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Stuck With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel

Page 6

by Melissa Brown

  “In the flesh,” I nodded, extending my other hand. “How are ya, Craig?”

  “Well, doing a little better than you are at the moment, I guess. C’mon, let’s get you into the lodge. Then we can take a look a better look at you.”

  Craig and the other ski patroller counted to three before lifting me. I put my arms around each of their shoulders, and they helped me into the lodge. Lyra carried my poles and skis. The warm air from the crackling fires in the three stone fireplaces surrounded and comforted me.

  But I still felt like a jackass. A big one.

  “I’m Craig,” he said to Lyra, who smiled a little too wide considering my ankle was on fire.

  “Lyra. Is he gonna be okay?”

  “Oh yeah, we’re gonna get him to the on-site clinic—it’s just down this hallway.”

  “How do you guys know each other?” Lyra asked, and before I could answer, Craig did.

  “We used to work together.”

  “Used to?”

  “Yeah, I left the company about two years ago…just wasn’t for me. I couldn’t sit behind a desk all the time. I wanted more.”

  Gee, thanks, asshole.

  “It’s not for everyone,” I said, attempting to balance out his slant on my job. I loved my freaking job and had no intention of letting Craig make it sound boring. It wasn’t. The truth was, little Craig just couldn’t hack it. But if I said that, I’d be an asshole.

  “So, do you do this full-time?” Lyra asked as the guys eased me onto an examination table, paper crinkled underneath me.

  “Nah, just weekends and holidays. I’m an EMT.”

  “Oh wow,” Lyra said, looking impressed. And it irritated me more than I expected it to.

  “Lyra, you don’t have to wait with me. And I’m sure these guys need to get back outside. I can wait for the doctor or whatever.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m not going to leave you alone. You’re hurt.”

  I’m not an injured puppy, for God’s sake.

  The other ski patroller guy seemed to get the message. He nudged Craig. “We should probably get back out there. You take care, okay?’

  “Thanks, man. Appreciate it.”

  Craig extended his hand and I shook it, even though I didn’t want to.

  “Good to see you, Dev. Sorry for the circumstances.”

  “I’m fine. It’s no big deal. Good to see you too.”

  “And Lyra,” Craig said, “a pleasure. Hope you guys can salvage your weekend together.”

  “Oh,” Lyra said, looking back and forth between us, “we’re not together.”

  “Oh?” Craig asked.

  “No, no, no, no, no,” Lyra said rapidly with a laugh while tucking her hair behind her ear. “We’re just friends, right, Dev?”


  “If that,” I said, feeling bitter.

  “Exactly,” Lyra said, smiling at Craig.

  “Well, then, maybe I could, uh…get your number? So I can check on Dev.” He always did have a charming smile that the ladies couldn’t get enough of.

  Fucking Craig.

  “Oh, sure, but, um, I don’t have my phone with me.”

  Oh darn.

  “But Dev does.”

  “No, I don’t,” I deadpanned.

  “Don’t be silly. Peter called you while we were outside. You talked to him for, like, five minutes.”

  “Not even close.”

  “Okay, whatever, that’s beside the point. Get your phone out, Dev.”

  For a moment I did nothing and the tension between the three of us was ridiculously thick. Finally, unable to stand it anymore, I reached into my coat pocket to grab my phone.

  “How’s the patient?” a new voice said. A tall and perky woman in a white lab coat entered the room. Her name tag said Ashlynn.

  Saved by the doc.

  “Looks like an ankle sprain, Ash,” Craig said.

  “Most of those tricky runs should be closed today.”

  “They were on the bunny hill,” Craig said, holding back a laugh.


  Dr. Ashlynn smiled. “It happens. Thanks for bringing him in, guys.”

  Craig reluctantly followed his partner, raising a hand to wave goodbye. I peered at Lyra to detect disappointment on her face, but I couldn’t really tell. Really, she just looked concerned.

  “Look, Lyra, you can go back to the room. I’ll be fine with Dr. Ashlynn here.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re going to need help getting back to the room.”

