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Page 16

by K. Sterling

  “You won’t and the trial will kill Mary,” he said and tears burst from Bill’s eyes as he looked at Wal.

  “I tried to leave you out of this. I could have, if you hadn’t taken the Cole case,” he whispered and Wal heard Bill the day he told him to take time off to work things out with Marco. ‘This wouldn’t have made it to you, if I hadn’t been out that morning’ he said and Wal’s lips pulled tight.

  “That’s not where you went wrong, Bill,” he said then gave him a faint nod before he left him. Wal holstered his gun and his chest was tight and burned as he headed down the stairs. His hand shook as he reached for the door and he flinched when he heard the gunshot. A tear landed on his shoe and he sniffed hard as he opened the door then stepped out onto the porch. He closed the door behind him and turned up his collar as a bitter gust of wind rolled up the street and slammed into him. Wal heard the sirens and considered staying then shook his head and jogged down the steps and hurried to the truck, passing several shocked neighbors as they wandered out onto their stoops and onto the sidewalk. He was prepared to face the consequences but they could wait until he had a chance to tell Marco it was over and he was safe.

  Chapter 28

  Marco took a quick shower and put on the coziest, warmest sweats he could find while the bag steeped then settled in for an agonizing wait with a cup of tea. He curled into the corner of the sofa and hugged the mug as he stared out the window and there was a swift, urgent knock at the door, just as his eyes started to get dry. He set the cup on the coffee table then scrambled around it and to the door. He checked the peep hole then pulled it open and the police officer watching the hall blinked back at him in shock as his cell phone hung at his side.

  “What is it? Is it Wal?” Marco asked and he became scared as the officer paled and nodded slowly. “Is he hurt?” Marco said then turned as red and blue lights swung into the living room, from the window. He rushed to it and gasped at the police cars gathering in front of the building as officers milled on the sidewalk, lawn and steps. “Is he hurt?” Marco cried as he spun back to the officer at the door and he shook his head quickly.

  “No. I don’t think so but the chief is gone and he… They were going to kill Walden but he killed Patterson,” he mumbled in horrified confusion and Marco’s hand dragged down his mouth and chin. He looked back at the window as his shop truck parked on the street below and he stifled a relieved sob as Wal got out and marched up the sidewalk. He kept his head down, ignoring the officers as they parted and let him pass.

  “Thank God!” He gasped then ran to the door. He chewed on his thumb anxiously as he waited then ran as soon as the elevator doors opened and Wal stepped out. “Thank God, thank god, thank God!” Marco said as he crashed into Wal and threw his arms around him. Wal stumbled back and grunted as he caught him but he sighed as his arms closed around Marco.

  “It’s over,” Wal whispered into his ear as his hand cradled Marco’s head and he held him tight. “It’s all over. All of it,” he said and Marco leaned back so he could see his face.

  “Bill’s gone?” He asked and Wal nodded. He was exhausted and he looked years older than when he left, a little more than an hour ago.

  “Bill and Patterson are dead. They picked up Dabney and they’re looking for Wavy T and Junior right now. They’re rounding up all of Wavy T’s guys but I’ll make sure they know Marcus helped and he’s safe,” he said as he turned them and slid his arm around Marco’s shoulders.

  “Nobody knows what we’re supposed to do. Are we supposed to bring you in?” The officer asked as he hovered outside the door. Wal gave Marco a gentle shove through the door then offered the officer a tight smile as he shook his head.

  “I don’t know but I’d appreciate it if you’d let us have some time alone, until someone issues the order,” he said and the officer ducked his head then let Wal pass. Wal tapped his brow in salute then stepped in and shut the door behind him. Marco finally noticed the blood spattered on Wal’s shirt, neck and cheek.

  “Are you all right?” He asked as he reached for his face and Wal shushed him as he captured his hands and kissed him.

  “I’m the only one who fired,” he said then shut his eyes. “Until Bill but I wasn’t there,” he added and Marco groaned.

  “I’m so sorry. Are you going to be in trouble?” He asked and Wal shook his head faintly, letting their lips cling as he held on to Marco’s hands.

