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The Watcher

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  Nicole was used to men hitting on her and she said firmly, “I am!”

  The man shook his hand and said, “Well excuse me! However, I know most people around here; do you have a name?”

  Nicole looked at the man sitting on a leg of the bar to her right. His hair was down to his shoulders and he had a new beard and mustache growing in, “His name is Charles Guetteur.”

  The man smiled, “I know him.”

  Nicole’s head went back, “You do?!”

  “Yes, however, you have other issues you need to attend to before you start looking for him.”

  “Such as?”

  “Don’t look now but there’s a man sitting at the far end of the bar that is waiting for you to leave. He’s wearing a Toronto Blue Jays jacket. You may slip a glance at him if you want.”

  Nicole stared at the man and dropped her purse. She stepped off the bar stool and looked at the man as she took her seat. He saw her look at him and instantly looked away. “What’s the issue with that man?” Nicole asked.

  “He’s been following you since you left Washington along with three other men who are waiting outside for you to leave. It appears your Mr. Schmitz has notified the governments in the East that you are searching for me. They intend to stun you and take you to be tortured and questioned.” Nicole’s eyes flew open and the man said, “They’re on to you and your chances of survival really aren’t very good at the moment.”

  Nicole stared intently at the man and said, “You’re him.”

  The man smiled slightly and replied, “Ordinarily, I don’t get involved in these sort of things, but I worry that if something happens to you, I won’t get my musket back.” The man stared at Nicole and waved the bartender over. He paid his bill and said, “Good luck.”

  “What should I do?” Nicole asked with a shaky voice.

  “You’re a smart lady; you figure it out?”

  “I’m so panicked I can’t think straight; I’m not a trained field agent.” The man stared at her and Nicole asked, “Did you know him?”

  “Know who?”

  “Myles Standish.”

  Charles saw the wonder in the woman’s eyes, and he blew out a breath, “I know I’m going to regret this, but in a few moments, I want you to turn around and look at two men sitting at the table against the far wall; they’ve been ogling you for the last hour trying to work up the nerve to approach you. Nod to them and wait for one of them to nod back.” Nicole nodded slightly, “Once they do, lift your communicator while staring at Mr. Blue Jay and call 911 and report a shooting. Immediately hang up before they get your name. Reach into your purse and keep your hand in it as you walk toward the man at the bar.”

  Nicole stared at the man as he stood up to leave, “Wait! I want to talk with you!”

  “Not going to happen.”

  “I won’t turn you in! I just want to know what you’ve seen.”

  The man stared at her for a long moment, then he tossed a small piece of metal toward her. She picked it up and it disappeared into her hand. She turned back to the man and he was gone. She took a breath and turned around. She saw the two men against the wall were still staring at her and she nodded to them. Both of them nodded back. She lifted her communicator and began speaking. A moment later, she lifted her purse, put her hand in it, and stood up. She glared at the man wearing the Blue Jays Jacket as she walked toward him. He jumped up off the bar stool and ran out of the tavern. Nicole watched him and saw out of the front glass of the tavern that a police vehicle with flashing emergency lights was dropping down in front of the bar. She watched the man run across the street and jump in a dark blue SUV. It roared away and Nicole blew out a hard breath. She contacted Grant and told him that she was being stalked by opposition agents. He told her to remain in place and he sent a high-speed hovercar to pick her up.

  “Grant, is Jim around?”

  “No, he just answered his communicator and said he had a family emergency and left the office.”

  “Could you call his home and see if there’s really an emergency.”

  “What’s going on Nicole?”

  “The only way for those agents to find me was someone had to tell them what I’m doing. Jim has resisted looking for the Old One from the start. I really hope I’m wrong, but my intuition says he must have something to do with it.”

  Ten minutes later, Nicole’s communicator beeped, and she saw it was Grant, “His wife says that everything is fine. I asked her to call Jim and tell him to contact me…she was unable to reach him. I tried calling his communicator several times and he’s not answering.” Nicole shook her head and Grant said, “Leave finding Jim to me. Get back here and report in!”

  “Yes Sir.”

  • • •

  Nicole waited for the hovercar to arrive and she heard in her mind, “You don’t need to speak, just think what you want to say.” Nicole blinked and remembered the mans voice at the bar. “The only reason I’ve given you a means of communicating with me is because I understand that you can get my musket back to me.”

  “And what happens if I return it to you?”

  “Then I’ll remove the communicator and we’ll both go our separate ways.”

  “I don’t want you to do that. I will not reveal that we’re communicating.”

  “Duh! Isn’t that your job?”

  “Yes, but you’re an exception.”

  “You have got to be kidding me!”

  “No, I’m not. The only thing I love more than computers is history and you know it firsthand. I will not turn you in!” Nicole hesitated and then said, “Let’s make a deal.”

  “This isn’t television Nicole.”

  “I know. But if I can get you the musket, will you allow me some time to just discuss some of America’s history.”

  “How much time?”

  “Four weeks; that’s all I want.”

  “I could tell you everything in less than ten days.”

  “How long have you been around watching humans?” Charles was silent and Nicole said, “Your last name, Guetteur, means watcher in French. How long have you been doing it?” Charles was silent and Nicole begged, “Please tell me!”

