The Cowboy's Texas Family

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The Cowboy's Texas Family Page 17

by Margaret Daley

  Darcy smiled. “As soon as the paperwork with the state is completed and approved.”

  Corey turned back to his friends. “I’ll still be able to come see you.”

  Nick glanced at her. “He doesn’t know you’ll be returning to Mobile for good.”

  “I thought he did. I told him about my home. I’ll talk to him alone later.”

  “I’ve found with kids that you have to give them exact, concrete information or directions. Don’t forget the meeting. It starts in half an hour.” Nick pushed off the fence, tipped his hat at her and ambled to the gate.

  As he walked away, she felt as if he was walking out of her life. And she guessed he would be soon when she left for home with Corey.

  * * *

  Nick sat in Gabe’s crowded living room as the last two people arrived—Darcy and Fletcher. With Avery’s companion here, this meeting might be long and hostile.

  Gabe stood, and slowly the chatter among the attendees ceased with everyone looking at the president of the Lone Star Cowboy League Waco Chapter. “With the rumors flying around Haven concerning the Avery Culpepper who has been here for the past several months, I felt we needed to meet and come up with a game plan. We all have seen how well the new expanded boys ranch is doing.” Gabe fixed his gaze on Fletcher, but Darcy’s birth father remained quiet. “We have to stop the land from going to developers.”

  As members nodded and verbally agreed, Nick watched Fletcher. The man leaned toward Darcy and said something. She gave him a small smile. What was going on with him? Most people didn’t change and certainly not overnight.

  Gabe continued, “That’s why I’ve requested Darcy Hill and Lana Alvarez to explain about Avery Culpepper, the one who is in town right now.”

  Darcy and Lana rose and joined Gabe.

  “I’m going to let Darcy explain what she discovered about the real Avery.” Lana shifted toward Darcy.

  “I’m an attorney who has worked with the foster care system and the state in Alabama, so I’ve learned how to dig in the right places for information. I uncovered that John Culpepper married a woman named Elizabeth. I’ve even tracked down Avery Culpepper’s birth certificate. The fake Avery said she didn’t have her original birth certificate and couldn’t get one. The thing is, even adopted children in many states can get their original birth certificates, not just the one that has their adoptive parents’ names on it. That’s how I located my birth parents.”

  “So the rumor that you are Fletcher Phillips’ daughter is true,” Seth Jacobs, the secretary of the Lone Star Cowboy League Chapter, said.

  “Yes. Fletcher is my biological father.”

  Whispers filled the room.

  Darcy put two fingers in her mouth, and a loud whistle shrieked from her. Suddenly the room quieted. Nick grinned in spite of his mixed-up feelings for Darcy at the moment.

  “I asked Avery to produce her birth certificate, and she refuses. Before that, I asked about her birth date and the name of her mother. She got both of them wrong. What she said doesn’t match the real Avery, the one you need to fulfill Cyrus Culpepper’s will. She’s still at the Blue Bonnet Inn, I called and invited her to come tonight.” She swept her arm across her body to indicate the whole crowd. “As you can see, she didn’t show up.”

  Gabe stepped forward. “Which means we don’t have the real Avery Culpepper, and we have less than two months to find her. That leaves three people we still need to come to the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the Lone Star Cowboy League Boys Ranch.”

  “No, we only have two,” Bea Brewster said. “At least I hope so. I just received a letter from Carolina Mason, a grandniece of Morton Mason. She is coming back to Haven soon. I think she’ll help us with Morton.”

  Wyatt had been lounging against a wall. When Carolina Mason’s name was mentioned, he stiffened. His mouth twisted into a frown, and he dropped his gaze as he apparently struggled with the announcement that Carolina Mason would be arriving in Haven soon.

  “Okay, it looks like we might have a lead on Morton Mason,” Gabe said. “We still have to locate the real Avery and my grandfather, and so far I haven’t been able to find a trace of him. Neither has Tanner.”

