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Something Wicked (Here Witchy Witchy Book 11)

Page 6

by A. L. Kessler

  I looked over to see him in the doorway. “Okay, so we patch it up and I’m good?”

  “We’re going to have to make sure that no influences have entered you first.”

  I cringed. “We just did a cleansing two weeks after the blood-witch.”

  “We have to do another one, Abigail. With Hannah working with Samuel, we want to make sure we don’t trap any of her magic in you.”

  I was going to argue about how Hannah hadn’t been around, but because she’d shown up in my nightmares before and hurt me, I wouldn’t discount the idea of a long distance spell. “Okay, fine.”

  “Not today, though. Today you need to rest.” Melisandra put a hand on my shoulder. “We hadn’t even gotten to casting magic, and you had a fit.”

  I nodded. “Well, at least it’s something magical and not something mental.”

  “Oh, I’m not so sure about that.” Melisandra shrugged. “I think there is some mental damage there too, but the hole in the aura is the biggest thing, and we need to deal with that first.”

  I didn’t want to think about it. “Okay, well, if we’re not going to do the cleansing right now, I’m just going to lay here in the sun and relax a little bit.”

  I laid back down and Simon curled up next to me. “Why is Simon in wolf form?”

  “He wanted to calm you but didn’t know how. So he let his beast out and laid on you. It helped a little. You seem to feel safe with him.”

  Yes, Simon was safe. I hmmed for a moment while I continued to run my fingers through his fur. Melisandra chuckled. “Lay out here while I speak to Oliver.” She got up and walked over to my uncle.

  They spoke in low voices that I couldn’t make out, but Simon’s ears perked up and I knew he heard what they were saying.

  Maybe if I asked nicely, he’d tell me what they were discussing. I closed my eyes and let the sun warm me while Simon slept next to me, but it wasn’t long before I got too warm and needed to go back inside to the shade.

  “Okay, Simon, time to get up.”

  He raised his head and looked at me. “You can go for a run if you want. I’m going to go find lunch and coffee.”

  He nodded and darted off into the woods. I walked back into the house to find Melisandra sitting on the couch with Oliver’s head in her lap, fast asleep.

  “I’ve never seen him so relaxed,” I said honestly.

  She nodded. “He has his own healing to do, Abigail. He’s spent so much of his life fighting his own demons and trying to make things right that he is exhausted.” She ran her hand through Oliver’s hair. “You and your uncle are much more alike than you think.” She looked up at me. “And you remind him so much of his dear sister.”

  “My mother.” I nodded. “He’s mentioned that a couple times.”

  “Just remember that he is healing as well while he is here. You’re not the only one on that journey.”

  I wasn’t sure what she meant. I hadn’t lost my shit with my uncle since we’d gotten here. I made a noise of agreement and went into the kitchen.

  On the table was a tray of fruit and a crackers and meat platter.

  “Help yourself,” Melisandra called. “When Simon gets back, we’ll grill up some burgers and hotdogs.”

  It was so weird and so casual, but it reminded me of pack living and pack land. Where things could turn formal at any moment, but until we forced traditions, it was casual and homey.

  I grabbed an apple and sat down at the table, looking out the window. Nothing stirred in the mountain forest around us. There were no traffic noises. Nothing to worry about. Nothing that signified an attack or an enemy, or a murder.

  My mind jerked. Murder. I realized I had left my phone upstairs and darted through the living room and took the stairs two at a time. I swore I heard Melisandra chuckle as I passed by.

  I snagged my phone off the nightstand and turned it back on. I vaguely remember Melisandra telling Simon nothing was supposed to disturb me while I slept, but I hadn’t even thought about him turning the phone off.

  To my surprise, when it finally booted up, there was nothing. No voice mails, no text messages, nothing.

  I sat on the bed for a moment and stared at the screen. I wanted to know what was going on with the murder. I wanted an update on if they had even gotten a lead on what was going on and who was supposedly after me.

