I Am Gamer

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I Am Gamer Page 11

by Gabriel L Rathweg

“Good you move like The People.” Chief Running Hawk said as I pulled up next to him.

  We darted around trees our feet barely touching the ground as we moved through the rays of moonlight and the shadows of the branches. It was beautiful and enjoyable if I didn’t consider the circumstances. It was almost like I was the wind blowing through the leaves. Unfortunately, the reason for our flight kept me from enjoying the moment as much as I’d have like and I addressed the Chief.

  “Who are the Jicarilla?” I asked Hawk.

  “They are a tribe from the south that moved in after the Great Suffering. They are dwellers of the ground. Their homes are inside the earth.” He replied.

  I nodded slightly as we ran.

  “They are smaller than us and darker of skin. We are better fighters but they are strong. If they get to their tunnels we will be at a disadvantage. They do not move as fast in the above ground as we do but in their homes they are vicious. Their tunnels start a day’s travel from Bear Creek so we must hurry and catch up to Silent Mouse if we are to have a chance.” He said.

  We had been running for over and hour and a half when a trio of owl hoots rang out into the night. Beer Creek had come and gone and were approaching a ridgeline. Chief Running Hawk changed our direction and answered the hoots with three hawk calls. Our group reached the trees and the ridgeline slowing down as the shortest tribesman I’d seen yet, waved us over.

  “Silent Mouse it is good to see you.” The Chief said quietly, clasping arms with the little man.

  “Uncle it is good you have arrived so soon. They are this way.” Silent Mouse said.

  He motioned us to follow him and headed into the trees. Chief Running Hawk told everyone to stay except his kids and me then we followed Silent Mouse through the woods. Quickly we were out and standing on top of the ridge with a view of the open prairie ahead. There about three quarters of the way to the next mountain chain was a fire standing out like a beacon in the darkness. Clouds had covered the moon and stars causing the fire to shine out even more in the black night’s sky.

  “You see uncle.” Silent Mouse said pointing.

  “You are right nephew we must hurry.” The Chief replied. “The Wendigo will come soon.”

  I looked at the Chief as he whistled then took off running again. I quickly moved off with him followed by the rest of the party. Great now Wendigo were invited to the dance.

  We ran like the wind once again. The ground disappeared between our feet. The Chief explained that not only did we have to deal with the enemy tribe but that nights like tonight with the moon and stars covered were the prime time for Wendigo attacks and that the prairies were their favorite hunting grounds. He went on to explain that the Jicarilla were idiots and so new to the area they probably didn’t know that.

  “So the plan is to rush in rescue your daughter by any means necessary and escape before the Wendigo show up and we have to fight them as well?” I clarified.

  We had closed in on the Jicarilla raiding party and slowed our pace. The enemy had made camp on a rise that offered a good view of the area for defense and also made it hard to sneak up on. Silent Mouse and Moon Flower, who was apparently the second best scout, went to see the lay of the land so to speak.



  My view of the landscape updated. That was automatic sweet. Silent Mouse and Moon Flower returned at about the same time and filled us in on their findings. With a nod from her father Moon Flower started.

  “They are camped at the center of the top of the hill. They are surrounding a large fire with Night Star bound and surrounded by ten of their number. In total there are twenty five of the Jicarilla. They are spread out in concentric circles and armed with tomahawk, knife, and spear.” She stopped and gestured to her cousin.

  “All of them are on edge. It seems they are spooked by the night and will not be possible to sneak up on.” Silent Mouse said then paused as if trying to decide how to say the next part. “The scent of Wendigo is on the breeze they will be here soon. The surrounding animals have already fled or hidden. We will be attacked sooner rather than later.”

  Quiet reigned in the group for a moment as everyone digested this new information.

  “Then we must attack at once.” The Chief whispered.

  The rest of the band nodded and looks of determination crossed their faces.

  “Chief Running Hawk. I have an idea if I might.” I whispered.