  “I don’t know but everyone knows. I recorded it all and sent it to just about everyone on my phone and it’s already spread around the department, as you might have noticed,” he said as his chin swung toward the window. “Everyone heard them confess and everyone heard me shoot Patterson and Dabney. And then I admitted it,” he added and Marco hissed as he snapped his fingers.

  “You were so close!” He whispered. “Why admit to anything on audio if there’s no video?” He asked rhetorically and Wal shrugged.

  “It was them or me,” he stated and Marco nodded.

  “You made the right choice,” he said and their eyes locked as Wal’s phone rang. He held up his finger then answered it.

  “Walden,” he said. He cupped Marco’s cheek before he turned and paced toward the window as he listened. “I understand… Yes, I did… Correct… That sounds reasonable… I can do that… Yes, sir,” Wal said then ended the call and turned back to Marco. His brows rose to his hair as the phone lowered. “I’m on administrative leave while they investigate and I need to come in tomorrow to give my statement but they’ll try to make it all as quick and painless as possible,” he murmured as his eyes swung about and blinked rapidly. He looked like he was having a core meltdown.

  “That’s all good! Right?” Marco asked as he went to him and grabbed his shoulders. Wal nodded but he still looked unsure.

  “He told me not to worry and to lay low and asked that I only talk to my attorney or rep until an official announcement is made,” he said and he was lost when his eyes finally found Marco’s. Marco snorted as he slid his arms around Wal’s neck.

  “It sounds like Crisis Mode,” he said.

  “That was the interim chief. He said this is a disaster and they want it handled quietly,” Wal explained and Marco couldn’t hold back the laugh that burst from him.

  “You did it! You got them all and Wavy. We can have our life back,” he said and Wal smiled as he pulled in a deep, steadying breath.

  “We can start over. I don’t want my old life back,” he said and Marco hummed as he sank against Wal’s chest.

  “What do you want?” Marco asked as he pulled Wal with him and backed into the hall.

  “I’m not sure but I know I need you,” Wal replied. Marco sighed as everything felt so much brighter and his heart was lighter as their lips and tongues tangled.

  “Might I suggest a quick shower for you then breakfast in bed and a long nap, for starters?” Marco purred as he nibbled and flicked with his tongue and he felt Wal’s lips curve as a weary sound spilled from him.

  “That sounds perfect,” he said then tilted his head so he could kiss Marco slow and deep. “You’re all I want. You’re all I’ve ever wanted,” Wal whispered and Marco turned and pushed him toward the bedroom.

  “I’ve changed my mind. Sex for starters,” he declared. “After you get out of that suit and wash off all that blood.”

  Chapter 29

  “They’ll see you now, detective,” the mayor’s secretary said as she smiled serenely at Wal from behind her desk. He pushed out a long breath and rubbed his hands down his thighs to dry them then stood. Wal squeezed his hand tight to stop its shaking as he strode toward the door but it trembled as he reached for the handle. He offered the secretary a weak nod then pulled himself together as he opened it.

  “Get in here, Walden,” Roger Burke, the mayor, said as he rose from his seat. Wal’s pulse accelerated as the commissioner stood and offered him a firm shake then sat in one of the seats in front of the desk. “Have a seat,” Burke said and pointed at the other chair then
lowered into his. Wal ducked his head at Burke and the commissioner then sat. Both were close friends with Bill. Wal joined the three of them for a handful of fishing trips and wasn’t sure how much trouble he was in.

  “We’ve got a problem, Walden,” the commissioner said. Wal gathered his hands in his lap and studied them because he wasn’t sure which problem he was referring to or if it was a good idea to agree.

  “I just followed the facts and did what I thought was right,” he said quietly and the commissioner grunted in agreement. He was usually gregarious and warm but he looked stern and concerned as he watched Wal.

  “You did and now we’re short a chief,” Burke said and Wal nodded.

  “I’m sorry about that. Truly. Bill was…” His voice cracked and he squeezed his fingers as he waited for the sharp pain in his heart to fade.