  “What? Like you can help me?”

  “We have wheelchairs,” Dr. Ashlynn smiled.

  “See? I can roll myself on out of here. No big deal.”

  “Stop it,” Lyra said, taking my hand. “I’m staying. Besides, you still owe me some cocoa.”

  I stopped arguing. Instead, I closed my mouth and nodded. “You’re right. I do, don’t I?”

  “And I want extra marshmallows.”

  “Of course you do.”

  Chapter 6


  “Thank goodness I always pack Advil. You’re gonna need it,” I said, leaning against Dev’s doorframe. He was laying in his bed with his ankle elevated on a pillow I brought from the couch.

  “Dr. Ashlynn gave me the good stuff,” Dev said with a goofy grin. His Percocet was kicking in nicely.

  “Right…for the first two days, then you’re on your own. Believe me, you’re gonna need it.”

  “I’ll be okay,” he said with that grin threatening never to leave his face. “Are you gonna be my nurse?”

  “Don’t push your luck.”

  “Hey, I got you cocoa, didn’t I?”

  “Um, Dr. Ashlynn ordered some cocoa for us, yes. Not sure you deserve credit for that.”

  “She thought I was hot.”

  It was true. Dr. Ashlynn’s cheeks were flushed the entire time Dev was on the examination table. Dev was gorgeous and he knew it—and he knew how to turn on the charm.

  “So ask her out,” I said, but my voice was a little clipped, and I wasn’t sure why.

  “Nah.” He shook his head. “I’m a one-woman man, you know that.”

  “Ah, right,” I said, but stopped immediately, not wanting to say Trupti’s name and ruin our current rapport. We’d gone approximately four hours without bickering and with his guard down, Dev was not only tolerable, but kinda sweet. “So, maybe we should order some room service. You shouldn’t be going down to the bar in your condition.”

  “In my condition? What decade is this? And when is my baby due?” Dev asked with both eyebrows raised.

  “Whatever, your ankle, smart-ass. What do you want? I’ll call downstairs. More pancakes?”

  “Nah. I wish they had Indian food. I could really go for some khichdi right now.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Oh man, it’s rice and lentils and it’s just…ahhh, it’s the ultimate comfort food. It would hit the spot like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Sounds good,” I said. “I’ve never had Indian food.”

  “Girl, seriously? You’re missing out. Next time I drag Pete and Mare out, you’ll have to come with us.”

  “Deal,” I said with a smile and a lightness in my chest. For the first time, the thought of spending time with Dev wasn’t repelling at all. It was actually something I could see myself looking forward to.

  What in the hell is happening?

  “Just get me a burger, okay? Something with those frizzled onion thingies.”

  “You got it,” I said with a nod. “Need anything from the kitchen?”

  “Nah, but could you grab me the remote before you go?”

  I scanned the room and spotted the small black remote control sitting beneath the flat-screen TV on the bureau facing Dev. I grabbed it and handed it to him before retreating to the kitchen to call room service.

  “Keep that ice on for another ten minutes, okay?”

  “Got it, boss!”

  The TV blared as I walked into the kitche
n and grabbed the phone. After placing our order, I decided to stretch my muscles after such a stressful afternoon. I could feel my shoulders and thighs had tightened up, and I hoped some simple stretches would help. And if not, a hot shower definitely would. Besides, the kitchen was super backed up and the guy on the phone said it’d be at least ninety minutes. So, I knew I had time.

  I changed into some comfy clothes, pushed the coffee table out of the way and played some relaxing music. I’d barely gotten myself into downward-facing dog when there was a knock at the door.

  That was fast.

  “Is that the food already?” Dev called from his room.

  “Not sure,” I said as I walked to the door. When I looked through the peephole, though, I was surprised to see a familiar face.


  Opening the door, an awkward smile crossed my lips. “This is a surprise.”

  “Yeah,” he said, his cheeks flushed. “How’s it going? How’s the patient?”