  I texted Liz. “Any update?”

  I waited on the bed for a few minutes waiting for an answer, but when one didn’t come, I assumed she was busy.

  I pulled myself off the bed and realized I had no idea what to do with myself without work. I had packed my laptop, so I pulled it out and sat on the bed intending to check emails, but the first thing that popped up was a news alert.

  A murder in the Springs.

  The body was found not long before we all left town, and the working agents on the case were Liz and Detective Balin. The victim was a name I hadn’t heard in a long while. Michele Cache. They had taken her into custody after the barn case, for binding someone’s magic. I had never followed up on what happened to her after the trial.

  My heart fell to my stomach.

  Seth and she both had ties to my parents. I searched the article for any details they might have released that would give me clues on who it was who’d murdered both her and Seth, but there were none. There weren’t even any details on how she was killed.

  I shut the computer lid and tried not to think about who might be next.

  Of course, according to Liz and Levi, there had been some reason to think it might be me.


  I came downstairs when I heard Oliver and Simon talking. Once again, their voices were low, and they stopped the moment they realized I was there. “I know who was killed last night and I have a couple questions. I thought Michele was still in containment for her crimes. Why was she out? And how was she found?”

  “They let her out because the court decided that since her crime was a binding spell used on Devon when he was a child, it was past the statutory time period.”

  Bullshit she saw court, she should have still been in containment, but I kept my mouth shut. “And?”

  “The other part we don’t know, Abby,” Simon said gently. “So we honestly can’t tell you.”

  “Both her and Seth had a connection to my parents. The murderer must know this if they went after both of them.” I locked my jaw. “So either someone else knows that, or this really is the person who killed my parents.” I looked at Oliver. “Your thoughts?”

  “I can’t let you get close to this, niece.” He shook his head. “I swore to Levi and Liz that I would keep you as far away from it as I possibly could. Levi is looking into it, and right now my priority is to get the hole in your aura fixed.”

  I tried not to yell at them. I spun around and pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Liz. She answered on the second ring.

  “I was wondering how long it was going to take before you called me. See the news?”

  “Yes, I did. I want details.”

  She was quiet for a moment. “I can’t give you those because we have moved it to a high security case and Balin would have my badge if I let you in on it. Not to mention O’Donald. I won’t let anything slip through the cracks. Okay? Trust me on this?”

  I took a deep breath. “When you can, please give me an update.”

  “I will. What did Melisandra have to say about your issue?”

  “I have a hole in my aura. Did you know that was a thing?” I asked.

  “It’s a rare thing. But after dealing with Adrianna, I’m not surprised. Make sure you get it stitched up. I want you back on the field soon, because I won’t be able to handle another black magic case while I do this one.” She sighed. “I have to go, Balin is calling.” She disconnected.

  I started back up the stairs to the bedroom.

  “Lunch will be ready in a minute,” Melisandra called up after me, but I ignored her. It wasn’t long until I heard footsteps behind me.
/>   Simon followed me into the room. “Look, I know you’re upset…” He paused as if trying to figure out what to say.

  “I’m not upset. I just honestly don’t know what to do with myself. I have no work to do and nothing to keep me busy. I’m just expected to sit here and… and be in my own head.” I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands.

  Simon sat next to me and pulled me into his side. “You’re expected to heal.”

  “I can’t sit around and do nothing. Liz is on a case that’s dangerous and…”

  “Abby, every case on your task force is dangerous. It’s not your job to protect everyone.”

  I took a deep breath. “I don’t want to just sit around and meditate. Or heal. Or rest.”

  “Why? What are you afraid of?”

  I growled in frustration. “Who says I’m afraid of anything?”

  “I can smell your fear.” He leaned his head against mine. “It’s there under the surface. Please Abby, open up and talk to me.”

