Book Read Free


Page 3

by Jaimie Roberts

  “Shall we?” Drake motions for us to start walking, so I begrudgingly start to move.

  I guess there’s no way of getting out of this now.

  We walk to the shop where Drake ends up spending over two thousand pounds. The shopkeeper gave Drake a heavy discount, so lord knows what the price would have been. I guess everyone here knows him, and everyone wants to be in his good books. Everyone, but me of course.

  As if that wasn’t enough, Drake then insisted on taking me and Mandy to Prada where he bought us each a handbag. I said that he shouldn’t, but Mandy nearly punched me. We both ended up with matching, new to the range, black Prada bags—much to my chagrin.

  “Aren’t these so pretty?” Mandy gushes.

  “So, what time is the film on, Mandy?” Drake asks.

  Mandy reluctantly takes her eyes from her bag and gazes at her watch. “There’s one showing in twenty minutes, and there’s another one in three hours.”

  “Which one do you want to see?” Drake questions, looking in my direction. “We can either eat now or after the film.”

  I rub my tummy. “I’m actually not that hungry.”

  I’m about to tell him I feel sick and want to go home when Drake speaks. “Okay then. How about we try and make the first one?”

  “Okay,” Mandy says excitedly.

  I inwardly groan, but move when everyone else does. I’m actually rather pissed at Drake. He has no interest in Mandy whatsoever, but he’s acting like he does just so he can spend time with me. I hate it!

  “Mandy, how about you sit at the front with Reese? I’m sure he could do with some company on the short ride there.”

  He motions to the front passenger door of the huge Bentley and Mandy’s eyes pop out. Of course she won’t object to spending time with a big, bulky man like Reese. “Of course,” she beams. “I’ll give you two some alone time in the back.” She winks at Drake, and I roll my eyes. This is just going from bad to worse.

  Shutting Mandy’s door, Drake then opens the back and motions for me to get in. “After you.” I stand for a moment and deliberately sigh my displeasure. All this does is make Drake’s smile widen. I think he sometimes finds me a challenge. “You have two choices, Evelyn. You can either get in yourself, or I can quite happily pick you up and throw you in there myself. Your choice.”

  Knowing he will go through with his threat, I wisely move and get inside the car. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  I ignore his remark and instead scoot up as far as I can towards the other door. I don’t want to be too close to this man. Not when every part of me starts to tingle when I am lately.

  Once he shuts the door, he scoots over towards me, leans forward, and reaches his hand up over the back of my shoulder. I get a whiff of his aftershave and my insides burn. Purposefully, he leans in close to my lips and smiles when my breath hitches. “I have to make sure my baby’s safe.” He pulls my seatbelt down over me and clicks it into place. I’m practically trembling. Everything inside me has come alive. My heart beats rapidly, and I feel the strain of my nipples against the fabric of my t-shirt.

  “Comfortable?” he asks, finally pulling away.

  At last, I can breathe!

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Nodding his head to me with a knowing smirk, he barks orders to Reese to get going and pretty soon, I can hear Mandy chewing Reese’s ear off.

  “Give me your hand.”

  I look at Drake and shake my head. “I’m okay as I am, thank—”

  “It’s not a request.”

  Reluctantly, I move my hand towards his, and I feel when his soft, yet strong hand envelopes my tiny one. “So, tell me … How have you been? Are your parents treating you well?”

  In front of him, they treat me like an angel, but when he’s not there, I either get horribly snide comments, or I’m treated like a leper. Thankfully, the majority of the time, they leave me alone. I’m untouchable thanks to Drake. And they know it.

  Ignoring his question, I in turn ask him one. “Why did you tell Mandy that we are getting married next year?”

  I await his answer eagerly, but I know I’m not going to like it. “Because we are.”

  “And I suppose I don’t get a say in the matter?”

  “You made me promise, remember?” he asks with a stupid smirk.

  “Yes, but I was barely fourteen—just a stupid little kid. I didn’t know what I was saying back then. Back then, you were sweet and kind to me, and you … made my head dizzy.”

