Book Read Free

I Am Gamer

Page 22

by Gabriel L Rathweg

“Sorry Law I didn’t even realize they were the same person. It was so long ago…” His voice trailed off and he looked at Shining Eagle again.

  Ok the Chief is out of commission. He had it bad I’d seen that look before he was all about the Jicarilla Chieftess. There was more to the story than we were being told. I shook my head and refocused, we’d talk about it again later. I turned to Moon Flower and smiled. She kissed me and we hugged quickly.

  “You ready for this?” I asked softy.

  “Of course lover, do you think I’d lose to that tiny girl?” She replied smiling.

  “Try not to kill her. We want to be friends with these people.” I said grinning back.

  “So I kind of warned you this might happen.” Shadow Bear said to the group. “You really made an impression Chief. My mom told me about you but always used you as the type of man not to become. It’s actually her favorite thing to talk about whenever we talk about honor or lack there of.”

  Just then a guard came up it was Stone Fox, she looked grimly at us then gestured for Moon Flower to follow her.

  “Good luck.” I said.

  She smiled and kissed me then followed the guard into the circle where Dancing Lion was already waiting in the center of the ring of guards. The Jicarilla Chieftess’s daughter was limbering up and doing stretches showing off extremely limber limbs. She could have competed on the Olympic team the way she bent and stretched her body. Moon Flower stopped a few feet away from her in the center of the ring and eyed the smaller warrior. Unbidden to me I had thoughts of the two women naked and stretching together with me in the center… Down boy, now is not the time for that. The Chieftess stood up and cleared her throat.

  “In accordance with the old ways this duel will be until one surrenders or death. There will be no outside interference. If anyone from either tribe tries the duel is immediately forfeit and the other tribe wins. Shaman Cunning Wolf if you would.” She said then sat down in her chair.

  The man covered in the fur cloak and dire wolf’s head walked slowly to the center of the ring, stopping in between the two combatants. He lowered his wolf headed hood revealing a grey haired wizened old man. Judging by the amount of wrinkles on his face he was old as shit. He looked slowly at the two fighters and then around the room seemingly making eye contact with everyone.

  When we locked eyes I could have sworn he winked but wasn’t sure as he was already turning back to the Chieftess. He bowed slightly, cleared his throat, and began chanting. It started softly at first and then began to get louder and louder as he started swaying and moving around the room. As the chanting grew even more intense he started dancing as well, the torches in the room all flared small fireballs flaming out. Then they shrunk down to almost nothing making the room dark and shadowy. Still the shaman danced and chanted then began to shine, the torches starting to grow brighter as he did. The chanting and dancing grew even more intense as if reaching a crescendo then he stopped right between the two women and flung his arms up into the air and howled.

  The howl was loud and a perfect imitation of a real dire wolf’s howl. The light slowly returned to normal as the howl died out and the shaman looked around the room again. Then nodded and pulled his hood back up before walking back to stand next to the Chieftess. They shared a look and both nodded, the Chieftess stood up and all eyes turned towards her.

  “Warriors are you ready?” She asked the two duelers.

  Dancing Lion nodded spinning her stone hammer in her right hand and her stone hatchet in the other. Moon Flower nodded as well holding her fiery iron weapons in each hand, I felt bad for the other girl. Moon Flower was bigger and better armed it was almost unfair.

  “Begin!” Chieftess Shining Eagle said clapping her hands once.

  She didn’t hesitate and flew towards Moon Flower. The tiny woman was much faster than I thought she’d be and struck at my fiancé with both weapons and furious speed. Moon Flower was ready though and flipped back doing a reverse handspring completely dodging the attack. She regained her feet and raised her weapons a look of respect now on her face replacing the overconfidence she had on before.

  Dancing Lion smirked at my fiancé and clanged her weapons together once. The room erupted as the surrounding Jicarilla cheered for the Chieftess’s daughter. Moon Flower’s eyes tightened and she glared at the smirking fighter then launched a fierce counterattack. She struck with hatchet and kukri almost faster than the eye could see. She went high and low, spun and twisted, striking from every angle.

