Home > Romance > POSSESSION > Page 15

by Jaimie Roberts

  One of the guards talks into his walkie-talkie while Kane very carefully leads me to the front door. “Help me,” I whisper into his neck.

  “Don’t worry, Mrs Salvatore. You’ll be at the hospital in no time.”

  I silently celebrate as I’m led out into the hot, fresh air. I’m tempted to inhale my pleasure, but manage to hold it in. I need to play at being a great actress until I can figure out what to do once I’m there.

  In no time at all, a car is driven round to the bottom of the stairs at speed, and I notice a couple of other men getting out to help me in. You would think I was made of china the way they’re fussing over me. I’m bundled into the car with Kane by my side and another joins Joe at the front. I notice Joe looking at me in the rear-view mirror, and I could swear I notice a smile. Maybe he knows what I’m up to. I’m pissed that I also have him to outmanoeuvre when I’m at the hospital. Maybe this is a lost cause, but I’ll have to at least try. Fuck the punishment if I’m caught. I need to do this.

  I keep groaning all the way there for special effect, and I notice Kane getting more and more agitated. I feel sorry that I’m putting him through this, but if he knew the circumstances, then maybe he would understand.

  We’re at the hospital in record time and I’m carefully taken out of the car and ushered onto a bed straight away. It’s like I’m a fucking celebrity with the amount of people fussing around me. “Tell me where it hurts,” a young male doctor asks as I’m being wheeled in.

  “She has acute abdominal pain,” Kane answers for me.

  “Any vomiting?” the doctor asks.

  Kane shakes his head. “No, nothing like that so far.”

  I’m quickly wheeled into a room, and the young doctor turns to all the guards. “You can all wait out here.”

  Thank God!

  He shuts the door behind him and peace is restored. I’m so thrilled that I forget to act ill. The doctor turns to me and frowns a little at my sudden transformation.

  “So,” he begins, walking towards me. “Can you point to where it hurts?”

  I point to the middle of my stomach. “Here, but it seems to have died down a lot now that I’m here.”

  “Hmm,” he responds. “For some reason, that always happens a lot around here.” He points to my shirt. “Can you lift that up so I can feel around your tummy?” I do as asked and instead of moaning in discomfort, I start giggling because it’s so ticklish. He frowns again. “It seems whatever it was has passed. Maybe just some IBS or gas.” He pulls my top down. “I’m going to run some blood tests just to be certain.” He looks up at the nurse. “Can I get full blood chemical panel and an AFP? Also, try and schedule an ultrasound as soon as possible.”

  Okay, I don’t know what the hell that is, but the nurse nods and grabs a tray with a syringe and some vials. “As long as you’re comfortable now, I’ll be back once the results are in. Do you want me to ask anyone out there to come in?” I vigorously shake my head and he frowns at me. “Okay, I’ll see you in an hour or so.”

  He leaves the room and the nurse gets to work taking the blood from me. I wince a little at the needle. “Don’t worry, love. It’ll be over before you know it.” She smiles at me reassuringly, so I smile back. “There,” she says, taking the needle out. “I’ll get these processed straight away and get on with making a slot for the ultrasound, okay? You just sit tight, and I’ll be with you shortly.”

  I nod my head. “Thank you.”

  She seems to like that because she beams at me. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  She leaves, and I’m all on my own in a box room. The only exit is where the guards are standing by waiting. I groan. Maybe this was fruitless after all. All I got out of this was a wasted trip to the doctors where I’ve so far had needles stuck in my arm. I know Drake will be here soon, so time is running out.

  I drop my head back on the pillow with a sigh. I shut my eyes and pray that someone up there can offer me a miracle. I’m not sure how long I am alone with my thoughts of this, but the door swings open, and in pops the nurse with a wheelchair. “Come on, sweetheart. We have a very convenient slot for you now. I can take you up.”

  Smiling, I get off the bed and settle myself inside the wheelchair. No doubt, the doctors and nurses here know who I am because I seem to be getting the star treatment.