  “He’s doing okay—his meds have kicked in and he’s resting his foot.”

  “I bet you hadn’t planned to be someone’s nurse this weekend.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind. I mean, hopefully he won’t need me to get him to the bathroom or anything.”

  “Ash gave him crutches, right?”

  “Yeah, thank goodness,” I said with a nod, scratching behind my neck, unsure of why Craig was really visiting our room…and how he knew where to find us. “So, what’s up?”

  “Oh, um… Well, I hope it’s okay but I got your room number from reception.”

  “I didn’t realize they gave that info out.”

  “Well, I guess working here has its privileges.”

  “Sure,” I said, narrowing my eyes, still not sure what he wanted.

  “And we all got distracted downstairs, so I didn’t get your number…and I wanted to ask you to dinner. Tonight.”

  “Oh,” I said, my eyes wide. “That’s so nice.”

  I’d been so focused on Dev and his injury that I’d forgotten how Craig and I had clicked before he left us in Dr. Ash’s office. I was flattered and intrigued, and Craig was certainly a good-looking guy, but what about Dev? He was hurt. Would I be a terrible person if I left him alone?

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Well…” I hesitated. “We just ordered room service…”

  “Ah, right. How about a drink? Maybe in a few hours?”

  You are persistent, Craig. I like that.

  “Sure, I mean, he’ll probably pass out soon anyway. He’s had a rough day and those meds are making him pretty happy. I doubt he’ll even notice I’m gone.”

  “So how about ten? Down at the bar?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  I smiled as I closed the door, looking forward to getting to know Craig a little better.

  “Lyra!” Dev called from inside, not sounding nearly as chipper as he did earlier. “Why don’t I smell food?”

  “Because it’s not here yet.”


  I shook my head, grabbed him a protein bar, and walked into his room, tossing it on his bed. He was watching a rerun of The Office, a ridiculous smile on his face as he lounged in bed with one hand beneath his head.

  “What is it with you and Peter and this show?”

  “Um, you don’t like The Office?”

  “I don’t dislike it. But you guys are obsessed.”

  “Not true. I’m obsessed with Game of Thrones. I love The Office.”

  “What the hell is the difference?”

  “If you don’t get it, I can’t explain it to you.”

  “Okay.” I shrugged.

  “What is this?” Dev held the protein bar by the end of its wrapper as if disgusted that I would even suggest he consume it.

  “Dinner won’t be here for a while. It’s to tide you over.”

  He wrinkled his nose after peeling off the wrapper that crinkled in his fingers. He lifted it to his nose and sniffed it.

  “C’mon, it’s the best flavor—double chocolate brownie.”

  “Oh joy,” Dev said before taking a tiny bite. He wrinkled his nose again.

  “Dude, it’s like you’re afraid of it. Take a real bite, for God’s sake.”

  “Hey, I’ll eat this however I damn well please.”

  “Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You do you, but okay.”

  He took another, slightly more substantial bite and grimaced. “Mmmm, puts the chalk in chocolate.”

  “You’re too much,” I said with genuine amusement.

  A few hours later, Dev’s belly was full, I’d given him his next dose of medication, and had just placed another ice pack on his bandaged ankle when I glanced at my watch.


  I’d completely forgotten about drinks with Craig. I had approximately twenty-two minutes to shower, dress, and get my ass downstairs. And since I didn’t yet have his phone number, there was no way to let him know I’d be late.

  “Okay, so you’re good here, right?”

  Dev tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes and looking all too curious about the sudden change in my behavior.

  “Yeaaaah.” He drew it out, raising eyebrows. “What’s up with you?”

  “I have to run…I, uh, I’m having drinks with that guy, Craig.”

  He drew his head back slightly into the pillow, a wrinkle forming above his nose. “Craig?” He glanced down at his phone. “When did this happen?”

  “He stopped by earlier. Right after I ordered the food.”

