Book Read Free

Secret Remorse

Page 4

by T N Lowe

  “Thank you, these are beautiful,” I say placing them in an empty vase on the entryway table.

  “Okay, you crazy kids have fun,” Caitlann says joining her husband, Chase who is standing at the curb leaning against his Jag.

  “Sorry about her. She is crazy protective of me and my younger brother,” I explain.

  Maks chuckles, “It is okay I am the same way with my sisters. Are you ready for dinner?”

  “I need my purse,” I say walking into the living room and picking it up from the table. Rejoining Maks in the entryway I say, “I’m ready.”

  As Maks helps me into his Aston Martin Vanquish, I ask, “Where are we going?”

  “I made our reservations at Zaytinya,” He answers shutting the door.

  “Fancy,” I joke.

  “Only the best for you,” Maks answers kissing my hand before sliding the car in gear and racing across the city.

  Once we are seated at our table Maks turns his stormy gray eyes on me, “It’s your turn, Shauna, tell me everything about you.”

  “My dad is in the Navy, so we moved around a few times. I was born in Guam; then we moved to Hawaii, Greece, Japan, and Italy. My dad was promoted to Rear Admiral, they stationed him in D.C. when I was fifteen. My parents have been married for Thirty-seven years. I have four brothers, three older, one younger and my older sister, Caitlann. My oldest brother Connor Jr or CJ is thirty-five, in the navy, married with two boys. The twins Brenn and Carson are thirty, and currently bartenders at a bar downtown and refuse to grow up. Manus is twenty-six and plays professional football for the Florida Hurricanes. Caitlann is thirty-two works for Patrick at Kindred Corporation in their marketing department; she is married with two girls and a boy.”

  The server returns with our wine, “Are you ready to order?”

  “Do you mind if I order for us?” Maks asks.

  “Please,” I am assuming he knows what is good here.

  After ordering for us, Maks asks, “You told me about your family, but what about you?”

  “I’m twenty-eight; I have a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Georgetown. Kegan, my uncle, and CEO of Kinsman Communication hired me right of college as a programmer. I did programming for a couple of years then moved to app development. After a few years as a developer, they promoted me to the lead app developer.”

  “You must be good for him to hire you for such an important job,” Maks states.

  “I’m sure it was more because he’s my uncle,” I say blushing and taking a sip of my wine.

  “I doubt that.”

  “Well, thank you for saying so. A museum curator, how did that happen?” I ask curiously.

  “I love history and traveling and being a curator allows me to do both. It also allows for certain items to be moved with few questions.”

  “Aww, now it makes sense why you are a curator. Do you like it?” I ask as the server arrives with Siberian sturgeon black caviar with blinis.

  Spooning caviar onto a blini and handing it to me; Maks says, “I do. Have you ever had caviar before?”

  “I had it once at a party, it wasn’t great,” I say taking the blinis from him.

  “It must have been the cheap stuff,” Maks says taking a bite of his own blinis.

  “I have to ask, how do you see this working? I live and work in D.C., and you live and work in Philadelphia.” I need to know the facts before I let my heart get involved.

  “In a perfect world, you would come to Philadelphia with me. I am in D.C. for the next couple of weeks, let us see how things go,” Maks says taking my hand and squeezing it.

  “Okay,” I say biting my lip. “My parents are hosting a black-tie gala on Friday, and my mom would like me to invite you.”

  “I would love to go,” Maks answer with a huge smile.

  “I have to warn you my whole crazy family will be there and will interrogate you.”

  Maks laughs, “Don’t worry I can take it.”

  After dinner, which was perfect, Maks drives me home then gives me a heart-stopping kiss goodnight leaving me breathless on my doorstep.

  Chapter Five

  Friday morning starts with someone banging on my door. I fold my pillow over my ears to muffle the noise; after working fifteen-hour days, I deserved to sleep in on an off day. “Shauna get your butt down here we have a gala to get ready for,” Caitlann yells.

  Why the hell did I give her a key? I ask myself before rolling on my back and taking a deep breath. “Sweetie are you up? We have an appointment at the spa,” Mom says tapping at my door.

