I Am Gamer

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I Am Gamer Page 10

by Gabriel L Rathweg

  I took a second glance and realized that I wrong about children playing. Some had small wooden bows and were practicing shooting at targets under some women’s eyes. Other children had tiny little wooden hatchets and knives and were practicing their use under other women. Boys and girls did the same tasks in groups all ranging in age from toddlers to what seemed preteen. The woman ranged in age from what could have been just giving birth to grandmotherly. There were about two dozen children under the gaze and tutelage of eight women.

  The brothers and Moon Flower exchanged pleasantries and the folk continued on with their tasks. We passed over the water and began the climb up the small rise of the hillock. Small dwellings very similar to yurts were built into and around the hillock. We followed a well defined pathway up the hill that wound around the yurt like structures. At the top of the path the hill flattened out into an area about fifty yards wide and long. The whole setup was circular in design and seemed to match on the far side. In the center of the hill was the largest yurt like structure yet. It was more in the style of an open air yurt on stilts. The sides were open bare wood with a hide roof with a hole in the center.

  I motioned for Winston to stay at the bottom and we made our way up the wooden steps. The whole structure was very well made and was lacquered painted wood as well. At the top of the steps was a man sitting in the Lotus position by a fire in the center of the building. The wind was down and the fire burned in a lowered section rimmed with large granite rocks.

  “Father!” Moon Flower called rushing to the man.

  “Daughter!” He cried, holding his arm out wide to his child.

  I watched as the two embraced and smiled. It was nice to see a family reunited. I used the time to study the man. I could see the resemblance between Moon Flower and this man. He was taller than then her maybe three or four inches shorter then me. He had dark black hair with grey streaks beginning to appear. His tanned skin was already wrinkled from living in the strong Colorado sunshine. He had the same piercing green eyes as Moon Flower. I had tried to identify him with the same lack of results.

  They finished embracing then spoke quietly with one another with Moon Flower gesturing my way every now and then. To which her father would grunt and look askance at me each time in answer. When they were finally finished Moon Flower beckoned me over. Freak and I shared a look then I stepped forward my cat at my side.

  I wracked my brain for the proper greeting as we walked. My mind raced through old movies, books, internet articles, YouTube videos, and then I was there. I stopped a few feet away from Moon Flower and her father. We locked eyes and I was at a loss of what to do. There was no way I’d raise my hand and say ‘how’ like a jackass. Luckily, her father took the lead.

  “My daughter tells me of what transpired over the last two days.” He paused staring at me with unblinking eyes. Then his face broke out into a grin. He stepped forward and reached his arms out wide bringing me into a great big hug.

  Freak and I shared another glance while Moon Flower’s father finished his hug and released the embrace. Grin still on his face he patted me on the back.

  “Sit down by the fire. Let us talk and eat, sit… sit… sit.” He said, gesturing to a hide cushion on the far side of the fire.

  I did as he suggested and took a seat in Lotus position, Moon flower on my left, and her father across the fire from me. He made a gesture at his sons Thunder Foot and Lightning Fist, I still grinned a bit at their names thinking of one of my favorite movies. I needed to come up with nicknames for these guys I thought as they sat down on my right side by the fire.

  “My name is Running Hawk. I’m the Chief of The People. You have met my sons and daughter.” He said gesturing to each I turn. “I thank you for bringing my child Moon Flower back to her family. You are forever welcome in the home of The People.” He finished solemnly, bowing his head followed by his three children.

  I went with the flow and bowed my head in return and after a moment everyone raised their heads.

  “My daughter has told me what she knows of you and what happened but I’d like to hear it from you. Any tale that contains dire wolf alphas, Teihiihan, and the old trickster himself must be heard.” He said excitedly. “But, let us eat while we talk. Boys the days hunt will be returning soon and the night hunt needs to be sent out please see to it. Moon Flower, your sisters will be returning with the hunt if you’d like to see them as well.”

  The three siblings took the instructions as dismissal and stood up each nodding at their father. The brothers left and Moon Flower gave me a little wink as she turned to leave. I took that as a good sign and took a deep breath then refocused on Chief Running Hawk. He made a gesture and two teenage kids, both looking extremely similar and at that age where they were so androgynous that I couldn’t tell if they were boys or girls, except one had jet black hair and the other had pure white. They approached and placed little bowls of cooked meats, fresh raw fruits, and fresh raw vegetables down beside us. Next they left then returned with clay pitchers and cups down for us as well.

  “Thank you Dusk and Dawn. That will be all go join your cousins.” He smiled at the dual colored twins then turned back to me. “Those twins are so alike yet so different. Hence the names, please eat, eat.”

  “Chief Running…” I said.

  “Please call me Hawk. Your tiger… he… may I pet him?” He interrupted.

  “Ah… Hawk yes, go right ahead.” I gestured to Freak and he got up sighing and slunk over to Hawk then lay back down next to the Chief’s feet.

