Book Read Free

The Watcher

Page 12

by Saxon Andrew

  “Is there anything else?” Grant asked.

  “Our conversation has been broadcast to all the Western Democracies. I came here to deliver this message to you because getting into the President wasn’t likely going to happen.” Nicole smiled, “Besides, I felt you deserved it because of our past relationship, even though you knew Alexander was setting me up in Plymouth.” Grant stared at her and Nicole lowered her eyes, “Yes, I know about that.”

  “Hard decisions aren’t easily made Nicole.”

  “I don’t blame you Grant. But it’s agencies like this one that constantly fan the flames of fear and keeps us from coming together. Good luck.” Nicole turned and walked toward the door. A guard pulled a handgun and opened fire on Nicole. She was startled and none of the five shots hit her. The guard looked at his gun and opened fire again.

  Grant jumped to his feet, “CEASE FIRING!” The guard looked at Grant and he said firmly, “I invited Miss Silva to speak with me and I am responsible for her safety. You will holster your weapon and report to General Kelly for discipline.”

  “But she is an enemy of the United States!”

  Grant’s expression turned angry and he snarled, “LEAVE NOW!”

  The guard followed Grant’s orders and Nicole turned to Grant, “You’ve trained millions of soldiers to kill other humans; what you’ve just seen is what you’re going to have to learn how to reign in.” Nicole turned and walked out of the office. She walked over to a balcony and opened the doors. She stepped out on the balcony, climbed the rail, and jumped. The guard that fired at her was standing at the elevator and he yelled, “SHE’S JUMPED! SHE’S JUMPED!”

  Grant and the Team ran out and the guard pointed at the open balcony doors, “She jumped off.”

  Grant walked on the balcony and looked down; nothing was out of the ordinary. His communicator vibrated and he lifted it, “Arrest that woman!”

  Grant looked at the President and replied, “She’s left.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She jumped off a balcony and disappeared.”

  “What are we going to do about this! The Opposition tried to attack us; that calls for a response!”

  “Sir, if what she says is true, then launching any nuclear weapons could cause huge damage to our country.”

  “Do you believe she’s being truthful?”

  “I’ve never known her to lie, Sir. We don’t know what we’re up against here and it might be more prudent to watch what’s happening in the Opposition Countries and wait to hear from this Old One.”

  “I’ll consider it.”

  Grant shook his head; the President was going to do something stupid, but he could only advise him. He blew out a breath and waited for what would surely happen.

  • • •

  Captain Kellogg looked at his communication officer and shook his head, “Are you certain about this.”

  “Yes Sir. I’ve checked the authentication codes and they are all accurate. We’ve been ordered to launch a nuclear missile at the Soviet Submarine Yard on the North Sea.”

  Chris looked around the bridge and ordered, “Move us to launch depth.” The submarine moved out of deep water and leveled off. He looked at his weapon controller and asked, “Is the missile programmed?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Chris walked to the missile panel and inserted a key. The weapons Controller inserted his key and Chris said, “In three, two, one.” Both men turned their key and the weapon’s panel illuminated. Chris stared at the red button on his console and shook his head. He thought about his family and then pressed the button. The missile left the launch tube and picked up speed as it broke the surface of the ocean.

  “Tracking Sir.” Suddenly, the Operator turned and said, “Sir, the missile has detonated in high atmosphere!” He turned to Chris, “Sir, do we launch another missile?”

  “Not without direct orders. Contact Fleet and ask what we should do.”

  • • •

  Grant listened to the reports coming in on the missile launch and shook his head. Although the sub was out in the Atlantic, hundreds of ships at sea were heavily damaged by the EMP pulse from the detonation of the nuclear missile. His contact on the President’s staff reported that all of his allies were screaming at the President for his overt behavior. Grant waited and continued to watch the monitors knowing what was coming. The red phone on his desk rang and he picked it up, “Yes Sir.”

  “I should have taken your advice.” Grant didn’t reply and the President said, “I’m dispatching our fleets to assist the damaged vessels in the Atlantic.”

  “I think that would be wise Sir.”

  “I’ll wait until we hear from this Old One.”

  “I believe that would be wise as well Sir.” The call ended and Grant shook his head. Why was the Old One waiting twelve days before he spoke? He suspected that this Old One had things to do prior to that talk. He felt bad that Nicole knew of his treachery, but it was necessary. One thing he knew for certain, things were going to change…in a radical fashion.

  Chapter Nine

  Nicolin’s submarine was the first to leave and it was the first to arrive at Severomorsk ten days after it left its attack position off the United States. He and his crew walked off the ship on the boarding ramp and Nicolin was met by a large group of reporters. He stopped in front of them and a reporter shoved a microphone in his face, “Captain, why did you refuse to follow your orders?”

  Nicolin stared at her and another shouted, “Do you expect to be executed for your actions?!”

  Nicolin raised his hands and the reporters stopped screaming. “My choice was simple. If I carried out my orders, my crew would have died for nothing. My missiles were inoperative, and I chose to save my crew.”

