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Room For One More (Herc's Mercs Book 8)

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by Ari McKay




  Room For One More

  Herc’s Mercs #8

  Copyright © 2019 by Ari McKay

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places or incidents are either the product of the authors imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any places of business or any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The cover is used for illustrative purposes only. The people depicted on the cover are models.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Trigger warnings —

  This book contains mentions of child abuse, child rape, human trafficking, and child sexual assault. These horrors are NOT explicitly shown, and are not gratuitous in nature. The intent in presenting these subjects is to show their impact specifically on the mental health of characters who are trying to end these vile crimes and those who commit them.


  The old-fashioned landline rang as Joe was pouring iced tea into a glass. He carefully placed the pitcher on the counter before reaching to pick up the receiver.


  “Hey, M. It’s D-Day.” The caller didn’t have to name himself, since Joe had recognized Daryl Greer’s distinctive growl on the first word. “I’m gonna be headin’ out to the lake this weekend to fish, ‘cause Doc has a conference in New York. You interested?”

  Normally Joe would have been glad to accompany Daryl out to his camp on Jordan Lake for some quiet, peaceful relaxation away from people. It wasn’t that Joe was antisocial, not exactly, but he often felt out of place in big crowds, and his taciturn nature wasn’t suited to the pursuits of a social butterfly. Spending time with Daryl was different, because he was almost as quiet and reserved as Joe himself. They got along well.

  “Can’t,” he replied. “I’m starting a mission tomorrow, but thanks for the invitation.”

  “Well, damn.” Daryl sighed. “Guess I’ll have to go alone. You gonna be out of town?”

  “Yeah.” A motion outside the big picture window overlooking his yard caught Joe’s eye, and he watched as Brian Finnegan came around the side of the garage. Finn was dressed in nothing but a pair of cutoff denim shorts, riding low enough on his hips to give a glimpse of a dark treasure trail. His tanned torso gleamed with sweat, and his dark hair was damp, an errant curl straying over his forehead. Black grease was visible on one of his cheeks—a single streak—no doubt the product of his labors on Joe’s HVAC system. As Joe watched, Finn pulled a wrench out of his back pocket and went to work on the compressor unit, loosening the bolts at the top that held the fan motor in place. His movements were precise, and the slight curve of a smile on his lips made Joe wonder what Finn was thinking about.

  “Morrissey? You there?”

  D-Day’s voice’s brought Joe out of his reverie. “Uh, yeah. Sorry.”

  “Am I interruptin’ something?” There was an edge of amusement to Daryl’s tone. “You and Finn weren’t gettin’ busy, were you?”

  “No.” Not yet. “He’s fixing my heat pump.”

  Daryl gave a snicker. “I thought you said you weren’t gettin’ busy,” he drawled, and Joe’s cheeks grew warm. It was a sign of how distracted he was that he’d unknowingly handed D-Day a perfect set up. “I’ll let you get back to it. Later.”

  “Later,” Joe replied, absently replacing the phone on its hook. Finn was wrestling the fan motor out of the compressor, and he couldn’t help but watch, admiring the flex of muscles beneath Finn’s smooth skin.

  Finn placed the motor on the ground and bent over it, positioning himself so that Joe got an unobstructed look at his firm, denim-covered ass. It had to be deliberate, but it also had the desired effect. Joe’s mouth went dry, and a zing of arousal shot down his spine.

  Finn straightened and rested both hands at the small of his back. He pivoted to present a three-quarters view, making Joe wonder what he was up to. With his eyes closed and lips parted, he arched his spine and let his head fall back, exposing the long, clean line of his throat.

  The zing became a full-fledged thrum as Joe caught sight of the dark bruise on the side of Finn’s neck. He remembered very well how it had gotten there, the way that Finn’s skin had felt as he’d bitten down on it, then drawn it between his lips to suck. Finn liked being bitten, and God knew Joe loved to mark him. It was the only sign of possessiveness he dared show.

  Lacing his fingers, Finn stretched his arms high over his head and twisted his torso back and forth as if working out an ache, but was that a flirty smile peeking from behind the curve of his bicep? Given it was Finn, the answer was probably yes.

  Knowing that Finn was teasing him only increased Joe’s need to do something about it, so he moved back to the table and picked up the glass of sweet tea, its sides already dripping with condensation. He headed to the back door, stepping out into the rapidly heating July morning, moving toward Finn.

  He stopped a couple of feet away, not bothering to hide his admiration as he let his gaze travel over Finn’s body. They were close in height, though Finn was lean and rangy, while Joe had wider shoulders and more muscle. This close, Joe could see the brilliant green of Finn’s eyes—they gleamed with mischief—and spot the dimples that creased his cheeks. Joe knew he was good looking enough, but Finn was strikingly handsome, his features boyish and his mouth always curved in a ready smile.

  They were opposites in so many ways, and sometimes Joe wondered what Finn saw in him, even if they were only friends with benefits. Finn was outgoing, with a warm personality that drew people in like a magnet, where Joe was quiet and reserved, often fading into the background without notice. Finn’s wit was keen, his laughter bright and infectious, while Joe rarely more than chuckled. Joe was quietly methodical, his house neat and organized, while Finn’s apartment always looked like a tornado had just run through it.

