Home > Romance > POSSESSION > Page 13

by Jaimie Roberts

  “I want so much to make love to you right now, but I have to get going.” He looks down, placing a hand on my stomach. “I can’t wait to watch as your stomach swells with our baby. That’ll be the sexiest fucking sight on earth.” He leans in kissing me again as the fear of his words makes my heart thump louder than ever. “Soon,” he says, rubbing my belly again. “We’re going to have fun making him.”


  With that last word, he’s out the door. No goodbye. No see you later. Just the fear of his parting words.

  “We’re going to have fun making him.”

  I shudder as the words roll around in my head. I feel the panic and the fear burrowing its way into my mind. I need to figure out what I can do to stop this. By the end of today, I will be unprotected. I can almost feel my womb dancing at the joy of it.

  With my heart still thumping, I make my way downstairs to see George making me breakfast again. Like clockwork, Drake has left by eight, and like clockwork, George is busy frying up some bacon and eggs. I don’t feel hungry today, though. Those parting words of his have made sure of that.

  “Good morning,” he greets cheerfully.

  “Morning,” I almost groan.

  George frowns as he places my plate in front of me. “Ooh, that’s not a good morning at all. Did you not get much sleep last night?”

  I don’t want to get into anything with George. He’s nice, but he’s also been Drake’s employee for many years. “Something like that,” I respond.

  I start playing with my food, not offering any additional conversation, and I think George gets the hint that I’m not in a talkative mood as he leaves me on my own to eat in peace.

  I eat a few bites, but it’s more out of necessity than hunger. Normally, George’s breakfasts are delectable, but today, it just tastes like cardboard. Feeling disgusted, I get up, taking my plate with me, and pour the contents in the bin.

  “No appetite this morning, huh?”

  Looking up, I find Joe standing in the doorway with a big grin on his face. I don’t smile back. Instead, I take my plate and start washing it.

  “So, what’s the matter with Princess this morning? Did we have an argument with our prince?” I carry on ignoring him and concentrate on washing up. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He sweeps my hair away from my eyes, trying to look at me.

  I pull away. “Don’t touch me.”

  He steps back with his hands in the air. “Sorry.”

  I see how genuine he looks and soften to him a little. “I’m sorry. I’m just not having a good morning I guess. There’s no need to take it out on you.”

  Joe smiles. “That’s okay. I’m here if you need me.” I grab a towel and start drying the plate. I watch as Joe sits down by the island, and it’s only then that it hits me. Without Mandy, I have nobody. No friends to talk to and hang out with. Joe may be a douchebag, but he’s the only one—apart from Kane—who’s willing to talk to me. None of the other guards are even willing to look at me. I guess it’s because they’re afraid of Drake. I should be afraid that they’re afraid, but it only makes me angry. There was one thing Sebastian said that was right. Familiarity really does breed contempt.

  I watch as Joe sits in silence. We’re just looking at each other, but for once, Joe isn’t looking at me like he wants to eat me. He’s looking at me like he wants to be my friend.

  And I could really use a friend.

  Sighing, I place the tea towel on the counter. “What’s Drake like as a boss?”

  I think my question surprises him a little. At first, he doesn’t seem to know what to say, but then he composes himself. “He’s firm, but fair. I think that’s the best way to describe him.” I can’t help the sarcastic laugh that escapes me. Fair, my arse!

  “I take your laughter to mean you don’t hold the same sentiment.”

  “Drake is not my boss, so I simply can’t comment.”

  “Touché,” he says in amusement. I smile back when he does. “I think that’s the first I’ve seen you smile in days.”

  “Well, I haven’t had much to smile about.” I don’t know why I’m suddenly opening up to this boy. I know nothing about him.

  “That’s a shame. A beautiful girl like you should be smiling all the time. So, why aren’t you?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Try me.”

  It’s tempting. It really is. But I’m at a loss for words. “What do you think of free will?”

  He frowns at my question. “It’s something God gave us … something we should all have a right to.”