  The nurse opens the door and wheels me out. I make a show of holding onto my stomach so the guards can see. Joe is smiling and Kane looks concerned. He places a hand on my shoulder as we walk. “Drake knows, and he’s on his way. He should be here in ten minutes or so.” I smile up to him, but once I turn my head, I bite my lip and close my eyes. I’m never going to be able to escape now.

  Taking the lift up one floor, the nurse wheels me into a darkened room and tells me to hop onto the bed. An ultrasound machine is next to it, humming away. “Get yourself comfortable. The doctor should be with you in a few minutes.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  She nods with a smile and makes her way outside. That’s when I look and see another door to my right-hand side. I don’t know what’s through there or if anyone is in the room, but I have to try.

  With no time to waste, I get up and move quickly to the other door. I turn as silently as possible and push it slightly open. It’s an office and it’s empty. I make my way in, shut the door behind me, and notice a set of scrubs and a chiffon scarf. I quickly put these on and wrap the scarf around my head. Once dressed, I open the door to the office, and without looking to my left, I walk out and start making my way down the corridor. At the end is a turning, and I have to utilise every ounce of willpower I possess to keep myself from running—lest I get caught in my efforts to avoid detection. I get to the corner and run to the nearest fire exit. I rush down two steps at a time and nearly trip once I hit the bottom. I open the door to run out, and that’s when I see Drake and a couple of other guards coming through the entrance. I quickly pull the door back and wait a few seconds before opening again. He’s gone, but I did notice how upset and anxious he looked.

  I push the door a little more and make a hasty escape. I can’t help but peek a little behind me, and that’s when I see Kane looking at me. My eyes widen, but he doesn’t do anything. In fact, he just seems to pretend not to notice and carries on walking away.

  Shit, that was close. Not knowing whether he’s running to tell Drake, I run outside, and I don’t stop running until my legs start to protest. I find a quiet street and pull the scrubs and scarf off me. It’s way too hot for this.

  It’s then I realise I’m free. But just as the euphoria comes from knowing this, so too does the fact that I have no money and nowhere to go. Fuck, I’m such an idiot. I didn’t want to come this far only to have it stripped from me.

  So, I do the only thing I can think of. I’m sweaty, and I’m obviously distressed, so I make an extra effort by slightly tearing my shirt. I look onto the road and try to find someone I can stop. Someone who looks trustworthy. After only a couple of minutes, I see an elderly lady driving down the road.

  I don’t hesitate. I run out into the road and flag her down. I start crying and willing for her to stop. She must see the mess I’m in because she quickly comes to a halt. I run over to the passenger side and lean over to speak with her. “Please, you must help me. I need to get away. He’s after me.”

  Her eyes widen, but she takes in the state I’m in and nods her head. “Quickly, get in. Get in.”

  I gasp with a half smile. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! You don’t know what this means to me.” I hastily get in, and thankfully, she drives away as soon as I do. I know Drake will realise I’m gone by now and is no doubt already on my tail.

  “Shall I take you to the nearest police station?”

  No, I don’t want that at all. I just need to get far away from here. “Please, no.” I try to think of an excuse as to why not, and in my haste, I come up with something perfect. “You see, the guy who did this to me is my ex and a police officer. Going to the police
is the least safe option.”

  She looks ahead, and I notice her concerned frown. “Oh, dear. That’s not good, is it? Has he done this to you before?”

  I nod my head. “Yes. That’s why he’s my ex. But he won’t take no for an answer. He’ll be after me now, so I need to get as far away as possible in order to figure out what to do next.” I look ahead at the road for a moment. “Do you mind me asking where you’re headed?”

  “I’m actually going to visit my sister’s house in Reading.”

  Reading! Shit, that couldn’t be more perfect. It’s at least thirty miles away from here.

  “Do you mind if I tag along?”

  She shakes her head. “Of course not. Let’s get you as far away from that horrible man as possible. What’s your name, dear?”

  I wonder whether to lie, but considering she’s been so courteous, I decide to be honest with her. “Evelyn.”

