Home > Romance > POSSESSION > Page 16

by Jaimie Roberts

  “But, how can I not feel sad for you? How can anyone with a heart not feel sad for you?” She shakes her head, and I can tell she doesn’t know what to say. “I suppose when life gives you the downs, there’s only one place left to go.”

  Wow, this woman is something else. I only wished she was my grandmother. “I take that to mean you’re a glass-is-half-full kind of gal?”

  She starts laughing. “Yes, I guess so. I’ve been tested a few times in my lifetime, but I have also been blessed. I always think of that when life decides to test me.”

  I nod. “I suppose it’s better to look at it that way.”

  “Have you ever watched the film Good Will Hunting?” I shake my head. “You should. It’s about a very gifted young man around your age trying to find his direction in life. You should watch it.”

  I nod. “I’ll have to remember that.”

  We then start idle chit-chat about movies, songs, and even politics. I was so enamoured by her that I didn’t even realise that we were in Reading until she stopped the car on a quiet street.

  “This is me. Would you like to come in for something to eat? I’m sure Heather won’t mind.”

  I shake my head and take her hand. “No, really. You’ve done more than enough.”

  She doesn’t look very happy with this, but quickly leans over and gets her purse out. She pulls out a couple of fifty pound notes and tries to hand them to me. “No, I can’t. Please.”

  She forces it in my hand. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

  My God, I feel like a total shit now. “But I can’t—”

  “Yes, you can. Go find your sugar and make yourself some lemonade.” I look at her sincere expression and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude builds inside me for this stranger, who has just in the last hour, become my only friend in the world. I can’t help the tears that well as I nod my head.

  “Thank you,” I say softly. I’m trying hard not to cry, but the wetness still builds inside my eyes. “I will pay you back one day. I promise. Even if it takes years, I promise I will find you and pay you back.”

  She waves me off. “It doesn’t matter if you can’t. It would be nice for you not to be a stranger, though. Once you’re settled, look me up on Facebook. It’ll be under Dotty Fisher. I’m the one with a pogo stick.” I look at her with widened eyes. “Don’t ask,” she says in response.

  I start chuckling. “Okay.”

  She looks towards what I assume is her sister’s house. “Are you sure you won’t come in with me? Even for a sandwich?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m fine. I better get going.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure?” I nod my head and pull the handle of the car to get out. Dotty soon follows suit, and once on the pavement, I give her a big hug.

  “Thank you so much for this. You really don’t know how much it means to me.”

  She pats my back. “A good deed never goes unpunished. Just be sure to pass it on one day—once you’ve made your lemonade of course.”

  Pulling away from her, I chuckle. “I will.”

  She strokes my hair, and I can’t help but feel so cherished by that one small gesture. “You take care of yourself, okay?”

  I nod my head. “I will. Thank you again.”

  “Don’t mention it, dear.”

  I move away, saying goodbye ,and once I turn, I realise that for the first time in my life, I’ve had some sort of normality. It was only for an hour, but how fantastic that hour was. Dotty is an amazing woman, and I’m determined to follow through with my promise. I will find her—no matter how long it takes—and I will pay her back.

  As I reach the end of the street, I see another, busier one ahead of me. I’m not sure whether I should turn right or left, but I know I will have to make a choice. Suddenly, I start laughing. For the first time ever, I can choose my path.

  I look left and then right. To my right, I spot a market stall in the distance called “Squeeze Me.” I smile as it has me thinking of that lemonade Dotty told me to make for myself.

  “Right it is then.”

  I just hope it’s also the right choice.

  Present Day

  I wander around aimlessly, and I don’t know for how long. At first, I just walk and walk, taking in the sights, smells, and people. I had been cooped up in a house for far too long, and I needed just a few hours to myself to wander and think. I knew as the hours passed that I would need to find somewhere to get my head down eventually. I found a fish and chip shop and had something to eat. I was starving by the time five o’clock came around. I hadn’t even had breakfast today, so no wonder I wolfed it down like a ravenous animal. Even the guy behind the counter looked at me with an amused grin. “Hungry?” he asked. “Or is it that my fish and chips are that good? I hope it’s the latter.”