  “I didn’t take you as the Godly type.”

  He smirks. “Ah, you see, Evelyn … there’s not a lot you know about me.” We both chuckle at that. “So, are you going to tell me why you asked?”

  Sighing, I look down at the black high heels on my feet. A pair I chose to wear today. At least I had free will as far as that was concerned. “Nothing, really. I was just asking.”

  “Oh, I highly doubt that, but I won’t press you. I know you feel you have a crappy life here, but there are other lives that could be far worse than the one you have.”

  I look up to him then. “Are you saying that I should therefore be grateful?”

  He puts his hands up again. “Whoa there, tiger. I didn’t say that at all. I’m just saying that when you’re in a shitty situation, the best way to look at it is that there are others who are worse off than you.”

  I think on that answer, and of course, he’s right. I have a roof over my head, clothes to wear, and food to eat. Some people don’t have those luxuries. I wonder, though, would someone without the luxuries I have choose to swap her life for mine? It’s a pretty hard question to answer.

  “I know you’re right. I guess, selfishly, I don’t look at it that way.”

  Joe gets up from his seat and walks towards me. He places a hand on my shoulder and smiles. “Listen, I know it seems pretty shitty now, but you can change things if you really want. I did offer you a chance.”

  I think back on what he said before, but I didn’t think he was serious at the time. My heart thumps from the thought of it. “Actually, I do need help.”

  He cocks his eyebrow. “Go on.”

  I swallow hard, wondering if I can trust him, but also knowing that I have very little choice. “I need tablets.”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t know anyone who deals in drugs.”

  I tut at him. “I don’t mean drugs-drugs. I mean contraceptive pills.”

  “Oh,” he says, finally smiling.

  “If I gave you the name, would you get them for me?”

  “I thought you wanted to escape?”

  “I do, but this is urgent. If I don’t have one within the next,” I look at my watch, “ten hours, I’m unprotected.”

  “Is this purposeful?”

  “Yes, and not by me. I had tablets, but they were thrown in the bin.” I huff the last word out.

  “I think I can help you.”

  My eyes widen, and a little ray of hope shines brightly inside my heart. “Really?”

  “Yes. I also think I can help you escape, but I’ll want something in return.”

  “What’s that?” I watch as he leans closer to my lips and purposefully trails his eyes down to my cleavage. Immediately, I know. “You want me.”

  He steps away, laughing. “Hey, I’m just being honest. Would you want me to say I’ll do all these things for you and then bring it up? You were worth a lot of money. Surely you must realise that every man who knows this wants to try a piece for themselves? It’s like a woman seeing a five million pound diamond on display. It’s just human nature.”

  Disgusted that I let him in, I push him away. “Forget I said anything.”

  I start to walk away, but something he says halts me. “So, you won’t be wanting these then?”

  I turn, noticing the packet of my tablets in his hands. My eyes widen as I stalk towards him and try to grab it out of his hand. “Ah, ah. Not so fast. You haven’t agree
d to my proposition yet.”

  “You make my skin crawl,” I growl in his face.

  “Or, I can crawl all over your skin. One night. That’s all I’m asking. I will give you these and offer you a way out of here, but it will come at a cost. You’re just going to have to let me know that you accept the consequences. At least you will have free will when you make your decision.”

  Yes, but at what cost? Am I so desperate that I’m willing to pimp myself out to this arsehole? Am I so desperate that I would sell myself like the whore Drake called me last night?

  “Okay,” I say timidly.

  “Okay, what?”

  “I agree to your terms.”

  “And you’ll accept the consequences of your decision?”

  I nod my head. “Yes. Can I have my tablets now, please?”

  “Not so fast.” Without warning, he grabs the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss. At first, I try to push him away, but when I realise he won’t give me the tablets, I relent, kissing him back. On a moan, he darts his tongue into my mouth and moves his hand from my head down to my face and then onto my breast. He squeezes hard before tweaking my nipple. He moans again before pulling away. “I have to stop. Otherwise, I’ll push it,” he says breathlessly against my mouth.