  Fletcher came to his feet. “I have a good private investigator I use in my practice. I’ll pay for him to look for both of the missing people to fulfill Cyrus’s conditions.”

  Silence blanketed the room full of stunned faces. Nick couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What was Fletcher’s scheme now? “How do we know this isn’t one of your tricks to ruin the boys ranch and shut it down?”

  Darcy’s gaze zeroed in on Nick, stabbing through him. “I’ve been showing Fletcher how important the ranch is for the boys. A person can change his mind.”

  Nick fisted his hands. No, they can’t. I tried and prayed so hard that my father would change.

  Fletcher grinned at Darcy. “Thank you for saying that. But I can understand why some people would be leery about this proposition. Nick has a good reason for saying that.” Darcy’s birth father scanned the room. “Personally I would feel the same way if I were in his shoes. If you want, I’ll pay whoever you find to look for those two still missing. I came today to offer my support in fulfilling the will but also to tell you I think you’re right in looking for the real Avery. She never told me, but I don’t believe the woman staying at the Blue Bonnet Inn is Cyrus’s granddaughter.” Fletcher sat again, and Darcy laid her hand over his.

  “Frankly, we need all the help we can get. I’ll take you up on your offer, Fletcher. But—” Gabe made a visual sweep around the room “—I hope that Lana and Darcy will continue looking into the real Avery. Without these two, we could still be dealing with the fake one.”

  Several nodded while others said yes. Nick remained quiet. What happened to the woman he’d started caring for? Did Fletcher have her under his control now? He needed fresh air before he said more. Nick strode into the hallway and left Gabe’s.

  He was halfway to his truck when Darcy called out, “Wait, Nick.”

  He shouldn’t. He should keep going to his pickup.


  He stopped and rotated toward Darcy, beautiful as ever. She saw only the good in people. He wished he could, but growing up with a monster for a father had killed that inside him.

  How do I ignore what my dad did and move past it?

  “I’m going to talk with Bea about taking Corey over a long weekend to Mobile to meet my parents and see my house. I want him to become familiar with my home before he moves there.”

  “When are you doing this?” He clenched his teeth so hard, his jaw hurt.

  “Probably this Friday. I haven’t made arrangements yet.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I—I felt you should know where Corey is. I’ll be back for Heath and Josie’s wedding on Tuesday.”

  “Have you told Corey he’ll be moving soon?”

  “I want him to see my home and meet my parents first before I say anything else about moving.”

  “See you at the wedding then.” He pivoted and marched toward his truck before he said something he would regret.

  * * *

  On Thursday, Darcy sat on her bed at the inn, talking to her mom. “Our plane lands at Mobile Regional Airport at 1:45 p.m. tomorrow. I want to show Corey where I work before we head for Gulf Shores and my house.”

  “Warren and I will be there to pick y’all up at the airport. No sense renting a car. We want to spend as much time with you and Corey as we can.”

  “See you then. Love you, Mom.”

  When she hung up, Darcy stood and slipped her phone into her jeans pocket. She wanted to talk to Carol before she met Fletcher at the boys ranch. She hated how she and Nick had parted the last time they saw each other, and Carol knew Nick. Maybe she co
uld help her understand what was going on with him.

  Darcy could sympathize with Wyatt. He’d loved Carolina, and she’d left him. Although Darcy would be the one leaving Haven, she’d stay if she thought she had a future with Nick. What if she did move here anyway? Would it even make a difference to him? She didn’t think she could stay here permanently if there wasn’t a future for them. Her heart would break every time she saw Nick.

  Darcy found Carol downstairs in the kitchen. The aroma of coffee pervaded the house. “I hope I can get a cup before I leave.”

  “Of course. That’s why I have it on.” Carol took two mugs from the cabinet and poured coffee into them. “When do you have to go?”

  “I’m meeting Fletcher in a half hour.” Darcy sat at the kitchen table across from Carol. “Did Avery skip out on her bill after all?”