  Strange as it was, they somehow made a natural team. They’d met at Lawson & Greer, where Finn had signed up after a couple of tours as an Army field medic. Joe had joined only a week earlier, after mustering out of the Navy Seal program, and they’d been paired together for training. Later, they’d left the company together to join Cade Thornton when he’d founded Hercules Security, and that’s when the with benefits had been added to their friendship. In the eight years since, things hadn’t progressed any further, at least on the surface. Joe was a homebody, and even if he never admitted it, there wasn’t anyone else in his life—and he wasn’t looking for anyone. Finn wasn’t the type to be tied down. He had the occasional fling
, but Joe was always there waiting when the flavor of the moment was gone. Joe would always be there for Finn, no matter what.

  “You look hot,” Joe said, meaning the double entendre. He held out the glass of tea. “Thirsty?”

  Finn accepted the glass and pressed it against his flushed cheek, his lips curving in a tempting smile. “I’m a little heated.”

  Joe took a step closer. “When you’re done, you could cool off with a shower,” he replied. “Then, if you wanted, I could heat you up again.”

  “I’m just about done,” Finn said, holding Joe’s gaze as he ran the glass along the side of his neck, leaving a wet trail in its wake. “I need to put the motor back in and bolt it down, but I’ll definitely be ready to cool down soon.”

  “All right.” Joe took yet another step, close enough now to feel the warmth of Finn’s body. He lifted a hand, trailing his fingers through the cool path left by the glass and then brought them to his lips so that he could taste Finn’s clean, salty sweat.

  Finn’s eyes darkened and a hum of approval rumbled in his chest. “It’d help if I didn’t have any distractions,” he said, even as he rested one hand on Joe’s hip.

  Joe tilted his head to one side. “Would it help if I went and got in the shower? The thought of me waiting for you wouldn’t distract you, would it?”

  “No, but it sure as hell would motivate me to finish up as fast as possible,” Finn said, dimples flashing as he shot a mischievous grin at Joe.

  Joe loved the sight of that grin, loved knowing he could please Finn and make him happy. “Motivation is good.” He ran his thumb along Finn’s lower lip. “And I do need to give you proper payment for your help.”

  Finn caught the soft pad of Joe’s thumb between his teeth and bit down.“Hell yeah, you do.” Finn caught the soft pad of Joe’s thumb between his teeth and bit down.

  The tiny flare of pain only heightened Joe’s desire. “Then I’ll leave you to it.” He smiled and stepped back out of Finn’s reach. “Don’t take too long.”

  “Believe me, I won’t.” Finn’s eyes glowed with interest, but he didn’t reach out to keep Joe with him. Instead, he turned his attention back to the motor, seeming ready to make good on his promise to hurry.

  Joe took a moment, again, to admire Finn’s ass, and then he turned and headed back into the house and through the master bedroom to the big en suite bathroom. He was a man of simple tastes, and the rest of the house was comfortable without a lot of fussy details, but for the bathroom, he’d gone all out. He’d put in a freestanding whirlpool tub big enough for two and a shower stall that was even larger, with massaging jets and a wide bench seat.

  After putting on some soft mood music, he turned on the shower and set the temperature to warm. While the water heated up, he collected lube and a condom, just in case Finn was in the mood to be taken. Then, he stripped and got into the shower, standing in the warm spray while he waited for Finn to join him.

  Finn entered the bathroom a few minutes later, already naked, and his cock stirred as he stood in the doorway. He raked a heated gaze up and down the length of Joe’s body. “Told you I wouldn’t be long,” he said as he sauntered across the room to join Joe under the spray.

  Joe couldn’t help but admire how Finn looked, all lean muscle and attitude. Finn had a kind of self-confidence that was sexy as hell, and sometimes Joe wondered how he’d gotten lucky enough to have Finn in his bed. “You’re worth the wait.”

  Finn slid his arms around Joe’s waist and leaned in to nip at Joe’s bottom lip. “So are you. Now, about that payment… what’s your offer?”

  The sensation of Finn’s hot, wet body sliding against his was incredibly arousing, while the bite made Joe hungry for the taste and feel of Finn’s lips. He ran his hands down Finn’s back to cup them against the cheeks of Finn’s perfect ass. “I could suck your cock until you explode, or fuck you up against the wall,” he murmured. “If either or both are appealing.”

  “I’m greedy,” Finn said as he pressed close and mouthed kisses along Joe’s jawline. “I want both, especially since you’re going on a mission without me. Suck me, then fuck me. Make me remember it for days after you’re gone.”

  Joe tilted his head to give Finn better access, and he tightened his hands on Finn’s ass, kneading it while he pressed their hips together so that Finn could feel his need. “I can do that.” He wanted Finn to remember him because heaven knew that leaving Finn behind was going to be torture.

  Finn threaded his fingers in Joe’s hair, and he nibbled and licked a path down Joe’s throat. “Then do it,” he murmured against Joe’s skin. “I want it. I need it.”