  He steps away, allowing me room to breathe before giving me the tablets. I take them from him and move away. “I can’t wait to try the rest of you.”

  A shiver crawls up my spine as I make my way up to my bedroom. I will need to take one and hide them in the bathroom somewhere. I don’t want to sleep with that arsehole, but I would also much rather go through that than the alternative of getting pregnant with Drake’s baby.

  Feeling like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, I make my way into my room and very quickly open the packet. I pop the pill in my mouth and sigh as I look at my reflection in the mirror.

  What have I become? I’m only eighteen, but I feel like I’ve already lived a lifetime. Closing my eyes, I let out the tears that have been threatening to fall for days. I’m not crying because of Drake. I’m not crying because every arsehole wants to use me to get their own thrills. I’m crying because of the situation I’m in. I’m crying for the lost girl who could have had so much potential ahead of her. I’m crying because no matter what life offers her in one hand, it’s quickly stripped from her in another. I’m crying because of the love not given from parents who should have been there for her.

  I’m crying for me.

  Present Day

  Later on in the day, I fancy a swim, so I look in my wardrobe. But, when I see only the stupid, boring granny swimming costume in front of me, I slam the door shut. I’m eighteen and an adult now. I should be allowed to wear what I want to wear—not what other people are telling me I can.

  Thinking about what I can do—because if I don’t do something soon, I’ll die of boredom—I come up with an idea to instead look through my underwear drawer. I know I have a black bra and matching black panty set somewhere that could possibly be worn as a costume. What does it matter if I do anyway? There are loads of people here, but they never acknowledge me anyway.

  With my decision made, I get undressed and put the bra and panties on. The panties show half my arse, but at least it’s not a thong.

  Once satisfied, I open the bedroom door and start making my way downstairs. Nobody is around until I make my way through the hallway and outside to the pool. One of Drake’s guards is there, and I expect him to ignore me, but when he spots me in the corner of his eye, he turns properly to have a closer look. I notice his eyes widen before trying to look away. I can tell he really wants to look, though.

  Smiling, I walk the rest of the way through the kitchen and open the door outside. The sun is hot today just like I hoped it would be. Finding a sun lounger, I drape my towel across it and make my way into the pool house for some sun cream. I manage to find it, but once I turn, I find Joe standing there with his phone. He takes a picture and wolf whistles at me.

  “Damn, look at you. I knew you had a rocking bod under all those layers. Decide not to wear the Burkini today?”

  I race towards him and try and grab his phone. “You can’t take a photo of me without my permission like that. Give it.”

  Joe starts laughing and holding it up in the air. “It’s a free country. Besides, what do you expect walking around like that?”

  “What are you going to do with it?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll share it on Facebook and wank to it later.”

  “You’re disgusting. Besides, if you post it to Facebook, Drake will find out and sack you.”

  Joe starts stalking towards me, so I start walking back. Pretty soon, I’m up against the wall. Once trapped, Joe leans in and trails a finger down my face. “You and me both wouldn’t want that now, would we? Remember, I’m your only saving grace in here.” He moves his hand until it’s down towards my breast. I grab his hand, and he just smiles at me. “I thought we had an arrangement?”

  “Yes, but you haven’t carried it through yet, have you?” I seethe.

  “You got your tablets back, didn’t you? I should at least expect a blow job for that.”

  My heart starts racing. “We made a deal.”

  He pulls away. “So we did.” He motions for me to pass him. “Enjoy your swim.”

  Glaring at him, I walk past him, but as I do, I feel the sting of a big slap. “Ow!” I protest, looking back at him.

  Joe laughs. “Such a peachy arse. I simply couldn’t resist.”

  Ignoring him, I make my way outside before I get into any more trouble. I really don’t know how Joe does it. If it wasn’t for the fact that he’s my only way out of here, I would have told on him ages ago. He’s an arrogant pig—especially since he wants to use me for his own pleasure as payment for my freedom. I’ve gone from virgin to whore in the space of a few weeks. How can it end like this so suddenly?