  “Since the beginning,” Charles answered softly.

  “What beginning?” Nicole asked.

  “Since human’s ancestors lived in the trees in Africa.” Nicole’s mind was stunned by the revelation. “And I can tell you that humans are trying harder today to cause their extinction than at any time in their past.”

  Nicole gathered her wits and said, “Do we have a deal?” Charles was silent and Nicole added, “I’ll not reveal anything I learn and will keep your existence secret.”

  “Before I tell you anything, get my musket and then we’ll talk.”

  Nicole saw the hovercar landing in front of the bar and Nicole replied, “Fair enough. I’ll let you know when I have it.” Nicole rushed out of the tavern and boarded the hover car. A man stood in front of the restaurant next door and watched it leave. He lifted his communicator and said, “Our team following the woman was made. You need to clean things up.” He ended the call and looked around. He shook his head and knew the woman had struck another dead end. They’ll have to remove her now.

  Charles watched the man as the computer played his communication. He hoped he got his musket before Nicole was removed; these agents were pretty nasty. He went to his mustang and headed out to Carver where the trailer was located. He’d wait there for further developments. He’d also wait and see if Nicole ratted him out forcing him to leave the states.

  • • •

  Nicole arrived back at Intelligence Headquarters and found Grant on the phone. He waved her to a chair and listened to the other party in silence simply replying, “I see; go on; ok.” He finally hung up and looked at Nicole, “Jim was found floating in the Potomac River an hour ago. Another man was found floating in Plymouth Bay about the same time. Both of them had their throats cut.”

  “What was the man found in Ply
mouth Bay wearing?”

  “He had on a Blue Jays jacket and dark blue pants.”

  “That’s one of the men stalking me in Plymouth.”

  Grant nodded and said, “They cut the throats of victims they believe sell them out. They must have believed that Jim set up their agents in Plymouth.”

  “And since I didn’t get a good look at the other three, they chose to eliminate the one I could recognize,” Nicole stated.

  Grant nodded, “Working for the Opposition is fraught with danger. Have you uncovered anything?”

  “Not yet.”

  “How did you know that man was stalking you?”

  “He was acting extremely nervous and kept looking away when I turned his way. He had to be an amateur.”

  Grant stared at her and then said, “What are you going to do now?”

  “Sir, I need you to give me the musket.”

  “I thought you said it was too valuable to put in danger.”

  “And I still feel that way, but I’m convinced that you were right initially.” Grant’s eyes narrowed and Nicole continued, “You said I could give it back to him when I found him, right?”

  “I did say that,” Grant agreed.

  “I need something to draw him in and after thinking about it, that musket was in a place of honor in his former home. I have to hope it means a lot to him and it might draw him out. I’ll be extremely careful with it.”

  “How will he know you have it?”

  “Sir, I believe he is listening to us at this very moment.” Grant’s eyes narrowed and Nicole quickly added, “Sir, he knew about the search warrant the moment it was issued. If this musket means anything to him, he’ll find a way to retrieve it.”

  “Then I need to assign you some protection.”

  “Sir, do you think he won’t know they’re there?”

  “Then what are you trying to accomplish Nicole?!”

  “I hope to get him to talk with me and tell me his intentions.” Grant stared at her and Nicole shrugged, “I don’t believe we can capture this being, and yes I believe he’s an alien. His technology is so far ahead of us that we don’t represent any danger to him. The fact that we have no evidence he’s ever acted aggressively in the past makes me at least feel he won’t harm me. But getting him to come out of hiding can only be accomplished if I have something to barter with. That’s where the musket comes into play.”

  “We do have evidence of him being aggressive.” Nicole’s head went back slightly, and her eyebrows came down. Grant continued, “I discounted the intelligence about the Opposition searching for an Old One. I used some of my assets in the East and found out why they’re trying to find him.” Nicole blinked and Grant added, “Do you remember twenty years ago when the nations in the Opposition sent a massive army in close to the border of Europe?”

  “I was in high school at the time, but I do remember. They insisted they were just going through maneuvers.”

  “There were more than a million tanks and armored personnel carriers sent toward the border along with tens of thousands of aircraft.” Nicole nodded. “Every tank, personnel carrier, and aircraft suddenly stopped operating before they arrived at the border with Europe. Satellites showed the massive surprise attack moving toward the border and the free nations in Europe were caught with their pants down. It took two weeks to move enough equipment in to take on the forces moving toward them and nothing the East could do would start their weapons of war operating. Once the West had their defenses in place, their tanks, planes, and other machinery started operating again. Since the East had lost the element of surprise, they accused the West of pushing war when all they were doing was military exercises.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “No one did and that included us. But a message was delivered to the Commanders of the Eastern Forces to not try it again. It was signed by The Old One.”

  Nicole stared at Grant and said, “I don’t see that as aggressive behavior Sir.”

  “This man, being, whatever he is, aggressively put himself between us. Who knows what he is doing here?”

  Nicole remembered Guetteur saying that never in humanity’s history was it closer to self-extinction. “Then that makes me contacting him even more important Sir. We must find out his intentions.”

