Book Read Free


Page 20

by Kensie King

  I closed my eyes and concentrated. It didn’t take long to feel a draft blow by, brushing against my cheeks. “Here,” I said, walking straight forward. I had no clue if that was supernatural or a regular draft, but it pointed me in the right place. I placed my hands on the wall and pressed it.

  Nothing happened.

  “Dammit,” I said under my breath. I pushed on the wall again, then glared. “Come on, Savannah. I need to get in.”

  With another press, I heard a click. The panel shifted, and I stumbled. Dylan grabbed my arm, pulling me back against him.

  “I guess as we had to do was ask,” Grace said with a grin. She waved us toward the panel. “I’ll be the lookout. Hurry.”

  Dylan whipped out his flashlight and shined it in the darkness. I could see stones on the walls and ground. Like a cave.

  He started to step forward, but his boot hit something solid. With a frown, he reached up and his hands came into contact with something just as firm. Like an invisible wall.

  “What the hell?” he said.

  “Maybe there’s some sort of spell on it,” Grace said. “To keep people out.”

  “Everyone except for witches.”

  “Or specifically you,” she said.

  Either way, it was me who had to go in after the book. It was mine anyway, it made sense. I took the flashlight from Dylan. When he started to protest, I assured him. “It’s fine. I’ll be quick.”

  There wasn’t any other way.

  I stepped inside, fighting off the chill that wanted to crawl up my spine. Last time I hadn’t been in here of my own free will. I glanced back at Dylan. “Can you just sort of…hold this panel here?”


  I smiled at him. “It likes to close on its own. Last time I was here, it shut behind me.”


  “Yeah, I was kind of stuck.”

  Dylan cursed and Grace made a face. “I swear you’re a magnet for danger,” he growled. “Hurry up.”

  I ducked back in and shone the flashlight on the stones, searching for a gap in the walls. Searching for anything that felt or looked like my vision. “Come on, Savannah,” I whispered.

  “Someone’s coming,” Grace hissed at us.

  I was struck with a moment of indecision before I looked at Dylan. “Shut the panel.”

  “Hell, no—”

  “Just for a minute. It’s fine. We don’t want anyone getting suspicious.”

  He cursed but did as I asked. I breathed in and out slowly. I was going to be fine. Savannah wanted me here, which meant I was safe, right? The light around me died when the panel shut with a final click. But the flashlight was strong. I used it to continue to look around.

  When I felt air on my cheeks again and hear whispering, I gasped and whipped around. There weren’t stones over here, just a gaping hole of blackness.

  I realized for the first time that it wasn’t just a small cavern that fit a single person. It was an actual cave that went further into—or behind—the hotel. A passageway or tunnel that lead away from where I stood.

  I held the flashlight steady to see if I could see anything else. More whispering sounded and I tried to keep calm. It had to be Savannah.

  “Where’s the book?” I asked her quietly.

  Behind me, I could hear muffled voices from outside the panel. Who the hell were they talking to? And why was it taking so long?

  Something slid against the stones. I whipped the flashlight in that direction, only a few feet from the door. A large stone fell from the wall, hitting the rock below. It echoed further back in the cave.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, clutching the medallion around my neck like it’d protect me. I inched forward, shining the flashlight near where the stone fell. And there—it was a small hole.

  I shoved my hand inside and yanked in a breath when I felt something solid. Yes! There was something in there. Some sort of material. I got a better grip and tugged. It took a few yanks, but it finally came free.

  There was something big and heavy inside the cloth. I opened it while my heart beat out of my chest.

  Dust fluttered up, making my nose itch. But then the object was revealed.

  My Book of Shadows.

  “Thank you,” I whispered to Savannah.

  I shifted toward the panel, but there was whispering behind me again. This way.

  My feet stopped. The voice was coming from the other direction, opposite from the panel. “I can’t,” I said, gritting my teeth. I needed to get out of here.

  This way.

  Dammit. I wanted to follow Savannah’s voice because she clearly had something else to show or tell me. But I couldn’t just leave the others.

  I pressed on the panel. “Dylan? Grace?”

  The voices stopped. There was silence for a moment, then Dylan spoke. “Link.” I heard his hands on the other side. “Can you open it?”

  I pushed on the panel, trying not to let panic take over. “I’m trying. Push on it.”

  I heard his grunt from the other side, then heard Grace’s voice. “Push on it, Link.”

  This way.

  “No,” I snapped. “I’m going out now.”

  At the sound of my voice, the panel popped open, making me stumble again. Dylan caught me by the arms. “Are you okay?”

  He was already searching my face then my arms to see if I was harmed.

  “I’m fine,” I assured him.

  “Fuck.” He yanked me into his arms. “I couldn’t get to you.”

  Over his shoulder, I saw Grace’s surprised look.

  Dylan bowed his forehead against mine. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I found it,” I said. The book was still in the cloth, wedged between us. “My Book of Shadows.”

  When he finally eased back, I held the book out. Grace took it with eyes that were still wide. “Your vision was right.”

  “And I think there’s something else in there, down a tunnel. Savannah was trying to get me to go back there.”