  The Chieftess’s daughter was no slouch and she dodged and blocked every strike. The clang of weapons sounded throughout the room. I watched entranced as the two beautiful women exchanged blow after blow, grunting with exertion and passion each time. The whole room had gone quiet except for the sounds of the two fighters. Each time the weapons clanged little bits of stone flew off chipping away from the strength of the iron. After a brutally intense exchange both weapon leapt back creating space between them.

  Each of them sported a few cuts but ok otherwise. Dancing lion looked at her weapons and saw that they were slowly being sliced away bit by bit. She glared at my fiancé and looked to her mother who nodded. Dancing Lion closed her eyes for a moment and a light yellow almost white aura appeared around her hands then began to grow enveloping the rest of her weapons. When she opened her eyes the aura became stronger and both her hammer and hatchet were now glowing with a soft yellow light. She spun her weapons twice and retook her fighting stance her eyes now glowing with the same light as her weapons.

  “Holy fucking shit they know magic…” I whispered under my breath.

  I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked around the room. The shaman was staring at me, his hood pulled back so I could see his face, and grinning mischievously. We needed to have a talk after this fight was over. He seemed to know me or at least something about me by the looks he was giving. I turned my attention back to the fight as Moon Flower activated her Imbue Flame skill and fire enveloped her weapons. She dashed forward leaping up and coming down with both weapons angled for her opponents head.

  Dancing Lion’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped into a little oh of shock but she recovered quickly and blocked the attack with an overhead cross block. The weapons crashed together fire and air hissing and spitting yet no stone chips flew away and the two women parted. They squared up once again this time each with a healthier respect for the others skill.

  The two continued their exchange. Back and forth they went trading blows, neither relenting both pushing themselves to their limit. Then the smaller girl made a mistake and Moon Flower capitalized as Dancing Lion overextended herself. My fiancé spun low and kicked the legs out from under her with a quick leg sweep then as she fell. Then she spun over and pinned her to the ground with hatchet and kukri crossed, just inches from the Jicarilla champion’s neck, fire close to burning the creamy mocha colored skin of the smaller girl.

  “Yield or die!” Moon Flower said quietly.

  The other woman stared fiercely at my fiancé, their chests heaving with exertion and sweat pouring down their bodies.

  “I yield.” Dancing Lion said through clenched teeth, the aura around her weapons and in her eyes fading then disappearing completely.


  There is a biological imperative people won’t admit but they love watching people fight. It turns them on at an animalistic level. Men or women it didn’t matter both got excited when watching a fight. Go to any boxing match or MMA fight and you’ll see it. Primal emotions come out sometimes whether we want it to or not. Plus, two beautiful women fighting in skin tight leather, sweating and grunting, yeah it was fucking awesome. Add in the fact that Moon Flower had won and it was even better.

  Moon Flower stood up, let her fire die, and sheathed her weapons. She stared down at Dancing Lion then reached out offering her a hand up. The Jicarilla scion stared at the proffered hand from her prone position on the ground. After a moment she sighed an
d then reached up and grabbed Moon Flower’s hand. My fiancé gripped Dancing Lion’s outstretched hand and pulled her to her feet.

  “Well fought.” Moon Flower said. “You are very skillful.”

  “Not as skillful as you it seems.” Dancing Lion replied.

  The Chieftess stood up and motioned to Cunning Wolf. He nodded to her and walked back out into the center of the ring. Both women turned to him as he approached. He stopped in between the two then reached out and grabbed Moon Flower’s hand and raised it into the air.

  “The victor of the honor duel is Moon Flower of The People of The Springs.” He said in a loud yet gravely voice.

  My group burst out cheering while the rest of the room stayed quiet. After a minute Cunning Wolf cleared his throat and we quieted down.

  “Chief Running Hawk’s honor has been defended. In accordance with the ancient traditions he may ask Chieftess Shining Eagle of the Jicarilla for one boon.” He finished, dropping Moon Flower’s hand and turning to the Chieftess.