  I tried to find an answer. “If I’m idle, I think back to all the mistakes I’ve made, all the people I’ve put in danger or I’ve gotten killed. I think about the look on Ira’s face when he was trying to kill me, the way Samuel felt in my mind.” I choked on my own words. “The vampires I killed in Romania, Clarissa’s death, the deaths in Luna Grove.” Tears started bubbling in my eyes and I tried to stop them, but I just couldn’t.

  Simon wrapped his arms around me, nearly tucking me completely against him. “Abby…”

  There was nothing condescending in his voice, no disappointment. If anything, I swore I heard a little understanding. I laid my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat while the tears continued to trail down my cheeks.

  I hated that I couldn’t shove everything back in me. It was out now. Simon knew all the shitty things that happened the last few years haunted me, and it finally broke me. There were so many things that haunted me when I closed my eyes, but I didn’t want to tell him. I didn’t want him to see me as weak.

  He kissed my cheek softly. “It’s okay, you’re safe here.”

  I looked up at him. “I’m not even sure where here is. I fell asleep on the way up. I slept through the night before I even got to check the surroundings.”

  “We’ll go for a walk after lunch?” He offered. “We’re far from civilization, I’ll be with you, it’ll be daytime.”

  I cringed a little. “Samuel’s a day walker.”

  “He doesn’t know where you are, Abigail,” Simon reminded me and pushed a piece of my hair away from my face. “Oliver assures me that this place is just as magically protected, if not more than your house.”

  I thought for a moment. “Okay, let’s eat lunch and go for a walk.”

  He smiled at me and pulled me up from the bed. Hand in hand, we walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

  Oliver raised a brow when we walked in. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine.” I rubbed the last sign of crying away from my eyes. “I’m just struggling a little with being idle.”

  Melisandra put a plate in front of me. “That will happen when all you do is work.”

  “You know an awful lot about me.” I glanced at Oliver. “Did you share everything with her?”

  “No, just enough for her to know what she would be dealing with, your attitude, your affinity to work until you’re exhausted, your sleeping habits.” Oliver shrugged. “She can’t help you unless she knows.”

  That was true. “Thank you for lunch.”

  “Of course. You and Simon be careful on your walk.”

  I looked at her and then to Simon. “How did she know we were going to take a walk?”

  “I told her I was going to take you on one,” he said easily. “Because you seemed upset.”

  It made sense, but it made me wary of Melisandra.

  Once again, the entire scene seemed off to me. Oliver was eating a burger and smiling over at Melisandra, Simon was next to me, perfectly calm and at ease. Like it was just a lazy afternoon where no one had any responsibilities. Unease gathered in my chest and I stood up. “I’m going to go for a walk now.”

  “You haven’t eaten.” Melisandra motioned to the plate.

  “I ate some earlier. I’m not hungry.” I tried not to sound too panicked. “I just need some fresh air.” I almost knocked over my chair as I bolted out of the kitchen and to the front door. I yanked it open and Oliver grabbed my wrist before I walked out.

  “Don’t do anything stupid,” he muttered. “Stay close.”

  It almost sounded like a threat, and it didn’t help my racing heart. “I’m just going for a walk.”

  “I know, but I don’t want you doing something like running off.” He let go of my wrist. “This is weird for both of us. Sitting idly.”

  I took a deep breath. “Just a walk. Go eat lunch. I’ll be back soon.” I closed the door behind me and walked down the steps and out into the forest. I took another deep breath and the forest air entered my lungs, calming me a little more. With each step, I felt lighter. I was familiar with forests, my house was basically in one, the wolf pack was in one. I felt at home.

  I sat down by a tree and just leaned my head against it. My chest seemed lighter being this far away from everyone. Maybe I just needed to get away from people.


  It was about an hour before Oliver came to find me. It was weird seeing him in casual jeans and a t-shirt instead of nice dress clothes. He looked younger that way. He sat to the side of me, leaning against the tree.


  “Oliver.” I looked over at him. “This is really weird. Swear to me this isn’t some trick or trap or hallucination.”