  “Fletcher tracked down her whereabouts. She has left Texas and is heading for California. Maybe she’ll be able to catch a rich man out there, but Haven is so much better off without her here causing trouble.”

  “You went to Fletcher about this?”

  “No, he came to me early this morning to tell me she was gone for good. He even paid her bill.”

  “He did? Why?”

  “He told me part of what happened was his fault. He encouraged her to file a lawsuit to challenge Cyrus’s will. How are you two getting along?”

  “Okay. He has helped me the last two days at the ranch tutoring the boys and will again today. He’s determined to teach Liam how to subtract.”

  “That’s a surprise. Is there any more talk of shutting down the boys ranch?”

  “Not to me, but then, he knows where I stand on it.” Darcy sipped the delicious coffee. She would miss this every day.

  “How’s Nick doing?” Carol ducked her head while she stirred sugar into her drink.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see him yesterday at the ranch. I pulled up at the main house, and he hopped into his pickup and left. He’s not happy with me because I’m going to Mobile this weekend and taking Corey to see where I live.”

  The clang of the spoon hitting the side of the cup resonated through the kitchen. “That’s not the problem. It’s the fact that you’ll be permanently taking Corey away from Haven. The child has been a large part of his life since he left the army. Corey has been good for Nick, but he’s also been good for the boy.”

  “Are you telling me I shouldn’t leave with Corey?”

  Carol shook her head. “When you started seeing Nick, I was thrilled. I was hoping you two would get together. That would be perfect for Corey. He cares about you both. The child might not say anything to you, but he isn’t gonna like leaving Haven for an unknown place.”

  “That’s why we’re going to visit.”

  Carol lifted her mug and took a drink. “What happened to you and Nick? I saw you and him dancing Saturday night. I haven’t seen him look at another woman the way he looks at you.”

  “I thought we were making progress, but lately he has pulled away from me.”

  “Because you announced you’re leaving Haven when everything is settled concerning Corey. He went into defensive mode. Don’t tell anyone, but Howard told me he’s sure his nephew is in love with you.”

  “Nick said that to Howard?”

  “Well, not in so many words, but if anyone knows Nick, it’s his uncle. He’s the one who helped Nick with his father.”

  “Nick doesn’t want to be a father. I have to go where I’ll have family support.” If Nick wanted to be that support, though, she would stay. She had no doubt Nick loved and cared about Corey. But she couldn’t stay without more commitment from Nick.

  Darcy closed her eyes for a few seconds, picturing Nick the last time she had talked with him on Monday. There was a finality to his look as he turned to walk to his truck—as though he had shut his emotions down and closed himself off from her. “All I know about Nick’s father was that he was an alcoholic. I think that’s why he bonded so well with Corey. Nick would never tell me anything else, but whatever it was, it scarred him.”

  “He doesn’t talk to anyone about it, not even Howard.”

  “There can never be a relationship between us without the truth. Not that he has lied to me. There’s a lot I know about him from his caring nature and kind disposition, especially to the boys at the ranch. He would be a great father for Corey, even if he doesn’t think so. But I can’t fall in love with someone who shuts me out and doesn’t want marriage and a family. Corey and I will be a package deal.” What was sad was she’d already fallen in love with Nick, but she’d find a way to get over him and move on—for Corey.

  “Tell him what you just said to me.”

  “My example of a loving couple is my parents. They share and tell each other everything. Sometimes they can complete each other’s sentences. I won’t settle for anything less. I’d rather be single than marry the wrong man.”

  “You want him to open up to you, but have you told him how you feel?”

  Darcy sighed. “I’m still trying to figure that out. He confuses me. But Nick knows I want a family.”

  “Then pray about it. God is always there to help us when we need it.” Carol patted Darcy’s hand on the table. “Go home and see your parents. Let Corey have a mini vacation. He certainly deserves it after the past few months.”