  “The latter,” I said with a smile. “But I’m also really hungry. I haven’t eaten all day.”

  He shook his head. “You need to eat. Men like a bit of curves, if you know what I mean.” He had winked and was quickly distracted by another customer. I carried on eating until it was time to leave.

  Once outside, I take a look at my watch and find it’s six o’clock already. If I don’t start looking for a hotel now, I’ll end up on the streets tonight.

  With that thought and a shiver down my spine, I start making my way down the main strip and ask a couple if they know where the nearest hotel is. They give me a couple of names and point in the direction. I say my thanks and walk the five or so minutes until I turn a corner on a quiet street. I notice a couple of signs for B&B’s in the distance, so I head that way. Both of them were over sixty pounds, and I had already cut into six pounds of my one hundred. I needed to save money for trainfare somewhere tomorrow and another night in a hotel before I can figure something out for the long term.

  Feeling defeated, I turn a corner and notice an Ibis hotel a little farther down the road. I quickly rush towards it and see a cheery man behind the counter.

  “Can you tell me how much for tonight?”

  “Normally, it would be forty-four quid, but how about I make it forty for you?”

  I smile. “That’ll be great.” I walk towards the counter, and he hands me a form to sign.

  “Can you just fill this in? I will need to see some ID.” I bite my lip and he notices. He also notices the ripped shirt. “You know, ID isn’t really that necessary.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

  “No worries, sweetheart. Just know we’re not all like that.” He points to my shirt and already he’s jumped to conclusions. Of course, I’m going to let him. I need him to be on my side as much as possible.

  “I know. Thank you. I appreciate this.”

  “No problem.”

  I sign the form and he hands me the keys. I then hand over two twenty quid notes and he puts it in the cashier. I grab the keys and say my thanks when he shouts after me. “Miss, your change.”

  Frowning, I go back to the counter and he’s holding out a ten pound note. I frown. “I thought you said—”

  “Special discount rates for employee’s family. If anyone asks, you’re my cousin from out of town.”

  I take the ten pound note from him and well up for the second time today. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. I won’t see you in the morning, but you have a nice night. I hope tomorrow will be a better one.”

  “Thanks,” I answer and walk away. If I stay any longer, I’ll probably ball my eyes out. I’m not normally the crying type, but today has been an exception. That’s two people who have been generous today. I really do have a lot to pay forward.

  I get into my room and smile when I see a nice, comfortable-looking double bed. I place my card inside, and the first thing I do is run a hot bath. I have no spare clothing, so I’ll have to wear the same thing tomorrow. I hate it, but have no other choice.

  Once my bath is run, I sink inside and close my eyes, thinking about the day I’ve just had and what tomorrow
may bring. I contemplate where I can go next, and the only place I can think about that is as far away from Drake as possible is Scotland. I’m not sure if my money will stretch that far, but I’m sure I can ask at the counter tomorrow morning if they know where the nearest coach park is. It’ll be the longest option, but the cheapest. At least once I’m there, I can find a place to stay and immediately start looking for work.

  Thinking about it, the whole thing frightens me to death, but also somehow thrills me. For the last five years, I knew my path because it was chosen for me. Now, I feel like I’m on an adventure with no clue as to how things will turn out. Excitement bubbles, and I smile at the thought. I’m being reckless and throwing caution to the wind, but I don’t care.

  “I’m free!” I scream at the top of my lungs. I splash at the water and shout again. “I’m free!” If anyone’s next door, they’ll think I’m mad. I start chuckling at the thought.

  Once finished, I grab the offered dressing gown and put it on. I then jump on my bed a little before putting on the TV. I watch a couple of reruns of Friends before my eyes start to feel droopy. I look at the clock and find it’s already ten.