  Sighing I answer, “Yeah, start the coffee and I’ll be down in a minute.” Rolling out of bed and stepping into the shower letting the hot water wash over me, giving me the strength to spend the day with my mother and sister. Turning off the water and toweling off quickly I toss on a pair of jeans and a baby pink tank top.

  I slowly walk downstairs to meet Mom and Caitlann in the kitchen. Caitlann hands me a travel mug of coffee looping her arm around mine and pulls me to the door, “Come on the spa will not wait for us.”

  “Fine,” I grumble following her to the door.

  “Don’t sound so excited, Shauna,” Caitlann chastises me.

  “Sorry, I’ve been working fifteen-hour days and was planning on sleeping in today.”

  “I’m a mom I work twenty-four hours a day and haven’t slept past seven in years. So, suck it up.”

  “Do you see any kids running around here?”

  “Soon I hope,” Mom says.

  “Mom,” I whine. “Why don’t you bug the twins, they’re older than me, and they still haven’t settled down yet.”

  “Oh, don’t worry if they don’t grow up soon. I will tell Patrick to marry them off.”

  Caitlann and I laugh knowing that won’t go well.


  The spa is bright with white walls and pastel blues and purples ascents while soft classical music plays in the background. “Good morning Mrs. Daly,” Kathy the day spa manager greets us. “Here for a girl’s spa day?”

  “Yes, Connor and I are hosting our yearly gala tonight. The girls and I are here for some pampering,” Mom answers.

  “Would you like the full treatment package?”

  “Yes, please,” Mom says with a broad smile.

  “Right this way ladies, I have you starting with massages,” Kathy says leading us to the changing rooms to change.

  Mom, Caitlann and I undress and pull on one spa’s fluffy baby blue robes and matching slippers. Exiting the changing room, we find Kathy waiting to escort us to our massage room.

  Sixty minutes later Kathy lightly knocks on the door, joining Mom and Caitlann in the hall I laugh at the look on Caitlann’s face, “That good, huh?”

  “Shut up, you have the same look,” she shoots back.

  “Derek is my future husband.”

  “Oh, and what’s Maks going to say about that?”

  “If Maks has hands like Derek, he’ll be back to being number one.”

  “Derek’s wife may have something to say,” Kathy says under her breath.

  “He’s married? He said nothing when I proposed.”

  “He is, and they’re expecting their first child in three weeks,” Kathy says as we follow her into the facial room. “If you will have a seat, the technicians will be in shortly.”

  As soon as we take our seats three technicians descend on the room and ask what type of facials, we would like this morning. Caitlann and I pamper ourselves with a gold facial. It helps to rejuvenate the skin, remove toxins and make your skin glow. Mom requests a collagen facial saying she is showing her age more and wants to look young for Dad. Caitlann and I shake our heads at her; Riana Daly is fifty-five and has had six children, none of which shows.

  After our faces are glowing and feeling brand new, we move on to reflexology manicures and pedicures. Once our hands and feet have been massaged, paraffined and nails polished we return to the changing room for a shower then it’s off to hair and makeup


  “Krasotka,” Maks says handing me three white roses.

  “Krasotka?” I ask taking the roses from him.

  “It means gorgeous. You are stunning.”

  “Thank you,” I replied blushing. “You’re not looking too bad yourself; in fact, I think you should wear a tux more often.”

  Maks chuckles, “Are you ready to go?”

  “Lead the way,” I answer picking my clutch up from the entryway table.

  Maks leads me to a waiting town car, the driver opens the rear door for us. I slide in, and Maks closes the door then rounds the car taking his seat next to me.

  “What did you do today?” Maks asks as the driver pulls into traffic.

  “I spent the day with my mom and sister at the spa getting ready for tonight.”

  “You look amazing. I mean you look good every time I have seen you but you look very nice tonight,” Maks says kissing my cheek.

  “Thank you. What did you do today?”

  “Worked. One of my museums biggest donors is assisting in the acquisition of a privately owned artwork by Vincent Van Gogh.”

  “I love Van Gogh’s work.”