  He looks affronted. “But, I’m sweet and kind to you now.”

  “Sometimes, but not all of the time. You can also be a menace.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “A menace, huh?”

  I nod. “Yes, that’s right. How can I marry a menace?”

  His hand squeezes mine slightly. “I will ask, and you will say yes.”

  I frown and he notices. “But, I won’t.”

  “Yes,” he says, squeezing a little harder, “you will. That’s the end of that discussion. Now, I want you to answer my question.”

  Sighing, I close my eyes. “Yes, everything’s fine at home.”

  “Good.” Leaning forward, he strokes the side of my face with his fingers. “I am the only one who knows how to look after you.”

  Without my willing it, my breathing hitches again. I hate when he’s so domineering, but I equally hate it when he’s sweet to me. I don’t know which one is worse.

  “Were you following me earlier?”

  He sucks in an angry breath and pulls his fingers away. “I needed new shoes.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  With his hand still clamped on my own, he answers, “That’s all you need to know.”

  “What else do I need to know?”

  Frowning, he looks at me. “What are you talking about?”

  “What else do I need to know about you?” He laughs like my question amuses him. I’m deadly serious.

  “We’ve known each other for six years. I think we both know enough about each other by now. I certainly know everything about you. I know that you’re favourite colour is peach, your favourite food is steak, and your favourite film is An Affair to Remember. I saw how much you cried when you watched it.”

  “I did not,” I protest. I’m also a little annoyed at the fact that he got all of my favourite things spot on.

  Placing his fingers on my chin, Drake turns my head to meet his dazzling brown eyes. “You were vulnerable and let me hold you then. Do you remember that? I like it when you’re vulnerable. I wish I could tell you how much, but I have to hold my tongue for now.” He leans closer rewarding me with the softest of kisses to my lips. “Four months. Four months, Evelyn, and you’ll be mine.”

  With a quick turn of his head, Drake stares out of the window like what he just did was nothing. Meanwhile, I’m still sitting here with the tingling feeling of that soft kiss he just placed on my lips. I don’t even have time to be angry about what he said. All I can think of is how much I want him to kiss me like that again.

  Feeling flustered, we make the rest of the drive in silence. Well, Drake and I stay silent. Mandy is still talking away with Reese, but I drown out the noise and stare directly out of my window. I need to calm down.

  Once we arrive at the cinema, my nerves are awash with excitement and fear. I know Drake’s going to sit next to me, and I know I won’t be able to concentrate on the film because of him.

  Drake still keeps a very possessive hand on mine as we queue up to get the tickets. It seems we are all going in, including Reese and this other guy who’s just joined us. In fact, whoever he is looks kind of cute. He must be new because I’ve never seen him before.

  Once our tickets are in hand, Drake turns to the others. “Why don’t you get the drinks? Evelyn and I will meet you in the theatre.”

  The two men nod, and Mandy smirks knowingly at me. She probably thinks we’re going to make out. Despite the kind of man he is, Drake has only ever touched my hand
, face, and hair. He’s never gone further than that. Well, not until today that is when he brushed his lips with mine. A fire like no other ignited within me when I felt his mouth graze my own. I wanted more. And I hate the fact that I feel this way.

  “We’re right at the back,” he says, motioning for me to go up the stairs.

  I notice people stare as we walk up. I also notice a couple of people obviously talking about us. I can hazard a guess as to what they’re saying. I wonder if people realise that I’m practically a prisoner—someone who is being held against her will. Even if they did, they would never dare say anything. Mandy was right about one thing. He has killed people. I haven’t seen it with my own eyes luckily, but I’m not stupid. Someone like Drake is not feared unless he’s done something worthy of that fear. I’ve heard the rumours too. I just choose not to gossip about it.

  Once we reach the top, Drake points to the chair in the far corner.

  Great. Nowhere to hide and nowhere to run. I’m going to be virtually trapped here.

  Against my better judgment, I walk over to my seat and sit down. Drake takes his place next to me without taking his hand away from mine. It’s like he fears I’ll run if he does.

