Home > Romance > POSSESSION > Page 12

by Jaimie Roberts

  What is that supposed to mean?

  My head lolls back. I’m trying hard to keep it upright, but all I want to do is sleep. I can’t sleep. I won’t sleep. I need to know what’s going on. What’s going to happen next. I can’t lose focus.

  I hear the door slam open and Drake shouting. At first, I can’t hear what’s being said, but then I feel him close to me. I watch with blurry eyes as he takes the glass from my hand and wipes my hair from my face. “All will be okay, Evelyn.” He gets up, turning to Sebastian.

  “What the fuck have you done?”

  “Only what you should have done ages ago. She has a mouth on her, Drake. You and I have never allowed girls to speak to us in the way she spoke to me earlier. You’re becoming a pussy.”

  Through my blurry eyes, I watch as Drake shoves his father up against the wall. “I’m not a fucking pussy.”

  Sebastian looks at me with an evil smile. “Well, now’s your chance to prove that. I suggest you let me go now.” With a grunt, Drake lets him down. He starts straightening his suit and tie out. “I’ll leave now. I just thought I’d pop by and see how your little investment is going. Just make sure you control the situation. You obviously don’t have a handle on it now.” He pats him on the back. “You can thank me later.” He turns to leave, and I watch as Drake walks towards me and picks me up. As my head lolls back, I’m out cold.

  Present Day

  I wake to find myself restricted somehow. My head is still fuzzy, and I feel I can’t move. I try to pull my hand, but I can’t seem to move.

  Someone’s pushing inside me, grunting, and making lots of noise. With as much strength as I can muster, I pull my head up and see Drake in front of me. His eyes are dark and sinister. His voice like an evil monster.

  “I will make you submit. I will fuck you and make you submit.” Over and over again, he pounds his way inside me. I’m strapped to something with my arms above my head, and it looks like I’m in some kind of basement.

  “Drake?” I ask, not understand what’s happening. Why are my hands tied and why is he doing this to me?

  “Don’t fucking talk. You talk too much. I am your master, and it’s about time you realised this. Take my cock like the good little slut that you are. My fucking slut. My. Fucking. Slut.”

  Over and over again, he grabs at my hips and uses them to thrust his way inside of me. I want to tell him to stop. I don’t want this. I don’t want him like this. Why can’t we be like we were this morning—wrapped up in each other’s arms after a night of spellbinding lovemaking?

  This isn’t lovemaking. He’s taking again. Taking things without my permission. I want to scream at him to stop, but no words come out.

  “Fucking bitch. Fucking whore. My fucking whore.”

  Who is this guy? I don’t know him. I try to look into his eyes to find some sort of humanity in there, but all I’m met with are pools of black. He’s like the devil himself.

  “Fuck!” he screams, and I feel when he thrusts one last time before I’m out cold again.

  My head is pounding and at first, I don’t know where I am. I try opening one eye, and all I can see is black. I move my body so I can see better and feel the ache between my legs. I wince a little, grabbing myself down there. Why am I so sore?

  I’m in Drake’s bedroom on Drake’s bed, but there’s no Drake with me. I frown, confused as to what’s going on. I remember Drake saying he wanted me here, but I can’t seem to remember anything else. Where is he?

  Holding my sore head, I look around the room and almost scream when I see a silhouette crouched in the corner of the bedroom by the door.

  “Drake?” I ask, my voice croaky. He doesn’t move. He is sitting with his knees bent and his face down in between his legs. Without seeing his face, I can tell he looks troubled, but by what?

  Getting up, I go to him, crouching down beside him and touching his arms. “Drake, what’s the matter?”

  “You should take some tablets. Your head must be hurting by now.”

  I frown. How does he know this? What’s going on? Why can’t I remember anything? “Drake, I don’t understand.”

  Finally, he looks up. It’s dark in here, but not too dark to see the pain written across his face. “You’re not meant to understand. You’re only meant to comply.”

  I close my eyes, feeling the fuzziness of my head. I’m about to ask him what the hell’s going on when he speaks again.