  He paused and looked quizzically at me. I took a deep breath and told him my plan.

  “This was stupid… stupid plan Lawrence…” I whispered over and over as I walked up the hill in plain sight of the enemy tribesman. My hands were held up high over my head in the universal sign of ‘Can we talk about this please? See nothing up my sleeves’ gesture or the ‘I come in peace’ rhetoric. I was about halfway up the hill when cries of alarm were raised. So I stopped where I was. My hands were up not wanting to start the fight if I didn’t have to. Time to start phase one.

  “Ho the camp!” I called into the night.

  “Halt! Stay where you are!” A voice cried, crackling slightly, the words having a slightly different accent than Moon Flower’s tribe.

  Four silhouettes appeared at the hilltop backlit by the large fire behind them.

  “My name is Lawrence Wrath I have come to parlay.” I called.

  Silence and then whispering was all I could hear. Then after a few moments the same voice called out again.

  “Come forward slowly. Do not try anything or my warriors and I will kill you.” The slightly squeaky voice said.

  I did so and made my way as unthreateningly as possible for an almost six and a half foot tall man with the body of a Greek God. The Jicarilla warriors stepped back surrounding me as I entered the firelight. I used the time to study them and the area.

  The first thing I noticed was their height. They were all short each one around the same size as Silent Mouse. The second was that their skin was darker not quite black more like chocolate brown. Though they were short they were muscular and looked solidly built. Next, I noticed next that all of them were men, well boys really. None of them looked above the age of fifteen, sixteen if I pushed it. It could have been because of their height but I suspected otherwise.

  The largest of them stepped forward into the center of the ring and approached me slowly. He had his weapons out and at the ready. I smiled trying to keep my demeanor and posture as amiable as possible. I felt like the Rock and half expected the little guy to say ‘hey Kansas City’ it took all of my willpower not to burst out laughing.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” The leader said, voice crackling like before.

  “Like I said earlier, my name is Lawrence Wrath and I’m here to parlay. That girl you have over there is not yours.” I said, motioning with my head.

  All their heads turned involuntarily to look at Night Star then back to me as I activated my Smooth Talker skill and continued.

  “You see there is a war band waiting on my word to come attack you and save that girl. She is the daughter of Chief Running Hawk of The People. The only reason they haven’t attacked already is because they are worried that Wendigo will attack while they are dealing with you.” I paused as dozens of hushed voices began to whisper to one another and looks of fear broke out even larger than before. I waited for them to quiet down and continued. “That’s right boys I didn’t stutter, Wendigo, they are coming. This is their hunting grounds. You decided to campout in plain sight and light a fire so here are the options I’m giving you.”

  Freak roared at the exact moment. Good kitty, this mental command thing was super dope! The Jicarilla jumped and looked around in fear as I signaled Freak to roar one more time and watched as they got even more scared.

  “Option number one my friends rush out here and kill all of you then we fight the Wendigo weakened.” I paused letting it sink in.

  They were silent staring at me, I continued.<
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  “Option number two is you give me the girl and you run along your merry way and we go along ours no one else has to die.” I said, stopping and letting that sink in.

  When they all registered my words furious whispering erupted most of it directed at their leader. A few moments passed and he cleared his throat silencing his men.

  “How do we believe what you say is true? How can we trust you?” The leader asked.

  “We could have attacked you right away and killed all of you for the simple fact that you killed two of her tribesman.” I said nonchalantly.

  “No that’s not true we did not kill them just put them asleep.” The leader said heatedly holding a blow gun type device up for me to see.

  Well that was good to know and made me feel better for not killing these guys right away.

  “That’s a good thing. Since there is no blood debt yet we can resolve this peacefully. Now option one or two times a wasting.” I said.

