No, you’re going to sit right here while I talk to…” Liz looked at her phone. “Never mind, just take me with you so I can speak to her too.”

  I looked at Simon. “I guess it’s just us.”

  “I guess so.” He draped his arm over my shoulder as the other two walked out of the house.

  I leaned against him and smiled. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

  He snorted. “Someone has to do it.”

  “Mmm.” Was all I said as I closed the book and put it on the coffee table. “I’m restless now, though. Want to go for a walk?”

  He eyed me for a moment. “Are you sure you’re up to it?”

  I nodded. “Besides, you’re right there if something happens, and we’ll stay on my property, inside the circle.”

  He hesitated another moment. But in the end, I won out. He stood and pulled me up with him. “Okay, fine. Your property, inside the circle.”

  I grinned. “Thank you.”

  “Then when we get back, I have to ask Travis about us going away for a couple days.”

  I took a deep breath. “I’ll have to speak to Levi about it tonight.”

  He nodded. “What are you going to tell him?”

  “I’m not sure. Mario witnessed the minor spell yesterday, so I’m sure he told Levi about it.” I shook my head. “I’ll have to be as honest as I can because we all know they can sense lies. And though I’ve gotten damn good about hiding them, Mario always calls me out on it.”

  “You can’t control your heartbeat. That’s your telling sign most of the time.” He nudged me. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.”


  After our walk, we settled in to watch some television until the sun set. As if on cue, there was a knock at the door, and I went to get up, but Simon put a hand on my knee. “Finish eating, I’ll get it.”

  He checked the camera, confirmed it was Mario and Levi, and then let them in. Levi walked in with his arms crossed, and I waited to hear what he had to say.

  “Mario said you’re sick.”

  I blinked a few times, looked at Mario and then to Simon, and tried to think of something to say. “What?”

  “Well, what he actually said was that he thought you might be pregnant because you were having dizzy spells and were acting off.”

  Simon laughed and then coughed to cover it up. I couldn’t help but join him. “No, I’m not pregnant. Holy shit, Mario.”

  “You said not to push it. It was the only thing I could think of that would make a witch that off balance and pale.”

  “Mario, I hadn’t eaten all day, and I had just got done dealing with a crime scene that had my name written on it, literally. I was just off. It happens.” I was still trying to stop laughing.

  Simon sat back down next to me and took my hand.

  “Do they know anything about the crime scene?” Levi asked, and I shook my head.

  “Did you turn in your picture to Liz?”

  “I did. She took it and didn’t say anything to me about it. She wouldn’t even tell me what she was planning on having you do to keep out of the case.” He motioned to the couch. “But seeing how you’re sitting here eating dinner with Simon, I’m assuming you’re on leave again.”

  “Not officially, but I’m thinking about taking a vacation. Liz cleared me as a suspect so I can go for a bit. There’s a nice property somewhere in the woods. I think I’m going to go there with Simon and well… have some alone time.”

  Levi and Mario both studied me for a moment. Levi looked at Simon. “You won’t leave her side?”

  “I won’t, and honestly, I think it’s best for her. We don’t know who is behind the murders. If they are trying to frame Abigail, her being out of the city might be a better idea.”

  Levi nodded. “I expect you to check in every night. Oliver has a tracker on yours and Simon’s phone, so if there is a problem, we will come find you.”

  I snorted. “I don’t doubt that.”

  Mario stared at me for another moment. “I think you’re lying.”

  “You’re right, totally lying. Simon and I plan on going to the woods to have copious amounts of sex so I can come back pregnant.”

  Mario growled at me, not appreciating my joke.

  Levi put a hand over his eyes. “Enjoy your trip. When do you leave?”

  “We’re still waiting to hear on the cabin,” Simon said easily. It wasn’t a lie. We hadn’t heard back from Oliver or Melisandra yet. Hopefully Liz didn’t arrest Oliver… unless he actually didn’t have an alibi. I hadn’t considered that. Was Oliver taking Liz to Melisandra to be killed?

  I shook my head. No, Oliver wasn’t typically the type to lead someone to their death. Besides, there were witnesses that could place him as the last person with Liz.

  “Abby?” Simon asked.

  “Sorry, my thoughts wandered for a moment.”

  “This is what I’m talking about.” Mario motioned to me. “She’s pale, she’s zoning out, she’s been downright paranoid.”

  Simon shrugged. “I don’t think that last one is new.”

  Levi sighed. “Mario, Simon, leave please so I may talk to Abigail alone.”

  Simon squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek. “I’ll go start packing?”

  “Yeah, good plan.”

  Mario bowed his head and disappeared.