  “Why do you always have to push, Evelyn? Why? Always disobeying. Always pushing, pushing, pushing.”

  His last word was so venomous, I almost stumbled back. What on earth have I done?

  “One day, you’re going to get yourself into trouble. You need to learn to do as you’re fucking told. If you just did as asked, then none of this would have happened.”

  None of what?

  “Sit when told, stand when told, and obey when told. That’s all you have to do.”

  Sit still, look pretty.

  Suddenly, flashes of memories come back to me. I remember Drake’s father visiting. I remember how nasty, vindictive, and arrogant he was. I remember feeling scared. Feeling his hands on me. I remember…

  I shoot back, suddenly afraid of Drake. He notices my change in demeanour, and I see the look of pain cross his face. I can also see what looks like an apology there, but how can I accept what he did?


  “You raped me.” The words come spilling out of my mouth. I can feel that anger building again. How dare he?

  I hear him sigh and dip his head low a little. “Evelyn—”

  “You raped me,” I say again, harsher this time.

  My words must hit a nerve because soon he is up, stalking towards me. He grabs my hair, making me yelp, and pulls my head back. “You are mine to take when I want, however I want. Do I need to remind you again? Do you want me to get my cock out and shove it down your throat just to make you listen and shut that fucking mouth of yours?”

  Tears pool in my eyes. What’s happened to him all of a sudden? He watches me as a lone tear falls down my face, and for a moment, I see what looks like a flash of guilt in his eyes, but he quickly composes himself.

  He pulls my hair again. “Well, do you?” I shake my head. “Well then, just do as you’re fucking told.” He releases his grip and stands upright. “Now, get on the bed and spread your legs.” I start to shake my head again. I don’t want him like this. “Don’t make me ask you again.”

  With my legs shaking and my head still pounding slightly, I wobble towards the bed, get on it, and lie down. I’m naked, and I feel bruised and violated in every way possible. I can’t understand how a man who once bought me ice cream, mobile phones, and even a horse could do such a thing to me now. I’m sore down there and certainly not ready for sex. In fact, I don’t want him anywhere near my body again.

  I watch as he climbs onto the bed. My instinct is to run, but I know for a fact I won’t get anywhere. He’s naked like me, and I can already tell his cock is hard.

  As he settles himself between my legs, I close my eyes, biting back the tears that threaten to fall. I don’t want to shed tears for this man. He is not worthy of them.

  I don’t open my eyes, but I can feel him manoeuvring. I can feel his hands on my skin and his heavy breaths against my thighs. I lie there rigid as he kisses up my thighs just like he did last night to me under the table. But this time I don’t want it. This time, it disgusts me.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, do you know that? I can’t get enough of you, Evelyn.”

  “Fucking bitch. Fucking whore. My fucking whore.”

  Those words from earlier hit me like a ton of bricks. I inhale sharply as a new set of tears sting my eyes. Why did he talk to me like that? Why did he make me feel worthless, used, and abused? Why did he—when he’s the only man I’ve ever slept with—make me feel like the whore and the slut he made me out to be?

  “So fucking perfect,” he whispers against my pussy before licking my clit.

  I d
on’t want to react, but I can’t help another sharp inhale take over as my body arches to his touch. Slowly, but precisely, he swirls his tongue along and around my clit. My whole body ached, but now all I feel are tingles all the way from my head down to my toes. I don’t want what this monster’s doing to affect me, but my body is betraying me once again.

  In slow circles, he moves his tongue around my clit and then down towards my entrance. He moves it in and out, and I can’t help but relish how soothing that is compared to what I felt earlier.

  Closing my eyes, I feel when his tongue moves back up towards my clit again, making me moan as he flicks it quickly.

  “That’s it, baby. You know you love this.”

  I want to tell him to fuck off, but instead my hips move in tune with his tongue. Instead of trying to get away, I’m seeking out more of him.

  As he carries on his relentless onslaught on my clit, I fist my hands in my sheets, trying desperately not to give him the one thing I know he’s after. After what he did to me, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of making me come.