  She smiles. “Ah, Evelyn. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She looks at me for a moment. “You’re wearing such mature clothing for such a young girl. How old are you? Nineteen? Twenty at most.”

  I look down at my white blouse and grey pencil skirt and think she’s right. I look like a high executive woman in her thirties. Not an eighteen-year-old girl.

  “I’m eighteen,” I reply with a sigh. For some reason, an overwhelming sadness comes over me. Yes, I may be free for now, and yes, this is all I’ve ever wanted. But why is it that it has had come to this? I’m at a crossroads now, and I sure as hell don’t know which one to take. Wherever it leads me could either be my downfall or my saving grace.

  “At eighteen, you shouldn’t have to be dealing with someone like that. I assume he’s quite a bit older than you?”

  I nod. “Yes. He’s twelve years older. I’ve known him quite a while. He’s always been … how would you say … possessive.”

  She nods her head with a frown. “Yes, it sounds like it, dear. It’s just a shame you’re the one that’s running. He shouldn’t be an officer of the law when he breaks the law himself.” She starts tutting under her breath. “Have you got somewhere you can stay once we get to Reading?”

  I nod my head. “I’m sure I can think of something.” I can tell she doesn’t like the answer, but she doesn’t say anything either. “Can I ask your name?”

  “It’s Dorothy, but my friends call me Dotty.”

  I smile at that. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Dorothy.”

  “Please, call me Dotty.”

  “Okay, I will. And thank you so much for accepting me into your car. I could have been anybody.”

  She smiles. “Well, you left me little choice.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She places her hand on my arm, and I notice how unusually cold it is next to the heat of the day. Mind you, she has the air conditioning on, and I’m only now reaping the benefits of it after running at least a mile without stopping.

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m just glad that I can help in any small way possible.”

  I shake my head on a sigh. “You have no idea just how much of a great help this actually is. I just need to put some distance between us, so that I can figure out what to do next.”

  “Hmm,” she ponders. “I don’t make no mind to gossip, but I have heard rumours of a certain gentleman. He once helped my friend Mabel’s niece. She got herself into all sorts of trouble when she was a teen.” She shakes her head, tutting to herself again. “She was mixed up in drugs and therefore mixed with bad people. The bad people tried to do all sorts of despicable things.” She sighs, looking sad. “Anyway, this gentleman helped the parents get their daughter back and even paid for her to go to the Priory. I think you know just how expensive that is?” She looks at me for reassurance, so I nod my head. “Well, she was there for around six weeks—something like that. He got her into college, and she came out with a diploma in architecture. She then got herself a boyfriend and is living with him now. I believe she and her boyfriend are even trying for a baby.” She smiled at that. “She owes it all to that man.” She looks deep in thought for a while before speaking again. “Anyway, I did have a point to the story.” She looks over to me, and we both laugh. “I have heard he’s very influential around my way. If you need to, I can ask Mabel if she has his number still. Maybe he can help you.”

  I would have thought that I had heard of this man, but I haven’t. There’s only one influential man that I know around my way.

  “Can you remember the gentleman’s name?”

  She frowns for a moment, staring ahead at the road. “Hmm… I think it’s David. No, Drew. Maybe it was Jake.” She suddenly gasps. “I remember now. It’s Drake … Drake Salvatore. I remember the surname because of a certain young chap in The Vampire Diaries.”

  She smirks, and her eyebrows curve up a little at her joke, but after hearing that, it’s hard for me to muster up a laugh. I did manage to smile a little, but my heart won’t stop thumping. Drake did this for these people? But at what cost? I doubt he did it for nothing.

  “How long ago was this?” I ask.

  She moves her head a little closer to me to hear. “What’s that?”

  “Mabel’s niece. How long ago was it that this Drake helped her out?”

  “Oh,” she says, returning to her position, “I think this was five or six years ago now. My, how time flies.”

