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Something Wicked (Here Witchy Witchy Book 11)

Page 8

by A. L. Kessler

  “You just woke up from a four-day coma, Abigail, baby steps,” he reminded me.

  My phone rang, and I saw Travis’ number. I frowned and answered it. “Hey Travis, what’s up?”

  “Simon’s not here. Is he still with you?”

  My heart skipped a beat, and I looked at Oliver when I answered. “No, Simon left a couple hours ago. He should be there by now.”

  “He’s not. We can’t wait for him any longer, but I’m worried about him. He’s not answering his phone. He wouldn’t miss running with the pack.”

  “No, he wouldn’t.” I tried to swallow my fear. “Run with the pack tonight. I’ll see what I can find out.” Oh goddess, what if he was dead? What if my car curse got him killed?

  “Stay safe, Abigail.” The line disconnected.

  I got up and put my phone in my pocket. I went to the front door, Oliver following me.

  “Where are you going?”

  I pulled my shoes on and opened the door. I walked out and went to where my car was parked. I couldn’t call on my magic because it was still faint, but technology was a thing.

  I held my hand out to Oliver. “Your phone, please.”

  He handed it to me without question. I pulled up the tracking app and clicked on my name. The tracker dot blinked about ten miles away from us. He hadn’t even gotten that far.

  I started walking to the road and Oliver grabbed my arm. “You cannot walk ten miles right now,” he growled. “I know you are worried, but we have to be smart about this. Melisandra has some four wheelers we can borrow.”

  I nodded. “Let’s go.”


  Oliver and I came up to where the tracker said my car was. My entire body was shaking when I got off the four-wheeler, reminding me that I was still weak. Oliver hopped off his and we both went to a section of railing that was busted through. I looked over the edge of the mountain road and my heart sank. Panic filled me as worse case scenarios filled my mind. I tried to squash it down, but it tears bubbled in my eyes already. My car lay on its side, not far down, but the car was crushed in on one side and not the side that it landed on.

  I frowned. “Something hit the car and knocked it off the road.”

  Oliver looked over as well. “Looks like it hit the car dead on too.”

  I took a moment to analyze the slope of the road. It wasn’t steep. I could make it down. I started edging down, and Oliver followed me. I had expected him to argue, but maybe he realized he wouldn’t win the fight.

  I got to the flat part where the car had landed and looked inside. No Simon. I let out a small sigh of relief, but I saw his phone stuck between the seats. I leaned in and snagged it. Oliver put a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s climb back up before whatever hit the car comes back for us. I don’t like the look of this.”

  I didn’t either. Oliver and I scrambled up and over the ledge of the road and I looked at him. “Where’s Simon?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I tried to keep the tears out of my voice. “Wait.” My heart pounded. “The night your spell accidentally sent me to Merick's, there was someone lurking around my house. He was carrying a silver chain. Do you think that person could know where we were?”

  “I’m more worried that whoever is trying to kill you saw your car and attacked it thinking you were in it.” Oliver urged me back to the four-wheelers. “And I feel magic, so we need to go back. Now.”

  I gave my car one more look and then got on the four-wheeler. I followed Oliver back to Melisandra’s house, trying not to think about where Simon was. It was the full moon, and he wasn’t with his pack for the first time in goddess knew when.

  When we got back to the house, we put the four-wheelers in the shed and then went back inside. Melisandra was sitting in the living room staring at us, her bunny robe tucked around her. “You are supposed to be resting, and Oliver, you are supposed to be helping her with that. I did not expend my energy to help save you just for you to go on a joy ride.”

  “I’m sorry. Simon is missing, and we went to find my car.” I tried to keep anger out of my voice. “I have very few people I care about, and when one of them is in trouble, I don’t particularly think about myself.”

  She sighed. “Sit and recover from your trip out. Oliver?”

  “It’s true. I went with her to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid. I felt magic on the road while we were examining the wreck.”