  As if sensing that I’m holding back, Drake picks up the tempo, and my orgasm races to the surface quickly. Again, I try holding it, fisting the sheets even tighter this time and even pulling them to me. I start grunting as my heart beats frantically in my chest. I don’t want to come, but again, Drake is forcing it out of me. Again, Drake is bending me to his will. I don’t want to feel how incredible his tongue feels. I don’t want to relish that feeling of pleasure when I know that hours earlier, all he wanted to give me was pain.

  Drake, so desperate to win this battle, grips my hips tighter to him and practically buries his face into my pussy. His tongue is everywhere—in me, on me, racing to get me to that precipice. I know fighting it will be a losing battle, but I can’t help trying to beat him. I can’t help trying to will my body to do as I wish instead of as Drake commands.

  But, it’s a losing battle. As his tongue darts frantically around my clit, I feel that burning sensation in my cheeks. I feel the tingles rising and heading straight in between my legs. I feel pleasure building and building inside of me until it hits the point of no return.

  With my head thrown back, I come harder than I ever have in my life. I see stars dancing before my eyes as my orgasm ricochets throughout my whole body. I feel myself go rigid as I grip the sheets and cry out from the most intense pleasure I have ever felt in my whole life. The orgasm just seems to go on and on until it gets to a point where it becomes too much.

  “Please stop!” I cry, pulling myself away from him. Luckily, he does as asked and pulls himself up. I can see how hard his cock is still, and I’m frightened as to what he’s going to do next. I’m too sore for that.

  “Fuck me, that was sexy. I almost came just from the sound of your screaming.” He positions himself between my legs again, and I wince thinking he’s going to push it in. Drake looks up to me. “Don’t worry. I know you’re sore. But I need to come.” I wonder if he’ll order me to do a blow job on him, so I’m surprised when instead he starts pleasuring himself over my pussy. I want to look away, but I can’t. My eyes are transfixed by the way he’s pulling his hand back and forth against his shaft and by the way his eyes are hooded with pleasure. I don’t want that to please me, but it does. For some reason, I’m finding watching this evil monster wanking himself over me highly erotic.

  “Fuck, Evelyn. I wish this was your pussy. You’re too fucking sexy for your own good,” he pants, picking up the pace. His breathing is becoming heavier and heavier as he yanks on his cock back and forth, back and forth. His hips start to move in turn with his hand, and at one point, he throws his head back in pleasure before meeting my eyes again. He places his other hand on my body, trailing the contours before reaching up to my breasts and squeezing my nipples.

  “Fuck, Evelyn, you’re going to make me come.”

  He leans forward slightly and grunts as he spills his come on my pussy and stomach. “Fuck, that’s so sexy.” He coats the last drops on my pussy, spreading it along as if marking himself on me. I should feel disgusted. I should turn away, but I can’t help but look at what this monster is doing to me.

  Once he’s finished, he rubs his come into my skin until there’s nothing left. “Now, you can sleep with me on you as well as inside you.” He presses himself against me and kisses me hard. “Who do you belong to, Evelyn?”

  This time, I don’t hesitate in replying. “You.”

  He kisses me again before starting around my neck. He finds a spot and starts sucking so hard that I almost cry out. Again, he is marking me. I know this is a show of his dominance. Tonight, I will let him have it, but I know once the morning comes, I will be just as disgusted with him as always. Maybe even more disgusted with myself for letting this go on so long. I should have known he was lying when he said he wasn’t a monster. He is a monster.

  And I need to find away to escape his clutches.

  Almost two weeks have gone by, and I feel more trapped than ever. I haven’t been able to leave the house. Instead, all I’m allowed to do is walk around the grounds, ride on Ireland, and swim in the pool. Even then, I have to make sure I wear something that practically covers my whole body. None of the guards are allowed to see me in a bikini by the pool.