  As I dive into the pool and start swimming, I think on my parents and also Mandy. I often wonder if they think of me. I doubt my parents do. They’re probably lavishing it up on their world cruise and spending the five million that Drake gave to them.

  I imagine that Mandy, on the other hand, would at least be wondering why I haven’t called. I also imagine she’s tried to call me, but since Drake’s taken my phone from me, contacting her has not been an option.

  As I swim, my thoughts drift away to a better place. A place where I get my degree, meet the man of my dreams, and start a family once my career takes off. Joe is offering me this chance. How I would be and where I would go frighten me beyond words, but at the same time, the feeling excites me. If I could withdraw the amount that’s accumulated in my account, I could get a place, work in a bar somewhere at night, and study during the day. I picture myself owning a place near to the sea where I can take leisurely strolls in my free time. That’s if I get any free time between school, studying, and working in a bar.

  Once I’ve done fifty lengths of the pool and finished off dreaming of the life that can be, I get out of the pool, dry myself off, and sit down on the sun lounger. I make sure to lather on the cream before laying back.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point because, all of a sudden, I feel something silky soft over my skin. I look up to see what’s happening when I see Drake hovering over me, looking as deadly as ever. His eyes are dark—like the pools of black I stared into after his father drugged me. Instantly, my skin prickles, and my heart races a million miles an hour.

  “Put that on now.”

  I grab the turquoise kaftan he threw on me and quickly place it over me. Once in place, Drake grabs my arm and hurls me to my feet. “So this is how it’s going to be, huh? I’m obviously still too soft. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have disobeyed me. Again!” Squeezing my arm, he pulls me towards the house.

  “Drake, please stop. You’re hurting me.”

  “You should have thought about that.”

  Holding me by the back of the neck, he pushes me unti
l I almost fall onto the floor. I know why he’s doing this. He’s showing his authority to everyone in the house. That he’s the boss. He’s the boss of them, and he’s the boss of me. He’s humiliating me the only way he knows how just so he can assert his authority.

  Grabbing the back of my neck again, he leads me through the kitchen and out into the hallway by the stairs. Guards are watching this time. I suppose this spectacle is too good to ignore.

  As we reach the stairs, he motions to one of the guards to open the door. Once he does, he pushes me through and turns to the guard. “No one comes in or out. Got it?” The guard nods and shuts the door behind us. I’m lead down the stairs and into the basement where I find a big seven-foot frame with chains and harnesses attached. This must be where he took me before.

  Feeling afraid, I back up, but hit a solid chest when I do. Drake pushes me again, and this time I land on the floor. “When am I going to get through to you? When are you going to learn to fucking submit and do as you’re told?”

  He’s so angry—the angriest I’ve ever seen him. I’ve seen his Mr Hyde, but that version has nothing on what I’m seeing before me now.

  “Get up!” he orders, but I’m too afraid to move. When I don’t respond straight away, he stalks towards me and grabs my hair. I yelp, but I know he’s far beyond caring.

  He pulls me towards the bathroom and throws me to the floor. He stands by the toilet, staring at me with pools of evil. “You always think you can fucking outwit me, but there’s one thing you need to learn. A player can’t be played. You think I don’t have cameras watching you when you’re in your room? You think I can’t see what you’re getting up to?”

  My eyes widen, and my heart starts hammering in my chest. Just how much does he know? Has he seen what Joe did to me in the kitchen today and again in the pool house?

  “Yes, that’s right,” he says, pulling out the contents of his pockets. I watch as he pulls out the empty packets with one hand, drops them onto the floor, and then pulls out all the tablets from the other. He stands above the toilet, and I watch as they fall and he flushes it. I don’t want Drake to see me cry, and I vowed I never would in front of him, but I can’t help feeling the sting of tears that well inside my eyes.


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