  So this was when Drake knew me. I don’t understand it. He’s always such an arsehole with me, so how come this other girl gets rescued and placed into college, but when it comes to me, he keeps me prisoner? I can’t help but feel how unjust the world is. I should feel enamoured with Drake for how he helped that girl, but all I can feel is anger. Hot-blooded anger tinged with jealousy is flowing through my veins at the thought of how much he gave to that one girl—a stranger—while he did nothing but strip me of all my choices and free will.

  “Would you like me to ask Mabel?”

  I snap myself out of my daydream and shake my head. “No, that’s fine, thank you. I would prefer to try and deal with this on my own for now.”

  “I understand. You’re obviously very independent.”

  I chuckle. “I’ve been told I’m rather stubborn too on many occasions.”

  She laughs at that, and it makes me smile. “Ah, there’s no harm in being a little stubborn. ‘To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the U-turn, I have only this to say: You turn if you want; the lady’s not for turning.’”

  “That’s a great quote.”

  “Yes, but unfortunately, it’s not from me. It came from the late Margaret Thatcher—God rest her soul. But, there is also something else to say about being stubborn. No matter all the will and pride you have in this world, you will at some point stumble. Sometimes, you will fall. But it takes a great person to choke on their pride and admit when they need that offered helping hand to get back up.”

  I smile. “Also great.”

  She briefly looks at me with an amused grin. “That one was mine.”

  I chuckle. “Very good.”

  I’m starting to really like Dotty. She’s obviously a woman of advanced years, but she’s still a lot of fun. She looks to be around her late seventies with long, greying hair in a tight bun. I also notice she’s wearing a wedding band. “So, do you not have a Mr Dotty to bring with you to visit your sister?”

  “No,” she says sadly. “My Henry passed some five years ago now. Cancer it was. First, his lungs, but once it spread to his liver, he quickly faded into a man I couldn’t recognise. He didn’t last long after that.”

  I feel an overwhelming sadness for her. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” She smiles towards me. “I had the most wonderful fifty-five years with him.” She suddenly points to the glove compartment. “Open that up. In there, you will find my purse. I have a few pictures in it of him, my kids, and my grandkids.”

  I do as asked, pleased that she trusts me enough to handle her purse. I don’t think I would have b
een as trusting if it were me. Pulling the handle, I see a load of papers inside, but also a big blue purse on top. I take it out, and she instructs me to open the zip. Once open, I see a clear casing with a black and white photo of a man who looks to be in his thirties in a soldier’s uniform. His hair is dark and swept back, and his posture is straight and serious. He looks handsome, though.

  “That’s my Henry. This was taken a few years after I met him.”

  “He was in the army?”

  “Yes, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards. He loved it. I and our children led an army life for many years, living on the barracks. But after a while, our kids got tired of all the travelling.” She then points to the purse. “At the back of that photo is another.”

  I pull the photo of Henry out and place it carefully on my lap. I look back at the purse and see three grown women and six children of all different ages. Four boys and two girls.

  “Those are my daughters, Meredith, Katherine, and Susan. Meredith has three sons, Tim, David, and Mark. Tim is the cheeky little devil.”

  I look at the photo, and straight away, I see one boy who is smiling mischievously at the camera. “Is this Tim by any chance?”

  She gasps. “Yes. However did you guess? I suppose it’s something to do with that butter-wouldn’t-melt expression?”

  I chuckle. “Yes, I think it must be that.”

  “The other boy is Karl. He’s Susan’s son. The other two daughters, Beth and Michelle, belong to Katherine.”

  “Wow, you have quite the family. You must be proud.”

  “Extremely,” she answers with a big smile.

  I start putting the photos away and place the purse back in the glove compartment. I feel a sense of sadness, and I think Dotty notices.

  “What about your family?”

  Looking down, I start playing with my hands. “I don’t have any.”

  “None at all?”

  I shake my head. “I guess when life was handing out sugar to balance out all the lemons I got, it skipped that particular line with me.” I try a chuckle, but Dotty looks sad for me. “Please don’t feel sad for me. It’s all I’ve ever known.”


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