  Sighing, I get up off the bed and walk towards the TV. I turn it off, and I’m about to walk to my bed when a knock on the door sounds. I frown, wondering who on earth it could be. Maybe it’s the receptionist’s manager, and he’s found out that I’m staying here and wants to check that I’m his cousin or something.

  I hear a knock again, so I shout, “Coming,” before walking quickly towards the door. I open it and gasp when I see who it is.

  “Well, hello there, Evelyn.”

  Present Day

  As quickly as I can, I try to slam the door, but he’s way too quick. I try and scream, but immediately, he has a hand over my mouth. “Not so fast, little one.” Once he has me in place behind me he snuggles his face into my neck and inhales. “Don’t you just love that new bath smell?”

  “What do you want?” I muffle behind his hand.

  “I’m surprised you don’t know. I thought we had a deal?”

  “I’m not going back to Drake,” I muffle into his hand.

  “Drake doesn’t know where you are, but I do. I knew you were up to something from the very beginning. I kept my distance and followed you all the way here. Now, don’t you owe me something?”

  He takes his hand away momentarily.

  “That was if you helped me, but I managed it all by myself. Besides, I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on earth.”

  Joe sniggers at my neck and licks it. My heart starts drumming and with it so does the fear. With his body still fixed to mine, he places a hand inside my dressing gown and finds my breast. He hisses his pleasure as he fondles me. All I feel is sick.

  “Hmm, I want nothing more than to take this further, but unfortunately, someone else got wind of your escape and demanded that I bring you to him.”

  My eyes widen. “Who?”

  “My boss.”

  “But Drake is your boss.” I’m confused. What’s happening?

  “Drake is not my boss. He was just my way in to get to you. My real boss is the one who’s been desperate to meet you. He’s also my father, but that’s another story.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about Isaac Monroe.”

  My eyes widen in fear. Practically all my life I have been told to fear that name. I’ve been shielded from this man for years, but what is it that he wants from me? What makes me so special?

  “What does he want with me?”

  He starts fondling my breasts again, and I try pulling away. “I have a knife in my pocket you could meet if you’re not careful.” I immediately still. “That’s better. You see, my father has known about you for quite a long time. You’re the girl who the great Drake Salvatore has been salivating over for the last few years. He knows the price Drake has paid for you. You’re worth a pretty penny now out there in the big wide world. Isn’t that where you’ve always wanted to be? Out there seeing what the real world is all about? Well, you asked, and now you shall receive.” A phone starts ringing in his pocket, and he sighs his displeasure. “That’ll no doubt be my dad wondering what’s taking me so long. For some reason, he doesn’t want me to fuck you before I bring you to him. So much to do and so little time.” I feel a syringe in my arm and scream out. He has his hand over me again, and within seconds, my legs feel wobbly and my eyes begin to droop. “That’s it, little one. Sleepy time.”

  When I wake, I find I’m restricted on a bed. I don’t have my dressing gown on anymore, but what I do have on is a white negligee.

  I look around the room, but all I see are four white walls, a door, and a window. That’s it. I think I’m all alone, but then, I hear a voice.

  “Ah, she’s awake.”

  I search the sound of the voice, and wish I hadn’t. That scar that has haunted me since I was thirteen is staring back at me. The scar belonging to the man with the most evil-looking eyes. Drake never wanted me near him, and now I can see why.

  “Why am I here?”

  He starts tutting. “Such questions. Obviously, Drake didn’t teach you well enough. You were always the light in his eye. You were the only one to … soften him shall we say. Everyone was fascinated with you—including me. Unfortunately, he always kept you at arm’s length. Such a pity really.” His eyes snake the length of my body. “I could have gotten more for you if it wasn’t for the fact he had gotten to you first. Do you have any idea what the going rate is for you now since word got around that you were bought for five million? Men have been practically banging my door down for you. Some have even offered five hundred thousand for just thirty minutes of alone time. Can you imagine?”