  Levi sat down next to me. “Mario is simply concerned for your health.”

  “My health is fine, Levi. I’m healed physically from Adrianna, and I’m healed from Samuel’s bite. Honestly, I probably just need to take better care of myself.” I shrugged. “Mario caught me in a moment of weakness. I stood up too fast, I paled because I had a head rush mixed with low blood sugar.”

  Levi watched me for a moment. “If there was something seriously wrong, you would tell me?”

  “Yes, I would.” It was the truth. I wasn’t sure if what was going on with me was serious or not.

  He sighed. “A vacation will be good for you. Just make sure you stay inside the territory, so we don’t risk another attack on you.”

  Of course, being inside the territory hadn’t stopped the last few ones, but I wouldn’t point that out. “We will be. Did you know about the spell Oliver put on the house? Where if something got through his magic, we’d end up at Merick’s old house?” I had wanted to ask Oliver about why it went off, but the conversation had gotten sidetracked.

  “You were supposed to end up at the mansion, but yes, I knew about it. I talked to him about it late last night. He seems to think the spell went haywire.”

  “Well, he was, um… occupied last night when I called. Maybe it was a magical slip.”

  Levi shrugged. “I will have him remove the spell.”

  “Thanks, and if he doesn’t, once Merick is back, I’ll have him cleanse the house.” I shrugged. “Right now, he needs some time to deal with family stuff.”

  “I still don’t like him.”

  “Oh, I’m well aware of that, but he has saved my ass more times than I can count, and right now, anyone that’s not vampire attached is a good idea to have around.”

  Levi frowned. “Mario said you were paranoid. Is that what he was talking about? You not trusting anyone that’s a vampire?”

  “No, yes. I don’t know. He got upset and called me paranoid because I didn’t want him making me coffee.”

  “Because someone had drugged your wine at your party,” Levi assumed. “Abigail…”

  “Please don’t Abigail me right now.” I sighed. “In the last few years I have been kidnapped and almost killed, I’ve dealt with demons, the death of my best friend, a blood witch, being drugged multiple times, damn near experimented on, finding out that I’m an elemental, a perfect hybrid, and the princess of vampires.” I left one other thing out because he always got grumpy when I mentioned that I was his blood daughter. “I’m allowed the little paranoias that come with the trauma.”

  He stood there for a moment and crossed his arm
s, staring at me. “I think going away for a bit will be good for you.”

  It was almost like he had to stand there and consider everything that had happened. Mario was typically the one who kept tabs on how I was dealing with stuff. He never missed a moment when I mentioned a nightmare or when I cringed at the thought or reminder of something. Levi typically said nothing about it.

  “Thank you. I promise I’ll keep in contact, and it’s only for a couple of days. It’ll be good for both Simon and me.”

  Levi nodded. “And you promise you’re okay?”

  “I’m not sick,” I said easily.

  “Okay, I’ll take my leave and let you pack. I would prefer if Mario stayed here with you while you wait for Simon to get back.”

  I debated it for a moment, because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be forced into any discussions about my health with the vampire. Luckily, before I could argue, my phone rang with Liz’s ring tone.

  “Hey Liz, what’s up?” I answered it without looking at Levi.

  “I cleared Oliver. Levi and Mario there?”

  “Levi’s still here. Mario will come back soon. Simon went to pack for our getaway.”

  “Okay, good. I want you out of town, and I want you safe.”

  There was something in her voice that worried me. “Is this PIB related or king related?”

  “Another body showed up with your name on it. I can’t give you details. I’ve got Melisandra’s address from Oliver, but right now O’Donald wants me to put you in protective custody. I’ve talked him in to just allowing you to go on vacation.”

  She spoke quickly, and I tried to keep up. “Slow down, what body?”

  “Can’t tell you that.” She growled. “Look Oliver’s on his way, you and Simon leave tonight.” She disconnected the call, and I looked at Levi.

  “I heard,” he muttered. “Why is Oliver in on this?”

  “He’s letting us borrow the cabin.”

  “Okay. I’ll stay until he gets here.”

  I didn’t expect anything else. I really wanted to know who had shown up dead, but if Liz couldn’t tell me, it was because she didn’t want me to know, not because PIB wouldn’t let her. She’d work around that. No, she honestly wanted or needed to keep me in the dark.


  Levi didn’t say much while we waited for Oliver to show up. He sent a few messages while I went upstairs to pack. Occasionally he called something up just to make sure I hadn’t fallen asleep or something. I came down with my suitcase. I wasn’t sure how long I was going to be gone, but I packed for a week and hoped that would be enough time for things to settle and for Melisandra to heal me.


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