  “The duel was won fairly and I accept the outcome. Chief Running Hawk what is it you wish? If it is in my power I will grant it.” She said, bowing her head at her fellow leader.

  He stepped forward and walked up to the dais stopping just a few feet all the while locking eyes with the Chieftess.

  “There is only one thing to ask. Chieftess Shining Eagle will you become my wife and unite our two tribes.” He said, going to one knee and bowing his head.

  I gasped along with the rest of the room. Did he say marriage? This was taking an interesting turn. The room went quiet and everyone stared at the two leaders. Chieftess Shining Eagle stared at Chief Running Hawk kneeling form in shock.

  “Your one request is to marry me?” She said quietly.

  “I could think of nothing else that want more in the entire world than you Chieftess.” He said raising his head and staring deep into her eyes.

  “Then I shall grant your request.” She replied, her face breaking into a smile as well.

  The room was silent in shock for a moment then erupted into cheering. I rushed over to Moon Flower and gave her a huge hug and a deep kiss. We separated and watched as Shadow Bear came up and consoled his sister. After a moment the siblings turned to us.

  “It seems that we are soon going to be related. Should we call you brother and sister?” Shadow Bear joked.

  All of us shared a laugh then Dancing Lion’s face turned serious and she bowed slightly to Moon Flower. My fiancé and I shared a look then returned our attention to the young woman.

  “Thank you for sparing me. I now owe you the life debt. I promise to stay with you until that debt is paid.” She said.

  “We can discuss life debts or lack there of later.” I said, motioning to the two leaders.

  The upstairs gallery and the ring of guards began cheering as Chieftess Shining Eagle gave Chief Running Hawk her hand. He stood up and took it then joined her on the dais. The two stood side by side holding hands and staring into each others eyes while the room cheered them on. Cunning Wolf joined them both on the dais and stepped in front of them raising his hands to quiet down the tribe’s folk. After a moment the crowd quieted down and the room was silent once again. He nodded to himself in satisfaction and lowered his arms.

  “In accordance with the Chieftess’s wishes we will unite our two tribes. Tomorrow night the marriage ceremony will be held. For now everyone return to your duties.” He intoned, clapping his hands.

  The room emptied quickly until the only ones left in it were my group, the guards, the Chief and Chieftess, and her kin. Cunning Wolf gestured for us, sans the guards, to come up to the dais. The two leaders let go of each other as we approached. Hawk and I shared a gaze and I gave him a questioning look. He smiled wide and shook his head as if saying ‘I don’t know what happened either.’

  “This has all taken quite an unexpected turn…” Chieftess Shining Eagle trailed off as she finally noticed Winston and Freak. “My god… is that a horse and a tiger?”

  I shared a grin with my friends. My animal companions tended to have that effect on people.

  “Those are my friends Chieftess Shining Eagle. The big one is Winston and the slightly smaller one is Westley, also known as Freak. Don’t be afraid neither will hurt you.” I explained then sent a mental command for my two friends to go to the Chieftess.

  She was hesitant as everyone before her was when meeting beasts of legend but she was a warrior and soon she was petting both animals confidently. After a few moments she stopped and my friends returned to my side.

  “As I was saying this has all been unexpected. It’s time that we all sat down together and discuss things. I take it you are all hungry?” Chieftess Shining Eagle asked.


  The Chieftess led us to a dining hall that was further up in the Jicarilla home. The atmosphere between the two groups had changed completely. Now everyone was chatting and laughing. My pets were hits and both the Chieftess and her daughter were enthralled and gave them tons of attention. We finally came to a room with a giant round stone table with enough chairs to fit all of us. The food was much different from what The People had. Stone bowls full of meats, vegetables, and fruits cooked in different sauces. After that stone plates with baked flat breads and stone pitchers full of mildly alcoholic and effervescent fruit drinks were set down.

  I followed Shadow Bear’s example and grabbed a piece of bread and used it to eat the food in the bowls. The conversations stopped until everyone had satisfied their hunger.