  The raw appeal in Finn’s voice was enough to drive Joe wild. With a feral growl that would have surprised any of his friends—except for Finn—he grasped Finn by the shoulders and pushed him back against the shower wall. Then, he captured Finn’s lips in a deep, demanding kiss, knowing how much Finn liked it when Joe was rough. Something about Finn brought out Joe’s aggressive, dominant side like no one else ever had. Parting his lips, Finn surrendered with a throaty moan, and he tightened his arms around Joe.

  Joe didn’t hesitate to plunder Finn’s mouth, reveling in the sweet taste of Finn on his tongue, and in the needy sounds Finn made. He rocked his hips up, wanting Finn good and hard for what he planned next. Finn arched against Joe, letting Joe feel his growing arousal.

  After several moments, Joe pulled back. “Now let me give you what you want,” he murmured. He began to press open-mouthed kisses against Finn’s skin, working his way downward as he slowly dropped to his knees. He looked up at Finn and smiled wickedly before taking Finn’s cock into his mouth with a moan.

  Finn sucked in a hissing breath and threaded his fingers through Joe’s hair, a flush rising in his cheeks. “You’re so fucking hot like this,” he said, watching Joe avidly. “I love your mouth so much.”

  Joe hummed his approval of the praise before sliding a hand up Finn’s body so he could toy with one of his nipples. He pulled his head back and then swirled his tongue around the tip of Finn’s cock before taking him in deeply again. Finn groaned and tightened his fingers in Joe’s hair, moving his hips in shallow little thrusts.

  “It’s not going to take much…,” he said, his voice low and breathy.

  For a moment, Joe considered drawing out the torture, but then he decided to go ahead and let Finn take the edge off. Finn’s stamina, as far as Joe could figure, was about equal to a sixteen-year-old’s, which for him was both a source of awe and, at times, consternation. He tapped Finn’s hip with his free hand and then moved it away, giving Finn permission to fuck his mouth however he wanted. Finn accepted the invitation with a heartfelt moan and began to thrust, claiming Joe’s mouth.

  Joe gave himself over to it, relaxing his throat and taking Finn in as deeply as he could. He loved doing this for Finn, loved giving him pleasure. Whatever Finn needed, Joe was more than happy to give. It wasn’t long before Finn’s breathing grew rough and ragged, and his body grew taut as he neared the edge. He fisted his hand in Joe’s hair and let out a wild cry as he let go.

  Joe moaned his approval, continuing to suck Finn, not wanting to miss a drop. He leaned into Finn’s tugging hand, enjoying the edge of pain, and looked up at Finn, drinking in the sight of his face. The enraptured expression Finn wore increased Joe’s own arousal. He loved knowing that he could do this for Finn, that he could give him this release.

  As his pleasure ebbed, Finn sagged against the wall of the shower and stroked the back of Joe’s head. “Perfect,” he said, gazing down at Joe with satiation gleaming in his half-lidded eyes. “Now let’s take care of you.”

  That sounded good to Joe. He drew back, releasing Finn’s cock with a little kiss, before straightening up. He ran his hands over Finn’s chest, dragging his nails over Finn’s skin. “All right. But first I want a kiss. Then I’ll fuck your brains out.”

  With a sensual smile, Finn slid his arms around Joe’s shoulders and leaned in to c
laim a deep, hungry kiss. Joe closed his eyes, returning the kiss measure for measure. No matter how many times they made love, every time was unique and wonderful. Finn filled up all the empty places in Joe’s soul and made Joe feel safe in ways no one else did.

  After a short time, he pulled back. “Let’s get you ready,” he murmured and then reached toward the shelf where he’d placed the condom and lube. He picked up the bottle, keeping it out of the water stream, and popped open the top. “Good thing this is a big shower.”

  “Who would’ve guessed you’re such a hedonist?” Finn teased. He turned around, placing his forearms against the tiled wall. “How’s this?” He gave Joe a flirty smile over his shoulder as he arched his back to put his ass on display.

  The sight made Joe’s cock throb. “Perfect,” he said breathlessly. He coated his fingers with lube and then put the bottle back on the shelf. “Now let’s get you ready.”

  He slid his fingers down Finn’s ass and began to circle his tight pucker. Leaning closer, he nipped at the back of Finn’s neck, before starting to suck hard. Moaning, Finn dropped his head forward, offering Joe better access.

  “Oh, yeah, mark me up,” he murmured, a shiver running through him. “Give me something to remember you by.”

  Joe didn’t hesitate to do as Finn requested, biting down and worrying at his skin. At the same time he pressed two fingers slowly into Finn’s body, his eagerness to bury himself inside Finn making him begin to tremble. Finn rocked back as if trying to send Joe’s fingers deeper.

  “I’m good,” he said, breathless. “Fuck me, Joe. I need you now.”

  There was no way that Joe could resist Finn’s plea. He removed his fingers and then held them under the water for a moment to rinse them before reaching for the condom. “I need you, too,” he growled as he ripped open the packet. He rolled the condom on before picking up the lube again, wanting to make sure he didn’t hurt Finn. After coating himself, he dropped the bottle, not caring where it ended up, and grasped Finn’s hips. “Ready?”


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