  The leader whispered some commands and they helped Night Star up and walked her over to me pausing by the leader. I looked the girl over as they approached. They had tied a gag over her mouth and her hands were secured behind her back. She was the spitting image of her two sisters but younger by at least two years. The main difference was her eyes a beautiful shade of lavender, a little ruined by the way she glared around her with undisguised burning anger.

  “You release her to me and you all step to that side of the fire and we will retreat from this side. Sound good?” I asked.

  The leader nodded and motioned his men back. He gave Night Star a little push which earned him a glare and he visibly flinched then retreated to his men. I reached out to the girl and earned a glare in response.

  “Calm down… I’m a friend. Your father and family are just down the hill.” I said softly.

  This calmed her and I slowly reached for my kukri.

  “I’m going to cut your bonds ok?” I said questioningly.

  She nodded and stood rigid as I slipped my blade through the buckskin restraints. Once her hands were free she yanked the buckskin thong out of her mouth.

  “You little bastards! I’ll kill you!” She raged turning to charge the Jicarilla party. I grabbed her quickly earning a fist swing at my head but grabbed it before she connected.

  “Night Star!” I snapped. “Wendigo are coming.

  She stopped struggling and her eyes went wide.

  “Oh shit.” She whispered.

  Then the roars started and they weren’t Freaks.

  “Oh shit is right.” I said softly, letting the girl go and looking around at the dark night.


  “Night Star!’ Chief Running Hawk cried.

  “Daddy!” The girl yelled leaping into her fathers arms.

  The pair embraced joined shortly by their siblings and the rest of the warriors came up the hill and stood behind them. The Jicarilla bristled and held their weapons up at the incoming men and women.

  “Truth breaker!” The diminutive leader cried.

  More roars echoed through the night and everyone stopped in their tracks. The Chief and his kin stood up and faced the Jicarilla tribesmen.

  “Law is not to be blamed.” Hawk said, holding his hand up to forestall them. “We were going to honor his word but things have changed. Even though you attacked my tribe and family without cause Law talked us out of killing you outright.”

  The raiders looked at each other and then down all looking as if they were caught by an angered parent or teacher. My hunch was right. These were just boys and scared boys at that.

  “Due to the fact my tribesman are not dead and you did not harm my daughter I have decided to let you live. The plan has changed and the Wendigo are coming. We must work together if we are to survive. We will discuss your honor and punishment after we survive this.” The Chief commanded.

  The two dozen plus Jicarilla shared a look and then stood tall nodding their heads at Chief Running Hawk as another round of roars and howls coursed through the night.

  Silent Mouse stepped up and whispered in the Chiefs ear. Hawk nodded and turned to the face his warriors and the new additions.

  “We have ten minutes… fifteen at the most before the Wendigo come. Let us brandish our weapons and fight with honor!” He cheered.

  The crowd took up the cry and I cleared my throat trying to get the Chief’s attention. Moon Flower heard me and looked at me questioningly. I motioned to her father and she reached over and whispered in his ear. He quieted everyone down and looked at me.

  “You see Chief… ah Hawk, I have a plan I think.” I said in the sudden quiet. They all turned as one at my words while more roars split the night.

  Freak came bounding up out of the trees scaring the Jicarilla and stopping at my side. I patted him on the side and rubbed his chin. It was a nice break to the fear that was rising up every time the Wendigo howled. Which was closer, louder, and scarier every the monsters called anew.

  “See this is my pet tiger.” I gestured to Freak then back to the Jicarilla leader. “Another of the reasons why you made the right choice, by the way what’s your name?” I asked the boy. I had tried to identify him and his buddies but like The People’s tribe I was unable.

  “My name is Shadow Bear. I am the leader of this hunting bad.” Shadow Bear said, his voice only slightly cracking this time. His band stood tall behind him at his words.

  “It’s nice to meet you Shadow Bear. Call me Law. This is Chief Running Hawk you met his daughter Night Star.” I watched as he blanched a little at the girls name and the glare she shot him.