  Melisandra sighed. “They are getting closer then. We need to get Abigail back up to strength before they realize that she is here.”

  “Who? Who are they?”

  “Cult, Abigail. Not the branch you’re familiar with. Merick’s branch tends to be peaceful, but there are those who still follow the older principles of the Cult. Take out those who misuse magic.” She looked at me. “Like you, Abigail.”

  “I haven’t misused my magic.” I shook my head and then I paused and looked at Oliver again. “But I’m the result of misused magic.” I sat down when the realization came to me. “What Seth told me about the order coming from someone else. He said it came from a vampire.”

  “Samuel.” Oliver nodded.

  “But Samuel wasn’t there that night. Levi would have known it.”

  Oliver nodded. “It was cult members who actually killed Lizzy and Tobias.”

  “They want to finish the job.” My heart sank. “The Cult has magic that I’m not capable of going up against.” There may not be a way to survive this.

  Oliver sighed. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of Merick. He and Raina could both help. I, of course, know some Cult magic, and Liz.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t drag anyone else into this. What if they already killed Simon?” My stomach clenched. “Oh goddess, what if they kill everyone?”

  Oliver put a hand on my shoulder. “Steady, niece.”

  Melisandra pressed her fingertips together and leaned forward with her elbows on her knees. “First step, Abigail, is to get you and your magic back up to speed. Next step, we find Simon and another place that’s safe for you to stay.”

  “I’ll look at your security footage to see if I can find out who was sneaking around your house that night.” Oliver stood. “I’ll bring you your laptop, maybe you can find something out from there.”

  I wasn’t sure what part he wanted me to look into, because he was looking into the security footage which didn’t leave me much to go off of. Except the case that Liz and Levi were working on, which I was told to stay away from. There was one person though who might be willing to talk.

  Melisandra stood. “I’m going to go make you some tea. It should help with your magic. Do you feel it?”

  I closed my eyes. I could feel something, like a tiny wave inside me, which was more than I felt earlier. “I can now. It’s weak, but there.”

  “Good, you’re already growing stronger.” She walked off to the kitchen, and I leaned back on the couch. I felt helpless with everything right now.


  Oliver had come back with my laptop only to disappear upstairs. Melisandra did the same with the tea, dropped it off and went upstairs. I don’t know if they meant to give me privacy or if they wanted some, but I let it be. Once I was sure they were out of earshot, I pulled my phone out and called Nick.

  “Abby, nice to know you’re alive,” he muttered.

  “I hear you’re in the hospital. How are you faring?”

  He laughed. “I’m hopefully getting released tonight. They didn’t catch the person who attacked me, and I know that’s why you’re calling.”

  “Any idea who it was?”

  “No, Abby, or I’d be the first one out there looking for him. You’re calling trying to gleam information that you have no right to.”

  I didn’t miss the anger in his voice. “I’m stuck in a place where I can do absolutely nothing, and it’s driving me insane. I just want to know what’s going on.”

  He seemed to think for a moment. “Okay, fine, so Liz and I were out at the scene of anot
her death, They had strung Michele out just like Seth had been.”

  I hadn’t been aware he was on a first name basis with Seth, but I let it go.

  “Liz and I were talking about the scene with Balin, and then out of nowhere, this magical… I don’t know, force field? Blast? Hit us, throwing us all apart. Then there was a hooded man on top of me and it was like… Abby…”

  “Like your magic was being pulled out from inside you?”

  He hesitated. “Yeah, like that.”

  “Sounds like someone is after both of us. Glad you’re still alive.” It gave me enough to go off of. “You didn’t know the man in the hood.”

  “No, do you think I should?”

  “When I was attacked, I saw Hannah.” After I said it, it occurred to me that Nick had no idea who Hannah was. “A vampire,” I corrected.

  He snorted. “The Princess of Vampires has an enemy, imagine that.”

  “Call me that again and I will make sure to smack you when I finally get out of here.”

  “Where are you, anyway?”