  “I know, son,” the commissioner said as he gave Wal’s shoulder a gentle shake. The mayor cleared his throat as he steepled his fingers together.

  “Aside from this being a political disaster, once the media gets a hold of it, it’s an actual Goddamn tragedy. And I speak for all of us when I say that you shouldn’t have had to fight this on your own but we’re proud of you and the city is grateful,” he said then winced as he continued. “But this is a political grenade and I’d like to get ahead of the fallout by picking a smart replacement for Bill,” he stated and Wal considered. He had a feeling he knew where Burke was headed but Wal decided to consider the matter seriously.

  “Shirley Cooper,” he said and the mayor and the commissioner looked at him as if he’d belched the entire alphabet for them.

  “No, Walden, we were thinking you’d be the perfect man for the job. This is going to be a disaster for the department but you’re going to be a hero. Everyone will consider it justice and a step in the right direction, if we put the man who cleaned out the department in charge,” the commissioner explained and Wal shook his head.

  “You don’t need a man for the job. Cooper’s an excellent investigator, has the most experience and is most qualified. She has a reputation for putting the law and the facts first and looking out for junior officers. She’s organized, efficient and knows how to run a team for any type of operation. She would be the smart choice. And I don’t want it,” he added and the mayor raised a brow at him.

  “You’re talking like you want my job,” he joked and Wal gave him a flat look.

  “I’d rather go into crime,” he said and the commissioner laughed.

  “What do you want?” He asked and Wal relaxed. He thought he’d be bargaining from a very different position.

  “A transfer,” he said simply and they were shocked again.

  “Do you feel like you can’t work in this department anymore?” The commissioner asked and Wal shook his head.

  “No. It’s the city and the whole Cole case. It’s taken too much from me and I want to start over someplace quiet with Marco,” he said and the commissioner made a knowing sound.

  “I know how close you and Bill were and I understand how hard this has been but we don’t want to lose our star,” he argued and Wal’s lips pulled tight.

  “I don’t want to be a star. I’d like to be a husband and father and live someplace quieter,” he said firmly and the mayor threw up his hands.

  “Sounds like you’ve made up your mind and I can’t see anything wrong with that plan. I’ll do whatever I can to find your dream assignment. It’s the least we can do,” he said and the commissioner sighed as he slapped Wal on the back.

  “I’ll put in some calls and make some threats. We’ll make sure you’re settled and happy,” he promised and Wal was warned that the city was making an official announcement later. The department would break the news of the Internal Affairs investigation into Bill, Patterson and Dabney’s involvement with Wavy T and the missing girls along with Wal’s investigation and intervention. The city and the department intended to make Wal’s heroic actions and the tragic loss and suffering of the community the focus of their announcements and hoped to deflect the attention from Bill, Patterson and Dabney, as much as possible.

  “I think it would go a long way if the city announced it was taking strong action against illegal sex trafficking. Stop targeting honest sex workers and they’ll help clean up their community because it’s good business,” Wal suggested and the mayor glared at him playfully.

  “Don’t come for my job, Walden,” he joked and Wal rolled his eyes. He accepted a promotion and accompanying raise in pay gracefully but bristled at the medals and commendations he would have to receive. He asked if they could just pass them to him in the office but his request was denied and Wal grumbled to himself all the way home about the public ceremony the city was planning.

  Chapter 30

  “Chicken Parm in the oven. Wine chilling. Emergency cheesecake in case Wal got his ass chewed out…” Marco noted as his finger bounced around the kitchen then spun and hurried to the table to light the candles. Wal thought his meeting with the mayor and the commissioner had a 50/50 chance of going smoothly or being professionally catastrophic. Wal was hoping he’d be allowed to come off of leave and go back to work but knew there was a chance he’d catch hell for humiliating the department and the city. Marco was hoping they’d throw Wal a parade and name a street after him. Walden Avenue had a gorgeous ring to it, he thought. Marco was just lighting the candles when Wal swept in. “You’re just in time! Tell me everything!” Marco demanded but stopped and brushed his hand through his hair and posed casually so Wal could have a moment. Marco was saving the tiny black lace bikini with leather laces for a special occasion and hoped he’d picked the right night. It might be an unfortunate choice and go to waste if Wal was getting the shaft. In the wrong way.