  Dylan gripped my hand. “Not happening. Not after everything else that’s happened tonight.”


  “No.” Dylan shoved the panel with his free hand, making it shut again. “We got what we came for, now we’re leaving.”

  “He’s probably right,” Grace said, touching my shoulder. “It’s been a rough afternoon for you. Let’s start with the book and we’ll do some exploring later.”

  It was two against one, and even though I didn’t want to admit it, they were right. I was exhausted. If I still had to trick a vampire somehow, I was going to need all the rest I could get.

  We walked back down the hallway and through the lobby to get to the entrance. The sun had completely vanished, and the night was dark, stars pinpricking the sky.

  I didn’t even get down the first stair before Grace grabbed my arm. “Wait.”

  I glanced over and saw her lift her chin. She breathed in, almost like she was sniffing the air, and then her eyes focused on the direction of our car in the parking lot.

  “Shit,” she said, shoulders tensing.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Gage is here.”


  “Where?” Dylan asked, moving closer to me.

  Grace frowned. “He’s standing right by your truck.”

  Her senses must have been heightened because I couldn’t see—or sense—anything.

  “What the fuck?” Dylan shoved a hand through his hair. “Now what?”

  I started down the stairs again. “We have to get home. Let’s go.”

  Dylan stepped directly into my path while shooting Grace a look. “He’s crazy. Seriously.” Then he looked back at me. “What are you doing, Link? You can’t just walk right up to him.”

  “We have to get home. He said he’d give me two days and—”

  “You believe him?”

  “There’s not much else we can do.”

  “He’s coming,” Grace warned.

lan gripped my arms. “Inside,” he said, trying to get me to turn around. “Go back inside.”

  “Dylan, stop—”

  Gage was there in a flash, his voice low and dangerous. “Get your hands off of him.”

  Dylan whipped around, standing halfway in front of me. They both stared at each other, their bodies vibrating with tension.

  “You’re not coming near him again,” Dylan warned.

  “It’s not up to you,” Gage said. But he stepped back, then flashed a grin. “Hi, Link.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. His eyes stayed locked on mine like it was just him and me. “You said you’d give me two days.”

  “I was telling the truth. I just wanted to check in and see what you’re up to.”

  “It’s none of your business,” Grace snapped.

  Gage barely spared her a glance. “Interesting company you’re keeping, Link. Descendants from the original families. This could get dangerous.”

  I gripped Dylan’s arm before he could start a fight. He was a wall of muscle, immovable. “It’s not dangerous because no one is going to do anything. We’re leaving.”

  Gage’s gaze dropped to the book I held in one arm. “What do we have here?”

  I held it tighter.

  “It’s mine,” I told him.

  Gage held up his hands. “I’m not trying to take it from you. I just wanted to make sure we’re on the right track, and it looks like we might be.”

  “That’s enough,” Dylan said. “We’re leaving now.”

  Grace urged me to move down the stairs, staying on one side while Dylan took my hand on the other. I saw Gage’s gaze drop to our linked fingers then move back to mine.

  “Link,” he called after me.

  I glanced at him again.

  “See you soon,” he said.

  Dylan put his arm around my shoulders to keep me moving. “Get in the truck,” he said as we reached the vehicle. When I looked at him, he inclined his head. “Please.”

  I got in the passenger seat while Grace got in back, reminding myself that Dylan was trying to take care of me. Not just because it was his job as a shifter and protector of witches, but because he cared.

  So I kept silent as we rode back to my new house, and prayed I’d find something in the Book of Shadows to help.


  I stared out in the darkness beyond the window above the sink as I filled a glass with water. When I saw Dylan’s reflection pass by behind me, I jumped. He wrapped his arms around me before I could turn.

  His lips moved against my ear. “Are you okay?”

  I shivered at the feel of his body so close to mine. “Yes.”

  “Don’t let him get to you.”

  “I’m not. I just wish he’d leave me alone so I could figure this out.” I also wished he’d leave me alone because my body did strange things when he was around. It didn’t seem healthy. “I’m glad you were there.”

  “Me too.”

  I smiled. “I’m glad you’re here now.”

  Grace left ten minutes ago and now the house was ours.

  Dylan kissed me softly on the cheek when I turned my face back to see him. “I can go if you need some space.”

  That was the last thing I needed. Especially not when my body was reacting so readily to his now and the flames were nowhere to be found. “I don’t want you to go.”

  His hand slid under my shirt, pressing against my stomach and staying there. “If you’re tired, I can crash on the couch.”

  I shifted, trying to turn around, but he held me tight against him. His cock hardened against my ass and his hand wandered lower, slipping inside the lip of my jeans.

  “I am tired,” I told him, and then grinned when I felt him exhale behind me. “But all I want right now is to lose myself in you. And try not to set you on fire.”

  His arms tightened around me, holding me close for one long moment. “I’m so glad you said that.”

  Then he spun me around. My chin lifted so I could meet his lips, warm and firm. He angled his head, holding me captive against the counter as he deepened the kiss, licking deep and making me groan. His free hand moved to my ass, gripping me tight.