  He chuckled. “Hallucination?”

  “Like, you know when people are stuck in a coma or a dream or something and then wake up to find out their reality is horrible.”

  He shook his head. “Nothing like that. Honestly, Melisandra just wants to help. She’s a gentle soul in a world that tears down those with good intentions.” He glanced at me. “And those forced into situations against their nature.”

  “You sound like I didn’t have a choice in anything.” I snorted. “If I was to go back to Devon’s case…”

  “You’d what?” Oliver asked almost too quick. “Let Michele bind your magic and die in a fire? Not shake his hand? Let the hex kill you?”

  He sounded almost angry, and I cringed. “I don’t know what I would do differently,” I said honestly. “There are so many things I have to work through, but all I want to do is go out there and help Liz. Help her catch whoever is murdering people. I don’t want to sit here and hope that a hole in my aura heals up.”

  “You’re not going to hope, Melisandra is going to stitch it up and then you are going to rest until it heals.” He shrugged. “You can’t go out on the field with a huge hole in your aura. You can’t help Liz on this case. It’s personal. O’Donald would send you home the moment that you stepped foot in the office.”

  “Do you think it really is the person that killed my mom and Tobias?”

  Oliver’s shoulders slouched. “I don’t know. I thought I had it figured out when I knew Seth put the order in to kill her. Then he said he’d gotten the order from a vampire.”

  “You thought it was Ira, didn’t you?”

  He nodded. “Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.”

  “Seth gave me a picture of Samuel.”

  Oliver didn’t say anything. I turned to look if he was still there, and he was gone. What the hell? “Oliver?” I stood and looked around. Something slid over me, not physically, but like a slime over my aura, making me feel slow and sluggish. I’d felt this way once before. Black magic.

  I ran to the house, but something knocked me down. No, this area was protected. I couldn’t be attacked. But gone was the peaceful feeling of the forest, and panic was setting in.

  I rolled over with every intention of getting up, but what looked like a human made of cracking stone pinned
me to the ground.

  I could see familiar features in the face and the blond hair.

  “Abigail…” It was Hannah’s voice that came out of the mouth as it spoke and lowered its face down to my neck.

  No. This couldn’t be real. It was like when I was dosed up on Thrills. I tried to shove her away with my feet, but she didn’t move.

  “Magically vulnerable, are you?”

  I swore I heard Samuel somewhere behind Hannah, laughing. Hannah’s lips were right by my ear. “He knows where you are.”

  She seemed to flicker as I tried to push her away again. Darkness engulfed the world around me. When it touched the trees, they died and crumbled.

  “Hold her down.” I heard Melisandra’s voice from somewhere. “Simon, out now.”

  I cried out as Hannah became heavier on me. “He’s going to get you, Abigail. You’ll pay for killing Keira, you’ll pay for killing Ira.” She laughed as she seemed to sink into me.

  “Oliver, circle now.”

  I couldn’t see anything as the darkness took over. Pain flooded through my body as my magic pulsed out. No. I was dying. Again.

  “Abigail,” Oliver whispered. “Niece, come back.”

  Come back? From where?

  I cried out as my magic pulsed again.

  “We can’t wait any longer, Oliver. Either we do it now and risk her dying, or she dies without us trying to help.”

  I still couldn’t see anything and tried to reach out for something, anything to hold on to. Someone grabbed my hand and held tight.

  “It’s okay, Abby,” Oliver whispered. “Hang in there. Please, niece.”

  My heart seemed to slow, and I couldn’t catch my breath. I’d been here before, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to come out the other side of it this time.

  “Abigail,” Oliver called. “Abigail, please.”


  “Please Abigail, wake up.” The voice this time was Simon’s. I could hear the sorrow in it. “Please.”

  My body ached as I tried to move. My eyes opened so slowly that I felt drugged. “Simon?” I whispered, my throat dry.


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