  “Are those new?” Wal rasped and his head fell to the side as he drifted closer and Marco grinned.

  “As a matter of fact, no,” he said as he reached for Wal’s shoulders. “I ordered them a few weeks ago but I was saving them for an emergency or a special occasion. I wasn’t sure if you’d be in a good mood or need a pick-me-up, so I decided tonight was the night,” he explained and Wal wasn’t paying attention as his fingers trailed down Marco’s abs then caught in one of the bow loops.

  “Does this work? Can I unlace it?” He asked huskily and Marco hummed as his head dipped and he kissed Wal.

  “Later,” he whispered as their lips brushed and Wal groaned as his hands slid around Marco’s waist and he pulled him close. He was hard and the groan became strained.

  “There are laces in the back as well,” Wal murmured as his fingers tugged lightly and Marco reached around and grabbed his wrists.

  “How did it go?” He repeated threateningly as his eyes pinned Wal’s.

  “My meeting? Fine,” he said dismissively then leaned as he tried to see around Marco.

  “Wait! Tell me more while I finish setting the table,” he ordered and Wal’s brows pulled together and he looked petulant as he followed Marco into the kitchen.

  “They wanted to make me chief,” he said and Marco reached back and swatted him with a potholder as his fingers swiped at the laces.

  “Holy shit! That’s amazing!” Marco said as he looked over his shoulder then bent to open the oven and take out the chicken. “Hey!” Marco scolded when Wal grabbed his hips.

  “Please?” Wal attempted but Marco waved him back then pulled the baking dish out of the oven.

  “Chief Walden sounds really hot,” Marco declared as he danced around Wal and hurried to the table.

  “I said no but I’ll call them back if you’ll fuck that guy right now,” Wal said and Marco’s brows jumped as he took off the potholders then hugged them against his chest.

  “Why did you say no? That’s huge,” he said and Wal shook his head.

  “I don’t want it and I’m not the most qualified person,” he replied then made an impatient sound as he took the potholders from Marco and dropped them on the chair. “I asked for a transfer. I want us to go someplace
quieter,” he said and Marco couldn’t think of a single thing to say and he couldn’t feel his heart or his face. He was still struggling to believe the last few weeks were real and he wasn’t in a coma. Patterson cracked Marco on the back of the head and the world began spinning faster after he woke up. It was all wonderful and everything Marco wanted but he expected it to take a lot more work and he thought he’d have to fight a little harder. “If that’s all right with you,” Wal added cautiously as he watched Marco.

  “Of course,” Marco said as he blinked back at Wal. “You’re sure you want to move? We don’t have to rush because I said I wanted that. A lot has changed and we have time,” he insisted but Wal hushed him and traced his lips with his thumb.

  “I love this neighborhood and the people but it hurts now, when I go by the diner and Medford isn’t hanging out by the newsstand and giving everyone a hard time. I can’t bring Ciara Cole or Donnie back. I can’t forget that Bill betrayed me when I remember why they’re all gone. But Bill and Patterson are gone and Wavy T, T Junior and Dabney will never get out of prison, so I think I’ll be leaving this place better than I found it,” Wal said and Marco cried as he kissed him. To be so in love with someone so good… He didn’t deserve Wal but there probably wasn’t anybody who ever would so Marco would just have to do his best. The city certainly didn’t deserve Wal but Marco was glad he was finally being appreciated.

  “You did. Where do you want to go?” He asked and Wal shrugged.

  “I don’t really care as long as we’re not too far from your family and it’s quiet,” he said and Marco grabbed Wal’s face so he could find his eyes.

  “You’re going to go crazy,” he predicted and Wal shook his head as he became serious and a little urgent.

  “I want to have a real family. A real family,” he repeated and it came out as a plea and broke Marco’s heart. “I want you to be my husband and I want to have kids and a dog,” he whispered then gasped as tears spilled down his cheeks and dripped from the end of his nose.


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