  “Maybe one day we can visit his museum in Amsterdam,” Maks states.

  “That would be awesome. I miss Europe,” I state as the driver pulled through the gate at my parent’s estate.

  “This is where your parents live?” Maks asks as we pull through the gate and enter the estate.

  “Yes, they needed a place large enough for all eight of us plus be able to host parties and foreign dignitaries.”

  “This has more than enough room,” Maks says looking around.

  The driver stops the car at the front door; coming around, the driver opens my door. Meeting Maks at the back of the car we walk hand in hand up the few steps to the front door. Greeted by Frank, the house manager he escorts us to the family room, “Are you sure about this, last chance to change your mind,” I joke.

  “Don’t worry pchelka I can take anything they have,” Maks answers placing a soft sweet kiss on my lips.

  Reaching the family room, we find my whole family including Samuel, Lena, Patrick, Patrick’s parents, and brothers and sister. Maks and I step through the doorway, and everyone goes quiet and stares at us. “Hi everyone this is Maks. Maks this is everyone.”

  “Hi everyone,” Maks says with a little wave.

  Mom and Dad are the first to approach. Mom is wearing an empire waist black gown while Dad is wearing his dress uniform. “Maks these are my parents, Connor and Riana Daly. Mom and Dad this is Maks Volkov.”

  Maks shakes my parent’s hands, “It is nice to see you again Mr. Daly. Mrs. Daly, it is nice to meet you. Shauna speaks highly of you.”

  “I’m glad you could make it,” Dad says shaking Maks hand.

  Mom hugs Maks asking, “What do you do?” as Kegan and Regan come to join us.

  “I’m a museum curator at the Philadelphia Natural history museum.”

  “What brings you to Washington D.C.?” Kegan asks.

  “Maks, this is my uncle Kegan and my aunt Regan,” I break in before Maks can answer.

  “I’m here on vacation and spending time with Shauna,” Maks answers not intimated by my uncle or father.

  “Are you planning on moving to D.C.?” Mom asks.

  Maks sucks his lips into his mouth choosing his words carefully. Looking down at me, “We are seeing where things go before we make any life-changing decisions.”

  “Smooth,” Kegan says with a chuckle.

  “Let me introduce Maks to everyone else before the party starts,” I tell my parents, Kegan, and Regan.

  “Hello,” I say hugging Lena and Patrick.

  “I’m glad to see you came to your senses,” Patrick says shaking Maks hand.

  “Yes, I realized my mistake and begged Shauna to forgive me,” Maks replies.

  “Good, Shauna is one of the kindest people you will ever meet,” Lena says rubbing her baby bump. “Sorry, this little guy is kicking like crazy tonight.”

  “May I?” I ask wanting to feel the baby kick.

  “Of course,” Lena says taking my hand and placing it on the spot where the baby is kicking.

  Samuel joins us placing his hand on Lena’s belly, “He’s running out of room in here.” Leaning down he says, “Don’t worry buddy you’ll be here soon.”

  “I keep telling him the same thing,” Patrick says kissing his wife on the cheek.

  “We’ll see you around I need to introduce Maks to the rest of the family,” I say.

  We start with Caitlann; Maks already met her it will be an excellent warm up to introduce him to Chase. “We meet again,” Caitlann says as we approach.

  “We do,” Maks replies kissing her cheek.

  “Maks, this is Chase, Caitlann’s husband,” I say as Chase pulls me into his side kissing the top of my head. At almost seven feet, Chase is intimidating to some people, but he has always been a big softy with me.

  “This is the new guy,” Chase says looking down at Maks. “I will warn you now; Shauna is my favorite sister, treat her right.”

  I lightly hit him in the stomach, “I’m your only sister.”

  Chase laughs and rolls his eye, “Yeah that makes you my favorite.”

  “Whatever,” I say with a headshake. “Let me introduce you to my brothers,” I tell Maks.

  “It was nice to see you again,” Caitlann tells Maks.

  “You too. It was nice to meet you, Chase,” Maks says as I lead him to Brenn and Carson.