  I wasn’t even sure what to tell him. “Someplace intended to let me heal.”

  “That was vague.”

  “That’s really all I know. I don’t even know the location. I fell asleep on the way up here.” I shook my head. “It seems to me that all I’ve been doing since I’ve gotten here is sleeping.”

  “Wish we could have you back. The three of us on this case would be amazing. Now it’s just Liz and Balin, and though I like him better than Mason, he’s convinced you had something to do with the killings.”

  “Wish I could be there helping too,” I said honestly. My phone beeped, and I looked at the screen to see Liz calling. “Gotta go. I’ll chat with you later.” I switched calls. “Hey Liz.”

  “Thank the goddess you’re alive. I can’t leave you anywhere without you almost getting killed.”

  I wasn’t sure how to decipher the tone in her voice. “Um, yeah, it wasn’t really on my list to do while I was here. But good news, the hole in my aura is patched up.”

  “Yeah, and I hear from Melisandra that you aren’t leaving for at least a week.”

  I snorted. “You know me, not even the doctors can keep me locked up for a week, but really I have a pressing matter.”

  “Yeah?” All humor faded from her voice.

  “Simon’s gone missing. He took my car tonight—”

  “Why would he do that? He knows your cars are cursed.”

  I continued without answering her. “Oliver and I found the car off the side of the road. No Simon inside. Travis said he hasn’t shown up to pack land yet, of course now Travis is running with the wolves, so I won’t have an answer on if he made it or not until tomorrow.”

  I was cursing myself for not going with him. Of course, I might not have survived the crash.

  “Send me the location of the car, and I’ll see if I can figure anything out.”

  “Bring me back to look into it. You have too much on your plate, especially with Nick in the hospital and two bodies…”

  “I can’t. O’Donald says you stay away from it, and Balin has threatened to arrest you if you get involved. Besides, I know your magic, Abby. You need time.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m going to die of worry or boredom.”

  “Look, it’s not case-related, but I need some research done. If you’re up to it, I’ll send you the names and you can see what you can find out.”

  “Ah yes, busy work. That’ll do. Send it my way. Tonight I’m supposed to work with my elemental ability. Oliver and Melisandra seem worried that someone or something is getting closer.”

  “I know. They’ve been keeping me updated.”

  Of course they were. “I’m the only one not in on everything going on.”

  “No, you’re not.” She hesitated slightly. “We’re keeping Levi and Mario out of a lot of it.”

  Oh, they were in so much shit if they found out. “That’s a dangerous game.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I don’t want him dragging you back to the mansion under the idea that you’ll heal, when you won’t.”

  That was fair. “Okay, okay, I get it. Send me the busy work.”

  She laughed. “On its way. Should hit your inbox in a minute or so. No field work, though. Okay?”

  “I don’t have a car to go anywhere.” I pointed out. “Besides, Oliver would drag me back in a moment. And if not him, then Melisandra.”

  “No Hummer.”

  “Melisandra won’t allow Levi here, so no Hummer.” I swore.

  “I have to go. Check in with me so I know you’re not dead.”

  “Sure thing.” I hung up and set the phone down.

  I pulled the laptop closer to me and went to check my email. I already saw a couple of emails from Liz. I was about to open one when Oliver came running down the stairs. He and Melisandra ended up in the living room at the same time.

  “We leave now,” Oliver snapped.

  “Go, take her. I’ll hold them off.” Melisandra pointed to me.

  Oliver hesitated for a moment. “You need to come with. They will kill you if they catch you.”

  I’d never heard compassion in Oliver’s voice until this moment.

  I shoved my laptop into my bag and grabbed my phone.

  “I have a failsafe. I will see you again.” Melisandra kissed him. “Save your niece.”

  Oliver hesitated again, but a moment later he grabbed my wrist and Melisandra’s bright living room disappeared.


  The world reappeared, and I knew we were now outside of Levi’s mansion. “I thought we didn’t want me here?”