  The mood was jovial. Even though the engagement came as a huge surprise after the intensity of the duel everyone just went with it. It was my theory that due to the losses and the huge amount of societal changes that happened to the native peoples they were used to accepting things and moving on. If you think about it they’d have to be extremely adaptable when your entire society collapses and nine out ten people die. I shook my head clearing of the morbid musings.

  I looked around the table. Moon Flower was deep in discussion with Dancing Lion. Thunder Foot and Lightning Fist were having some type of friendly argument with Shadow Bear. While Night Star and Ice Blossom were talking with Stone Fox and Smiling Owl who were the head warriors in the tribe behind Dancing Lion and her mother. Of course the Chief and Chieftess had eyes only for each other as they sat next to each one another feeding and cooing and whispering. It was quite a one-eighty from our arrival. My gaze turned to Cunning Wolf who locked eyes with me and made a gestured to an exit. Then he stood up from the table and left through the doorway he had indicated.

  A quick kiss to Moon Flower and a mental command to my pets then I got up and headed after the shaman. I entered the doorway which led to a long stairwell that I took up following after Cunning Wolf. I exited the stairwell coming out into the open air. Looking around I saw that we were now on the roof of Jicarilla home. The shaman was leaning against a railing on the far side of the rooftop and I walked over to join him. Night had fallen and the sky was completely full of stars and a brightly glowing full moon shone its light over the landscape painting it in an almost surreal tableau of beauty.

  The two of us stood side by side in silence enjoying the cool night air and the beautiful vista. We were hundreds of feet up and had an amazing view of the surrounding area. I looked out over the valley we had entered from. The rocks twinkled from the night’s light shining off ore deposits causing the land to look like a continuation of the sky. The animals of the night were out cawing and howling in the moonlight. A few minutes passed before Cunning Wolf broke the silence.

  “So how’s that old bastard Colt doing?’ He asked nonchalantly.

  “He’s good just…” I stopped, and gave the old man an incredulous look. “How did you know?”

  He chuckled for a moment then he gave me a wink and a smirk.

  “You wear his mark about you any shaman can sense it. Also, my master Wolf and Coyote are brothers.” He replied.

  I nodded suddenly understanding why he seemed familiar and why we had some type of connection even though we had never met each other. He began talking again and I focused my attention back on him noticing his eyes had taken on a faraway look as he spoke.

  “Many years ago before the Great Suffering when I was a boy I went on my spirit quest to become a Shaman to the Jicarilla tribe. I had been traveling for days and was on the verge of starvation and dehydration when Wolf finally came to me. I had past out but when I came to he was there. At first I thought I was imagining him but soon I realized that he was real. We talked of many things before he graced me with the power of the earth. That is one thing that all Jicarilla shamans learn on their spirit quests and the secret to our ability to work with stone. He then told me that a calamity was coming and many people would die. Then he said that there was nothing I could do about it except try to help those who survived. When the Great Suffering came even he had no idea that the extent of it would be so extreme.” He paused remembering.

  “That must have been tough knowing that so many people would die and you couldn’t stop it.” I said softly.

  “At first it was.” He said nodding slowly. “Then the Great Suffering began and I had no time to worry about it. Everything happened so fast people just began dying. There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. So much death so much… Anyway, after the death and destruction had run its course I led our people, along with

  Shining Eagles father, and we came here to settle. Not only had Wolf told be about the calamity but he also told me that it wasn’t the end and that I needed to prepare our tribe for you. He told me that you would be the path back from the edge. You would help us rebuild the world that was destroyed.”

  He paused again this time longer and stared out across the landscape. I watched him cock his head to the side and his eyes squinted and he stared intently and pointing.

  “What is that?” He asked.

  I followed his finger and stared out into the night. I focused my eyes and my sight zoomed in at what Cunning Wolf was looking at. At first my mind didn’t comprehend what I was seeing. A train of bobbing orange lights seemed to be coming our way. There were dozens upon dozens of the lights that I finally recognized as torches. My eyes widened as my brain caught up with what I was seeing.


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