  “Ahh,” he said before licking his lips, studying me. And for the first time ever, I was nervous around Dev. It was like I was worried about his judgment or something, or that he felt abandoned if I left. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but there was a stir in my belly that made me uncomfortable.

  “I mean, that is, if you’re okay.”

  I’m down to twenty-one minutes… Did I pack dry shampoo?

  Dev pressed his lips together and shook his head slowly. “No, I’m fine. It’s just…never mind.”

  “Don’t do that. If you have a problem, just say it.”

  “I’m just surprised is all. Didn’t think he was your type.”

  I crossed my arms and pushed out one hip as I raised one eyebrow. “And what did you think my type was?”

  “Someone more…driven, I guess.”

  “Not everything is about money, Dev.”

  “That’s not what I mean. Look, I know the guy, okay?”

  “And I’m going to get to know him.” I glanced down at my watch. “That is, if he doesn’t think I’m standing him up.”

  “I mean, don’t let me keep you.”

  “Dev, c’mon, it’s just a drink. I’ll check on you when I get back.”

  Dev paused, took a shallow breath, and nodded before grabbing his remote. “You’re right. Have a good time. I’ll obviously be here.” He let out a small chuckle, and it eased my guilt.

  And with that, I took the fastest shower of my life, leaving my hair to dry naturally, spraying coconut mist into my developing curls. It took a bit for me to dig through my luggage, but I found the one dress that I’d packed. I’d intended to wear it on New Year’s Eve, but since Dev was injured and the rest of our friends most likely would never make it to the resort, I decided to wear it for drinks with Craig.

  I had six minutes to go, but I looked hot. My hair was drying beautifully and I had just enough mascara on for my eyes to pop. I was ready.

  I hope you’re ready for me, Craig.

  After all of my running around to be on time, ironically, Craig was the one who ended up making me wait. About fifteen minutes after our meeting time, I was ready to pay for my seltzer water and go back upstairs when he strolled into the bar, looking handsome but not at all concerned about the time. Although I was a little irritated that he didn’t apologize for his lack of punctuality, which was something I valued, I decided to let it roll off my back and just enjoy getting to know him.

“In the mood for a margarita? Or maybe a martini?” Craig asked as I studied the menu. We were tucked in a small booth near the bar. The warmth of the fireplace danced over my bare arms as I settled into my leather seat. The lighting was dim and the music was relaxed and mellow. It was the perfect place to get to know someone new.

  “Ooh, they have a sugar cookie martini. I’m all set.”

  “That sounds pretty good. I think I’ll join you.”

  After the waitress took our drink order, we stared at each other for just a moment, and I was unsure which one of us would break the ice.

  “So…your name. Craig.”

  Craig shrugged and casually ran his fingers through his dark blond hair. “I know, I know. it’s a little outdated, but it’s a family name. I’m the third.”

  “I was going to say it’s classic. Refined.”

  “Well, thanks.” His cheeks reddened. “You might be the first person to say that…maybe ever.”

  “I’m a librarian. I appreciate classic things, I guess.”

  “Interesting. I wouldn’t have pegged you as a librarian.”

  “How come?” I’d heard this before, so it was nothing new. I braced myself for what he’d say next. I’d heard I didn’t look smart, nerdy, or educated enough. And all three had made my blood boil.

  “You’re just too…good looking.”

  Well, it’s a step up, I guess.

  “Librarians can be good looking.”

  “None I’ve ever met.”

  Silence hung between us, as I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew he was complimenting me, but it also felt like a backhanded insult. Craig was definitely full of inconsistencies…eager to have drinks, but strolls in late…obviously thinks I was attractive but doesn’t seem to think much of others in my profession.


  As I told myself to stop making things with Craig more complicated than they needed to be, Dev popped into my mind, and I glanced at my watch. Clearly I was looking for a distraction, as I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the man sitting opposite me. He was charming, yes. Handsome, definitely. But there was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I figured there was plenty of time to figure it out.

  Dev’s fine, Lyra. Focus on your date.

  “Now Lyra, I gotta admit I’ve never heard that name before.”


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