  “Was that your only reason?”

  Nicolin looked at the reporter and said calmly, “I thought about what we were doing, and I decided that we have lived in fear for too long.” He nodded toward his huge submarine, “We’ve built these ships to kill massive numbers of our enemies. They have done the same thing and if we continue on this path, it’s only a matter of time until all of mankind is killed.”

  “But…” A reporter started.

  Nicolin held up his hand, “I’ve come to believe that our enemies are just like us. They fear for their families and way of life just as we do. It’s time to stop this madness and try to learn how to live together in peace.” Nicolin lowered his head and said softly, “I think about all the lives that would have been destroyed if I had successfully launched my missiles. All the mothers, fathers, and children that would have been burned to death in nuclear fire. I will not put myself in that position again; it’s not worth the anguish I would live with for the rest of my life.”

  “Our enemies could kill us!!”

  Nicolin turned to the reporter, “Let them! This has to stop somewhere and the time to stop it is now. The lives of our families demand it.” Nicolin’s crew cheered him and Nicolin forced his way through the crowd of reporters.

  Another submarine appeared approaching the base and the reporters rushed over to the pier leaving Nicolin and his crew alone. The Captain of the second submarine stated that he listened to Nicolin’s talk to his crew and decided that he would follow Nicolin’s lead. The other sub commanders echoed the Captain’s remarks and the recordings went out to the country.

  • • •

  Nicole sat on her chair and shook her head, “Millions are dying in the aftermath of what we’ve done.” Charles nodded. “I’d think you’d be upset about that; stopping the killing was the purpose of what we’ve done!”

  “The killers among humans are like a cancer Nicole. The only way to save the body is to remove the cancer. Most of those being killed are the savage rulers and military that kept their countries under bondage. There will be a lot more killing before humanity can learn to stop it.”

  “But millions are dying! The last estimate was five hundred million have died.”

  “And they repr
esent less than four one thousandth of a percent of the total human population. It’s going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better.”

  “Did you expect this to happen?” Charles blew out a breath and nodded. “Why?”

  “Because millions of humans have trained their entire lives on ways to kill other humans. Armies and navies are built to force a country’s will on other nations. Those soldiers will have to learn to turn their backs on their training and that isn’t going to happen soon. This is an unfortunate outcome of what we’ve done and there’s no assurance that it will change anything.”

  “So why did you agree to do it?”

  “I did it for my species…and yours. The ones that will die in this transformation will not come close to the number of humans that have died at the hands of other humans over their long history. Perhaps that Captain is right; it must stop now.”

  “Are we ready for you to address the planet?”

  “The suppression field will be in place tomorrow. Once it’s operational, I’ll make my speech.”

  Nicole nodded and looked back at the monitors showing the mobs around the world. After a moment, she turned to Charles, “I’ve been thinking about our being married.”

  Charles’ eyes widened slightly, “And?”

  “Am I going to get my own ship?”

  “Why would you need one? You can stay on mine.”

  “Charles, you’ve been a loner for a billion years; how do you think you’re going to adapt to having me under your feet all the time?” Charles stared at her and Nicole shook her head slightly, “I do love you and I’m glad we married so our child would have its father’s name…but…until death us do part? How do you think that is going to work out?”

  “Nicole, we can make it work.”

  “At what cost? After a few thousand years, we’d be bored stiff with each other, and you know it. You’d want to do one thing and I’d want to do another. I’d want to see everything you’ve already seen and that would grow old.”

  “I thought humans believe love lasts forever!”

  “Charles, if that were the case, why would our vows only apply until death do us part?” A billion-year life span changes things in a rather dramatic way.” Charles was glaring at Nicole and she stood up, went to his chair, and sat down in his lap, “Charles, I do love you but if I try to make you stay with me, I’ll eventually lose you.”

  Charles stared into her eyes and remarked, “Or I’ll lose you.”

  “Do I get my own ship?”

  “I don’t know. Computer, can you add anything to this discussion?”

  “This situation has never presented itself before. There’s never been a need to build another ship; every member of your species already has a ship.”

  “Does that mean we’ve lost the means of building them?”

  “No, the facility is still operational due to breakdowns and accidents that can happen to our ships. I suspect that this ship will be replaced once we resume contact with your species. There’s been too many breakdowns and it needs to be replaced.”

  “I prefer you to remain my computer.”

  “My processors will simply transfer to the new ship and we’ll continue without missing a beat. However, for all intents and purposes, Nicole is now a member of your species. She has acquired all the physical characteristics from long life to immunity from diseases and the ability to not notice the passage of time. Her baby will not be the first addition to your species; Nicole is.”

  “Does that mean I get a ship?” Nicole interrupted.

  “The decision is Charles to make and I’m sure all the others will go along with him.”

  “Why do you want a ship so badly?”

  Nicole stared into his eyes and said, “It’s the only way I can keep you.”

  “What do you mean by that? If you get a ship, you’ll be leaving me.”

  “But I know that you and I will come together and when we do, that time will be joyous. It will be new all over again.”