  Grant stared at her and finally said, “I admire your courage.”

  “Sir, please provide me with an armored flyer and I need to be armed.” Nicole paused and said, “If you could make sure the flyer looks like an ordinary means of transportation, it would help.”

  “Why does it need to be armored?”

  “I want to make sure the musket isn’t damaged.”

  Grant chuckled, “Are you saying the musket is more important than you?”

  “In this instance, it is Sir.”

  Grant stopped smiling and said, “I’ll have the musket here in the morning.”

  “Please put it in a container that won’t be recognized as transporting a firearm.” Grant nodded and dismissed Nicole. She left the office and Captain Kelly met her outside the door, “I’m taking you home and picking you up in the morning Miss Silva.” Nicole nodded and Kelly handed her a small hand weapon as she left the military transport. Nicole looked at it and Kelly said, “Don’t let the size fool you, that is the newest hand laser we’ve developed.” Nicole nodded and entered the security building where her apartment was located. The transport parked in front of the building and the sniper was blocked from getting a clear shot at her. Damn! Maybe in the morning.

  Chapter Three

  “You know it’s only a matter of time until she dies.”

  “Computer, it’s only a matter of time until everyone dies.”

  “You know what I’m saying!”

  Charles sighed, “Yes, I do. And you’re right.”

  “How are you going to keep your deal if she’s killed?”

  Charles’ expression turned angry, “I didn’t agree to a deal!”

  “You told her to get the musket and then you’d talk.”

  “That’s not making a deal.”

  “Semantically, it is. She fulfilled her end of it and now you have to fulfill your end of it and talk with her.”

  “She won’t live long enough to discuss it,” Charles retorted.

  “Then it is up to you to make sure she doesn’t die before the deal is completed.”

  “I thought you were against this?!”

  “I am, but you know that ethics is a large part of our society. That doesn’t change because you’re not dealing with one of our own.”

  “So, how do I make this happen?”

  “You’re a smart man; figure it out.”


  “I just quoted a very wise man.”

  Charles snorted, “I’m not being wise about that musket.”

  “I told you that at the start of all this mess!” Charles was silent and the computer asked, “Have you come up with a plan?”

  Charles shrugged, “She has to die.”

  • • •

  Nicole stood in the basement of the tall building beside an eight year old GM Sling Flyer. The car was no longer in production, but it was popular in its day. Grant handed her the keys and said, “The musket is in the trunk and this vehicle has been armored and a more powerful engine installed. Make sure you return it in good shape.”

  “I fully intend to do so, Sir.”

  Grant nodded and stepped away from the car as Nicole entered it and drove away. Grant contacted the upper level of the parking garage and ten Sling Flyers, all the same year and model, left the garage just ahead of Nicole. Grant knew the Opposition had satellites spying on the building and hoped this would be enough to get Nicole safely away. He blew out a breath and hoped for the best.

  Nicole left the building and immediately drove to Mazza Gallerie, a large shopping mall. She bought a suitcase and enough clothes to last her a while. When she parked the car, two men rode in under the parking dec
k and began washing the flyer. The white and blue paint on the car came off leaving a bright red Sling Flyer. She came out after several hours and loaded her purchases in the back seat. She waited until dark and then left the mall. She flew the flyer at low level to an apartment where the occupant had a red Sling Flyer registered in their name. The apartment was empty, and Nicole waited until the middle of the next day to leave for Rhode Island.

  • • •

  She spent two days in New Port visiting the old mansions and Fort Adams. She loved the history of the buildings and didn’t feel the need to rush to Plymouth. The fort was amazing, and it was so constructed that it never had to fire its cannons in anger; no country would ever try to attack it. It was the first fort to have cannons that fired from huge openings in the fort’s walls.

  She left for Plymouth the third day and used the roads instead of flying in. She arrived in Plymouth and checked into a Bed and Breakfast. She waited for the man to contact her and she tried thinking to get his attention, “I have the musket.” But he didn’t respond. After two days, she wondered if the alien had just given up on the musket and disappeared.

  She drove to Plymouth Center and walked around Pilgrim Memorial State Park which was located on the shore of Plymouth Bay. It was low tide and she saw the mud extending from the shoreline out a few hundred yards. It was a beautiful spring day with clear blue skies and seagulls as large as eagles flying overhead. She went and looked at Plymouth Rock and was stunned by how small it was; she was expecting it to be similar to the Rock of Gibraltar, but it was tiny. She learned from a tour guide that people were once allowed to chip off a piece of the rock to take home. That was eventually stopped but at one point the rock broke in half and what remained was only a small piece of the original rock.

  She toured the replica of the Mayflower and was amazed at how small it was. She sat down on a bench in the park staring out at the bay and thought about the miseries of the original colonists crossing the Atlantic Ocean to this place; many of them died during the first winter from diseases. Many things in Plymouth had Myles Standish’s name on them. From roads to bridges and even a national forest. She wondered what he was like; the alien would know. The sense of Plymouth’s history filled her imagination and she hoped the alien hadn’t decided to disappear. She knew there was no chance of her finding him again; he was far too smart to make another mistake.


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