  Brenn and Carson are talking animatedly to their dates. As we approach they stop talking and watch us. Taking a deep breath I say, “Hi guys this is my boyfriend Maks. Maks these are my brothers Brenn and Carson.”

  They look him up and down before Brenn says, “We don’t like you.”

  “You made our sister cry,” Carson finishes.

  “I understand, and I would feel the same if it was one of my sisters. I promised I will treat Shauna like the princess she is,” Maks tell them.

  “You better,” Brenn and Carson say together returning to their dates.

  “Sorry about them,” I say to Maks as we walk across the room to CJ and his wife, Gwen who are talking to Manus and his longtime girlfriend Misty.

  “It is okay pchelka. I treat my sister’s boyfriends the same, please don’t worry,” Maks tells me.

  Gwen and Misty stop talking as we approach and I’m prepared for the worst as I say, “Hi guys this is my boyfriend Maks. Maks this is CJ and his wife Gwen and Manus and his girlfriend Misty.”

  Manus steps forward and shakes hands with Maks, “Just make my sister happy.”

  “That is my plan,” Maks answers with a smile.

  “Good, as long as you stick to your plan we won’t have any problems,” CJ says placing a hand on Maks shoulder.

  Misty and Gwen come to my side as we watch the guys talk, “You did really good Shauna. He’s hot,” Gwen says.

  “Not as hot as Manus but yeah he’s hot,” Misty says.

  “Misty, we’ve talked about this please do not refer to my brother as hot. It’s gross,” I scold her.

  “Whatever,” Misty says with a laugh.

  “I need everyone to listen up,” Mom says.

  Maks moves back to my side pulling me in tight to his side as we listen to Mom. “The guests will arrive soon. If everyone can make their way to the backyard and line up for the receiving line; dates can take their seats at the two head tables.”

  Following Mom and Dad into the backyard where two large tents are set, I kiss Maks before he offers Misty his arm and escorts her to the head tables. While anyone whose last name is Daly or has married into the Daly family is lining up to greet our guests.


  Two hours later I’ve shaken hands with every wealthy person in the tri-state area. But now the tents are full, and I take my seat next to Maks as Dad takes the stage with Samuel. “Good evening everyone,” Dad starts. “I would like to
thank each one of you for attending tonight to support our veterans. The money we raise here tonight will help fund programs for prosthetics, mental health counseling, and welcome home programs. Now if you will please give a warm welcome to President Samuel Walsh.”

  Samuel takes the microphone from Dad, “Thank you, Connor. I want to thank everyone for coming and opening your checkbooks to support our veterans. Without their sacrifice, we would not have the freedoms we enjoy today. The Welcome Home foundation is a way for us to show our appreciation for their sacrifice but also to thank their families. Thank you again and enjoy your evening,” Samuel ends his speech and everyone claps as the band plays while Dad and Samuel join us at the head tables.

  “Is everyone here a member of The Family?” Maks asks as the servers enter the tents placing salads on the tables.

  “No, there are a few members, but most are wealthy people willing to pay the price per plate to meet the President.”

  “Is it safe?”

  “It is. Secret service is here, and Dad hired extra security to work the gala on top of the background checks everyone had to submit to.”

  After a surprisingly edible dinner the band plays my parent’s favorite song, When A Man Loves A Woman by Percy Sledge, Mom and Dad take the dance floor for the first dance. “Mom and Dad share the first dance before inviting everyone to join in,” I explain to Maks. “Later there is a father-daughter dance.”

  “Do I get to dance with you?” Maks asks taking my hand in his.

  “You better,” I say pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

  “You two are sickeningly sweet,” Carson says.

  “Oh, shut up Carson. Your poor date must feel neglected; you have barely talked to her all night.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Carson says with a cocky look on his face.

  “Never mind,” I say rolling my eyes.

  “How can you tell him and Brenn apart?” Maks whispers.

  I get asked this a lot. Most people can’t tell the twins apart; Mom has gotten them confused once or twice. “I grew up with them and know their mannerisms. Until you’ve been around them long enough to learn their differences the best way to tell is Brenn has a small scar under his left eye.”


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