  “This is nice,” he says, stroking his thumb across my hand. As much as I don’t want to like it, I do. As if things can’t get any worse, the lights dim, and Drake looks across at me with an expression I’ve never seen before. He looks like he wants to kiss me, and for some reason, I want him to.

  As if sensing the change in my mood, Drake leans over to whisper, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  My breath hitches, and without meaning to, my eyes travel down to his lips and back up again. I’m not sure, as the sound of a trailer is rather loud in the background, but I could swear I heard him growl. This just makes my cheeks flame. Suddenly, I feel like I’m on fire.

  “Like what?” I manage to answer, trying to swallow.

  Why is my mouth dry all of a sudden?

  Looking down at my lips again and back up, he purposefully moves in closer. “Like you want me to kiss you.”

  I can’t say anything. My mouth parts, but no words come out. My breath does, though. I can feel my heart thundering against my chest, and it’s leaving me practically gasping for breath.

  His eyes slowly dance over my face, and I lick my lips in anticipation of what he’s about to do next. “You want me to kiss you, don’t you, Evelyn?”

  Oh, my! The way he said my name… It was like it was a sweet melody dancing on his tongue.

  I try to shake my head—to speak—but nothing seems to happen. It’s like I’m frozen. Held inside by a spell only Drake can cast on me.

  Bit by bit, he inches closer, and instead of pulling away, I find myself being pushed towards him. I swallow hard as he comes closer, and I feel when his lips touch mine. Ever so gently, he brushes them with my mouth, and an incoherent sound leaves my lips.

  “Evelyn,” he whispers.

  I think I’m going to pass out. He doesn’t seem to move. It’s like he wants me to be the one to give into him. I try to resist the temptation to move my mouth, but my body is having other ideas.

  Without another thought, I press my lips to his and feel when his breathing hitches along with mine. Grabbing me by the waist, he pulls me towards him and darts his tongue into my mouth. I moan, grabbing his hair and squeezing him to me.

  My word, what has gotten into me? I’m usually trying everything to get away from this man, but now I’m practically cradling his lap and raping that delectable mouth of his.

  I find myself in this never-been-in-before zone with Drake. He’s normally my kryptonite, but now I can’t seem to get enough of him. I hate to admit it, but I often fantasised about what it would be like to kiss this man, and now that I’ve felt him, I know it will be harder and harder to resist.

  Bit by bit, he pulls me to him, and bit by bit, I lose a part of myself to this monster. He once told me he wasn’t a monster, but I see it inside of him. I see that part of him simmering near the surface.

  With his hands touching everywhere but where I actually want him to touch, I do something I would never normally do. I pull at his hand to try and get him to feel my breast. “Evelyn, stop,” he urges against my mouth. “I’m barely hanging on to restraint as it is. Fuck, you taste incredible.”

  He attacks my mouth again, and my mind is awash with something new. Is this lust? This feeling that I will burst soon if he doesn’t do something to relieve this throbbing ache in my stomach and between my legs? I feel desperate. Desperate for him to act, desperate for him to push this further, and desperate for him to claim me as he so constantly tells me he will.

  My mind doesn’t want to give into this man, but right now, the feel of him, the smell of him, and the taste of him is intoxicating me beyond rational thought. As if in tune with one another, our tongues dance, coaxing each other to open up. For some reason, I can’t break away.

  But, just as we’re losing ourselves within each other, the sound of someone clearing her throat alerts me to the fact that we’re in a cinema, and we’re not alone.

  Snapping back from Drake, I hear his growl of discontent as I stare like a deer caught in the headlights at Mandy, who is standing in the row below us with her phone pointing in our direction. She smirks, noticing my flushed cheeks and messed up hair. Straightening myself up, I pull my hair out of my ponytail and try to compose myself.

  “What was that about not wanting to rip his clothes off?” She raises one eyebrow at me before smiling and saying, “I’ll send you the video later.”