  “We don’t have much of a choice. It’s either here or my house.” Oliver motioned for me to put my hand on the scanner.

  Levi liked his technology, and some days it had its advantages. I put my hand on it, and the tumbler clicked on the door. We walked in and Levi and Mario were already at the entrance. Levi looked at me and then to Oliver.

  “Melisandra’s is no longer safe then?”

  Oliver nodded. “I felt the power moments before we left. Abigail needs a safe house until her magic grows. I assume that as King you have several.”

  Levi nodded. “Where’s Simon?”

  “He’s missing.” I cut in. “I just need a few more nights and my magic will be fine. We can’t just keep moving me from place to place.”

  “Abigail, you can’t fight this when you’re not at full strength. You may not be able to fight this at all.”

  “That’s not my problem. My problem is that each place you move me, every step we take, puts someone else in danger. Simon’s already missing, Liz has two dead bodies and is in the center of it all, Melisandra has something powerful and evil that she’s facing down.” With each name, my voice got louder and my body shook.

  Levi put a hand on my shoulder, and I jerked away. “Abigail. You need to find your calm. We will figure this out, and as soon as your magic is back to full strength, you will work it as one of my people. That way you’re always with someone. Whoever it is, is picking people off, so I don’t think they can handle you in a group.”

  Especially with the people I surrounded myself with. I glanced at Oliver.

  “I’d rather have her in a safe house.”

  “While she heals, yes. I want you by her side. You’re better equipped to deal with her magic if it goes haywire.”

  Oliver crossed his arms. “For once you’re speaking sense.”

  I didn’t miss the tightness in his voice. “If you want to go help Melisandra, I’m going to gather a few things from the chamber downstairs and see what I have for clothes here.”

  Oliver disappeared without a word.

  Levi pulled me into a hug. “It’s good to see you up and walking.”

  I hugged him back and then stepped away and looked at Mario. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”

  “I have nothing to add to any of the conversation.” He crossed his arms. “Except t
hat if you were a vampire, none of this would be an issue.” He disappeared before Levi or I could yell at him. I hadn’t heard Mario so vocal about me being changed before.

  I looked at Levi. “That is not an option.”

  “I know, and I’ve made that clear to the council. They were hoping you’d wake up vampire, not witch.”

  I hesitated with my next question. “And you?”

  “I just hoped you would wake up.” There was a sad tone in his voice that made me want to hug him again, but a second later his tone changed. “Gather what you need. I’ll take you to the safe house and then have Oliver meet you there.”

  “And we find Simon.”

  Levi nodded. “And we find Simon.”

  I walked down the hall and then down the stairs to my chamber. The round room was made of stone and magically enhanced so that if I lost control, I didn’t topple the whole house. That magic welcomed me. It called to me and touched the small spark inside.

  I let out a content sigh. This was what I needed. I needed to feel like I was home. I sat in the middle of the room and closed my eyes. Focusing on my breathing, I tried to imagine a physical spark in me growing with each breath. Each moment my body grew warmer, as if I was fanning a flame. I opened my eyes and smiled. The magic was there. It wasn’t weak, it was just waiting for me.

  I laid my hand on the ground. “Start small,” I whispered and conjured a purple circle around myself. I smiled at the purple haze surrounding me. I had expected myself to need a physical guide, but I didn’t.

  The joy in me was almost as much as the first time I’d managed to do it.

  Levi walked in and smiled at me. He walked around the circle, almost as if inspecting it. “It’s a perfect circle.”

  He was a vampire, but he’d been around magic enough that I trusted his word on it. “I’m going to be okay,” I said more to myself than him. I let the circle down and expected a wave of fatigue. It came, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I predicted. A cup of coffee and I would be fine.

  “Good job.” Levi crossed his arms. “How do you feel?”

  “Tired, but that’s okay. That’s always how it is when I’m recovering from a magical mishap. I’m going to grab a cup of coffee to drink while I gather my stuff.”


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