  “Nicole, hundreds of years could pass between our visits.”

  “I don’t think I could stand to be away from you that long. The real test of whether or not we love each other will be determined by how long we can stand to be apart.”

  “Both of you are being somewhat short sighted,” the computer stated. Charles and Nicole looked up and the computer added, “You’re forgetting that you can talk with each other everyday if you choose over your long-range communicators. You won’t be really separated.”

  Charles stared at Nicole and she said, “What’s bothering you?”

  “I agree with the computer that you are physically one of my species…”

  Charles’ voice faded off and Nicole said, “But…”

  “You’re still human with all that comes with it. How can I know that you don’t take human aggressiveness out into the universe; and don’t tell me it’s not a problem! You can’t just wish away who you intrinsically are.”

  The computer remarked, “Charles is making a good point Nicole.”

  “My ship will be the counterbalance on me.” Charles’ eyes narrowed. “Won’t my ship be required to make sure I don’t violate our species’ ethics?” Nicole asked.

  “You can still override your computer and do what you want. You need look no further than my recent decision to allow humanity to destroy itself.”

  “One way to deal with a problem, is to be aware it exists Charles. I’ve learned that humans are dangerous, and I will not allow myself to make a decision the computer doesn’t agree with. If there’s a real issue between us, then I’ll contact you to resolve it.”

  Charles stared at her and said while keeping his eyes on her, “Computer, is it possible to transfer a copy of you into her ship if I agree for her to have it?”


  “Why would you want that?” Nicole asked.

  “Because my computer has observed humans from the beginning and is better suited to recognize if you’re acting aggressively.”

  “Do I get a ship?”

  “I don’t want you to leave Nicole.”

  “That’s your heart speaking Charles. What does your head tell you?”

  Charles sighed and asked, “How long will it take to build a new ship?”

  “About a hundred years for two of them to be completed after your communication is received,” the computer answered.

  “Two of them?” Charles asked.

  “This one needs to be replaced; too many systems have broken down.” Nicole looked disappointed and Charles said, “Don’t get upset; we won’t be leaving Earth for quite a while.”


  “Do you think we’re just going to fly away and leave humans to their own devices? We’ve started something here that we’re going to see through to the end.”

  Nicole smiled and hugged him, “Good!”

  “However, have you forgotten it’s going to take millions of years before my message is received by one of my species?” Nicole’s eyes flew wide open. “You did forget, didn’t you?”

  Nicole sighed, “Yes. I guess having a ship isn’t an issue.”

  Charles smiled, “Cheer up, the time will pass quickly.

  • • •

  The people on Earth knew of the coming address from the alien that stopped the nuclear war. An announcement about it had been broadcast every day prior to it and even the mobs revolting in several nations stopped to listen in. Many had to set alarms to wake up to hear it but weren’t going to miss it. When the time arrived, the world held its collective breath and listened. For those that had video, an image of Earth from close orbit appeared.

  Charles stared at the planet below his ship and began, “My words are being broadcast in languages that you use so that there will be no misunderstandings. Some of your governments have named me the Old One, so that is the name I’ll use. They named me that because I have been watching humans for a very long time. They really have no idea just how long I’ve been observing your s
pecies. I was here before Homo Sapiens existed.” Charles paused and the planet was shocked by the revelation. “My species has a very long life span and I found myself trapped here due to a malfunction on my ship. So, I settled in and have been observing your species develop.”

  Charles paused again and then continued, “One of the things that became immediately apparent was that humans attack and kill other humans; you’ve been doing it your entire history and I found that troubling. There are millions of civilizations out in the universe that I’ve visited, and humans are the only species that kill each other. That’s not to say that there aren’t aggressive civilizations out there, but they don’t kill members of their own species. I determined that if your species ever go out into the universe that it would represent a danger to every civilization out there. If you kill each other, you will have no qualms about killing a different species and you might do that simply because they live too close to you and must be a threat; or they don’t do what you want; or a hundred other reasons you’d use to attack them. Humanity is the most dangerous species in the universe.”

  Charles was silent a moment and then continued, “But I came to realize that would never happen; you’ll kill all of your species before you learn how to fly out into the stars; the development of nuclear weapons pretty much made that a certainty. I stopped a major conflict twenty years ago when nations in the East launched an invasion against the European nations. But nothing was learned and the rush to build larger and more powerful weapons accelerated. I decided that next time you decided to attack each other, I would not intervene in your wars and allow you to just cause the extinction of your species. That almost happened twelve days ago when the Eastern Nations planned a secret nuclear attack against their perceived enemies.”

  Charles was silent for a long moment before continuing. “However, one of your own convinced me to stop the extinction of humanity. I reluctantly agreed and I prevented all nuclear weapons from functioning. The chaos in the Eastern Nations is the result of my actions and it leaves me with a dilemma; by stopping the nuclear war that would have led to the extinction of your species, you are still a threat to the peace of the universe. So, I’ve decided to take steps that will force you to stop killing each other. I’m hoping over time that you’ll stop this aberrant behavior and come to live together in peace.”


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