  Darcy rose. “I have to meet Fletcher, but I appreciate your insight and kindness. I’ve grown to like Haven and especially the townspeople. When I leave for good, I’ll miss y’all.” She hugged Carol and then hurried from the kitchen before she got misty-eyed.

  Ten minutes later when she arrived at the boys ranch, she saw Nick’s truck still parked at the barn. She glanced at her watch and decided she had some time to talk to Nick since she didn’t see Fletcher’s car yet. Nick wasn’t going to avoid her yet again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nick paused in the entrance to the tack room at the old barn. Flint had set up his temporary office inside. “I’m leaving.”

  “You’re going to miss seeing the boys today. Like you have the last two days. What’s going on? You usually prefer being here when they come.”

  Nick hated to admit that he was avoiding Darcy. When he saw her, he wished their circumstances were different. He’d known when she came to Haven that she was only here temporarily. He didn’t plan to fall in love with her. If he stayed away from her, he’d get over her and move forward. At least that had been his plan. She would be leaving soon—with Corey. A stab of pain pierced his heart when he thought about not seeing them again.

  He started to turn away when Flint asked, “Lady problems?”

  Instead of leaving, Nick moved closer to Flint and lowered his voice. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Like a neon sign in the dead of night. If Darcy hadn’t helped Lana with Avery, we could have been in a world of hurt come March when the real Avery wasn’t at the celebration. So what’s wrong?”

  “She’s leaving and taking Corey with her when the paperwork for guardianship is finalized.”

  “And you don’t want Corey or Darcy to leave Haven?”

  “Neither of them,” Nick finally admitted out loud.

  “Have you asked her to stay?”

  “Well, not in so many words. We haven’t known each other long, so how can I do that?”

  “You let her know what you’re feeling for her. She can’t read your mind.”

  “She’s always wanted a family. Not just one child but also more. I’d be lousy father material.” Lousy husband material too.

  Flint’s eyebrows slashed downward. “Lousy? Who in the world says that?”


  “Well, you’re wrong. I’ve seen you working with the boys countless times. You’re a natural and would make a great father. Why do you feel that way

  “My father wasn’t a good example. I never want a child to feel like I did.” The last sentence slipped out before Nick could censor himself.

  “You’re not your father. For a long time I thought I wasn’t a good dad because of all the problems Logan was having. Children can go through bad times. The key is to stick with them. Like the Lord. There are times we draw away from Him, but He doesn’t give up on us. Our Heavenly Father is the best example of what a father is.”

  Nick wanted to tell Flint He was the exception. “What if God has given up? What if your prayers aren’t being answered?”

  “How do you know they weren’t answered?”

  “Because nothing changed. I prayed for one of my combat buddies to live when he was gunned down, but he didn’t. He died while I was trying to save him.”

  “The Lord doesn’t always do what you ask because He has a better solution we might not see. Death is part of our life cycle. You may walk away from Him, but He never does from you.”

  “Nick, are you in here?” Darcy called out.

  “I have to go to the storage barn. I’ll tell her you’re in here,” Flint said as he exited the tack room.

  For a second panic raced through Nick. He wasn’t prepared to talk to her. As he frantically searched for a way to escape, Darcy appeared in the doorway and blocked his only path. Her somber expression didn’t bode well for this conversation. She’d called, and he hadn’t called back. They seemed to be doing a lot of that lately—not returning calls.

  But seeing her only confirmed what he’d already figured out. He loved her. In a short time they had been through a lot together because of Corey and the boys ranch. If he told her, would it make a difference in her leaving Haven?

  “I know you’ve been avoiding me, but I wanted to remind you that Corey and I will be flying to Mobile tomorrow morning.”

  So soon? Stunned, his emotions deflated, he sank onto a small desk Flint had brought into the tack room. When he wanted time to slow down, it sped up instead.

  “We’ll be back Monday evening. I thought you should know the exact times.”


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