  I pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the kitchen floor. Then I pressed a kiss to his chest. His muscles jumped in response and his skin warmed to my touch.

  “Link,” he said, voice hoarse.

  “I can do this,” I told him, feeling strong. The flames weren’t going to control me this time.

  That encouraged him. He ripped off my shirt and tossed it somewhere near his. He trapped me against the counter, his hard body pinning mine, his cock pressing hard through his jeans and driving me crazy.

  My whole body buzzed and throbbed. This was as close as we’d gotten to each other, as far as I’d made it so far.

  So, of course, the flames started simmering inside.

  “Not yet,” I hissed.

  Dylan’s head came up. “What?”

  “Nothing.” I undid the button on his pants, excitement blocking the flames.

  “God, I want you, Link,” he said.

  I rubbed my palm on his cock, loving the feel of him growing even harder for me. “I want you, too.”

  His strong, calloused hands skimmed down my back and then moved to the front, thumbs brushing my nipples. Then he bent his head to lick one. I groaned.

  “More, please,” I whispered. It wasn’t as hard to force the flames to stay right where they were this time.

  Dylan grabbed my waist and swiveled me around, backing me to the living room as I continued to kiss him. This time he groaned and stopped in the hallway to press my body to the wall.

  His dick pressed hard into my stomach. I reached down to tug his pants off, unable to wait any longer. But Dylan grabbed both wrists and pinned them to the wall above my head. My breath yanked in at the sudden show of strength and my body throbbed harder as desire shot through me.

  I was trapped against him and I couldn’t care less because it felt so good to have his hands on me. So good to feel like I’d won against the flames and I could be intimate with someone I was growing to care for.

  He snapped the button of my jeans with his free hand and reached inside. His fingers closed around my cock and tugged me out. My heartbeat picked up, and I closed my eyes as he ran his hand down my length.

  “Dylan,” I moaned.

  He squeezed my dick and slid his hand back and forth as precum streamed from the head.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said. “Anything.”

  “I want to go to the bedroom. I want you naked and I want you inside of me.”

  He didn’t hesitate, just reached into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out a condom, then held it between his teeth while he scooped me up in his arms and carried me straight to the bedroom.

  God, that was hot. Dylan was all man and in full control. If he didn’t hurry, I was going to come before we even got started. He felt too good and made me want so much.

  Dylan set me on the bed, and I reached for him immediately. He smiled and backed up, pulling down my jeans. He went next for my boxers, running his hands down the insides of my thighs as he pulled them off.

  It was dark in the room, barely lit by the light of the moon through the window. I remembered the candles that Grace had put on the dresser in the corner and concentrated on them. It didn’t take much, maybe because my emotions were already heightened, and the candles burst to life.

  Dylan straightened and jerked around. “Did you do that?” he breathed.

  I got to my knees and wrapped my arms around him. “Yes. I want to see you when I touch you.”

  If possible, his cock grew even harder. I pushed his jeans down, and he accommodated me by pulling both them and his boxers off. I wrapped my hand around him, longing to feel the smoothness of his shaft, the pulse of his heartbeat.

  When the flames tickled the inside of my skin, I swallowed and froze.

  “Sorry,” I said, releasing a
slow breath. “Just a minute.”

  He used the moment to rip open the package and put on the condom. When he climbed on the bed, I was back in control. I pushed him back against the pillows and straddled him.


  “I need this,” I told him. “I need to go at my own pace.”

  He relaxed on the bed, letting me have this. But his hands didn’t stop moving. He reached under me, hand brushing my balls, and massaged my opening.

  “Fuck,” I hissed, my head dropping to his shoulder for a moment. “That feels so good.”

  “I told you. Anything you want.”

  This was it. Just this. It was more than enough. I kissed his jaw, then his lips, teasing him by poising my asshole over the head of his dick. He licked his fingers and then ran them over my hole again before sliding one inside.

  It felt so good. So right. I wasn’t being pressured. The flames were still there, but I was less and less worried about them.

  Dylan wrapped his arms around me and tried to ease me down.

  “Almost,” I told him.

  He squeezed his hands on my hips. “God, you’re killing me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t.” He exhaled again. “You’re doing fine.”

  The flames disappeared, almost like they weren’t there at all. I met his eyes. “I think…it’s okay.”


  In a flash, he had me on my back. He ran his fingers down my ass crack before pulling my legs apart. He slid into me slowly, inch by inch while my body caught on fire. But this time, it was from desire, from pleasure.

  “Fuck, Lincoln—you’re so tight,” he grunted, wedging inside even further.

  And it was amazing. He filled me completely full, joining us together in the candlelight. Then he moved with grace and rhythm that brought me more pleasure than I could ever remember having before. He rocked against me. I could barely keep up, losing myself in the feel of being so close to him.

  When his fingers closed around my cock, I jerked. My breath caught and I couldn’t hold back. My body exploded. The flames on the candles shot high in the air as I orgasmed. Dylan shoved inside of me one more time and then followed along, grunting as he had his own release.

  “Dylan,” I murmured as our bodies relaxed.

  He pulled out of me and disposed of the condom before joining me on the bed again. “Are you okay?”


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