  How they managed to subdue that girl was a miracle in itself. I introduced the rest of the Chiefs family and then got down to business. Time was running short. According to Silent Mouse we had less than fifteen minutes till the Wendigo arrived based on how loud the shrieks and roars were getting.

  “All right gather around everyone here is the plan.” I said grabbing a stick by the fire and starting the drawing of my diagram. “First, Shadow Bear get your boys out there and grab as much firewood as you can in the next three minutes and get back here fast.” I commanded.

  He nodded made some commands and his tribesman took off. Good, they followed instructions without arguing, this might just work. I turned my attention to the Chief.

  “We need spears or the approximation of one. Can you get the warriors to go out and get me twenty long pieces of wood, cut down small trees if you have to, you have five minutes?” I asked Hawk.

  He nodded and made some commands all his warriors took off. All that were left with me were the Chief, his family, and Shadow Bear. I had been drawing the whole time and was just finishing up my diagram. Satisfied with my attempt I looked up at my remaining helpers.

  “This is what I want done. We are going to build the fire up till it’s huge. I’m talking twenty feet high. While that is going on the rest of us,” I gestured around the group, “are going to dig holes around this hilltop in the next ten minutes using our hatchets and knives.” I pointed to small X’s I had marked in a perfect circle around the hilltop. “Each hole needs to be at least two feet deep and two feet wide.”

  A chorus of heads nodded in understanding. I stood up and told everyone where to go just as the first of the Jicarilla were returning with arms full of firewood. I directed him to the fire and he nodded tossing his bundle on the flames. The fire flared and grew a foot higher. More Roars sounded this time closer, time was counting down.

  The People returned en masse carrying small downed trees I pointed and told them where to set them while directing the diggers and firewood carriers. When they were all moving smoothly I relayed what I wanted to Chief Running Hawk and he took over the overseer task while I began my part.

  I used my Total Recall ability to pull up a video I had seen of a man making those pikes they used in the movie Braveheart. Now, I knew Wendigo weren’t charging horseman but that wasn’t the exact plan. I reached the first small tree
as the video played in my mind.


  The man had used a machete and long knife in the video and my two blades were a good approximation. He began by cutting the branches off up and down the tree. Then he went to the tip and chopped it down to a point. He finished by placing the back of the tree in a hole he had previously dug. Next he propped the tree turned pike up on some logs then filled the hole in. Now he had the beginnings of a palisade. The video had taken about fifteen minutes from beginning to end with the man explaining the steps as he went along.

  My enhanced strength and speed were a blessing and I was done in less than a minute and moving on to the next tree. I chopped and cut, then chopped and cut some more. When I was moving on to the last tree they had just finished digging the hole. I finished the last tree faster than the rest and checked how are progress was going. Ten minutes had passed and time was counting down.

  If Silent Mouse was right we had maybe five minutes till the Wendigo arrived. I wasn’t going to bet on them being on our schedule so I figured being done earlier was better. The last part of the plan was to bring burning pieces of wood and place them in between each pike. Some more commands and gestures and soon everyone was grabbing burning pieces of wood and running to the places I pointed to.

  It was done in a minute. Everyone gathered back around and I finished the last part of my plan.

  “It’s my understanding that the Wendigo have extremely sharp night vision. They while not scared of fire dislike it immensely. They are also very fast and strong. Are all these correct statements?” I asked.

  “We will use the fire and pikes to herd the monsters into strike zones so to speak. By knowing where they will attack us from it will give us the ability to strike at pre placed positions negating their speed advantage.” I explained.

  Nods of understanding responded around the circle.

  “We are going to place two Jicarilla and one of The People at each break between fire and pike. With the large fire behind you and the small one close for you to see by, you should have an advantage over the monsters. The Chief, his kin, Shadow Bear, Freak, and me will be up top and will fill in wherever the attacks are strongest.” I said to the circle. “Now get into position.” I commanded.


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