  To his credit he only flinched once then began petting the giant cat. He started hesitantly at first but in a few minutes he was scratching Freak behind the ears and rubbing his whiskered maw. Freak started to get into it as well and soon was lying on his back while Hawk rubbed his belly.

  “Thank you for your hospitality.” I said, suppressing a grin as I watched them, seriously that cat is such a whore.

  “Do not mention it. You saved my daughter and brought her back to me. Now let us eat and talk.” He said, patting Freak on the belly and grabbing a chunk of meat. He took a bite then tossed the rest to the cat. Freak snatched it out of the air with a loud chomp.

  I shrugged and snagged a piece of meat myself.


  The two of us talked and ate companionably. I began telling him about how Moon Flower and I met with the dire wolf encounter. He interjected with questions here and there but mostly let me talk. I continued with telling him about Colt, I called him Coyote for his benefit. I decided I’d tell him about the second meeting, the one where Moon Flower met him, not the first. It had been something I had been thinking about for a while. What would I say to people about where I came from? I couldn’t very well tell them I come from the future and was sent to the past one night by getting shit faced on Jack Daniels and Mary Jane.

  Well, I could but I didn’t think it’d be my best option. Colt had told me to not lay it all out there so I had come up with a kind of background story that was vague but believable in my mind.

  “I come from a land beyond the mountains to west, a land beyond the ocean. Do you know of it?” I asked.

  “Ah, yes, The People have legends of the lands beyond the great blue ocean. It is said that is where the gods themselves came from.” He said, nodding to me.

  I grinned and nodded in return. I had always had an idea that the people of the East Asian cultures were the ancestors of Native American peoples. If the historical theories that were going around were right the indigenous tribes came from; a combination of land bridges from Asia to North America and sailing vessels from the East Asian mainland and than through island hopping and finally to the Americas. I was gambling that the native peoples would have oral histories or something. It looked like my gamble worked.

  “It is there that we suffered the same pain and death that The People have here. For years our tribes died and died. Then finally when we stopped dying and began to rebuild our d
estroyed lives they came.” I paused for dramatic effect. I could tell I had Hawk’s attention he was leaning forward eyes wide. Good. “They would call themselves many different names, explorer, emissary, friend, but they all became known as one, conquerors. They came with promises and lies and in the end every time they came they would fight, kill, and conqueror. It was almost too late when my people found out the truth. It was almost too late when we found out they had more advanced weapons and armor and were almost invincible to kill. It was almost too late when we found out it was they that brought the death. It was almost too late when we found out hat they were the ones responsible for the plagues that killed our people.” I stopped staring into Hawk’s eyes, trying to will my story to move him.



  Using your innate ability and charisma you can weave a tale with such an emotional connection that the listener will believe your story with the conviction of truth. The story’s effectiveness is based of your skill level, Wisdom, and Charisma versus the listener’s. The current level of trust and belief the listener already has in the storyteller is a major factor as well. Skill will update with increase in level and usage.

  Nice! I dismissed the window with a thought and kept my face stoic so as not to spoil the mood. Hawk began nodding slowly as my skill took effect and he began processing what I was saying.

  “Your story is quite the tale. I see that…” He started saying but was interrupted.

  Horns began sounding, loud blasts that broke the night air. Hawk leaped to his feet and sensing his urgency Freak and I did as well.

  “There is something wrong. Those are distress calls from the hunt. We must go.” He said then took off leaping from the floor to the ground skipping the stairs completely.

  The older mans quickness and athleticism surprised me for a moment but I shook it off and sprang off after him Freak bounding ahead. I whistled for Winston as well not wanting to leave my horse alone.

  Night was already upon us but with my enhanced sight and sense I easily followed the Chief. In a few seconds my new body’s strength and speed helped me catch up. Not wanting to make him feel bad though I slowed my pace and followed along a half dozen feet behind him. Still, the man was quick and we soon arrived at the base of the hill and to a group of about twenty of the tribe arrayed in a loose circle. Some were holding torches and hand weapons while others brandished bows and others spears.

  “What’s going on here?” Chief Running Hawk shouted, slowing his pace then approaching the circle.

  From the tree line the horns sounded again then a group of tribesman burst out and into the torch light.

  “Father!” A woman cried. She looked very similar to Moon Flower but with bright blue eyes and looked a year or two younger, ran over to Chief Running Hawk. “The hunting party was ambushed! They took Night Star!” The girl crashed into her fathers embrace.

  Moon Flower rushed up joining the hug. The rest of the hunting group made it into the light and I saw that two people were being carried. They were set down in the center of the clearing in front of the Chief and daughters. Thunder Foot and Lightning Fist stood by anger raging on their faces.

  “It is ok Ice Blossom, you are safe now. Tell me what happened.” Hawk soothed his daughter and bade her explain what happened. The woman dried her eyes and took a deep breath before speaking.

  “We were returning from the day’s hunt. The hunt was successful and we had a large moose that was graced to us and were carrying it back in high spirits. We… I decided that we should stop by the Bear Creek watering hole and clean up. The hunt was successful and we were going to be home early. I was naïve father, I did not send a scout ahead I did not do my duty…” Ice Blossom trailed off.