  Unfortunately, for the last few days, I haven’t been able to enjoy swimming as I’ve had a period. I’m finished now, and I’m due to start my next pack. However, once I shower this morning and get ready for my day, I go to get the next pack out of the bathroom cabinet when I find the whole lot missing.

  Frowning, I walk out of the bathroom where I find Drake putting on a pair of shoes. “Drake, I can’t find my pills. I could swear I left them in the cabinet.”

  He doesn’t look up. He just carries on doing up his laces. “Well then, it looks like they’re missing.”

  “I need to take one today. Otherwise, I could get pregnant.” When he doesn’t acknowledge me, I sigh. “Drake, this is serious. I need to go to the doctors and get some more tablets.”

  Finally, he stands, turning himself to face me. “You don’t need to go to the doctors.”

  “How else am I going to take the pills? Could it have been one of the maids? Maybe I should ask them.” I start moving towards the door when Drake stops me. I look up at him, frowning.

  “There’s no need to ask the maids. I already know what happened to your tablets.”

  I place my hand out. “Can I have them then?”

  He shakes his head. “No, because I threw them in the bin.”

  “You did what?” I shout.

  Drake pulls me towards him. “Keep your fucking voice down,” he growls. “We’re getting married two weeks this Saturday. It’s perfect timing to start a family. I want six children, so we’d better start soon. Why not now? I know you’ve just had your period, so we get married, start the process of having a baby, and then, hopefully by the time we get back from our honeymoon, we can announce to everyone our baby news.”

  My eyes bulge out of my head. Did I just hear him correctly?

  Sit still, look pretty.

  For the past few days after what Drake did to me, I’ve been trying my level best to comply with his every demand until I can get him to trust me more. I need to escape, and the only way I can do that is to get Drake to let me out of the house. But this? This is going too far. I simply can’t hold my tongue any longer.

  “But what about what I want? I don’t want a family yet. I don’t even want to marry you. I want to go to university and study so I can make something of my life. I want to marry once someone asks me and I willingly say yes. I want to start a family once the person I’m married to is willing to start one when we’re both able and ready. Not when I’m told to. You can’t do this to me.”

  Within an instant, I’m held up against the wall by my throat. Drake’s eyes are wild and dark as he glares at me. “I’ve tried being patient with you, but my patience is wearing thin. I tell you time and time again that what
I say goes, and yet you continually want to fight and disobey me. You don’t need to go to university to make something of yourself. You’ve already made something of yourself by getting to marry me. I will give you everything you ever ask for, so why bother with a university degree when you have all the money in the world that I can offer you? All you need to do in return is comply. Just fucking comply,” he growls, thumping my head against the wall. He does it gently enough not to hurt me, but it’s not his actions that are hurting me now. It’s his words. He doesn’t seem to understand that it’s not about money. It’s about me making something of myself. It’s about me having a life outside of Drake’s. It’s about me having my own independence, and doing something I can be proud of. Right now, I’m not proud of myself. Sure, I achieved great grades in school and I was proud of myself for that. But what have I got to show for it now?

  Sit still, look pretty.

  My heart starts to beat rapidly at the injustice of it all. I don’t want this life. I never wanted this life. But, what can I do? I know Drake can make life Hell for me now if I don’t agree with him. Right now, I want to be as far away from him as possible, and the only way to do that is…

  I nod my head. “Okay, Drake.”

  He frowns for a moment, assessing me. It’s almost as if he can’t believe that I’ve given in so easily. “Okay, what?”

  “I’ll comply.” I’m not going to say I’m having his baby. That’s one victory he doesn’t get to have from me. I will go to great lengths to see to it that I don’t have a baby with this man, but for now, I will be the dutiful little whore that he wants me to be.

  With a victorious smile that I want to wipe off his face, he loosens his grip around my neck. He comes in to kiss me, placing his lips hard against my mouth and forcing mine open so he can stick his tongue in. I want to gag right now, but as usual, he forces me to comply. He forces his hands on me in a way he knows I’ll like. I don’t want to like when he brushes his thumb across my nipples through my shirt, but I do. They react instantly, earning a low growl from Drake.


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