  I scowl at Mandy’s smug grin, but notice her smirk has disappeared the moment she looks at Drake. She immediately turns, sitting down with Reese and the other guy. My attention turns straight to Drake. He looks both flustered and pissed off at the same time. As he straightens his suit jacket, he catches me staring and leans over to speak to me. “In a way, I’m kind of glad Mandy interrupted us, but I’m pissed at her at the same time. That’s the first time you’ve opened up to me. If I had known that all it would have taken was a kiss from me to make that happen, I would have done it ages ago.” Suddenly, he shakes his head. “Four months is a fucking long time.”

  Grabbing my hand again, he says no more, and soon afterwards the film starts. But no matter how much I wanted to concentrate on the film, I just couldn’t get my mind off of Drake’s smell, Drake’s touch, and Drake’s lingering kiss. New feelings I don’t want come crashing over me like a wave. I don’t want to give in to them, but he makes me want to.

  For the first time ever, I feel like fighting him is going to be a losing battle.

  Age Thirteen

  My parents are entertaining those men again. I don’t know who they are, and normally I’m told to stay up in my bedroom and not come out. One night when they were here, my curiosity got the better of me, and I came downstairs to take a look at what was so secretive that I had to go to my room and keep my door shut. When I spotted one man, I could see why. If ever there was a man who was evil personified, this guy was definitely him. His eyes held something so poisonous that the urge to run away was instinctive. He also had a scar on his face which ran from his eye down to his lips. It looked ghastly.

  Since then, whenever I know he’s here, I stay in my room and lock my door. I didn’t get to see whoever else was there, and by the looks of what I saw in him, I didn’t want to.

  Tonight is no exception. In fact, I would do anything to not be here right now. Clutching my phone, I contemplate texting Drake. He bought me this phone a few months ago and told me to use it whenever I wanted. He’s been quite the constant in my life now, and every time I know he’s visiting, butterflies swarm my stomach. I like it when he visits as my parents behave themselves. They’re actually nice to me, which is an unusual occurrence.

  As I stare down at my phone, a sound coming from behind my door makes me jump. I can hear footsteps, then creaking. Sucking in my breath, I stay still, staring at the handle on my d
oor. My heart thumps against my chest as the sound of something even worse comes.

  The sound of silence.

  Clutching the phone to my chest, I try hard not to breathe too loudly, but the more I try not to, the more my breaths seem to want to leak out in bursts. The sound of nothing continues, and it seems to go on forever. I continue to stare at the door as if it will somehow move. It can’t move because I made sure I locked it when they arrived.

  I did lock it, didn’t I?

  I jump again and nearly gasp out loud when a knock sounds on my door. I don’t say anything. I daren’t say anything. My heart jumps into my throat when I see the door handle push down.

  Please say I locked the door. Please say I locked the door.

  I breathe out a sigh of relief when I see that whoever is behind the door is meeting with resistance when they try to push. I wait again, wondering what this person will do next. It seems like an eternity of silence, but when I hear the sound of footsteps retreating from my door, I breathe out a sigh of relief.

  Not wanting to be here anymore, I shakily pull my phone away from my chest, scramble towards my bathroom door, and very carefully and quietly close it behind me. I dial Drake’s number, and I’m surprised when he answers after only a couple of rings.

  “Evelyn, is that you?”

  “I’m scared,” I whisper into the phone.

  “Where are you?” His soft voice turns angry and urgent.

  “I’m in my bathroom, and I don’t want to come out. Some scary men are here, and I think one of them tried to get into my bedroom.” My voice sounds shaky, and I have this overwhelming urge to cry.

  “Okay. Don’t move. Keep your bedroom door locked and stay in your bathroom. Lock that too. I’m coming to get you.”

  “How long will you be? I’m scared.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to you, sweetheart. I promise you. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I say, my voice breaking.

  “You’re safe with me. I swear it. Just hang in there. I’ll be ten minutes at the most.” At first, I don’t say anything. I feel the lump forming in my throat, and for a moment, I can’t speak. “Tell me you understand, Evelyn.”


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