  “Continue with your story daughter. Now is not the time for self pity.” Her father commanded.

  “Yes father.” She nodded. “When we arrived at the watering hole we were unprepared for the ambush. A Jicarilla raiding band was there already. They had scouts out and prepared an ambush for us. When we arrived they waited till we were washing and settled then attacked. They got Wind Walker and Eagle Talon first.” She motioned to the two bodies. “They were on guard and then they rushed us. We fought well and wounded a few of them as they are smaller than us. But there were too many and they grabbed Night Star while she was in the water, overpowered her with their greater numbers then fled. We chased after them but most of us were wounded and they got away. I told Silent Mouse to try to follow their track while the rest of us returned.”

  “You did right my child. Silent Mouse is our best tracker.” Hawk said, then his visage hardened and he turned to the tribe’s folk. “Take the departed to the wise ones and all the wounded go as well. The rest of you gather all your fighting gear we leave at once.” Chief Running Hawk motioned to his sons and daughters. “Go ready yourselves we must go quickly time is limited. If the Jicarilla get to their home we will never find them.”

  The children nodded and rushed off. He then turned to me a look of pure rage and a little fear contained within his eyes.

  “I know we have just met but I must ask your assistance. You have saved one of my children please help me save another.” He asked bowing his head solemnly.

  “Of course I will do whatever is within my power to help Chief Running Hawk.” I replied bowing my head, the gravity of the moment causing me to use his full name.

  “Thank you, you will have to leave your horse here as we will be moving through the forest and speed is of the essence. The Jicarilla are an underground tribe if they make it to their fortress then we will lose my daughter forever.” He explained. “Prepare yourself we leave in a few minutes.”

  I nodded and walked over to my horse. I patted him on the nose and rubbed him down explaining the situation. He whinnied in protest but eventually settled down as I stroked his nose and spoke quietly. Horse Whisperer I tell you. When Winston was relaxed I checked my weapons making sure they were all in their sheaths and my quiver and bow were set. Everything was in order so I walked back over to Chief Running Hawk locked, cocked, and ready to rock.


  Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic but I was ready. This was another great chance to get Hawk and The People on my side. The weather brothers, nah not good enough, had returned with weapons for their father, a pair of tomahawks a bit larger than normal, followed by their two sisters. Moon Flower and Ice Blossom had black paint covering their faces in tribal designs which I noticed their brothers wore as well. They handed a pot to their father who began wiping the black paint on his face.

  The rest of the warriors, men and woman, came back. There were only six of them and they were armed the same with tomahawks and knives. They also had black paint on their faces in tribal designs. The Chief finished up and dropped the pot to the ground.

  “Time is of the essence we must move fast. Anyone who cannot keep up will be left behind. Run like the wind. Let us go.” With that command he turned and took off running into the night followed by his warriors.

  “You heard the man.” I whispered to Freak and we took off after the group.

  The warriors moved fast. The Chief moved even faster than he had when we heard the horns earlier. Not only that, they were quiet, only the sounds of their feet hitting the soft dirt could be heard, and even that was muted so that you had to be actively listening to hear it. The form they ran in was familiar and I did my best to emulate them as we ran. After a minute I remembered why it was familiar and accessed my Total Recall skill as a ninja running technique I had learned about years back came to mind


  There were countless anime I used to watch showing the skill so I was curious and began doing a little research on the topic. The first one I came across was called the Nanba Hashiri, or Nanba Run. It was said that ninjas could travel two hundred kilometers in a day while others said two hundred and forty kilometers in twelve hours. That was
a bit extreme but the idea is there. I then watched some videos of people claiming to be masters of this skill and their forms were very similar to the warriors running ahead of me.

  I remembered the best video of them all. It wasn’t anything like the anime I watched. The guy explained by breathing a certain way, keeping your center of gravity in a forward position, controlling your balance and rhythm of movement between arms and legs, then one could move faster over long distances. This had the added effect of moving quieter as the economy of movement was so precise. I had watched that video over and over again but could never perform the feat. I was just so much weaker in my previous body. But now I was like a super human almost and it should work.

  The breathing technique was from yoga and was called fire breath. Basically it was like hyperventilating but quietly. Next I leaned forward, bent my knees stretching my legs out in longer strides, so I could lower my center of gravity. Finally I timed my arms movements to the pace of my legs and got in rhythm like a metronome. My speed increased and my form ironed out and in moments I was speeding along with the other warriors.



  Using your innate athleticism and physical prowess and by learning the proper techniques you have acquired the first stage of this movement form. The skill will change and increase with level and usage.

  I dismissed the window and sped up getting beside Hawk. Counting the Chief, his children, the warriors, plus Freak and myself there were thirteen of us facing off against I don’t know how many enemies. Not a very auspicious number but I didn’t really believe in that bullshit anyway.


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