  My eyes widen when I realise what he means. “You kidnapped me just to whore me out?”

  “I wouldn’t call it whoring. I would consider it more of a sex slave. You do as you’re told around here, and in return, you get a roof over your head, clothes to wear, and three square meals a day. We are the ones who generate the well-earned cash for you all.” He suddenly frowns. “Hasn’t Drake already briefed you about this?” When he sees the confused look on my face, he shakes his head. “My, my, Drake really has softened up, hasn’t he?”

  He starts laughing and it maddens me. Suddenly, I want to stick up for Drake. “I am his wife, not a sex slave.”

  “So, he didn’t lock you up and only let you go when he wanted to play?” When I look down, I hear his evil laugh. “I thought so.” He gets up and walks towards my bed and sits down. I start straining against my restraints.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  He laughs out a throaty laugh again. “You think highly of yourself, don’t you? Not everyone wants to fuck you, you know. But I know plenty who will.” He looks up at my hand and rises to grab the rings. I struggle again, pulling my fingers into a fist. Normally, nothing would give me more pleasure than to snap those rings off my fingers, but not when he’s doing it.

  “Unclamp you fingers.” I don’t, and he struggles to unclamp them, but I’m determined. “Unclamp your fucking fingers now, bitch!” I scream out a no, and he slaps me really hard across the face. The sting is so bad that I gasp and momentarily forget my hand. Isaac has them off within an instant. “You may be married, but only on paper. I have plans for you, Evelyn. My son has been itching to go first, but you’ll be glad to hear that I’m holding him off. He’s a persistent little fucker, though.” He shakes his head on a smile. “Like father, like son.”

  He gets up, placing the rings in his pocket. He then walks to the door and opens it. Joe is standing there, looking like the prick that he is. Isaac looks at Joe and then turns around to look at me. “If I get so much as a whiff that you’ve lifted that negligee of hers up, I’ll cut your fucking fingers off. Tomorrow, I have waiting clients for her, but first she has to be prepped.”

  “Yes, sir,” he answers as Isaac shuts my door.

  For a moment, I’m al
one. My face stings, and my eyes start to water with unshed tears. How did I manage to get that glimpse today—just to have it so cruelly ripped away from me? I thought I was doing so well, and then this? Who is this man? What does he want from me? And why do I need to be “prepped?” Prepped for what?

  I go over everything he said in my head, and I wonder what it is that Drake’s been mixed up in all these years. I may have known him for six of them, but I never really knew him at all.

  Closing my eyes, I start to wonder if I did the right thing today. Maybe I shouldn’t have fled when I had the chance. I certainly wouldn’t be here now. I think about all the times when Drake told me he was keeping me safe, and I used to laugh at him.

  I’m not laughing now.

  My moment of alone time is soon over when Joe walks into the room and shuts the door a few minutes later. He stalks towards me with an evil smile on his face. It’s then that I can see the resemblance.

  “I always thought you were a twat.”

  He seems shocked by that. “Wow, we are a gobby cow, aren’t we? Maybe I should shut that gobby mouth of yours with my cock. How’s that?”

  “Do that, and I’ll bite it off.” I’m trying to save face. I don’t want this arsehole to see me weak … to see me begging him to stop. Whatever he’s going to do, he’ll do whether I beg or not. Unfortunately, I know this too much from experience.

  For a moment, I feel a fleeting wave of regret deep in my gut. I shouldn’t have tried to escape Drake. Maybe he knew my fate all along, but for some reason, he didn’t tell me, and it pisses me off. Maybe, if he had told me, I would have been more pliable … more … compliant with his demands. The things that man has done to me are fucked up and inexcusable, but I can’t help feeling that little pang inside.

  I miss him.

  Joe deliberately stalks slowly around my bed, circling me like a lion. I know why he’s doing it. He’s trying to prolong my agony. Only he knows what he’s about to do, and yes, it frightens me to death, but I won’t show it. I’m determined not to let him see my fear.


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